Ableton live: little hint #2

Discussion in 'Live' started by GanjaRa_, May 9, 2013.

  1. GanjaRa_

    GanjaRa_ Newbie

    Jun 8, 2012
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    ableton Live still does not allow you to use sysex. for owner of (mostly) older hardware it sucks. a lot of users ask for sysex for live since its startup.
    e.g. i own an alpha juno 2, no knobs on it, just the alpha dial to programm it, when you dont have a pg-300 or a sysex-able midicontroller

    solution 1:

    just record alphas audio while cycling alpha dial with not many realtimetweaking

    solution 2: use midi-ox! it is freeware, just use a searchengine

    it is able to convert midi-data, e.g controlchange to sysex
    the virtual midicable can be used to send CC from live to midi-ox, in midi-ox the data will be converted to sys-ex, with another virtual cable route the mididata (now sysex) from midi-ox to your midioutput/-interface your sysex-device is connected to
    i also created a "controller-plugin" in max4live, a knob/fader/switchbox for every parameter the alpha juno 2 offers with presetmanagement

    result: now the aj2 turns to a full realtime tweakable powerful synth, also your soundsettings will be saved within your live-project
    now its kinda Alpha Juno 2 TI :))
  3. Studio 555

    Studio 555 Producer

    Mar 7, 2012
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    @ GanjaRa_,

    Thank You for your Hint ('Version 2.0' !) :rofl:

    And what about using 'Sound Quest MIDI Quest XL' for example ?

    A such remarkable program :wink: *yes* not only can handle and support hundreds of Hardware Synths & External FX Units, it can provide you almost all the MIDI Functions that are comprised within your own 'Hardware Synth(s)' and/or 'External FX Rack Unit(s)'...
    Moreover, it can be used in Standalone or VST modes.

    A bit off-topic here and sorry for that, but about :

    The same applies with some users that often complain about some 'Notation Editors' that are somewhat minimalist within their respective used DAWs... Well, it exists several PRO Notation Editors created ONLY and SOLELY for that purpose ('Sibelius', 'Notion Music Notion',... , just to mention a few). So, I don't still totally understand why some users are, most of the time, unsatisfied when such 'external' (even if some can be used as 'internal Plugins') possibilities not only exist, but in most of the cases, are at the Top of their functionalities and qualities thanks to these 'third-parties' apps and/or programs... :dunno:

    This little comment was just to point out the fact that when all the desired options by some users can't be found within a particular program, maybe an 'external' solution can be found for remedy at that fact... *yes*
  4. GanjaRa_

    GanjaRa_ Newbie

    Jun 8, 2012
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    but i think a muscisequencer should be able to handle all commands midi offers, midi (incl. sysex) is standard for about 30 years and also a modern daw should be able to FULLhandle it (my opinion).

    sound quest is a solution too, but you need to switch window, also you need to save your live-project and the mididquest environment. (midi-ox you only need to setup once, only run it before starting live and it works)
    i prefer the "all in one app/project" version ;)
    like i said, my alpha juno acts now like my virus ti, you can work in different projects and the programms/soundsetting will be restored automaticly after loading your project.
    thast cool :)

    well, sometimes im bored so i have time to build my own controllers in m4l for my hardware, but maybe thats not everybodys taste :rofl:
  5. doof

    doof Ultrasonic

    Oct 16, 2012
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    its is possible to send sysex with Max, havent tried it tho
  6. GanjaRa_

    GanjaRa_ Newbie

    Jun 8, 2012
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    max standalone can handle sysex, but max4live does not, because live doesnt allow

    shure, you also can build a cc-to-sysextransformator in max, compile it as standalone, running side by side to ableton live.

    but you still need virtual midicables like e.g. MidiYoke which is allready part of midi-ox. pssible solution, but even more work than using midi-ox