Raise your hand if you don't make Dance/Techno music

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by poorlord, May 12, 2013.


Raise your hand if you don't make Dance/Techno

  1. hands up (I don't make Dance/Techno)

    5 vote(s)
  2. hands down (I make Dance/Techno)

    1 vote(s)
  1. Gramofon

    Gramofon Producer

    Jun 22, 2012
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    Sweden...? :bleh:

    Now that I said Sweden... I have the impression that all these EDM thingies are very popular in Scandinavian countries (mostly Norway?) and they "export" them quite often, no? Damn, I'm off-topic again. I have to stop.
  2. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    I make mostly New Age & Cinematic music with a touch of Irish influence. Everything rather slow, with a lot of dynamic range. Next year I am going to study musicology and ethnomusicology in depth to get inspired and learn.
    I usually layer all sections of symphonic orchestra and start with woodwinds if solos aren't priority. Unfortunately I cannot read/write notes well, so I rely on my pocket recorder to keep ideas which then get transferred to REAPER, in the meantime I try to practice playing all my instruments, which considering the number, is not that easy.
    There's however one area where I still stumble in the dark - drums and percussion. :thumbsup:
  3. virusg

    virusg Rock Star

    Jan 4, 2012
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    near you
    i must agree with you, today's electronic genres are pretty much all sound the same ...and all since 2008-2009 ...i listened to trance since many years (1999 to today) and the best years for this genre was 2001 - 2007 ...then all started to fade out ...i still appreciate some tracks but they are not diverse to one another as many years back ...ohh and sorry for offtopic had to say it somewhere :bow:
  4. crazydiamond487

    crazydiamond487 Ultrasonic

    Mar 4, 2012
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    trance is rather the easiest EDM style to produce.
  5. virusg

    virusg Rock Star

    Jan 4, 2012
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    near you

    i really wanna hear some quality stuff from you :wow: amaze me please cuz im very picky on this genre :dunno:
  6. ptpatty

    ptpatty Platinum Record

    Dec 20, 2011
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    USA (East Coast)
    Respect to all forms and music and the musicians who make/produce it. I'm an old school rocker but I must say that I have incorporated more synth/electronic sounds into my music than ever before. :grooves:
  7. Guitarmaniac64

    Guitarmaniac64 Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    I raise my hand!!!

    Some in here say trance it´s the most complex genre well if he/she think so he/she must have no musical knowledge whatsoever.

    All dance music is so simple it is almost ridiculous...

    Maybe it is complex for PROGRAMMING computers

    But is the MUSIC complex?
    No way 2-4 chords at most simple melodys NEVER any odd rythm.

    Never any COMPLEX chords never any unusual scale choices etc etc

    And not to mention almost NEVER played or recorded with real instruments well ok somtimes they might throw in a real instruments but that is very rare..

    And is it played LIVE with real instruments????

    NO i havent seen it yet..

    All i have seen is a DJ with headphones ALONE on stage no musicians seems to be playing the music that comes out from the PA..
  8. Someone

    Someone Noisemaker

    Feb 11, 2012
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    The complexity of a genre says nothing about the passion and the work you put into it!

    BTW your first sentence is hard to understand without any commas or dots... I can only guess what the real meaning is.

    What I also want to say is that it's not about who is making the most complex music, or who is making everything by him/herself and is therefore better in any way... Thats bullshit, its about passion, about doing the stuff you like, no matter what that stuff is and how you do it. I mean who gives a shit anyway?
  9. crazydiamond487

    crazydiamond487 Ultrasonic

    Mar 4, 2012
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    techno parties last 16-24h in germany for all night & sunday afterhours while brutal death metal concerts are too short, and electronic music can be really much harder than what you think. And you just have never heard some real techno, it offers the greatest parties on this planet.

    I said that because even if trance can be complex, each other EDM style i've tried to do /learn looked harder to sound professional. in trance music you use arpeggiator and lots of filters on a fresh synth and everything is done. no swing, no sub bass melody, no distortion...

    while hardcore and hardstyle sounds really weak if you dont have that "q-dance" knowledge. dubstep is harder to do than what i thought, breakcore /industrial are really complex (outside agency, dj producer...). techno is all about the mastering which is not easy (lots of work in the low freq and compression, etc), and a good deep house track is also difficult to achieve because it needs good vocals and exotic instruments on it.

    but even if today i listen nearly only EDM, i recognize all of these music styles are always easier to produce than progressive rock, jazz and every instrumental bands. Techno (and others) is just about the noise... and the rhythm.
  10. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    I'll be the first to say Industrial as usual. I'll save space and time from listing the dozens of genres I am interested in and say that it's pretty much everything besides Country and Rap (By the way Hip-Hop is a culture not a genre). There are some good Rap songs but as a genre I think that it's a big part of the reason that people look down on contemporary musicians. Every kid with an ego thinks he's going to be the next big thing but yet doesn't bother to actually learn any music theory, synthesis or much of anything else. In other genres first comes the talent and then comes the ego but unfortunately here this is reversed. Not to mention that most songs are about nothing but the most pedestrian of topics and I'm honestly sick to death about hearing how big and bad rappers are, how much money they're raking in, how many bitches they're fucking, etc. To those saying that Trance is simple I must say that you are sorely mistaken. If you're looking at it from a music theory perspective Trance is very involved and the most resembling Classical music. To those that complain about repetitiveness they should really look up the definition of rhythm. If it's meant to be danced to then I can guarantee you that it will be repetitive.

    Guitarmaniac64 ever heard of KMFDM? They're an Industrial band that hates sequencing and plays all their instruments live. I could bring up a million other examples but I won't in the interest of space and time. You're talking about DJ's but A) They're DISC Jockies (hint hint) and B) They're not creating their own music, just remixing other artists. If you want to make a fair comparison then talk about artists in which case your point really falls apart. Never any unusual scale choices? Plenty of Psy-Trance artists use Phrygian and other modal scales as do I. Some of them even record live instruments played by live people. You couldn't be more wrong.

    To those people that are being incredibly insulting particularly for their ninth post: You should really broaden your horizons. It's ridiculous to say that someone is a homo because they don't make the one genre you happen to be interested in. You could have said the same thing in a way that would be at the very least respectful to fellow Audiosexers. It feels like some people are simply looking for a platform to spread their hate to the world. This isn't the place for that kind of crap so do us all a favor and grow up. More comments like that and I will have you banned and honestly it's likely that you will receive a warning for your ignorant commentary.
  11. Gramofon

    Gramofon Producer

    Jun 22, 2012
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    Thing is if it's catchy and likeable... Everyone is looking for something different. As long as you can do your thing it doesn't matter what others do. OK, maybe you'll have to dig through some piles of shit (objectively or subjectively, again it doesn't matter) but I'm pretty sure there's something for everyone. I do sometimes wonder "Do people really listen to this?" but what can I do really? And now I'm getting into philosophical/sociological/marketing issues so... And there are times when whatever I do - I don't want it to be commercial. I like me (some) obscurity. Why, according to the same mindset, shouldn't obscurity mean that something is crap rather than overlooked or not appreciated? Or just not for the general mass? If everyone put out tracks with shredding guitars every single day wouldn't it be boring after some time? Could it possibly be that everything that would be put out would be good? Or likeable by everyone?

    I'll say it again: I'd rather have a few dedicated listeners than many who I don't like/listen to something just because of exoteric influences/bla bla... Then comes the matter of sustainability but again... What can you do? Either do something you don't like or strive with the possibility of success.

    Hint: If it gives you goosebumps, it's good. Maybe for you only... But yeah, who cares? Everyone has different criteria and preferences. How can you really like a track for solely being technical? Music is mainly felt. And everyone can make something different out of the same material. It's not just the music but also the being it pairs with and is translated by. (And that is the quintessence of art in my opinion, assuming it's not 'engaged'/'committed' but still, that can vary) Of course, it also depends on where you separate art from products.

    Just my two bal... Sorry, I mean cents.

    P.S. +1 for Industrial
  12. blaqmatic

    blaqmatic Platinum Record

    Sep 22, 2011
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    Divided States of America
    I raise both my hands! Mind numbing dark disco music with no soul. Just as mindless as it's creators and it's participants! As an established record producer you wouldn't catch me listening or producing that garbage.
    As for it's complexity, my 13 yr old daughter could mimic it blinded folded. What a wasted topic.
  13. Gramofon

    Gramofon Producer

    Jun 22, 2012
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    Being gay is not bad... Being vulgar is. Please be more creative.

    You speak some truth but the way it's worded is... Yeah.
  14. tater01

    tater01 Banned

    Apr 27, 2013
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    Sorry again catalyst, that was to quote the other guy that quoted on my post.

    And again I wasn't putting anyone down. And am I not allowed to feel that things are gay, I am not allowed to have an opinion?

    I didn't say it was dumb or any less important, just that I feel it is gay.

    And if you were talking about the spelling of fagotry, I don't even think that is a word, I thought I made it up? No?

    Lastly, if I wanted to check the spelling of something I would look in the dictionary or thesarus, not a grammar book!
  15. Gramofon

    Gramofon Producer

    Jun 22, 2012
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    I don't mean grammatically if that's what you understood. Just that it's very absolute and doesn't leave any room for serious discussion. Anyway, I don't think I have anything more to say here.
  16. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Aren't you so cool? May I ask what exactly you produce? Complexity isn't the only merit to judge art by and all the genres mentioned are complex in their own ways. Why don't you try expanding your horizons because it's a joke when an established producer talks crap about a million different styles of music. Yes a lot of music these days is cliche and derivative but that extends beyond genre. It's really more an issue with the artist's creativity than it is a genre problem.
  17. crazydiamond487

    crazydiamond487 Ultrasonic

    Mar 4, 2012
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    i've seen benighted, aborted, behemoth and inhumate in concert. now i participate to techno, house and hardcore nights & festivals. i still like as much grindcore as techno. brutal death metal is just not what interest me anymore. it is noisy and complex, but elecronic drums just amazed me more than an endless guitar solo from all these annoying guitarists.

    as you won't ever know the difference between trance, techno, deep house or industrial hardcore, just consider it is as if somebody in front of you would never differenciate heavy, black, death and progressive metal. an idiot is not the one who doesn't know, but the one who doesn't want to understand any of these. moreover you're sexist to consider girls are listening shit. and finally you're insulting people on this forum while we're a lot of people fascinated by all kinds of music so you shouldn't be so basic with your tastes.
  18. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    I appreciate the apology as I'm sure the other members do. Look there's different ways of saying the same thing. You can say you don't like the genre and maybe even list a few valid reasons why you feel that way but there is absolutely no reason to shit on everyone that might make it. If a genre of music uniquely speaks to someone why should they feel bad about that? Music is for passion not snobbery. AudioSex is for professional audio lovers not haters. *no*
  19. doof

    doof Ultrasonic

    Oct 16, 2012
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    breakcore /industrial is the easiest style of EDM to produce
  20. tater01

    tater01 Banned

    Apr 27, 2013
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    and this was supposed to be a post about non EDM music, but most of the post in here are about EDM. Is that professional?

    Can anyone have a good time anymore? Just want to say I would probably never hang out with any of you guys, cuz y'all are all boring and have a dry sense of humor.

    Where is all my rockers and metalheads out there? Are there any left? Or are they all too high to know how to use the internet?

    Oh yeah, I am probably the gay one cuz I am the only person that likes rock and metal that would actually waste the time to chat with all you EDM people.