Basics of the EASIEST music language (MODAL music

Discussion in 'Education' started by MMJ2017, Aug 5, 2019.

  1. SceleJohn

    SceleJohn Producer

    Jun 18, 2019
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    Unfortunately that's true. People these days just don't care about the theory aspect of music. There's been so many times that we are listening to a track with some friends and I'm like " wow the way it went out of key was so cool" they be looking at me as if I'm an alien. Just look at what's popular these days and you'll see how SHIT music has gotten now. It's all just a business now
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  2. I think widespread illiteracy of both music makers and listeners is more effective.
  3. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    There are several aspects of music.
    1.language music structure.( Harmony
    2.rhythms on each level
    3.melody in form of monophonic or polyphonic.
    4.the category of timbre
    ( From sounds of each instrument to articulations sound fx ambience dimension etc.
    5.production, mixing, engineering .
    6.performance and live sound stage mechanics public address .
    7.the equipment needed to do everything music related.
    All these aspects are important to music.
    Any weakness will hurt the music .

    In our society " music " became a cheap monetized dollar store product made to mass produce and sell
    .this encouraged people to ignore the most important aspect of music ( which without it you are turd polishing )
    That is music lAnguage .
    Recently technological advanced exposed the flawed idea that music has any implicit connection to making money + ( in cheap factory type way made by people ignorant of music)
    The internet made all music free shattering the notion of cheaply made produced music as a money maker ( by ignorant writers )
    Now, that cultural phenomenon of has died.
    People want meaningful music or they won't spend any time or money or effort on it.
    We all need to do our part to give people access to the knowledge required to make high quality music to make it valuble again .
    Millions people across the world are studying music language and learning to have all the components which make up music string for them to create high quality music and get it out there
    I want to contribute to the state of music and the higher quality of music as a whole .
    Join me doing what each of you can , whether that be advancing your own abilities in each component of music or helping others improve in themselves.
    Let's focus on music itself , raising the quality of music to the highest it has ever been .
    Use the icing on the cake .
    ( Production, mixing,engineering)
    To make a amazing cake ( language if music)
    Even better .
    ( Instead of icing on a dog turd with candles in it)
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  4. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    More effective at what exactly?
    Being unlistened to?
    Effective at time wasting?
    Making trash music that the writer themselves forget even exists ?
    The styrofoam cup being thrown into a landfill version of music?
    Illiteracy is demobstrably less valuble.
    It's the opposite of meaningful.

    It's like saying
    A motion picture should just be
    Changing shapes and colors on the screen overtime .
    That there should not be any deeper level that the shapes and lines and colors changing over time are really representing ( the actual valuble thing )

    It's not the alphabet itself that has meaning or valuble . It's what the deeper concept you express using the alphabet . Watch .

    Gjcrikkvgkivf. Hdykibff kbcrjk khdey75gj hghjh
    Utedxrtf u7i 65t 5ewhkgyhb jfhh

    That is garbage compared to the paragraph before it.
    Music is identical.
    With out a strong music language foundation ,
    No amount of production engineering mastering
    Can polish that turd into a diamond .
    It's just a really shiny dog turd .

    When we listen to amazing music, the thing impacting us is not the mixing levels or how much buss compression used or how much bass is present below 70hz
    The thing affecting us is the deeper level the language .
    " Music" with no language is just scribble static garbage formless nonsense with no impact on the human spirit or experience.

    Here is a song from mid 1930s

    Has has absolutely zero modern production techniques of timbre .

    Now compared it to a recent " music"
    Which has no language

    It has lots of views but not for music related reasons .
    It is just drums with different timbre
    It it's empty mean8nglrss music
    ( Not that there couldn't be a great quality in that style made )
    It's just he can't make meaningful music.

    There is no music contained in there it's just

    Blah bl b blah.
    Blah b b blah

    Sss sss ssss
    S s s s s
    100 years from now it will be forgotten
    Now compare to this
    Almost 100 years later

    This song has strong music language foundation
    You could make a trap version of it or country or metal anything change any aspect mskev1000 different versions of it anything it's real actual music.
    ( Not just drums)
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2019
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  5. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Trash music is selling less than ever ( in recent times)
    Lots of people making garbage but nobody cares or listens to it.
    Yet they spend crazy money on high quality music .

    We are seeing things change , people want real music again .let's give it to them.
    To get in the billboard charts you have to sell more than 4500 lol :)
    Look at this...

    This video is 2 years old and it has 51 million views

    People want real music .
    Let's give it to them.

    Imagine if you made music with a strong language as the scaffolding.
    Then you used all the modern production engineering and mastering high quality
    Extended bass and highs
    Just every single aspect high quality
    That's going to do much better than turd polishing.
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2019
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  6. Generation has changed. Most of music makers, listeners and critics belong to the new generation. New generation interprets the "meaningful" term more differently than the older generations.
    In every era, one or two of these aspects are highlighted. Today only 4, 5 and 7 are under the spotlight and 1 to 3 are of little or no importance.
    Again, what you call meaningful, perhaps is exposed to danger of applying the meaningless attribute to it by the new generation. Unfortunately...:no:
  7. Most of them are content with the existing system. Just a few people demand high-grade and surpassing stuff.
  8. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    You have a highly distorted view looking at things
    ( I don't mean that as insult )
    I am talking about a non interpretation view of the aspects of music and what makes music " good"
    That is the science of how human beings perceive vibrations ears , along with the components of music itself how it exists as .
    This thing about in every era 1 or two of these things are highlighted that's just crazy talk
    ( It's not insult I'm just disagreeing )
    In the 1930s for example when the utmost
    Care was given to the music language scafolding
    ( Which everything attaches to afterward)
    You think those people were like
    " Ya know we really could invent and then use speaker amplification synthesisers subwoofers and 19,000 watt colleseum amplifiers , nah
    Let's just not have the technology to do all that and instead continue to have indtruments with no amplification no microphones no preamps or poweramps no consoles etc.
    You think that's what happened they just opposed to using subwoofers so no one invented the 75 inventions needed to focus on synthesisers?

    It's crazy talk .
    The rest your comment you are looking at a tiny perspective if you belive what you are saying lol
    ( Again I'm not attacking you just talking with you from a disagreement placed no negative annotations or feelings from my end )
    Fast forward to today
    Those who are just focusing on 1 or 2 aspects
    It's simply because it actually takes hard work to learn the others and not alot of hard work to cut and paste .
    ( You have people making music not for the music but thinking it's way yo make money not need real job)
  9. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    If that was really true, the world around us would match your comment!
    The music industry is dead .
    ( Ya know that thing about pumping out cheap dollar store music to make millions of dollars be a big famous superstar from making a few nursery rhythm level ignorance of music )
    Look up the sales numbers.
    That whole scam by " music industry"
    Of crammibg 3 note 1 chord songs with same beats and sounds as everyone else makes like 3 people enough money to buy a morning coffee nowadays lol. That certainly does not match what you are claiming to be true.

    How do you explain this 2 year old just generic jazz lounge video with 51 million views
    That's just a couple of people?

    This 1 video makes a Dr salary per month after taxes
    From an anonymous content creator .
    It just does not match what you are saying mofo.
  10. 23322332

    23322332 Rock Star

    Nov 14, 2011
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    You won't really find any kind of extended harmony considered as basic sonority outside of jazz (even in classical music it is considered dissonant at least in the 18th century and earlier styles). Talking about polychords and quartal/quintal chords is relevant to modal jazz only.
    There exists such thing as "pirate metal" - they use modal melodies from old sea folk songs and power chords. I think this is the only relatively new modal music I know of.
  11. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    And if you go back hundreds of years they didn't have TV's or cellphone computers with apple and Android , what the heck does that have to do with anything? Lol

    Your so busy compartmentalizing that you have not figured out yet unskilled Carpenters build sheds and real engineers build mansions and skyscrapers?

    Your just saying so and so time period didn't have this or such and such period did have this.
    None of that has anything to do with
    What you can create if you perfect these areas of music.

    Music components .( All important
    1 music language structure ( harmony
    2.rhythms in each level detail
    3.melodies monophonic and polyphonic
    4.category of timbre
    B.ambience space fx
    6.productiin. ( and mastering

    What percentage are you in each area?

    What is getting better in them going to bring you?
    ( What is defecit in any going to affect you?

    Those are the layers of music they all matter .
    ( However music language is what holds the rest up )
    How is your knowledge in them?
    • What can be done?
    What could you do with all these developed?

    You are not held to what 2as done hundreds years ago lol
    They didn't find things out yet it took time .
    You live in the world which has found things out .
    What are you gonna make that the world has yet to hear?

    It's like you have a failure of imagination .

    Test yourself .

    Take all trap timbres and sounds lowest subwoofer sounds the fast hi hats right all the modern timbre

    Now apply the most developed rich harmony in the form of interwoven melodies with extended chords
    In all the instruments.

    Are you so clinging to " what people have done"
    That you cannot picture
    Making new things?
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2019
  12. 23322332

    23322332 Rock Star

    Nov 14, 2011
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    About this video - There was an idiom like: one bird doesn't make a spring or something similar. In general such compilations/mixes with a good descriptive title and picture generate lots of traffic on youtube, if you somehow manage to gather some views you get a snowball effect. People start getting it in the recommended side screen, if they have watched anything related.
    The four seasons by Vivaldi has 204 million views on youtube - does this fact make baroque concertos relevant in 2019? I doubt it.

    About the music industry etc - the whole human civilization is in decline and we have already fucked the Earth's soil, water, biodiversity etc, so enjoy the show as long as it last.
  13. 23322332

    23322332 Rock Star

    Nov 14, 2011
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    ... Dude, the texture of tetrad or pentad or whatever chord stacks you use in jazz sounds different than triads or dyads ( found in 2 voice polyphonic writing).
    More intervals is not better or anything - it sounds DIFFERENT.
    And the more intervals = more dissonance. Our hearing is limited (read on critical bands and how we hear closely related intervals like these found in thick chord voicings... also on harmonic series recognition apparatus in our brains that makes non-octave/polytonal music to sound like garbage), our cognitive and memory capacity is also limited - so 12 tone music and similar will never become popular.
  14. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Ah, I get it now I see where you are coming from the type of logic at play here .

    If we focus our attention on a component of reality
    Let's say category of " music industry "
    And we see that it is dying .the answer to that is just
    " The whole human civilization is in decline ......"
    That's the reason ?

    Clap clap clap

    .... Oh damn
    Then why are cell phones doing so well over all?

    Is it ..
    "The whole human civilization is doing better than ever wild life is great ......etc"

    I'm not trying mess with you .

    Part that was joking around .
    It's just I think we can do better
    Then looking at " music industry " failure
    " Ah, well the whole human civilization is going to hell meng. Phffffftt breaths out flicks joint."
  15. sir jack spratsky

    sir jack spratsky Producer

    Apr 22, 2017
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    radioactive....deepest respect my friend....but i believe you really are not hearing MMJ in his last post.....he is desperately trying to describe to us his exposition on one feature of this 12 tone world...albeit one that has profound implications for composers and constructors of musics of any genre.....think of it as more a helpful observation...not a musical rule....emotion...sound quality....groove are all uniquely subjective groove is your quaver salad...your emotion might be my light relief...etc etc.....none of this material is in any way prescriptive of what to play...what is good...what is bad.....what genre or feel the music is.......i believe MMJ is simply attempting to shine a light on some of the hidden juices that lie below the surface of musical orthodoxy.....WITHOUT DISSING ANY OF IT!!! this is important...UNITY appears to be even more crucial than key...tonic...or any of the descriptors we use to describe where we are......UNITY provides an entire continent to roam in......expressing all levels of consonance and dissonance....light and colour.....darkness and light
    please forgive my crude attempt to make this clearer......the truth is MMJ has shone a light on many aspects of tonality that i always wondered about.....and i am deeply appreciative of his efforts....
    all the best....spratsky
  16. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    F Lydian.

    F Lydian augmented

    F Lydian dominant

    F Lydian b3rd

    Let's take a look at our F Lydian b3rd mode.


    1.FAbCE. Fminmaj
    2.GBDF. G7
    3.BDFAb. Bdim7
    4.DFAbC. Dmin7b5
    5.EGBD. Emin7

    This mode gives us a real dark evil sound
    ( Maybe not evil but you get the idea )

    Let's try Dmin7b5 in its inversions over Fmin

    DFAbC , FAbCD, AbCDF, CDFAb.

    Over FAbC , then AbCF then CFAb

    How about Bdim7 in it's inversions over Fmin


    Over FAbC, then over AbCF, then over , CFAb.

    Take your time and do this for all 5 flavors.

    Let's look at the relative minor .
    D Dorian b5

    1.DFAbC ......Dmin7b5

    Let's try Fminmaj over Dmin7b5

    FAbCE,. AbCEF,. CEFAb,. EFAbC

    Over DFAb, over FAbC, over AbCF

    How about Bdim7 over Dmin7b5


    Over DFAb. Then over FAbD, then AbDF

    Notice that these modes contains
    C harmonic major mode

    Last edited: Aug 8, 2019
  17. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    F Lydian ..............D Dorian
    F Lydian Aug........D melodic minor
    F Lydian b7...........D Dorian b2
    F Lydian b3.............D Dorian b5

    Now I am going to show you with F Lydian how to treat each of these modes in unity .

    F Lydian
    1.FACE. Fmaj7
    2.GBDF. G7
    3.BDFA Bmin7b5
    4.DFAC Dmin7
    5.EGBD Emin7

    Play each chord in upper register
    Over top the F note, then F triad FAC, then Fmaj7 FACE in all inversions.

    Next create one large 13th chord ( 7 note chord

  18. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Triad Pairs in a unity based system.

    Let's take D Dorian

    Make it's 7 note chord

    Find 2 Maj TRIADS which share no notes
    So FAC, GBD in this case.

    Play DFA in bass

    Next play on top higher

    Then backwards

    Now the 2nd triad same thing

    Then backwards

    Next up first triad down second one .
    (Over DFA in bass)

    Next inversion

    Next inversion


    That was doing up first down second
    This time do down first up the second.


    First inversion

    Next inversion


    Do all these same ones only changing the bass portion

    Next do all these same ones over
    Fmaj in bass in these inversions.

    Please take your time here it's not about how fast
    But training your ears of the varietys of sound and options for D Dorian so that any time in the future you picture Dorian having all these options available to you. thought we were done?....

    Now we start from the second triad going to the first.

    Up the second triad down the first.(over DFA in bass)

    Next inversion

    Next inversion

    This time down the second triad up the first.(DFAbass

    Next inversion

    Next inversion
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2019
  19. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Triad Pairs in a unity based system part 2.

    We have looked at the basic motions of traveling from one triad to the other.

    Now let's look at some other ways to use the triad pairs in more development.

    Continue with FAC,GBD over DFA in bass

    We are going to take the idea down the second triad and down the first and embellish it.
    Our pattern will go .

    D down to B C down to A down to F


    From there
    B down to G up to A down to F down to C

    And continue with

    Now all together .


    As one melody. ( Over DFA in bass).
  20. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    That last one was easier because both TRIADS were going same direction.
    Let's try one alternating this time.

    (Continue D Dorian DFACEGB....FAC,GBD)

    G down to D down to C up to F up A up C






    Now all together ( over DFA in bass


    As one melody.

    Now we can really start to see the infinite potential at our finger tips.

    Try this
    D down to B now wrap around the B with C down A down F
    DB, CAF
    Now when we end on F wrap around the F with up to B down to G

    Then wrap around the G by up to A up to C

    It's uneven pattern so you can choose to have one or 2 of the notes longer in length than others it sounds lot more melodic now .you can also have say a 2 note section speed up then land on longer duration note.
    Any place you end up or note you land on.
    You can wrap around it with the notes of the other triad.
    Try variations of this little at a time.

    Here is another option .

    Take uneven pattern

    Make all steady 8th notes
    Now at the tail end focus on the C end note
    Wrap around it with these 2 notes.
    Now we have not only even number of notes.
    But we also can loop it.

    Once you have a building block like this looped
    Pattern you can start at different places inside of it
    And many more try it.
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2019
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