Can't load Kontakt libraries

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by Spiritos, May 4, 2013.

  1. Spiritos

    Spiritos Noisemaker

    May 4, 2013
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    Hi everyone,

    After snooping around here for some time I decided to join this forum as from what I can tell people are must able and willing to help.
    Having said that I must say I feel somehwat ashamed my first post is about what seems to have been asked many times before.

    I've searched this and other forums, tried several solutions mentioned but 'till now I'm unable to load libraries into Kontakt getting different error messages.

    I run Win7 64x with kontakt 5 version 5.1.06066 R2R and I'm trying to install some of the factory libraries plus some additional ones.
    I have my samples organised on an external HD under X:\Samplebanks\'sub- and subfolders of different samplepacks'.

    So for example my factory packs are categorized per library:

    X:\Samplebanks\Factory Libraries
    X:\Samplebanks\Factory Libraries\Library Band
    X:\Samplebanks\Factory Libraries\Library Band\Band

    And in the last subfolder I have the following:

    Kontakt Factory Library.nicnt
    Kontakt Factory Library1.nkc
    Kontakt Factory Library1.nkr

    This is the same content for every factory library (Band, CHoir Orchestral, Urban Beats, Vintage).

    Then I also have some other libraries which have a different structure (as this is how I got them..)

    Some have more folders besides samples and instruments and have .nkx and .nicnt files (like Orange Tree Samples - Evolution Acoustic Guitar Steel Strings)
    Others have one or many .nki-files plus .nkc and .nkr files (like Loopmasters - Grid Machine Slice House Percussion)
    Then others only have a folder with samples and only .nki files (like Digital Sound Factory EMU Proteus Pack)


    Problems with the factory libraries:

    When I go to Options in Kontakt I add the root, the sub or the sub/sub folder (tried all options).
    Then when I go to the Libraries-tab I choose 'Add Library' I can choose any of the different factory packs and it will show up nicely under my tabs.
    Yet, when I try to add another factory library it says the library 'already exists within the Kontakts Libraries tab so it's impossible for me to add more then one factory library.

    Problems with non-factory libraries:

    When I try to add the Orange Tree Samples or EMU Proteus Pack I get the message 'no libray found'.

    The only package that seems to install fine is the Impact Soundworks - Shreddage 2 package. This fodler has some subfolder and one .nkx and one .ncint file.

    I realise I'm facing different problems here as I run into different scenarios and I'm completely lost how to address them.
    I try running Kontakt as an admin, I tried the Add to Libraries Automatic Tool from Mike P. wanted to try the KLM 3.0 tool (but all links are dead).

    I realise this is a rather long post but I am trying to be as precise as possible. I also figure it must be tiresome for many here to see yet again another noob failing to get his shit sorted so I sincerely apologise for that. It's just that I'm really out of options as I can't categorise the different problems I am facing here so I don't even have a blueprint.

    Truely hoping someone is willing to help met out here and walking me through the steps. As I said, I read all posts here about solutions given but they all seem to address seperate issues and I don't even get the basics (say installing the factory-packs) so I have no clue where to start.

  3. moneycat

    moneycat Newbie

    Apr 23, 2013
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    im not exactly sure what you are trying to ask with the factory library part or why its oragnized like that, mine is organized differently (the default way). and im also confused about the part about you trying to add 2 factory libraries. or why you need to root anything, i just clicked add library when i got it and i was done

    but i can help with the second part. only licensed instruments can be added to the library pane in kontakt (which is actually a very small percentage of the actual kontakt instruments out there) for everything else you have to click the "files" tab and locate it on your computer too open it.

    a couple ways around that are:

    1) the "quick" bottom on top, which is the quick load, which is where you can save your favorite kontakt instruments that arent licensed and open them easily faster

    2a) try to make your own .nicnt files for those instrument so they show up in the library pane (which isnt that easy, ive tried)

    2b) their are a ton of premade ones all over the interweb for the more popular kontakt instruments, try to see if you can find one for instruments you have
  4. VIVIsect

    VIVIsect Ultrasonic

    Jun 18, 2011
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    The Quick Load menu really is the best way to work with libraries in Kontakt. You can organize everything exactly the way you want, and access patches much faster than using those stupid drop down menus. I would never touch the "Add Library" tab if it weren't necessary to authorize certain libraries.
  5. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Not all sound packs include the library file so you need to open the sounds manually. There are tutorials on this forum for creating your own library files so you can import them into kontakt that way.
  6. Spiritos

    Spiritos Noisemaker

    May 4, 2013
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    Well, I didn't want all the factory libraries so I dowloaded just 5 of them seperately (Band, Choir, Orchestral, Urban Beats, Vintage). So I have 5 different folders but in each of that folder are the 3 same files (.nicnt .nkc and .nkr). When I add 1 library, say 'Band' it shows up in my tabs but when I want to add 'Choir' it tells me the library already exists.

    I have never worked with Kontakt before so I know very little about it but from what I've seen the Factory Library -when installed- shows a factory library tab with dropdown-tabs (Band, Choir, Vintage etc.) For me it just shows the one section I added and I cant add another.

    I looked at the tutorial. Seems pretty complicated but as I understand this correctly you need a.ncint file to be able to add a library to your tabs. Am I right?
    Then still it doesn't explain why I can't add the factory libraries.

    My approach was: First I should be able to add the factory libraries and then see how I can add the others but as said I can't even manage that.

    I'll try to look for premade library files on the web. A quick search didn't come up with many sources though.

    @VIVIsect: As I am really new to Kontakt I can't yet tell what would be easy for me. I find navigating for now really tough and I think if I have a new library I would want to have a clear first view of what I'm dealing with. Now I don't understand the structure of all the patches yet and it seems I can't even install them properly at the moment. Thanks for the tip though! It might come in handy for the future.
  7. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    Just install Komplete, then delete what u dont need... simple. :thumbsup:
  8. tater01

    tater01 Banned

    Apr 27, 2013
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    I think I know what you are asking.

    The factory library shows up with all those instruments under one tab, you can't add them all separate unless u make different nicnt files for the separate libraries. The nicnt file you have is the same, you are trying to add the same library twice even though you have different copies of it in the different folders. The factory library is one library not 5, you can only load one. All those separate files you download need to be in one folder.

    All those samples need to be in one folder and all the instruments in one folder and then one nicnt file to load the library.

    here is how your folder should be:

    *\samplebanks\Factory Library\

    then inside that folder there should be \Instruments\ < all the instrument folders should go in there. All of the instrument folders... Band, Vintage, etc

    also there should be a folder named \samples\ right next to the instruments folder in the same exact place.

    Then finally the nicnt nkc and nkr files have to be there also.

    You need to copy all the files into one folder so you only have one folder with the instruments, samples, and nicnt file in one place.

    I am not good at giving advice or taking screenshots but you should only have one Factory Library folder with these subfolders


    Then when you add the library and click on the browse button all the instruments show up under that one tab with the Instrument subfolders Band, Vintage, etc.
  9. moneycat

    moneycat Newbie

    Apr 23, 2013
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    the factory library wasn't meant to be separated, the .nicnt file in there was meant for 1 library as a whole (think of it like a directory that tells kontakt where everything is, like a map that can only be used once) if you take apart everything, seperate them, and move everything around,the map becomes useless. the only way what you are trying to do will work is if you make completely new .nicnt files for those individual parts you took out ( or option 2: download the whole factory library and use it as intended or option 3: except that it cant be added to the library pane and use it like a 3rd party instrument)

    and search "Kontakt Library Activation File" or things similar to that, you should get a couple. and you can look up instructions on how to make it if you're really interested, honestly speaking its not even worth the trouble, learn how to use the the "files" tab or the quickload itll save you the headache
  10. tater01

    tater01 Banned

    Apr 27, 2013
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    So just to help, you are installing it correctly, but you are just trying to install 5 separate Factory Libraries.

    You can only have one library to match a corresponding nicnt file. The nicnt file you have is the same. Open the different ones you have in notepad and examine them.
    They are the same.

    You just need to copy all those files into one folder, then add the library as you were.
  11. Spiritos

    Spiritos Noisemaker

    May 4, 2013
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    Ok. I will try this but one question:
    When I do like you said:

    *\samplebanks\Factory Library\

    then inside that folder there should be \Instruments\ < all the instrument folders should go in there. All of the instrument folders... Band, Vintage, etc

    also there should be a folder named \samples\ right next to the instruments folder in the same exact place.

    In the instruments folder, do I need to keep the instrument folders intact? So like for band 1-Horns 2-Acoustic Pianos etc. and then for Choir: 1-Vowel Morphes 2-Vowel Keyswithes..
    Or can I drop all the different .nki files from band,choir etc. in that particulair one folder?
  12. tater01

    tater01 Banned

    Apr 27, 2013
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    Yes keep the folders intact.

    inside the Factory Library folder should be like this \Instruments\

    then inside there


    Whatever folders are inside that instrument folder will show up in library browser.
  13. Spiritos

    Spiritos Noisemaker

    May 4, 2013
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    Thanks tater01 (and everyone else that helped). Can't tell you how happy I am, absolutely made my day! Worked like a charm.
    Strange thing though is that Kontakt moved the .nicnt .nkc .nkr that were in the root directory to the instrumenst folder ?! Doesn't bother me though as long as it works.

    Now I at least have the factory libray fixed and I can look at my other libraries.

    I must say it's all very confusing as the layout of the different libraries is very different. Some have multiple folders with WAV-files,others don't have instrument folders then others have data and resources folders.

    From what I've read here I can't add a library to the tabs unless I have or create a .ncint file. Okay, I understand this now.

    But is there a certain specific layout that I have to keep in mind? I mean, some libraries don't have an instrument folder, only several .nki files. Or it is named otherwise like 'native instruments'. Should I keep that or should I create every future librayfolder with an instruments and sample folder?

    And other libraries have multiple sample folders. Should I keep those intact or put them all in one folder?

    Edit: I think I'm going a bit fast here and asking too much question without a basic comprehension of Kontakt. I think it would be wise if I kept on reading a couple of more posts on the forum and then ask more specific questions in a new thread.

    For now I'd like to say thanks again and hope you'll be able to help me out in the (not so far) future.
  14. pilz971

    pilz971 Kapellmeister

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Welcome to the Forum Spiritos.

    Just really cool to see someone who calls themselves "humble".

    Far too many are the be all and end all.

    Good on Ya Bro, WELCOME. :mates:
  15. Gramofon

    Gramofon Producer

    Jun 22, 2012
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    Short answer: No, don't change the folder structure if you don't want to get missing files, searching and re-saving instruments with the altered paths.

    It's perfectly fine to have different files as long as the library works. There can be encrypted big files (.nkx) or other monoliths like .nkis which also contain the samples, thus being bigger than simple .nkis which only take up a few KBs. (If you take a look at the save function, you'll see options like ".nki" (the instrument files with the paths), "patch + samples" [instrument and Samples folder], and monolith .nki [merged]). The samples folders are needed if they are not contained in those big file formats as they are the actual place the .nki is pointing to in order to load. The .nkx files do also act as .nicnts. KLM (Kontakt Library Manager) creates custom .nkx files. Keep in mind you may need to also make wallpapers (or choose one from the many collections floating around) but they are only needed for the library to look better, not to function properly. You can re-save instruments with different structures though. Maybe you don't want many scattered files or want to take out a single patch from a bigger collection etc. You can also add libraries that can't be added at the library tab by placing them in other libraries' folders that are already added (You can also make genre/instrument/company-specific libraries that way). (Make a separate folder if you're asked to merge 'Samples' etc.)

    And here's a link for KLM 3.0: (Run as admin)
  16. Spiritos

    Spiritos Noisemaker

    May 4, 2013
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    Thanks. I'll take the weekend to read up and then I'll probably be back with some more questions.

    One last question for now though: How does KLM 3.0 compare to by Mike.P which I read about in the forums.
    The latter didn't work for me although I might've done something wrong with setting up my folders.

    Are they comparable as for functionality?

    And considering worklow (which I have yet to establish) there's also this free tool called Universal Patchfinder 1.4. Do you people find it easier to work with this compared to browsing Kontakt itself?
  17. bachandroll

    bachandroll Newbie

    Dec 22, 2011
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    Welcome! Use KLM. You'll laugh once you see how easy the author made it for us. :) I have found organized libraries to be a critical key to success within Kontakt. I would suggest following NI's basic tree (Guitar, Bass, Drums, Strings, Horns, etc.). It will help keep your thoughts organized within a structure that already exists thanks to a company who spent a lot of time getting it right for us in advance in order to make the anticipated customer service calls a lot easier on their employees. lol There is no reason to reinvent the wheel. The point is the MUSIC, not the structure itself, something we ALL (myself included!) tend to forget amidst this wealth of software in our wonderful world of technology that only gets better daily.

    Have a blast, Friend, and I'll see you at the top of the world!
  18. tater01

    tater01 Banned

    Apr 27, 2013
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    Just wanted to say glad you got it working dude!

    Wanted to just say a few things though.

    Samples don't really matter, if you misplace them, kontakt will pop up a window and ask you to find them. Just browse for them and resave the patch.

    The instruments folder is more important. If you have an instrument folder, whatever is inside that folder will show up in the browser. If you don't have an instrument folder the browser will show what files are in the root.

    Good luck!
  19. Spiritos

    Spiritos Noisemaker

    May 4, 2013
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    Ok. With KLM 3.0 (thanks to the creator!) I managed to import all my libraries. Little buggy now and then but in the end all is well!

    Couple questions still remain though:

    1. When I go to the database tab in Kontakt I only see factory libraries in the upper window so I cannot browse my libraries by instrument.
    However in the window below I do see all my instruments from all my libraries. Is this is how it's suppose to be?

    2. The custom instruments don't have a bankname as opposed to the factorylibrary's instruments. Is this also correct?

    2. Since I couldn't find wallpapers for most of my libraries (although I downloaded 1000's of wallpaper) I used custom images from the net which I quickly resized. It's not looking pretty though.
    In the future -when I do get the proper wallpaper- can I change this?
  20. tater01

    tater01 Banned

    Apr 27, 2013
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    ya just copy the new wallpaper in the same place as the old one and overwrite it or use the klm tool to change the wallpaper

    and ya the database tab I don't know much about!

    but like other members were saying before, the quick load menu is pretty useful.

    just right click and bring up the quick load and drag instruments down there and make your own folders down there to categorize them also
  21. Spiritos

    Spiritos Noisemaker

    May 4, 2013
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    I see you can indeed just copy a new wallpaper to the folder. Thanks!

    From what I understand from you all is that it's supposed to work quicker to work from the quick load menu. As I am still learning it'll probably come to me. Then again, it does seem easy if I could use the database browser to seacrh for instruments. Especially since I have a couple of synths it would be great if I could find all bass-sounds for example.

    Maybe someone else knows if this is possible?
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