Drugged out DJ playing for zombie crowd

Discussion in 'DJ' started by The Pirate, Aug 31, 2019.

  1. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    What? !!!!! :wtf:With that 'bananas" that looks like a ... peeled off bananas?Well, aintbad at all. At least you did not confused me with a pussy. :rofl:

    Remember Aviici
  2. Misterguywick

    Misterguywick Producer

    Feb 3, 2019
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    Seeing this post after weekend bender on wray and nephew (63% LOL), MDMA, non-stop skirt chasing and 2 counts of unprotected segzz... Yikes

    OP is pretty timely with this here. i'm like :dunno: and he's all :guru:
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  3. dtmd

    dtmd Platinum Record

    Jan 15, 2016
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    (or/and anyone)? That purposefully emphasized word pictures 'wtf' part, only as question about nowadays 'standards'? Who cares about his (any performers) 'state of mind', if he's bringing $$$ to house. 'He's' playing music, not driving 747. Yes, as life progresses with monotony, people tend to fuck themselves up/down, to abuse themselves, to recluse... Life goes on. Move along people, nothing to see... From the dead, always welcomed back, if they were good ('professional') in that something what they've done before - one way or another, sooner or later - who gives a fuck. Which is by todays "standards" - as it seems - not needed as prerequisite. Once success to popularize ("that Salvatore (fake name of course) guy"), to make his/hers name as brand name who $ell$, will do just fine. Until it doesn't. Move along people, nothing to see here...

    Long time "no seen". Wellcome back Mr.James.

    Same as it ever was. Class. Zombies, somehow different from 'good ol' days' ones.
    Who cares, it still work$. Shut up and play that funky mu$ic.. as if it was important.
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2019
  4. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Ok i was s'posed to let this one go but i just can't.
    @The Pirate: man, i take your posts seriously so i sat and watched 2-3 times in a row. I can't see anything justifying the vid title or this thread. Ok he's wasted alright, but for this line of work, this is as common as other people having a beer. Shit, if i was playing such a crowd i 'd be wasted by the end of my set too. And this what it is. It is the end of his set and the video, wrongfully and shamelessly tries to paint a picture of a person who's been wasted from the getgo. But a quick peek as the cam moves at his record box and you can tell that he played those 12s man. So wasted or not he did the job. Yes drugs usage can lead to sudden death, insanity and 100s other conditions - permanent or not. I am sorry though, there is no moral lesson from this vid. It is just the last 10 mins of a famous dj's set. We have seen much much worse than this. In the older days we had a simple rule : "If he's standing he's fine". And he left standing, didn't he... This is just false advertisement if you ask me.
    PS: I 'm not a fan of Villalobos but hey he plays records as opposed to a whole generation of "djs" who fly 1st class, come to the gigs with a couple of usb sticks and demand to be paid 5 figures and some even more. Like they know how to mix even with auto sync. What a fkn hoax. Shoo shoo already. And don't even start me off with the usual it's the music that counts not the media. If any of those mofos had any love for music they would buy the fkn recs and spin 'em alright. And with the money most of them make, they can press anything they like on vinyl and hire someone just to carry the record bags lol.
    Y'all be well.
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  5. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    thazs why , why meantion it...techno ppl are very fast in catogarize ppl..heroin users are not welcome there but fo sho they use other downers ...upper drug junkie looks even worse then downer drug junkies...worst looking ppl i found on speed and crystal...

    yes heroin is dangerous ...but mostly its the illegal marked which kills ppl..drugs have became major thing worldwide , to control ppl


    this was not alcohol alone....he didnt eat proper at all....never sleep right schedule...his managment also killed him..or look what he is drinking at is hospital stay ...its in the docu movie
    i did kno a dude ..he only did drink coke and eat pizza no shit...he is dead now..
    and yes avici had dudes cooking good food for him but he didnt eat it often..always infront of screen working..
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2019
  6. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    0:10 or from 7:45 or
    8:40 he is doing another mistake he is laughing bout....crowd give such heavy applause didnt em....the guy who comes after him is in place again..
    and you can see crowd is liking it better
  7. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    @taskforce Every time we open a thread,we do so knowing that some members may not agree with it. I don't have a problem with that. Everything is done for a reason. In the last 2 weeks I have been told by 3 members and they are battling drug addiction. Two of those members are DJ's/producers and the other one a musician. All 3 told me almost the same thing that you and a few other members have said. To sum it up, they say that it is ok and part that it is part of the job. My message to them has been exactly the same as to what I said earlier, "abusing drugs and alcohol rather than being the road to creative genius, is the pathway to waste of talent and self-destruction."
    Just because Ricardo and many other DJs and musicians abuse drugs and alcohol does not mean that it is a job requirement. It certainly is not part of the job description. A DJ gets paid to play music not to get high. That is a choice that each one of us as an individual makes. Many decide to to it and many others do NOT. I use Ricardo's video but it could have been somebody else's. This is not false advertisement. It is reality. The video speaks for itself.
  8. hani king

    hani king Platinum Record

    Oct 25, 2017
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    im totally with what pirate said ,dj job is to work the crowd with hot remixes and keep them busy
    all these people came to have a good time but it look like they were enjoying the weather and chitchat

    its nice to see on that video the attendance were around 4 k and maybe more so they deserved better

    if i were the sponser of that festival ,i would have a back up /dj replacement just in case
    the first dj got sick/late/wasted/idiot who play boring /unrelated songs i would have second dj as a back up

    i was a dj too during 80s and 90s ,my playlist changes every week with new entries
    so it was a pleasure seeing people coming to the booth with requests asking for famous songs
    i would line up those requests and give them what they want from the get go 10 PM till 6 AM
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  9. saltwater

    saltwater Guest

    i have to disagree, one thing is for sure: everyone is welcome.

    where i go, people start showing up at 2:00/3:00 am and it goes at least for 3 days nonstop

    i don't care if a DJ is spinning the wheels or using a stick, beatmatch/sync or whatever, I'm not there to watch him/her, filming with my my smartphone...

    for me he can just stand there, press play and thats it, if stuffs good, its good.
    if it sucks, it sucks period
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 2, 2019
  10. saltwater

    saltwater Guest

    actually @The Pirate, OP was you, so, i did not mix things up.....
    well now i did.... holy crap :D


    in electronic dance music there's just so much going on, well over 1000 genres/sub-genres.
    from small clubs to big Festivals, so many Events, all over the Globe, its just crazy.

    and Drugs always play a big role, its humans nature.
    99% of the time Villalobos delivers, pointing at him on one moment when things go south is just not right.

    at one point this probably happens to every DJ! :bleh:
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 2, 2019
  11. Cackwizard

    Cackwizard Ultrasonic

    Aug 14, 2017
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    Why are all those people just standing there watching someone play records?
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  12. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    I said that I used RV as an example, however, let us not overlook the obvious. RV no longer delivers 99% of the time. He has been like that for years. Getting worst and worst. Certainly, anyone can have a night when things are just not right but with RV the "off night" excuse has become part of his routine. On that video, things did not just go bad. He made them bad for himself...and everyone else. This was no different from the fiasco during his set at the 2015 Cocoon in the Park festival and many other instances. Simply put, there is no justification for what he does nor does he seem to care about it. There is no longer that sense of pride, and thrive to be the best you can be. For that reason, I can't give him a free pass.
    If you still think that there is nothing wrong with RV's behavior, just compare RV's set with this one by Charlotte de Witt in front of the same crowd.

    Last edited: Sep 2, 2019
  13. refix

    refix Platinum Record

    Apr 4, 2018
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    it is because the rothschilds, the rockefellers, google, toys-r-us, nestle and possibly facebook made them,,, everyone knows that.... the real question is,,,, does the homosexuality laced heroin they are all on produce an ebola-aids strain of bird flu or a bird flu like strain of swine flu. google will ban you for dropping such TRUTH bombs.***. boom........
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  14. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    Because the DJ failed to do his job. Look at same crowd with a different and albeit less talented DJ.
  15. refix

    refix Platinum Record

    Apr 4, 2018
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    everyone knows you just composited that CG generated DJ over the same footage in iMovie.... the 4th time myspace, barron rothchild, google, haliburton, and walmart banned me from the internet it was for exposing that!!!! i remember because that was right after nike, 'ben and jerrys' and etsy.com first drugged me with tainted female steroids.... confirmed YES

    THEY you will never silence me 000---> shills....*!

    dont let my jizz buckets of TRUTH hit you on the way out the door_____... sellouts.
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  16. refix

    refix Platinum Record

    Apr 4, 2018
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    my profuse apologies ladies and gentlemen. it would seem i have gotten my threads and tabs mixed up. this is the 'music and drugs' thread, i thought it was the 'drugs and music' thread on my other tab. my mistake, please ignore my previous two comments. very embarrassing.

    i just love these videos. music and drugs are great. they are all doing a fantastic job.
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  17. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    That was rough to watch.
  18. RMorgan

    RMorgan Audiosexual

    May 17, 2014
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    Why people are even facing the stage? To watch some guy flipping some vinyl records and twist some knobs? I'm not into EDM, so pardon me, but is it supposed to be something remotely interesting to watch?
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  19. saltwater

    saltwater Guest

    i don't like Charlotte de Vitte, i have nothing against her but its just boring to me and 2015 Cocoon is a good example, this is RV how he is known.

    he doesn't give a shit, something to admire in a person imo:)
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  20. saltwater

    saltwater Guest

    thats the point, you got it.