For Windows 8 Lovers

Discussion in 'PC' started by The-RoBoT, May 3, 2013.

  1. The-RoBoT

    The-RoBoT Rock Star

    Jun 16, 2011
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    Plan 9
    Everyone knows that New Coke was a total disaster for Coca-Cola. Except, of course, that isn't actually what happened. Yes, New Coke, like Windows 8 for Microsoft, was a total market failure, but that wasn't the end of the Coca-Cola story, and Windows 8 may not be the end of Microsoft's Windows tale.


    Some great reading also for Mac people too.

    Link here - Great Reading

    Special Greets and Thanks to - Traky :wink:
  3. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
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    its amazing that XP refuses to die, but will MS actually kill it off next year? I doubt very much. My main PC runs win7, my laptop XP and both have music software running fine. I have win8 / XP / OSX Snow leopard (10.7 I think) / Linux, (all 32bit) running on my main PC using Virtualbox, no need to upgrade for me then. :dancing:
  4. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    i see winxp is great for some RCE - but for DAW/Audio stuff it begins to start - that most of the new version do not support like Ableton 9(got some awesome blue screens on it on 2 comps), DP8 and Studio One 2. reaper still works on Winxp. then lots of Vst plugins arent support. ill give winxp 2 more years and itll die sadly.
    but lots of medias try to tell the people winxp isnt up with the new security standards, but look - when it starts to get out dated nobody will support any viruses or other things, which could harm the winxp.

    what i miss in this overview is LINUX - i have a dualboot with Win7 and Ubuntu 12.10. and Linux will really grown in the next years in terms with DAW and Audio, BITWIG really comes out.
    (ive seen also quite a few plugins now for it and even reaper works wined pretty good in it.)

    hmm im not sure if ill switch soon to win8, because my sound card wont work, because M-Audio wont code a new driver for it. :(
  5. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
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    I use reaper on XP, works great !
  6. Voo

    Voo Platinum Record

    Oct 30, 2011
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    I think New Coke was all planned and a marketing scheme.

    From original coke with sugar in it to "classic" coke with corn syrup.
    That change happened exactly when "classic coke" came back.

    Imported mexican coke has sugar and yes there is a taste difference

    and yes I'm old and maybe off topic at this point. time to get back on my sedatives.
  7. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
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    coke does not work with XP :dunno:
  8. Monarch

    Monarch Newbie

    Oct 11, 2011
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    Well I am still on XP and have run it since SP1 came out years ago. Speaking on the security malarky that the MAC people try to push in all of those years now I have never had one virus ever, Not one. My last PC that I built years ago was a P4 2.8 and it ran flawless for years and years not one virus only a couple video cards died on me and I had to upgrade a couple times.

    Only now am I starting to need more ram as I am using Omnispehere, Kontakt and Supperior drummer and I am getting tired of bouncing down I plan to try Windows 7 out soon only for the ram. I have not been too keen on Windows 7 when I have tried it before and having an xbox I know I will not like windows 8 what so ever because it looks exactly the same.

    If you have any idea how to operate a computer and not click on every add that is thrown at you on the internet there are NO security issues with Windows XP what so ever. Again in almost 10 years of using it I have never had a single issue even my crashes come from poorly cracked plug ins and are 100% re-producable every time and even then it only crashes to desktop never had a BSOD either.

    I should mention that I don't use or even have installed any virus protection either.
  9. Voo

    Voo Platinum Record

    Oct 30, 2011
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    No wonder you don't have viruses.. You don't use a condom (virus protection)
    How do you know?

    Ive gotten viruses just from clicking on a site that was clean weeks or months before.
    Hackers imbed stuff on innocent sites.

    I'm not questioning that you can be careful but..
    Not running protection is just asking for it. Eventually it will bite you.
  10. lyric8

    lyric8 Producer

    Sep 12, 2011
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    the biggest and best marketing for PC Windows is that they are Cheap that is why the majority of people use PC Windows and you noticed i said people not professionals Ti gives the novice a opportunity to do low budget stuff... that graph dose not represent the Professional market its just the truth they are grate for Gaming though if you get a powerful enough PC :wink:
  11. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
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    one of the local supermarkets (Slaveburys!) to me are still using windows 2000 on their pc system
  12. teknomix

    teknomix Kapellmeister

    Sep 6, 2012
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    Totally fake, you can't compare a XP with 10 year old of existence or Win 7 with three years, with Win 8 that have only a few months of real usage... Your coke has so much spume...
  13. duskwings

    duskwings Platinum Record

    Jul 26, 2011
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    1: pc's r not cheap,macs r expensive considering the components they use are the same and in some case more obsolete than a pc of the same age
    2: windows 8 is a flop,many of us said it and nobody neither here in the forum nor at microsoft gave a shit about it,microsoft went on simply trying to impose what they thought it was right with the result that they have to stretch their ass store all the licenses that they ll never sell.
    they only needed to do a simple thing to make an awesome OS and shut the mac users mouths forever:
    getting rid of the system registry.
    they din t,they don t,and they won t do it,their loss,the and many other companies should start to listen to what people want rather than imposing people what they want them to want
  14. ghostinthemachine

    ghostinthemachine Newbie

    Feb 14, 2013
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    Somewhere in the ocean
    Windows 8? More like Windows........................faaaaaaaaaaakkkee! Muahahahahahaha :lmao:
  15. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    and i agree on the registry - hardly any apps using it and its hard to clean up.
  16. sak

    sak Newbie

    Feb 14, 2013
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    i started using win7 64 only for post and 3d stuff, and hated it.
    but after some time xp felt outdated and since everything audio related runs smooth on 7
    i made the complete switch over a year ago and never missed xp.
    a handfull of real bluescreens (in the beginning) only because of driver errors. not one in 8 months!

    so........... after reading threads & article like these, i thought
    nothing can be that bad, or as bad as vista heheh
    so i checked it out myself. and was quite surprised, after some "grueling 20 min" or so i realized
    all those reviewers are full of shit!
    with the sp1 rollout i will switch immediately.
    nothing is more important than a stable os to me and 8 is dam quick too
    there are some driver issus i have with some gear (i wait for to be solved)
    the pros more than outweight the cons ( atleast in my eyes :)
  17. Guitarmaniac64

    Guitarmaniac64 Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    It looks like Microsoft always seems to fail with every other OS release i have tried first it was Win 1.11 it was good then Win95 not so good then Win 98 with SE it was good then Millenium not good (2000 server edition was good so was NT) then XP good after some SP releases then Vista not good then Win 7 good after the SP release and now 8 havent tried it yet but i got the feeling it is not so good so i belive the next release Win 9 will be good
  18. duskwings

    duskwings Platinum Record

    Jul 26, 2011
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    deactivate all the graphic cool things in windows 7 and it will be as fast as 8,but working with a butt ugly perating system is just depressing to me,i hate minimalism,it s just a personal opinion anyway.
    althoug even far more expert than me agree that microsoft definitely failed releasing an os that s pretty the same for the pros and the facebook wankers that use the mobile phone to track their exes
  19. sak

    sak Newbie

    Feb 14, 2013
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    yes i def. get it is different, maybe even ugly
    but regarding pros and wankrs =)
    one thing i hated about xp was the start menu
    let me explain:
    if you instaled a fair amount of apps the start menu would get cluutered
    so you either avoid instaling stuff into it (but makes finding stuff
    difficult (stuff you only need every now and then)
    or you could (by hand) group things (slow and anoying + search is really molasse)
    you can´t do that in win7 at all

    in metro i group things by genre, use, and whatever i want
    this can´t be just for wankers =))), and if it is like
    for example rainmeter or every other microsoft product
    there wll be mods

    to each his own
    i was just disapointed by the general reviews of win8
    if you look at them like in the article
    you see all the stuff the author wrote befor seem............questionable

    Windows 8 edges to 3.84 percent share; still fails to spark

    Windows: It's over

    A Windows 8 rebuild plan for Microsoft

    Five ways to save Windows 8

    Five reasons why Windows 8 has failed

    i don´t get it
    all because start button and metro?
    once you got the new rules ist quite comfy

    its just my opinion of course =)
    thank you for the reply duskwings
  20. xpertvision

    xpertvision Ultrasonic

    Jan 15, 2012
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    looks like many people still think windows XP is faster or better then the last windows 7 or 8

    the XP graphic interface give you a FALSE sensation of speed becouse the windows XP dont have the "open window delay" and "fade in and fade out on open/close window" configured , go to advanced options in windows 7 and choose "disable special FX" you dont need to change the theme! your windows 7 will be faster then XP , becouse the graphic delay on opening/closing new windows or menus is now removed

    the speed of one OS is not about how fast a window open when you click the mouse , its how fast it copys files , move files , run programs etc

    if you make a test between XP and windows 7 you will be impressed how fast windows 7 destroys windows XP in actions like moving a big file or opening a kontak library with 20GB, or even unrar a big file

    windows XP is slow and crashes all the time becouse all OS use just 1 file to run , when that file fails all OS crash! windows 7 and 8 use multiple threads its almoust impossible to crash (only crash in blue screen but that is hardware related)

    i dont even touch the in virus subject... the windows 7 and 8 protection got amazing improvemets.

    if you have a Pentium 4 or less windows XP is the best for you , but if you have a better processor using windows XP is almoust giving away half of your processor/ram

    im not a fan boy of nothing and im not talking just for talk i use computer since my 8 years old ,i have seen almoust all (since MS-Dos 6 and Microsoft Windows 3.1)

    one thing you guys can do is make your own install of windows 7 and 8 , download RT Se7en Lite and remove all the crap you dont need... my personalized windows 7 DVD is only 2GB and only needs 600mb ram to work

    the windows 8 version of this app is in beta version right now , already have a few good options like removing metro and removing a few crap from windows 8 , give them one more month and a final version will come.

    i run OSX 10.6 and OSX 10.7 + Windows 7 x64 + Linux Mint

    in Linux Mint i run (just for test purposes) FL studio 10 + Ableton Live 8

    all you need to do is in Wine config choose to install "microsoft fonts" and "Microsoft Visual C++ 2005"

    ableton 8 runs great in linux better then in windows...

    my test machine is a old PC i build myself in 2008 , quadcore q6600 + 4GB Ram + 2000GB HardDrive + ATI HD Radeon 4850 1GB ram
  21. Voo

    Voo Platinum Record

    Oct 30, 2011
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    Microsoft prepares U-turn on Windows 8