Help with sounds?

Discussion in 'Working with Sound' started by Esteros, Aug 5, 2019.

  1. Esteros

    Esteros Member

    Aug 19, 2018
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    I have few question on this.
    0:48 - what effect plugin turns vocal into this?
    0:50 - what "hit" sound is this, how its called?
    1:23 - where to get this violin.
    So if anyone knows... I will appreciate it. I am missing those sounds, I am using Dune 3 but I am no sound designer.
  3. KungPaoFist

    KungPaoFist Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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    You could possibly simulate with vocal chop style sampling in a sampler mapped to keys, but I think this is how the singer sings in this instance possibly. I'm interested to know myself.

    This could be any brass stab with reverb on it, similar to Cinebrass and co.

    The closest thing I had was Discovery Series, "Middle East" and I kind of feel corny for mentioning... If anyone has a better library please send it to @Spyfxmk2 immediately for his next mixtape

    Love this song BTW, I'm following the thread:break:
  4. Blue

    Blue Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2015
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    I have just listened your video with crappy speakers but I would look how it works with some country music libraries.
    I would try a snare with a plate reverb and a compressor after the reverb to get it more dense.Then record your reverb and remove the snare.
    Or try with a gun shot and reverb and compressor?:dunno:
  5. Baxter

    Baxter Audiosexual

    Jul 20, 2011
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    1) pitch and formant
    2) stab, or brass stab to be specific
    3) Fiddle, violin, rebab...
  6. ElMoreno

    ElMoreno Kapellmeister

    Jan 13, 2012
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    1 & 2 as Baxter said +
    3) Violin 'kamanja' (arabic way), probably a different way to tune violin too...
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2019
  7. Esteros

    Esteros Member

    Aug 19, 2018
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    Thanks everyone for the answers.
    I'm actually not pleased by Dune 3, I don't know to make sounds, and I am having hard time to find ones to fit what I would like them to sound as in tracks.
    So I did not followed this thread until now.
    I will probably try VPS Avenger.
    Hate the thing when you read on internet soemthing good about VST (the ones that have presets) and when you try it, they don't do well in tracks like one I posted above.
    What I have found in Dune 3 is wooble, weveveve, Wavavava stuff, weird basses,very weird trance expansions that kill CPU with reverb, deep basses do not sound good and do not fit to vengeance samples well.
    So yeah, for this question, I go try VPS Avenger and if anyone has any other input, please do recommend.

    Second thing is that not even Vengeance Samples are great, time consuming apcks, with lot of bad sounds. So if anyone has any other input, please do recommend.

    For the song, what I discovered:
    1 - pitched vocal octave down probably.
    2 - Yea brass hit, which I could not find in Dune, nor Nexus 2. (And orchestral Kontakt libraries rbass won't fit this.)
    3 - Kamence, or Electric Arabic Violin - Ethnaudio Anatolian Strings (Turkish Violin) or Kemence sound similar (it has weird reverb and won't fit well into EDM track), but I think in track is real violin played.

    So, yeah main question now from me is, VPS Avenger, can do this stuff for such tracks,t his style, has this sounds, like that deep but little buzzing bass, nice padish pad in background, and I think I can ehar low volume lead doubling bass on calm parts to add extra whiteness to the track?
  8. demberto

    demberto Rock Star

    Nov 27, 2018
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    do not know about vps avenger but for serum there are two great preset packs i know which should contain the sounds you need. one is coda by echo sound works and other is ambient keys by production master
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