convicted sex trafficker & billionaire jeffrey epstein

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Misterguywick, Aug 10, 2019.

  1. peacefulburningz

    peacefulburningz Kapellmeister

    Sep 10, 2015
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    First off, money has ALWAYS been everything.

    So now the argument is that I shouldn't have rated the posts as nasty because The Revenant wasn't blaming the victims for their own rape, he was saying they got paid? Have you missed the points where victims have stated they feared for their lives? Remember you literally just said people like Epstein control society.

    I stand by what I said 100%. These people are victims and Epstein is 100% to blame.

    Aww, so now twoheart is going to have to write 3 or 4 comments defending a rating? Why does it matter what rating they gave? There are much bigger problems to worry about.
  2. mrpsanter

    mrpsanter Audiosexual

    Mar 28, 2014
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    It might be interesting to see if you were speaking this way if the next victim was your own daughter.
  3. peacefulburningz

    peacefulburningz Kapellmeister

    Sep 10, 2015
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    @SceleJohn @Gyro Gearloose

    I just re-read my posts and they seem kind of aggressive. I meant no disrespect toward either of you, I just absolutely disagree.
  4. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    Not woman, they were children not of the age to vote, to drive, to drink or to be in the military. You do not take into account that these were children no matter how wonderful their breasts or round full lips.

    My friend's girlfriend's twin daughters were taken many years ago by the huge and wildly successful child trafficking ring which has freely operated outside of the law for decades. She was on talk shows doing her best to expose these devils and to keep this menace from continuing their fetid ways. When her husband was getting close to exposing the hierarchy he was murdered. This bullshit is protected at the highest levels else this those as Epstein would have their dicks cut off in prison. Paedophiles are the low rung.

    Blaming the victims is akin in my mind to apologising for the criminals destroying young lives through brainwashing and torture while depriving the children of their families, jabbing a finger at weeping parents who are themselves dying inside moment by moment 24/7.

    You obviously don't have children.
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  5. thecastermaster

    thecastermaster Ultrasonic

    Jun 25, 2012
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    Let this marinate: Epstein was a former employee and friend of AG Barr's father.
  6. OBKenobi

    OBKenobi Producer

    Jul 14, 2012
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    They got paid way more than $300! They were also promised access to Hollywood. It was a massive Casting Couch scam. Society doesn't want to accept the fact that there are teen whores out there who are professional gold-diggers even at a young age. You can say Epstein and his rich friends were pedos, but they weren't rapists in most cases, most of those girls where gold diggers looking to get rich or famous.
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  7. Downlo

    Downlo Producer

    Apr 6, 2017
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    Mother Theresa is worse than Kim Kardashian.

    Bill Clinton, Donald Trump, prince Andrew and Epstein are all people who have, or had power.
    Power and or money can be an afrodisiac to some people.
    I am sure mr. Bezos (that ugly dude) can get any guy or girl he likes.

    I know an really ugly dude who is a singer. (not a very good one) but he often appears on a local tv network.
    He mistreats women. Drew a gun in a crowded restaurant and aimed it at his own son. He calls his ex a whore on facebook and tried to kidnap his youngest daughter. Everyone knows this about him in my country. And yet women are lining up to either fuck or marry this guy. I know because he used to be a friend.

    But theres a difference between a 18 year old girl offering herself and a 14 year old. People who have children will understand!
    Epstein may not have forced these girls, u think this exonerates him?
    Sick! :dont:
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  8. SceleJohn

    SceleJohn Producer

    Jun 18, 2019
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    @peacefulburningz I think you are misunderstanding both me and @Gyro Gearloose .

    First of all, I re read a lot of the replies here, and from what I understand no one is defending Epstein. I was not talking about the girls that were FORCED into any abuse/child trafficking. @Lois Lane I apologize if my posts made it seem as if I was blaming them. In my previous posts I was only talking about the ones chose who to participate, the ones that had the choice to say no to the money and NOT the other girls. I read online that some girls were not raped but instead had consensual sex in exchange for money. I thought that those are the girls that @The Revenant was talking about so I started defending him.

    What Gyro said about sexualized tv, was not to defend the actions of any predators or to blame any of the victims. From my point of view it's not only tv but our entire internet culture as well . Let me explain.

    Nowadays it's becoming more and more acceptable for younger children to be exposed to a more adult life style. It's now totally normal to see 12-14 year old girls wearing a shit ton of make up and skimpy outfits, and dating guys much older than them. Girls (children) now WANT to engage in sexual acts with older men, and they go out of their way to do so, either by lying about their ages or trying to defend their actions like "I'm mature enough". Even I almost did it with a 14 year old who told she was 19. She was dressed so skimpily that you could easily pass her as 23. I'm 20 by the way. This all goes back to my tin foil hat theory that our society is manipulated by people like Epstein, in order to make it easier for them to take advantage of children. Our (manipulated) society is making sure that people like Epstein don't need to rape anymore they can just ask them to have sex with them for what ever compensation they promise.

    @peacefulburningz The nasty rating was given on my first reply where I said that people like Epstein deserve to suffer and I found it weird that he would rate it nasty.

    I am going to say this again : MY PREVIOUS POST WERE NOT ABOUT THE VICTIMS.
    People like Epstein, who abuse their power in sick ways absolutely deserve to DIE.

    I apologize if it seemed as if I was defending those sick bastards.
    My heart goes to the families and especially the young boys and girls that suffered because of them.

    Neither do I
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2019
  9. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    thank you
    you got it right...
    so peeps...dont forget what lois did write...i guess her your'e believing more then a thin head like me..
    thats no lie bout company's which yield.......
    and elites religion is not a good one...
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2019
  10. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    ppl dont get it...they only think bout you promoting evil instead of looking into our new culture...they think you defend it and hate this he does not..he just reported the facts

    facts which are normal in south east asia since nam war...and now we got it in 1 world too..cause 1 world is divided in poor and rich now...
  11. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    such wrong conclusions bout my writings..
    and we bout the pedophile supervisors of the traffickers which forming and ruling our society...

    Last edited: Aug 13, 2019
  12. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    Even if they do want to engage in sexual acts with older men no matter their own or their chosen partner's motivation it is, I must remind you, the bottom line is that illegal to do so. Add onto that the international felony of sex trafficking if done so across borders which can account for untold misery for not just the young woman that you mentioned, but for young boys either coerced or taken from their families. You seem to miss all this point, and so I ask you, at which age is it appropriate to create a boundary to create hard penalties for those preying on our children? Is it 17,16, 15, 14 or is it more like 12, 11 if you believe it has become "acceptable" to just WANT to engage in prostitution or just have sex with a 70 year old multi millionaire that showers you with $300. I know that you are just observing this phenomenon but it skims the surface of apologising for the worst of behaviour.

    Evil begets evil on an individual basis, one person at a time, and when the saturation of infection reaches a certain level it becomes as a mass hallucination for the unconscious masses to buy into a paradigm that carries the safety of the status quo. Tin foil hat theory notwithstanding, the conglomeration of money, power, and with this most recently seen power of the oligarch class, the control of self satisfying information that is fed by money thrown at journalists to preach the elite’s dark gospel is bought into hook, line and sinker. Or, the medical profession forsaking their Hippocratic Oath of do no harm to peddle the skew of pharmaceuticals to combat symptoms instead of fighting the very causes of maladies. History and spoils belong to the conqueror. How possibly (the USA as a prime example) could any medical professional not understand that opiates are incredibly addicting and that by wagging their tongues at free dinners and travel gifted by the corporations drug pushers go about dispensing hundreds of millions of doses of poison not cause a catastrophic problem. And how could the billionaires responsible skip virtually unscathed except so far from a little bad press that causes but the slightest ripple in their vast and deep sea of wealth? Epstein too did so with basically a slap on the wrist until he got too sloppy and was silenced. Bill Clinton will skate now even though he was obviously involved as shown by his lie of those other 20 trips on Epstein's plane, the very many others now out of the slamner's way and bar free. Tin foil hat, sure, pass me one, methinks it looks a wonder sitting on the crown of my noggin. When 1% own virtually it all what's a 16 to girl to do but suck the cock of some powerful rich guy to lick up some chump change.
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  13. SceleJohn

    SceleJohn Producer

    Jun 18, 2019
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    I don't understand what you're trying to say. I meant that they're trying to make it so that it's more likely for a young boy or girl to want to engage in those acts. And they have succeeded. I'm not saying that is acceptable us or by our society but it's acceptable by them (the young boys and girls). They're now more likely to keep their mouths shut and it's now easier than ever for them to say yes. Please don't misunderstand my posts since we are at the same side. I know what you are saying and I agree 100%.