Live Sound Companies And Studios Job Offers

Discussion in 'Job Listings: Finding, Hiring.' started by BeastDeathShred, Aug 4, 2019.

  1. BeastDeathShred

    BeastDeathShred Newbie

    Aug 3, 2019
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    Hello everyone,

    To the musicians, music producers and pro audio enthusiasts from Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia, I was studying to earn a certificate in audio engineering sometime back but I had to stop because of personal reasons. However, I am working on going to U.S.A to pursue a bachelors degree in music production. At the moment, I have no qualifications or background in audio engineering and music producing. I only have learned to use FL Studio 12 to mix and master 2 tracks for application submission to the college in U.S.A that I want to enroll in. Now, I am looking for a job in either live sound companies or studios. I would love to be in a crew or as a technician in a studio. Are there live sound companies and studios that give on job training? If there are not, What crash courses that I can register for and where are they located at? Also, when I have mastered the skills, please recommend me job offers from live sound companies and studios. All assistance, help and recommendations will be appreciated.
  3. boomoperator

    boomoperator Rock Star

    Oct 16, 2013
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    Don't want to demotivate you, but know there are very few positions in audio and many like you.
    Know that live audio (P.A), is something totally different from working in a studio, you better choose one as soon in your career as possible.
    If you take on a course, know that you will likely pay way too much for what you'll learn over there. Real learning takes place on the job.
    Fruity Loops is not a required software when you want to make it in audio. It's only a 'nice to know'.

    So what to do then? If you want to pursuit a career in live audio, take on a short course, try to join a band, start from the bottom, work hard. Then later maybe move on to a P.A. company, start again and learn more.
    If you want to work in a studio, maybe join an overpriced education program like, afterwards try to get inside a studio, then start at the very bottom. It's always nice to have special skills like knowing about electronics, having IT skills, playing and knowing instruments.

    Also have a look at the Broadcast industry. There are jobs (again, not many) in large scale live & recorded television like sports and shows.
    It's a bit like P.A, only more sophisticated.

    Moving to the US, probably L.A, is still the heart of the industry -but for how long? Getting in on a student Visa is possible, but staying is a lot harder, immigration laws are strict. I'm sure there are also possibilities in Malaysia or Asia.
  4. bluerover

    bluerover Audiosexual

    May 3, 2013
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    L.A., for example, will eat anyone alive. Too much competition.
  5. Nemenu

    Nemenu Newbie

    Aug 15, 2016
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    There's a public studio in my town, you could use it. and I can be your assistant

  6. BeastDeathShred

    BeastDeathShred Newbie

    Aug 3, 2019
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    Okay. But you are from Indonesia. I am from Malaysia. And I said that I am looking for a job in either a music studio or live sound company.
  7. BeastDeathShred

    BeastDeathShred Newbie

    Aug 3, 2019
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    Thank you for your advises. I will look for a different job to support myself and save up for expenses during my studies in L.A. Then, I will learn everything through the degree program in college.
  8. BeastDeathShred

    BeastDeathShred Newbie

    Aug 3, 2019
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    I understand. I only want to pursue a degree in production. Is the competition same for being a metal music producer?
  9. julianbre

    julianbre Producer

    Jul 15, 2015
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    I'll give you one piece of advice, Do not do it! At least not yet.
    I am not trying to discourage you so let me explain.

    Which school are you looking at in LA? Your best bet is to go to the sister site and grab Pro Tools. That is still the industry standard. Don't worry about plugins. The plugins that come with it are fine for learning.

    Now find as many tutorials on mixing and watch them all. Watch 101 Mixing Tricks by Bobby Owsinski and memorize every trick. Join some of the sites where they critic your mixes like Produce Like A Pro or Nail The Mix.

    Take the time perfecting your craft before spending money on school and never give up.

    Good Luck!