Information R2R - AudioUTOPiA - 2019

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Greggo Duncan, Jul 30, 2019.

  1. GT33

    GT33 Kapellmeister

    Mar 30, 2019
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    time to go back to music making yay, R2R is well in the depths of underground :bleh::rofl:
  2. poly

    poly Platinum Record

    Sep 29, 2016
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    I heard from an absolutely secret website that Radium & Paradox starting a comeback with the newest vst3 version of ReBirth RB-338 & NI Generator!

    Belive me or not, your decision..
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  3. LuaOle

    LuaOle Noisemaker

    Feb 28, 2017
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    :sad: R2R came out with stuff in July 2019.

    Nothing from AudioUTOPIA since 2016. :dunno:
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2019
  4. DJK

    DJK Audiosexual

    Nov 23, 2017
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    felixstowe england
  5. KungPaoFist

    KungPaoFist Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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    Guys, don't believe the hype... they made a vow to stay active until Slate Digital r2r is available for Mac...
  6. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    just repeat it at often as possibble so every dev and other ppl know it too...

    and he is not their spokesman...:deep_facepalm:
    he does the .......
  7. jkst

    jkst Kapellmeister

    Oct 31, 2016
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    this is what it would be like if the announcement was made by R2R janitor

    except greg is nothing but another disguised "oh were are you R2R??" crybaby
  8. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    i go into garden and pick a flower , then i pick every flowerleaf until the last....i blv ,i blv not, i blv ,i blv not .....
    i gonna publish the result we all kno fo sho then
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  9. lukehh

    lukehh Audiosexual

    Jun 22, 2012
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    You're so non up to date...It has been already released last year...even before it was published by Steinberg! On my Sytem it runs and runs and runs...Like a VW-Beetle!

    BTW..I also heard R2R stops...but they immediately established a new group named R2D2! May the force be with you! :invision:

    AMERICUH Kapellmeister

    Mar 8, 2012
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    I think they would've told us in their latest release via NFO if thats true. :guru:
  11. lukehh

    lukehh Audiosexual

    Jun 22, 2012
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    Off Topic...but can it be I hear a "love will tear us apart" when I'm watching your avatar?
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  12. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    Been a long time since I had a spliff...
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  13. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Shocking news: I was joking :wink:

    Me too! What are the odds... The last one is off at least 10 min now
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2019
  14. Thankful

    Thankful Rock Star

    Feb 14, 2014
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    Yeah, what he :like: said.
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  15. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    That explains at least some things. [​IMG]
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  16. wouala woualouf

    wouala woualouf Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2015
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    The 'they have families, they have a life too', is 100% BS !

    What r2r do, they do it because it's in their blood, their soul. They love it, and that will never change. Also, stats show most people in japan, who turn 45, 50... and even older, have NEVER had a girlfriend or boyfriend... never dated someone.... shit, never held somebody's hand... let alone.... you know WHAT. On the other hand, the hentai stuff, dolls, etc, with schoolgirls that seem to be 9yo, are very successful. Many guys will fall in love with some 2d girl, from some mangas...

    So....IF 'regular' people are alone, most of the time, how many odds for all the r2r team members to get married and have kids...? Shit, they are geeks, they can spend 36 hours without interruption, just to type that last bit of code... ! Girls, kids, family, are probably the last items, of the 'to do one day' list.

    This isn't meant to sound homophobic, racist, or whatsoever, but those who have dated a japanese, or asian, in general, have worked with, had employed them, or simply were friends, you KNOW how 'susceptible' they are, among other things. I had 'asian' employees, who were friends with non asian people, for over 10, 15 years.... IT ONLY REQUIRES one simple joke, one simple remark, one little thing they don't like, and, instantly, the 'friend' will become like an enemy, for the rest of their lives. They will wake up, thinking about that thing that was said or done. They will NEVER forget, they will never forgive. It's like a matter of honor. Not only they will not forgive, or forget, BUT they will do everything to revenge. Behind the extreme politeness, with hundreds of thanks you, sorry, honorable citizen, there's that feeling of betrayal, that will never go away...

    Why i say this ?
    We all remember what happened: one guy accessed their ftp, and shared many unreleased stuff.
    Result : AS A REVENGE, they stopped releasing stuff, for almost one year, and even after that, they would release something once a month, or less !

    ONE GUY did something. .. and it's up to the 1 million audioz visitors TO PAY THE PRICE !

    then, there were the 'money makers' conflic. BECAUSE the rules allowed more and more people to mirror, r2r noticed there were too many people making huge amounts of cash, with rapidgator/uploaded links, when r2r were the ones DOING all the work.
    Again, instead of asking the mods/admins to change rules, again, they were mad at the entire community, again.... almost ZERO releases, for a big amount of time.

    Then, there were another problem : the app beggars , who would complain because this or that plug-in hasn't been released.
    AGAIN, because of 5 or 10 guys (beggars), the whole community, of 1 million audioz users had to PAY, had to be PUNISHED, by not getting any new release !

    When R2R stop releasing new stuff, there is only one reason for that : PUNISHING THE COMMUNITY.
    When the Gods, from Olympus , aren't happy, they send a thunderstorm !

    you understand the meaning of 'susceptible'..... revenge'...?

    r2r became famous, they started releasing tons of great stuff (remember the NI releases period), people loved them, loved their releases, and of course, the 'flawed' human nature made people ask more... and more....and more....
    Can we blame people for that ?

    Then, there is the 'teasing' side.
    One day, they release the 15th update for some chepass plug-in, RELEASE NUMBER: 7'800
    2 months later, after a big silence, they release the 9th update for another cheapass plug-in, RELEASE NUMBER: 8'050

    AM i the only one, with a 'distorted', 'perverted' mind, to smell something, in here ?

    WHY would R2R want people to know, since x month and x year, they have made 7'600, 8'100 or 8'750 releases...?
    Could the goal be 'hey, miserable beggers/poor students who can't even crack an audio plugin, look, look, the last 8 months, we have made 12 releases, 11 of which were updates, but our release number went from 7'200 to 7'900' ? Is it the message they wanna send to audioz people ?

    Because anyone who can do simple + × ÷ - will easily notice maybe less than 1 out of 100 releases were actually. .. released to the public

    Also, regarding the 'teasing' side, like 'just look what we got, that you will never get'.... we can see that, with an ilok5 plug-in, released i think, last year, with an nfo 'ohhh, our 1st attempt with the new ilok5..bla bla'....

    R2r have rarely released ilok stuff... so WHY releasing that ilok5 plug-in ?
    Is it another amazing r2r gift ? We could see it that way... but when we see how they tend to react, we could also see:
    'Look, audioz leechers, you, know, that ilok technology, that represents 100 to 300 unique plugins, from which you only have a few, from audioutopia 2015, you know, they released the new ilok5, we are going to crack and have ALL OF THEM, but please, don't be sad because you don't have the latest Softube or soundtoys versions, don't be sad...... HERE IS THIS unique and LAST ilok5 plugin we offer to you.... enjoy it, while thinking about the 300 Ilok plug-ins we have in our vaults !'...

    This is the teasing i talk about.

    It looks like R2R take a ton of PLEASURE in doing that. They love punishing all the miserable leechers we all are.
    People stopped begging for apps, in audioz. People stopped complaining. People stopped requesting new stuff. Damn, people even accepted having their .hosts files modified, just to 'please' r2r... the famous fake r2r websites stopped their activities.

    Fuk, WHAT ELSE do audioz users need to do to 'repent', beg PARDON, in order for r2r to give them a little bone ?

    Why keeping a situation where users feel like they did something wrong, and must be punished for that ?

    In order to avoid all kinds of conspiracies, r2r threads, etc, Is it too complicated for R2R to post a nfo, somewhere, where they say
    'We don't like this, this and that
    We don't agree with this, this and that
    You acted badly, when you did this and that
    Therefore, we will only release x number of releases, per year, 90% will be old updates, you will never get other ilok/NI/melda/ik multimedia/waves/elicenser/etc etc apps, you will not get any new virtual instruments, etc etc

    At least, users would know why r2r act the way they do !

    And those who will downvote, 'nasty', etc etc, with their classic 'ohhh, you don't need more stuff then you already have, to make music, etc etc', while having several harddrives full of R2R stuff, i say 'come on ! That's not the question !'

    R2r became popular, with their amazing job and releases, throughout the years. Shit, it is just normal, that users love r2r, are interested in r2r, want to have news from r2r, and eventually, get some great releases, like many years ago. They became living gods, to over 1 million users, and today, MANY users are making music, because/thanks to r2r.

    How do R2R feel, by punishing all those people who almost worship them ? Why this revenge ? What kind of pleasure would Santa Claus get, from having a gigantic bag full of presents, and the 24th of December, he goes 'you know what ? I didn't like when that family didn't welcome me with a cake and some coffee ! You know what ? This 24, i won't be giving these presents to all those kids, and instead, will keep them for me'.

    where is the pleasure ? Unless you are a sadistic. ..

    what do r2r earn, by keeping 99.9% of stuff internal ? Are they making companies happy ? Are r2r members making HUNDREDS of #1 radio HITS, because they have BETTER, ALL THE TOOLS available in the market ?

    how do r2r members feel, when they launch their cracked Bitwig studio 3, insert that new IK Sampletank 5 vsti, the latest Serum, the latest Sylenth1 v3, the latest Falcon, the last Avenger version, omnisphere 2.6, etc, and insert the latest effect from Soundtoys, Melda, the latest slate digital, the latest U-he, the latest Softube, the latest Mcdsp, the latest eventide Plate plugin, the latest Melodyne 2.4, etc etc... and think 'ohhhh, soooo goood.... look at all these tools we have... and those miserable loosers and leechers from audioz will NEVER have the opportunity to have them'...

    also, R2R kept saying 'if you want this and this, buy it, and send us the binaries', on their nfos... to make people 'responsible' for 'something'. ... 'guilty'.... culpable ..for some reason. .
    ... but NEVER did R2R say (same reasons... pride.. avoid 'ohhh ONLY because we bought it r2r were able to crack it !'), 'HEY, AUDIOZ COMMUNITY, THERE ARE THESE 5 EXPENSIVE PLUGINS AND THESE 3 VST INSTRUMENTS WE WOULD LIKE TO CRACK...COULD YOU PLEASE DONATE XXXXX, SO WE CAN BUY THEM? '

    I bet my computers, in just a few days, audioz users would gather 5'000 bucks... 6000... 8'000... !


    all this said, I've noticed ONE MAJOR THING:
    IF you read the nfos/etc from R2R, like 1-2 years ago.. and you have read the more recent stuff, you will notice 'they' went from an approximate ENGLISH, with a ton of grammar/syntax errors.... TO an ALMOST 100% PERFECT ENGLISH....which denotes a big change : their stuff used to be written by a japanese guy... and more recently, it is written by an UK/AMERICAN GUY !

    SO...who is this/these guy/s , that speak english fluently/perfectly ?
    who are these/this person, from UK, AUSTRALIA OR USA, who are now working with R2R ? Funny, the audioutopia nfos, their way of saying things, really LOOK LIKE the latest r2r nfos...!
    any chance for r2r to be actually 'working' with another teams?

    Could R2R be soooo, soooo, sooo BUSY, with some particular project, that they don't even want to bother with releasing some stupid updates or some cheap plug-ins. order to 100% focus on their main task....?

    only God and themselves do know...

    sure, we appreciate and thank R2R for all the stuff they did, even if they don't want to release any more stuff.
    the presence of r2r probably forced some companies to review their prices, their politics... and that's good for the consumer.

    But we don't want R2R to trwat us like kids who broke a jar or beat the dog, and must be punished. We did nothing wrong ! If they want to blame and punish sometime, punish those who stole. ..those who made money... but not US !

    if R2R keep acting this was, releasing an old update for an old plug-in, every 3 months. .. making us all feel stupid, guilty, bad,
    over 1 million users, 5, 10, 15 years from now, instead of talking about r2r, as a great, generous, communicative , nice, amazing, tolerating GROUP OF AMAZING DEVELOPERS/CRACKERS FROM JAPAN,

    people will only remember R2R as a REVENGE-Y, SELFISH, ARROGANT, PUNITIVE, BAD group of people, who kept everything for themselves, LIED about their true reasons/actions, who keot punishing 1 million kids, by not giving them a little candy, from time to time, to keep them happy and smiling.


    DO they want people to think R2R actually meant RATIONALIZE 2 REVENGE ?

    Today, when we talk about Gouda, or teamAir, everybody thinks about the best team ever, whose members spent thousands of hours coding a dongle emulation, and when they finally cracked Cubase 5.1, THEY FUKING RELEASED IT, instead of keeping it internal FOREVER, with some mentality like 'hey, we spent all these hours , we aren't just going to give it to some ungrateful stupid kids, for free !'

    Damn, even V.R, who do their best, and try to become better, each day, with each new release, EVEN HIM/THEM, 10 years from now, users will say they were a fantastic, working group, who did all he/they could, to bring ALL the stuff he/they could find, to the community. We will forever be thankful, for everything V.R did.

    WHAT would have r2r done, IF they had been the ones cracking cubase 5.1 dongle ???
    Well... when we see the current situation, trend, etc.. we can be SURE r2r WOULD HAVE NEVER RELEASED CUBASE 5.1, almost 15 years ago....

    I see some of you guys raising your hands, from the back of the room, to say 'well... for sure they would not release cubase 5.1... IF they don't even release the cubase/wavelab/etc Elements versions, unlike V.R, for sure they would keep any 'pro' versions 300% internal !'


    Nobody from r2r will ever read this, but at least, this is what, i am sure, MOST PEOPLE think, regarding r2r.

    Again, the arguments,like 'they also have a family'... ' we don't need all existing plug-ins, to make music', 'use what you already have', 'r2r owe us nothing ', etc etc, DON'T JUSTIFY THEIR BEHAVIOR !

    So we can become better, so we can help each other, so we all can have fun.

    TELL US what we need to do, to get the 'old R2r' back !


    ... BUT PLEASE, STOP punishing us, stop making us think we did everything wrong, stop acting like 1 million of audioz users are just a bunch of stupid boys.

    TALK. SAY SOMETHING. create a subforum, whatever, where people can donate. Where people can send you binaries, kontak libraries, or even a THANK YOU R2R message. DO SOMETHING.
    Don't be afraid of saying why x or y plug-in might not be cracked, ever, because the copy protection xyz is very strong... people will stop thinking you don't release a particular app because you are working with the devs themselves !

    Don't punish 999'998 people, because of 1 or 2 guys. That's not cool.

    Don't be afraid of telling the community if you STOP cracking new stuff, and r2r is over. We will understand. You have the right to date, marry someone, found a family, have kids. Nothing forces you to make r2r look alive and active. If r2r stops existing, like it happened to all the other groups, well, no problem. But say something !

    Again, audiosex users, just go on with the downvotes. But deep inside, the way you feel and thin about the whole situation, isn't very different from me ! That's the truth.
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  17. Nana Banana

    Nana Banana Guest

    Last R2R message for the masses:


    So yeah...
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  18. lukehh

    lukehh Audiosexual

    Jun 22, 2012
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    This is the message in their nfo's since the last 5 years I think!
  19. darthloud

    darthloud Producer

    Dec 24, 2016
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    r2r never die
    r2r for president world :like:

    is very sad , people sell r2r plugins:thumbsdown::dont:
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  20. Nightmix

    Nightmix Producer

    Jun 16, 2017
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    OEKSound (Soothe, Spliff), Acustica, new Slate stuff since last release, new PA stuff since last release...
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