Basics of the EASIEST music language (MODAL music

Discussion in 'Education' started by MMJ2017, Aug 5, 2019.

  1. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Modal music is the easiest music language to get under your grip.
    ( Although it is the most restrictive )

    Modal music does not have the tension and release that Tonal language has.
    There is no resolving .
    The melodies float on top of the harmony .

    We start with the 5th it's the next consonant note besides the octave .
    If we tried to create a scale with the octave we would just get 1 one note because octaves are the same.
    But the next note is the 5th .
    It is just slightly less consonant than the octave.
    And we can start with any note go up a 5th to get the next note in the scale .
    Let's start with F.
    Up a 5th is C up a 5th is G and so on we get.
    This is our 7 note scale .
    Let's arrange the notes in order .
    This scale is called F Lydian

    It creates a 7 note chord
    Fmaj13#11 (FACEGBD

    Broken down...
    In modal music you have 5 chords.

    1.FACE Fmaj7
    2.GBDF G7
    3.Bmin7b5 BDFA
    4.Dmin7 DFAC
    5.Emin7 EGBD

    ( There is no such thing as Ionian or aeolian modes in modal music As these are just inversions of the Lydian.)

    These 5 chords are unique flavors of F Lydian .

    They are all swappable for each other .

    ( Instead of functions like with tonal language
    Subdominant, dominant ,tonic)
    Modal music there are no functions.
    You instead have unity.

    5 chords , 5 flavors of the mode .

    So in F Lydian

    F is the root or FAC triad or Fmaj7 .

    That is in lower register .
    Then in higher register you have your 5 chords.

    Let's see this in action.
    FACE over FAC
    GBDF over FAC
    BDFA over FAC
    DFAC over FAC
    EGBD over FAC

    You can use the built up or stripped down versions
    For example.

    FA over F
    GB over F
    BD over F
    DF over F
    EG over F
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  2. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    So F Lydian is our " major" sound mode.

    It is 1 large chord


    Or broken into 5 small flavors


    Then when playing in this major sound mode.

    We always have F or FAC or FACE in the low bass register .

    Then in middle and upper registers
    We use our 5 chords or flavors
    Then melodies use the scale

    This is the major mode.
    ( Where all our major modes derived from )
  3. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Let's look at our options for our F Lydian ( major mode)

    Play FAC in bass

    Then take our first chord

    Play its inversions on top of the FAC in bass.

    FACE over FAC
    ACEF over FAC
    CEFA over FAC
    EGAC over FAC

    Now our 2nd chord.

    GBDF over FAC
    BDFG over FAC
    DFGB over FAC
    FGBD over FAC

    Now our 3rd chord.

    3.BDFA Bmin7b5

    BDFA over FAC
    DFAB over FAC
    FABD over FAC
    ABDF over FAC

    Now our 4th chord.

    DFAC over FAC
    FACD over FAC
    ACDF over FAC
    CDFA over FAC

    Now our last chord 5th
    5.EGBD Emin7

    EGBD over FAC
    GBDE over FAC
    BDEG over FAC
    DEGB over FAC

    Now we have seen all of our chord options for F Lydian ( major sound)
  4. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Let's see a modal progression as example in
    F Lydian ( our major mode )

    BDFA over FAC
    DFAC over FAC
    FACE over FAC
    GBDF over FAC

    ( And for melody you play the mode
    Any notes fit.

    Let's see that progression in first inversion .

    DFAB over FAC
    FACD over FAC
    ACEF over FAC
    BDFG over FAC

    See how it floats above with zero motion?
    We get music that glides floats hovers a unique feel to it great fun.

    3rd inversion of the progression .

    FABD over FAC
    ACDF over FAC
    CEFA over FAC
    DFGB over FAC

    The sounds all represent the major feel.

    4th inversion of the progression .
    ABDF over FAC
    CDFA over FAC
    EFAC over FAC
    FGBD over FAC

    We get even more options with the bass chord inversions too

    BDFA over FAC
    BDFA over ACF
    BDFA over CFA

    DFAB over FAC
    DFAB over ACF
    DFAB over CFA

    All these variations give you the F major sound.
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2019
  5. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    We also have a minor foundation in modal music .
    D Dorian DEFGABCD

    It is the same as the major foundation.

    1.DFAC Dmin7
    2.EGBD Emin7
    3.FACE Fmaj7
    4.GBDF G7
    5.BDFA Bmin7b5

    And it works in the exact same way.
    You have 5 flavors of D Dorian.
    ( Then you use the D Dorian scale over everything

    Let's see a progression in D Dorian .

    DFAC over FAD
    FACE over FAD
    BDFA over FAD
    GBDF over FAD
    EGBD over FAD

    You have all the inversions.

    BDFA over FAD
    DFAB over FAD
    FABD over FAD
    ABDF over FAD

    BDFA over ADF
    DFAB over ADF
    FABD over ADF
    ABDF over ADF

    So far we have a major mode and a minor mode which everything is based off of.

    Let's look at our first major variation
    F Lydian augmented


    1.FAC#E. Fmaj7#5
    2.GBDF. G7
    3.BDFA Bmin7b5
    4.DFAC# Dminmaj
    5.EGBD Emin7

    And we treat everything same as before .

    Here is a progression .

    DFAC# over FAC#
    FAC#E over FAC#
    BDFA over FAC#
    GBDF over FAC#

    We have our minor version of this mode as well
    D melodic minor

    As everything is same as before.

    1.DFAC# Dminmaj
    2.EGBD Emin7
    3.FAC#E Fmaj7#5
    4.GBDF G7
    5.BDFA Bmin7b5

    We use our scale over the chords.

    Here is a progression .

    FAC#E over DFAC#
    GBDF over DFAC#
    BDFA over DFAC#
    EGBD over DFAC#

    And as before all our inversions .
  6. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Let's look at our next major variation ,
    The F Lydian dominant mode


    1.FACEb F7
    2.GBDF G7
    3.BDFA Bmin7b5
    4.DFAC. Dmin7
    5.EbGBD Ebmaj7#5

    And we use the Lydian dominant scale over all the chords
    F Lydian dominant

    Here is a progression in this mode .

    DFAC over FACEb
    BDFA over FACEb
    GBDF over FACEb
    EbGBD over FACEb
    FACEb over FACEb

    We have all same inversions and variations as before.

    We also have our minor version of this mode
    Dorian Flat 2
  7. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    So let's now look at using D Dorian mode
    To create some music.
    D Dorian

    1.DFAC Dmin7
    2.EGBD Emin7
    3.FACE Fmaj7
    4.GBDF G7
    5.BDFA Bmin7b5

    First create a progression in the mode

    FACE over DFA
    GBDF over DFA
    BDFA over DFA
    DFAC over DFA

    This will be our progression .
    Let's visualize a bass a piano for mids and a synth for lead.

    Now let's break down into layers to play

    Bass first .

    D D F D A D F D

    Next mids piano


    And then synth for a lead


    Here is a different approach, just a piano

    In lows FAD rings out then mids DBFA in highs B, D
    In lows ADF rings then BGFD in highs F, G,BD
    In lows DFA rings then AC in mids highs EC
    In lows FD in mids EA highs C,A,E,F

    So many ways to use it all.
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2019
  8. sir jack spratsky

    sir jack spratsky Producer

    Apr 22, 2017
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    thnx MMJ this actually clarifies a lot of my enquiries regarding diatonic relationships as well....bravo
  9. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    It really gets fun combining modes in a progression .
    Let's use F Lydian FGABCDEF
    For the first portion .

    1.FACE Fmaj7
    2.GBDF G7
    3.BDFA Bmin7b5
    4.DFAC Dmin7
    5.EGBD Emin7

    Then second portion use C Lydian
    1.CEGB Cmaj7
    2.DF#AC D7
    3.F#ACE F#min7b5
    4.ACEG Amin7
    5.BDF#A Bmin7

    Let's create our progression

    BDFA over FAC
    DFAC over FAC
    GBDF over FAC
    F#ACE over CEG
    ACEG over CEG
    DF#AC over CEG

    Also try different inversions as well.

    This particularly works great for modern ambient type music a real floating feeling .
  10. KungPaoFist

    KungPaoFist Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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    Holy musical breakthroughs Batman! Thanks:wink:
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  11. sir jack spratsky

    sir jack spratsky Producer

    Apr 22, 2017
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    MMJ please pursue this direction...... i am engaged in designing the new psychedelic sonic revolution...i think modal approch is the key here....thnx man
  12. SAiNT

    SAiNT Creator Staff Member phonometrograph

    May 11, 2011
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    Very interesting:like:
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  13. The Observer

    The Observer Guest

    Agreed that it has its limits. But it did help define upper harmony extensions. Using your F Lydian:
    F,A,C,E,G,B,D (Fmaj13#11).
    They also defined the melodic minor modes because prior to that, the classical minor on it's way down changed to an Aeolian.
    So the upper extensions could then define in the Lydian Dominant (Staying on F Lydian base) F,A,C,Eb, G, B, D (F13#11),

    While agreed it has limits it definitely aided in defining harmonic structures with their appropriate scales.
  14. Blue

    Blue Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2015
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    This thread is in my favourites right now,it's very usefull.I haven't read it entirely but I will do it.Thanks a lot MMJ.
  15. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Wow thanks you guys I'm glad you enjoy it so far
  16. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Let's take a look at the F Lydian mode

    Now in modal music we don't have the 3.ACEG
    Or 5.CEGB
    (It's because these are part of the F Lydian and D Dorian sound . You can use these notes still it's just they are not considered part of the fabric of the music . We instead get these 5 main chords.

    F Lydian
    1.FACE Fmaj7
    2.GBDF G7
    3.BDFA Bmin7b5
    4.DFAC Dmin7
    5.EGBD Emin7

    ( Now if you play the CEGB, or ACEG over FAC it does not stand out as it's on flavor like these 5 do .
    The notes are still in there for you to use though .
    But with modal language
    The idea is that these 5 structures are able to represent the F major sound while still standing on their own as each a unique flavor .
    The CEGB over FAC and ACEG over FAC don't hold up the same way you can still play these notes but it's too close to the F to have it's own flavor .( Same for D Dorian they don't hold up as a unique flavor )
    So keep that mind it's still playable to you just not a unique flavor )

    With this in mind I would like to show something you can do in F Lydian .

    CEG over FAC
    AFD over FAC
    EGB over FAC
    CAF over FAC
    GBD over FAC
    ECA over FAC
    BDF over FAC
    GEC over FAC

    And I'll show you another ( this time the " over FAC "
    Is implicit.

  17. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Intermediate Modal language.

    Now we are about to embark on a journey .

    I am going to show you the link between 2 languages the Tonal music language and the modal music language.
    In such a way as to be able to convert Tonal music over to. Modal music context.

    Let's think about our Tonal music KEY of C major .

    It's no accident that 4.FACE our Lydian is the dead middle of this scale .
    There is a secret embedded into music.
    That the C major Cadence ( Dmin,G7,Cmaj)
    Along with the Aminor Cadence ( Bmin7b5,E7,Amin6)
    Are actually inside of Flydian .
    These changes are static and still with F major Lydian as it's center.

    Let's see this in action.
    I want you to play this.
    FAC on bottom while it rings out
    Play this in top register
    DFAC,GBDF,CEGA( C cadence)

    Next play this.
    FAC on bottom while it rings out
    Play this in top register
    BDFA,EG#BD,ACEF#(rel AminCadence)

    Is your mind blown yet?
  18. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    We are not done yet .
    Play this in bottom
    DFA while it rings play
    In upper register
    C cadence ( DFAC,GBDF,CEGA)

    Play DFA in bottom then in top
    Register play this
    A minor cadence ( BDFA,EG#BD,ACEF#)
    The same holds true for our D Dorian
    The C major Cadence and A minor Cadence
    Takes places in complete unity with F Lydian
    And with D Dorian.

    You can take any melody or line which represents
    V7 to I ( of Cmajor)
    Or V7 to I ( of Aminor )
    And play that melody over top Fmaj to get F Lydian
    And play that melody over top Dmin to get D Dorian.

    You see a C major Cadence relative to C 8s subdominant , dominant, tonic
    But relative to F major is unity the C major cadence
    Floats along the top of F major and spells out a sound harmonious .
    This is true for the relative Aminor cadence .
    Sure the A minor cadence relative to A
    Is subdominant, dominant,tonic
    However relative To Fmajor is again
    Unity the cadence floats over top and is harmonious .
    With no tension whatsoever .
    The C mAjor cadence and A minor cadence
    Are also unity and harmonious over D min in the same exact way it floats over to to create D Dorian sound.
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2019
  19. KungPaoFist

    KungPaoFist Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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    Thanks for keeping us basic fools in mind, for the longest I've started at your notes thinking it was language from inter-dimensional beings...:guru:
  20. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Ah don't feel bad ) joking
    It took me years to uncover these things
    ( And working on it everyday uncovering the parts and how they fit over time then trying to put it together in the easiest way to teach people help then get it quicker than I slowly found out about it.
    It's like Einstein's E=mc2 it's all embedded inside the small formula .
    That's kinda what I'm trying to do .
    For music you see the limitations of the short term memory is limited number of objects at any one time.
    However information can be embedded symbolically and packaged.
    So it's a way our brain can still fit the whole knowledge into packages and still be able to concentrate clearly and assimilate into the subconscious portion of the brain where your autopilot lives ( think of learning to drive then eventually do it without effort or much thought )
    I suppose the hardest thing for one to wrap their head around is that music exists on its own terms as a language ( in this case modal language)
    Over time we have just discovered what way it exists as.
    You see once a person is able to fathom these inner workings of music structure .
    They can speak fluent language with it
    ( Express what's inside themselves in the language of music without ever needing to repeat something a million times )
    Music is fractal . Self similar shapes at any scale of detail.
    You can create each moment of a song different from the last but still give the listener this experience of steadiness ( strength of modal language)
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2019
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