Argh! Another SNPID problems...

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by Ellin, Aug 24, 2019.

  1. Ellin

    Ellin Kapellmeister

    Sep 20, 2015
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    Sorry, I have another SNPID problem... I discovered that "Umlaut Audio Pads" and "FXPansion Big Orchestral Marching Band" libraries share the same SNPID (073). Both are official.
    I tried to do what I always do when two libraries have the same SNPID: I changed the Umlaut snpid (after cleaning up the system registry), deleted the xml file and added the library again. Now it appears in the tab but Kontakt says it is not added.
    I have made many attempts with different SNPIDs but the situation does not change.
    I think the Umlaut's SNPID can´t be changed...
    So I tried to change then the SNPID of the Big Orchestral Marching Band ... this always works, while the Umlaut library keeps saying that it must be added ...
    Do you think the problem can be solved or the Umlaut libraries are to be put directly in the trash?
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  3. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    I would try to build a custom NICNT file for the Umlaut... instead of using their original (rename it) and use a self made wallpaper.png

    I would suspect the original NICNT file containing information about the SNPID inside the binary encoded part of the NICNT you can't read with an editor.
  4. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    Thank you for the information.

    btw ... I could not really believe that there is a duplicate in the SNPID because these are managed by NI and they will take care of it because there would be a lot of complaints from theire B2B customers if they (NI) don't do so. Compensations for damages of the B2B customers (Lib vendors) included.
  5. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    I agree with twoheart. If both are official either they have a native nicnt/SNPID or (this happens with old ones) the SNPID is included in a list that comes with the same Kontakt application. If they're in that list they won't work (at least at the same time) with any other SNPID.
  6. celtic3342

    celtic3342 Audiosexual

    Oct 15, 2014
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    Sorry mate but FXPansion Big Orchestral Marching Band is NOT official library. YES Umlaut Pads.

    Let Umlaut Pads as it is, SNPID 073. If you change, will never work. And change BFD to any other free, for instance, cdb. Delete entries from Service Center and register both again. Piece of cake.

    Funny comments from other members :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
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  7. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    It was our goal to make you laugh :winker:
    I suspected one of the libs to be not 'official'
    have a nice weekend.
  8. Ellin

    Ellin Kapellmeister

    Sep 20, 2015
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    Problem solved: celtic3342 is absolutely right: Big Orchestral Marching Band IS NOT an official library.
    So, I removed it from Library Tab, cleaned the system registry, and added Umlaut Pads.
    Now Umlaut Pads works regularly, and Big Orchestral Marching Band also works (it never needed to be added to the library Tab to work ...).
    I don't like self made NICNT files and a Library Tab with hundreds of entries MAKES ME FEAR!
    Libraries that don't need to be added to the library tab to work, I prefer to load them directly from their folders ... it's not a big effort after all.
    Thanks Mr. celtic3342!
  9. jazzzz

    jazzzz Platinum Record

    Mar 13, 2018
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    Quick-Load function in Kontakt is a useful tool. You can find your instrument patches in a catalogue structure, thus you don't need to look for each patch in its folder location each time.
  10. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    How the f* would I know the answer? :winker::rofl:
    Oh, you live in Spain too... watch your six.. me he quedao con tu cara ....:disco::lmao:
  11. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    Oye tio tranquilo, que Iberia me pone ahi en unas horas. Voy o no voy? Tell me.
  12. celtic3342

    celtic3342 Audiosexual

    Oct 15, 2014
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    Me descojono.
  13. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Even better: you hack the shit out of him y yo le envío un sicario
  14. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    message received :cool:
  15. Classicalbanksy

    Classicalbanksy Member

    Aug 31, 2019
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    London UK
    Hey Guys. from the looks of it, I find myself in the company of people who know Kontakt, and know how to tweak the code to break some of these libraries free.

    I've recently bought a Native Instruments S88 (Mk1), its a fabulous keyboard, esp the keybed. But the thing is, it came with Komplete Kontrol, and now all my c'ed libraries - really cool ones like Orchestral Tools Metropolis 1 - 4, which I'd managed to get to work before, have all been "found" by Native Access, and now have "demo" timeout periods attached to them. 5 mins or thereabouts, then they're gone. Its so frustrating - especially the ones I just would be able to afford, like the Orchestral Tools.

    I was wondering - does anyone have a workaround for this? I'm on a Mac, running Mojave 10.14.6. I've got that combo Kontakt 6 and Kontakt 5.6 that I use to import libraries. That works OK, but the problem is Logic Pro only allows me to open Kontakt 6 (it only allows the latest version of Kontakt) not 5, so everything I imported in 5.6 and batch re-saved (using the standalone Kontakt 5.6) is not accessible in 6.0.

    I had all these working, but buying that Godamned keyboard - despite the fact I love it - has fucked up all my workarounds.

    I've got Pikachew's excel and the keygen (I can run that using Crossover) but I'm not clear about where I'm supposed to enter the serial numbers etc that keygen gives me.

    Hoping one of you Guys might be able to help, huge thanks in advance if you can!

  16. jazzzz

    jazzzz Platinum Record

    Mar 13, 2018
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    "is not accessible in 6.0"
    Can you explain it more?
    Do the libraries load in standalone Kontakt 6?
    Did it work in Kontakt 6 before purchasing the keyboard?
    Did Komplete Kontrol instal Kontakt (overwriting the previous k'd version)?

    I doubt any DAW restricts you from opening earlier than the latest version of any VST plugin!
    One more thing:
    Never ever has been suggested to batch resave libraries in Kontakt 5.6.0! That version is for adding purpose, mostly. Many of your desired libraries require newer version, so you should not try to batch resave them in that version, sorry.
  17. Classicalbanksy

    Classicalbanksy Member

    Aug 31, 2019
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    London UK
    Jazzzz - THANK YOU for reacting to my message - as you can probably tell, I'm hopeless at anything remotely resembling cracking/hacking, I don't have a computer background (just a musical one), so am WAY out of my depth here. But it's a necessary evil to try to master, as I just cannot afford some of the libraries, but also won't be able to pitch myself credibly as a media music composer without at least some of them!

    Basically - after much too-ing and fro-ing last year, using a combination of tools (.nicnt file creator for example), plus finding a translation of the Russian hacking manual for Kontakt, I just about managed to get all the really important libraries (Orchestral Tools and Spitfire predominantly) working. I learnt about what combination of SNPID letters/numbers worked (it seemed there was conflicting advice on this, but trial and error seemed to indicate sticking to numbers and starting at 500).

    As you picked up from my message, I was using Kontakt 5.6.0 to import, and 6 in Logic. THIS was an instance where both versions of Kontakt were installed, but Logic Pro only showed - ie allowed - version 6. Contrasting with Vienna Ensemble Pro, which 'allows' you to choose between the two versions.

    I got in to the habit of batch-resaving in 5.6.0 because importing, while more successful than previously, was still very much hit and miss. So I'd import a library in 5.6, only to find that version 6 didn't acknowledge that import (the error message was something like "belongs to a library that is not installed). Or just plain silence. Nothing - the library just wouldn't seem to import for some reason, Kontakt wouldn't show an error message, it just wouldn't show the library. The .nicnt creator helped on occasion to work around that. I'd trash the original .nicnt plus the mirrored .xml in Service Centre, then create a new .nicnt file - which would often (not always) import successfully.

    I should point out, that this felt like a never ending battle. I had to find all the "helper" apps and block them using Little Snitch. Then NI started using both Adobe and Google to hide their scanning apps. So yes - I was saving myself some money I didn't have, but the hassle was considerable. I should also point out that I have a policy that if I have a c'ed app/library and like it, then I buy it as soon as I can. In the case of NI, because they have something of a stranglehold over the market, you can't really avoid having to fall into line and buying their stuff. But the fact they've made it 'compulsory' means I try to leave those until the last moment. So late last year, I bought the full version of Kontakt. And I have to admit - I was singularly unimpressed with the quality and diversity of the content, expensive content too - when seen in context.

    The choice to upgrade from my gorgeous Roland A33 to the S88 was based around the quality and similarity of the keybed. And I realise now I didn't stop to consider the implications for my "hacktempts" by getting into bed with NI for my MIDI controller. The Fatar keybeds are the best in the world, and while the S88 is fully-weighted (the Roland was semi- and had the waterfall key touch technology) it's as even to play as the Roland, and FINALLY I had some knobs that I could map articulations to (the Roland had only one fader, set to default dynamic). The Mk1 was discounted to just over half-price, it was a no-brainer for me.

    Anyway - to answer your specific questions: no the libraries don't load up in Kontakt 6 stand-alone or plugin, because importing became controlled by Native Access (so it was "manage libraries" and no more "add a library", alas) and for my "hacktempts" to work, Native Access had to be handicapped and blocked by Little Snitch.

    The "it" you're referring to is I think the fact that most of my 'hacks' have failed from the first upgrades 6.1, 6.2 etc. This had started to happen before I got the keyboard. I was relying quite heavily on audio for the c'ed libraries, but then they started falling behind and weren't keeping up with NI's security tweaks. Demonoid, which was another source of fairly reliable c'ed libraries FOR MAC (am AMAZED at the proliferation of Windows cracks for NI in comparison to Mac!) was shut down, which led me to find first the Russian hacking manual, and then get it translated, and then read it (in typical Google Translate idiosyncratic English!)

    Which just about brings us up to date. As things stand, I've just lost the NI Essential Symphonic group, which is a real bummer, coz their woodwind ensemble blows my legit Spitfire Symphony Orchestra out of the water. The Spitfire woodwind Masse sounds horribly out of tune! Metropolis Ark 4 was there, but for like a day! Ark 3 came and went all last year, is gone now, and 1 and 2 - which were dependable (brilliant because theirs is the most beautiful string sampling around imho) have also just gone. The good news is Rise and Hit so far is still there, but it's only a matter of time.

    Thankfully, I've got a whole bunch of 8Dio libraries, which - thanks to Troels' refusal to play ball and pay his protection money to NI, you can access quite straightforwardly via files. They're just not quite as GOOD as Orchestral Tools, though...

    Any advice, direction, help etc you can give - I'd really appreciate it. Am in the middle of a fight for a major documentary by one of the main TV companies here in the UK, marking the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Belsen concentration camp. I've already written a piece about Belsen, and my grandfather was part of the liberating force, so I REALLY want to win that commission. To do that, especially with subject matter like the atrocities at Belsen, I need access to as wide as high quality a spectrum of samples as possible. I've been listening to the music of some of the composers who died either at Belsen or shortly afterwards - Ullmann and Klein in particular, and have a 'soundscape' in mind that brings together the various key musical and cultural identities involved. So I need to throw everything plus the kitchen sink at this, and to start losing ALL my best libraries in this helpless manner is gut-wrenching! Hope you can help, thanks for taking the time to read all this!

  18. Classicalbanksy

    Classicalbanksy Member

    Aug 31, 2019
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    London UK
    Sorry - just reading it back, I bought the full version of Kontakt 5 last year. And I meant to add - now I'm trying a c'ed Komplete Kontrol I found on Rutracker, in the hope this might help. Obviously - the full version of Komplete Kontrol came with the keyboard. So my totally wild-guess amateur geek suggests that maybe if I start using Komplete Kontrol instead of Kontakt and manage to find a version that has been - and remains - successfully c'ed, then maybe that's a way round this. As I've run out of ideas as far as getting Kontakt to do what I want it to do - ie keep recognising my c'ed libraries.

    One last thing - it's not that the libaries area all corrupted, far from it. It's just that Kontakt has found them (they're on an external hard drive, so HOW it found them I know not) and placed a "demo" time limit on all of them. It's about 5 mins. Writing a short piece for woodwind yesterday - I was racing to get the MIDI down, and bounce to audio, before the time ran out! If you - or anyone - has a solution to that demo time limit, PLEASE give me a shout!
  19. Classicalbanksy

    Classicalbanksy Member

    Aug 31, 2019
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    London UK
    UhOh... Not going to well tonight - just had a series of "parse errors" in LPX for Kontakt, and now its just crashed on me... I don't have a clue what a parse error is....
  20. Classicalbanksy

    Classicalbanksy Member

    Aug 31, 2019
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    London UK
    Me again, sorry :) Trying to resolve this parse error. Could anyone help - what should the settings be in the pic? Atm everything is set to "off" and trying there standalone just now (to fix the parse) I can't get any sound.

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  21. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    This is a bug fixed in the latest release of Native Instruments Komplete Kontrol software.
    Available for free and also without registration in the cousin site. :wink:
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