Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 vs Presonus 26c vs Audient ID14 vs Others

Discussion in 'Soundgear' started by Ahmet Soner Sancak, Aug 25, 2019.

  1. I want to buy a new audio interface, I sold my Focusrite 2i2 1gen one week ago because I'm stupid and now I'm regretful. Today there is no budget to buy a new upgraded audio interface. I search these audio interfaces and these are my needs ;

    - The most important things is latency for me, I'm using a lot of VST instrumentand writing midi notes.
    - I'm gonna record vocal and preamp quality is important not the first thing for me

    I couldn't decide which audio interface is ok for me because don't have enough information about latecy issues or preamps.

    You guys can advice another audio interfaces, I wanna add this, I'm working on Windows with i7 9700k CPU which I think important for latency issues.

    I waiting for your helps guys :wink:
  3. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    My personal experience, having had three different interfaces in the last several years - two fairly low budget and a higher end one - I never noticed a significant difference in latency for things like recording midi with a fairly outdated Mackie Blackjack, an Audient iD4 (not the 14), and an Apollo Twin. Switching from a premade i5 Dell to an i7 6700k desktop that I built had more of an influence. Tracking vocals is a bit of a different matter. I will say that with each successive upgrade, it seemed like I could push my processor harder without having to up the buffer (the mackie drivers in particular were really so-so)

    Common wisdom on some gear websites is that RME is one of the best when it comes to low latency. Idk if you want to spend that much. I've seen second hand babyfaces going for 400-500 dollars on and the Gearslutz marketplace, but typically they are a little higher than that.

    I'd say it's hard to go wrong with Audient, especially since people seem to really love the preamps and conversion in the 14 and 22 models. But I've never had a Focusrite or Presonus interface. What's your DAW? Doesn't Studio One have some special features if you use one of their own interfaces?
  4. I use Studio One 4 Pro, there is no special feature about their interfaces for Studio One or I did not see on the Presonus's website.
  5. Daskeladden

    Daskeladden Rock Star

    Jan 7, 2018
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    If you can add thunderbolt port to your motherboard, Presonus Quantum 2
  6. bluerover

    bluerover Audiosexual

    May 3, 2013
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    For minimal latency, I would not buy a current Audient. Their preamps sound great though. A 9700k is a big step up and I would want a killer soundcard. If you have a minimal budget, I would put Focusrite's 3rd gen Scarletts on your list.

    Another option is Zoom UAC-2.

    Preamp differences will pretty much be negligible at this price point.
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2019
  7. bluerover

    bluerover Audiosexual

    May 3, 2013
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    From TAFKAT @ Gearslutz' ongoing testing (Last edited by TAFKAT; 27th May 2019 at 06:42 AM)
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  8. Daskeladden

    Daskeladden Rock Star

    Jan 7, 2018
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    My Zoom UAC-8 was unstable on Windows 10...just saying. Something is not right with the Zoom drivers for Windows
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  9. studio5599

    studio5599 Producer

    Sep 25, 2011
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    always make sure you have Visual Studio installed windows users it makes a difference
    on Mac. Xcode what your audio drivers created from
  10. @Daskeladden Thanks for sharing your experience.

    Thanks for the useful information :)

    There is no way to buy a Quantum 2 because of high prices. But I wish I have one and another issue is that my motherboard is MSI MAG Z390M Mortar and it has add thunderbolt port but its extra cost for me.
  11. Now thinking about Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 and Presonus 26c guys and I'm using Studio One. Is it right to buy a Presonus 26c because using Studio One? Are there any optimization with these both things or is Presonus 26c gonna be better than Focusrite about latency ? I think both of them are using Type-C cables for the connection. Extra question ; Are there any difference in latency between Type-C connection and USB 2.0 ?
  12. Tob

    Tob Platinum Record

    Jun 4, 2019
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    Audient sounds really really good. Latency is no Problem. It is totally useable. I can record 64 samples on windows with it. I have an ID 22 still here (RME main interaface). The only thing that I don't like, it has no loopback function.
  13. Thank you for sharing your ideas and experinces. Latency is main important thing is for me. What is your latency at 48kHz/44.1kHz and 64 buffer size? Which proccessor do you use ? And which DAW ? When I had my old Focusrite Scarlett 2i2m gen1, I got around 3.9 output latency at 44.1kHZ and 64 buffer size.
  14. Daskeladden

    Daskeladden Rock Star

    Jan 7, 2018
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    Okay if you change your mind it gonna cost you around $688:

    MSI Thunderbolt M3
    Presonus Quantum 2

    Ultra low latency and stable drivers
  15. Tob

    Tob Platinum Record

    Jun 4, 2019
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    Quick Reaper test.

    44.1kHhz 24bitWAV :4/6ch 64spls ~2.9/2.4ms ASIO
    48kHz 24bitWAV :4/6ch 64spls ~2.8/2.5ms ASIO

    I use it with reaper, studio one and cubase.

    Oh forgot, tested on a notebook, I9 8950
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2019
  16. I wish I have a chance to change my mind because that one is my favorite. :wink:

    Test results are awasome! Someone told me that Audient is bad at latency issues but it doesn't look like that. I have a last question for you? Is Audient ID14 give me the same results because my budget is limited. I trusted the Audient converters (Burr Brown). I read something from the other forums that RME, Apollo, Audient and one more that I don't remember product are using Burr Brown converters and these product really expensive and trusty products that I know. Thanks again for your help if you want to give me another advices about Audient or anything, I would like to hear them. :wink:
  17. TaxiDriver

    TaxiDriver Platinum Record

    Jun 22, 2018
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    Just my 2c, as now almost a year ago I was looking at some of the same interfaces.. and I was really close getting myself an Audient. But I didn't, and here is why. This was for my vacation-house "studio" ;). After reading a lot of info I decided that I'll go with something 600-700€+ or with something dirt cheap (like a Scarlett..). I figured it doesn't make sense spending 400 or 500 on something that isn't top.

    Also in studio we have RME and Universal Audio setups (don't know anything about the latter, but I've seen colleagues making tunes for well known artists on them..). So I was ofc looking at the Babyface Pro.. but at the same time wondering, if I can get away with something cheaper - like iD14 or iD22 (the iD44 just came out). And btw, for me latency is a big deal.

    It was then that Audient lost me.. first they promised (with new drivers for 44) also the rest would be updated. Well, it got worse up to 4.xx. I hope they sorted the drivers by now, but you should definitely check what users say.
    I read so many great stories about these converters, that I lost count.. but guess what. On the the "new" iD44 they ditched the Burr-Brown. WTF?!

    Audient spokesman quote:
    ...The Converters on the iD44 aren't Burr Browns as you mentioned. After a lot of late nights here in office conducting listening tests, we found a great combo of other converters which sound great and improve on the sound of iD22...

    I'm also quite positive, that RME, Apollo,.. do not use Burr Browns. This was the BIG selling point of Audient! Even here on AS there are ad nauseam threads about iDxx cards always praising BB conv. And all of the sudden Audient says they've found a "better sounding" combo.

    I remember the night I was reading this BS, they were late with iD44, fixing drivers.. totally confused I landed on a store that was selling new Babyface Pro for 589.. and here it is, by my side, doing everything it's supposed to do and more..:yes:
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  18. Everyone telling different things, I know there is no the best audio interface for this budget or any budget but I just wanna make music without bad (too much) latency problems, glitchies, pops or clicks. :D
  19. Blue

    Blue Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2015
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    Take a RME Babyface Pro instead of Focusrite or audient.At least that's what I would do.And I have had a RME Babyface 1 and now I use a RME UCX since 7 years.
    These interfaces are awesome.If you take RME you're sure you won't have any problem with your interface for years.Great sound,low latency even if not the best(compared to new quantum and Thunderbolt interfaces), ultra stables top notch drivers,regularly software and firmware updates,Neutrik connectors.And Totalmix is cool too.
    RME is expensive but they are the best.

    If a new one is too expensive for you,look a used RME Fireface UC.They haven't Toatlmix FX but you don't care about the onboard FXs.Personnally I never use them.

    EDIT:And cherry on the cake you can control its main parameters with a midi controller,like main volume,mono/stereo,pan,talkback,etc..which are time consuming task.
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2019
  20. fredboudin

    fredboudin Ultrasonic

    Oct 23, 2018
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  21. Tob

    Tob Platinum Record

    Jun 4, 2019
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    It is not only the converters that make the audient interfaces great. The preamps and the Jfet d.i. are outstanding for the price. I used e-mu, babyface 1 and midrange motu and focusrite interfaces as transportable solutions. No experience with PreSonus interfaces. My main interface is an RME UFX.

    If you can afford an RME interface buy it. RME is the whole package. If you record(work with audio) buy an audient out of your 3 choices. Preamps, di, Headphone amp, and (input stage) converters are great. The thing that sets RME and Motu apart from Audient is the software part. Don't get me wrong the audient has a useable latency and a functional mixer. But it is basic compared to let's say rme totalmix or motus software mixer. Like I said no loopback functions or dsp effects.
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