The Secrets of Music. Hard to Find Info Techniques

Discussion in 'Education' started by MMJ2017, Apr 25, 2017.

  1. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    The best advice I can give is try care about music itself as it exists .
    Second care about how good YOU are.
    Can you take a foundation of music like this

    C6, Fmaj7,Fmin6,Bb7,C6

    On C6 play c Lydian scale
    On Fmaj7 play Flydian
    On Fmin6 and Bb7 play F melodic minor
    On C6 play c Lydian

    And play 75 melodies from it?

    Can you take a scale of chords for Amin6
    And make music out of it?

    If you cannot yet it's okay spend time on it you'll get it .
    If you can a little keep going have fun during all this no matter what
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2019
  2. Beth Hart

    Beth Hart Guest

    I know many of you doubt I can make music. Here is a link to my music. You can see in my avatar I was referring to myself as Master Mind Jack 10 years ago, In 2017 I became MMJ2017. I am also Sir Jack Spratsky. I just love the sound of my name. Don't you?
  3. Beth Hart

    Beth Hart Guest

    The best advice I can give is try care about music itself as it exists.

    Unless you are Mazzy Star and the song is Fade Into You. Then you are writing garbage.
  4. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Hey you said it ... Not me.....
  5. Beth Hart

    Beth Hart Guest

    I think I know why this bothers me so much. It's because it's so American. It is so Trump. It is so now. If necessary lie. Cheat. Swindle. Steal. Blame others. Never say sorry. You are always right. Never, ever admit a mistake. Ratings and number of views matter above all else. Be the focus of attention. Gather a group of kowtowing yes men around you to applaud and congratulate you. Even if you have to invent them. Stay in the public eye. For being unseen means you cease to exist. For what other reason has this thread gone on over 30 pages and as I copied and pasted above, it goes back to lesson one, with the key of C and starts all over again. Who even cares about the subject matter any more?
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  6. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    And what kind of person would it take to make it his or her cause to disrupt such a thread with determination?
  7. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    I don't even know how decipher your imagination your describing , somehow something about trp connected to what exactly?
    This is comically delusional oh your another user? Wtf? Lol or your working with Trump on a secret mission to build UFO's for the reptilians homie.
    Yes it is true you caught me white handed
    I'm working with Trump to hide the truth from people
    ( By giving music information away on a forum if you take the 6th letter of the 6th word if the 6th sentence of 6 threads and secretly uncover my 9 user accounts I will send you a crackerjack box with a decoder ring inside)
    Damn it...
    I don't know how but they found me!

    The lybians ....
    Holy shit doc!

    88 miles an hour!!!!!!.......
    Great Scott!

    I'm from the future.
    You caught me white handed.
    ...ya bastid ..ya
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2019
  8. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    And now for some amazing music!

  9. Beth Hart

    Beth Hart Guest

    And what kind of person would it take to make it his or her cause to disrupt such a thread with determination?

    The sort of person who understands that all that needed to be said about the topic could be said in a few pages. The rest is chest beating from an insecure person.
    This one. Jack. The self described Mad Man.

  10. Paul Pi

    Paul Pi Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2016
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    Someone who understands the difference between actual education and the boorish ramblings of a self-appointed teacher of the 'ignorant'.

    It's transparent that this thread is not at all about educating the 'ignorant' but about @MMJ2017's narcissistic right to 'share' his boundless - and entirely baseless - 'wisdom'.

    BTW 50,000 hits over 27 months equates to about 66 a day. On a site as popular as this that's not actually very much at all.
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2019
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  11. Beth Hart

    Beth Hart Guest

    Yes. Boorish. That's it. I'm done here. Again, yes I know, I know. But having uncovered the so-called "music" of Jack the Mad Man and shown you the face of the self proclaimed messiah of all future music, I am better occupying my time with my own music. I would suggest anybody else following this topic to do the same. Bye boys.
  12. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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  13. Paul Pi

    Paul Pi Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2016
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    Dude, i hear you. I'm done here too - life's too short to be wasted on such idiotic tomfoolery...
  14. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Oh, you mean you wouldn't
    Go buy and eat s bunch of food of food you hate then wine and cry that it exists? Why not?
    You wouldn't
    Go to a movie you don't want to see then spend 2 weeks sending hate mail to the director?

    Makes sense right?

    Why not go to a thread you don't like, create a villian story character in imagination , spend a week writing hate comments to a real person you don't know but made up a villian storytelling in imagination about .
    Why not?
    Sure that's how we should spend our short time in life kids .
  15. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    I agree to that's why I didn't go to a thread you created and fukk with you for no reason .
    I instead was studying playing music recording and posting information on here for people that would like it.
    I wasn't aware we needed to learn that lesson to begin with...

    And finally a tribute to the clowns leaving the thread

    The historic marilyn Manson POLKA performance of the late 90's

    To all the clowns we lost , I salute you
    Honk honk

    Last edited: Jul 18, 2019
  16. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    I highly recommend this amazing recent film

    Please purchase and watch it it is superb
    It is about King buddy bolden
    The oldest historic jazz originator
  17. Ad Heesive

    Ad Heesive Audiosexual

    Apr 21, 2019
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    :):):) When MMJ finally faced the music - the MMJ score sheet :):):)

    The history: Within this thread, many people raised doubts about MMJ's self-proclaimed superior knowledge of music theory. Their reasonable questioning has always been met with a bullying style of abusive comments and MMJ has always systematically avoided having his alleged knowledge challenged.

    And then almost by chance, someone posted a link to a very simple song, just as an example of a how a simple non-complicated song can be wonderful - you can hear it here Fade into You by Mazzy

    This accidentally provided a wonderful test to see if MMJ could actually apply any of his alleged music theory knowledge to a real-world practical example. In his typical 'put-down' response to a simple song, MMJ casually provided us with a bit of insight into his actual analysis skills, i.e., he completely screwed up analysing this very simple song.

    Since then, MMJ has been asked several times to 'hands-on' practically apply his alleged theoretical knowledge to the very simple task of providing a basic analysis of this simple song - and I do mean simple - this song has only three simple chords!

    This is a task fit for beginners and one which beginners can easily perform. And yet MMJ has consistently failed on this beginner's task. After a couple of embarrassing failures, the task was made even easier for MMJ by me providing a simple straightforward correct analysis and asking him to make sensible comments about this obvious solution. He has consistently failed with that task too.

    So, below you can see…
    1. A straightforward analysis of the simple song - it is unambiguous and simple.
    2. Highlights from the list of comical failures and evasive excuses that MMJ has offered so far.

    1) A straightforward simple analysis, just the basics.
    Here are the simplest guitar chords that you can use.
    This is actually all you need to just play along with this charmingly simple song.
    • The song uses these three chords [A Major, E Major, B minor]
    • Those three chords are naturally in the key of A Major.
    • Those three chords are enough to unambiguously identify the key of A Major
    • The song definitely IS in the key of A Major (no other key can naturally include all three of these chords without first altering at least one of the chords in some way)
    • Those three chords can be labelled (numbered) as [I, V, ii] (that is a very conventional notation)
    For the benefit of anyone that is starting out learning about the basics of music theory, I have also provided a very simple chart at the end of this post that just provides a sketch of the key of A Major.

    OK, so, you have now already seen (above) how simple this song analysis really is.

    And now you can read about the saga of watching MMJ painfully fail to figure out any of the above and then embarrass himself with utterly weird excuses, and of course resort to throwing insults at anyone that even dares to question his self-appointed guru status.
    This is a classic "emperor has no clothes" story.

    2) Here are some of the highlights from the endless list of comical failures and evasions that MMJ has provided.

    MMJ's 1st utterance
    My comments: This is exactly the kind of total nonsense that MMJ loves to shovel. It is designed to intimidate beginners and MMJ hopes it will make him look knowledgeable. A beginner will probably look at this and think "wow- that's complicated". But a non-beginner will look at this and immediately think "this has got absolutely nothing at all to do with the simple song we are analysing - this is deliberately distracting pretentious garbage"

    MMJ's 2nd utterance
    My comments: Every single one of MMJ's sentence fragments is just completely wrong. :rofl:
    The song structure is not a cadence at all; it is not a B minor cadence (stripped down or otherwise); it is not in key D Major; it is not in relative B minor key; it is not a D Major cadence; it is not a ii V I progression;
    The only coherent remark here was MMJ's condescending "Yawn" That was designed to tell his audience that analysing such a trivially easy song is beneath his awesome talent. What a pity that his awesome talent got absolutely nothing right at all.

    So, at this point, I provided MMJ with a correct analysis, and invited him to comment. That's a kind thing to do with beginner students. So, for example, I explained how the simple chord sequence in the song was actually [I, V, ii] in A Major and not [ii, V, I] in D Major.
    I contrasted his errors with the actual chords from the song.
    For example, I wrote this…
    You said... "ii V I of dmajor"
    If that was true the chords would be E minor, A7 and D Major (and it's nothing like that!)

    MMJ's 3rd utterance
    Basically just a typical tirade of insults, accusing me of being an ignorant clown, etc, etc, etc, all the typical MMJ stuff that we find in dozens of pages of MMJ threads. Basically, any bullying trick he can think of to deflect attention away from his inability to actually do simple music analysis. Just evasion and insults.

    My comments: I then asked him to show me 'specifically' line-by-line where the faults were in my analysis. But of course, he did not attempt to do that, and it is glaringly obvious why. Maybe he can see how a correct analysis exposes his faulty analysis and is far too embarrassed to admit that he screwed up, or even funnier, maybe he just does not understand the simple solution!

    MMJ's 4th utterance
    Just more tirades and insults, including (for example) the hopeless smokescreen of accusing me of not understanding how his original V7 to Imin6 solution works, e.g.,
    My comments: Firstly, I guarantee that I do understand what V7 to Imin6 means, probably a lot better than MMJ does,
    but [V7 to Imin6] is irrelevant. I provided MMJ with yet another more detailed analysis and reminded him of one very fundamental fact… i.e., this simple three chord song DOES NOT CONTAIN a [V7 -> Imin6] chord change anywhere at all! and it certainly does not contain a classic [ii -> V -> I] chord sequence either!
    I had to remind him (yet again) that this very simple song sequence is actually just [I, V, ii] in A Major and not [ii, V, I] in any key and certainly not in D Major. These are not 'opinions' or 'points of view'; these are simple non-negotiable, and very obvious, facts about this simple song.

    MMJ's 5th utterance
    My comments: We are now in total delusional fantasy land. Basically MMJ thinks that when I show him how this simple song just IS this sequence [I, V, ii] he thinks I am proposing a whole new theory of how music works. This is hysterical. It is like he is saying this song cannot exist because it does not conform to his fantasy analysis [ii, V, I] "subdominant, to dominant resolving to Tonic".

    At this point, I really started to wonder whether MMJ is actually capable of identifying real chords at all, so I drastically simplified everything and offered him a simple explicit task. Answer 'Yes or No' to these basic facts about the song…
    1. The song has these three chords [A Major, E Major, B minor] - [YES or NO] ?
    2. Those three chords are in key of A Major - [YES or NO] ?
    3. Those three chords are [I, V, ii] - [YES or NO] ?
    MMJ's 6th utterance
    Almost nothing (of course). I have to assume that either it's too embarrassing for him to answer or he genuinely does not know the answers. So he tried to distract everyone (again) by using his old trick (that no-one falls for anymore, and one that really should be picked up by moderators). He posted using one of his many alter-ego accounts. (i.e., the fake identities he uses to congratulate himself and build up his viewing numbers)
    So, from MMJ 'in disguise' we got this classic self-indulgent smokescreen
    "the progression is "CLUNKY" and amateurish to my ears....i think MMJ was trying to contextualise the sound of it so that it could be used expressively, without focusing on its limitations"​

    But eventually… a comment also came from MMJ's primary account…
    My comments: This is typical MMJ evasion (again), and even the evasion is factually incorrect! :)
    The song is precisely in the key of A Major and cannot exist in any other key without altering the chords in some way. Most bizarre of all is that somewhere in his warped imagination he thinks that I am claiming to have invented a new music theory just because I showed him three chords from a pop song; that is just mind boggling. Are we to assume that this simple song, which just happens to contain [I, V, ii] is somehow providing a ground breaking new music theory? or should we just recognise that this charming and ultra simple pop song is way beyond MMJ's actual musical comprehension.

    • MMJ started by providing two wildly incorrect analyses of a trivially simple three-chord pop song
    • MMJ now thinks the song is too ambiguous to determine a key. But it is not. It's just that he really cannot figure out what key this song is in.
    • MMJ really cannot identify the correct chords for this song
    • MMJ really cannot analyse the chord sequence in this song
    • And MMJ cannot work with or understand the correct analysis even after it has been handed to him on a plate.
    My opinion...
    Anyone pretending to be the saviour of everyone else's musical education is already behaving in a grotesquely insulting manner, but when that posturing is coming from someone who cannot handle even the most elementary song analysis, then this is poisonous to the pursuit of real education.


    For the benefit of anyone that is starting out learning about the basics of music theory, here is a simple chart that just provides a sketch of the key of A Major. I put this sketch here only because this is the musical landscape that the song 'Fade into You' lives in (completely and unambiguously) Play chords [I, V, ii] from this chart and you have the song basics.

    Here is a simple strum chords version for guitar. The song really is that simple, and still beautiful.

    But be careful how you play this folks; according to MMJ, if you play these three chords in this order you will be inventing a new music theory that flies in the face of everything MMJ thinks he understands. :winker:
  18. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Hello friend yes the music I made 20 years ago before understanding music music is bad I agree with that
    That's why I posted it before to show what I did before I started studying music theory.

    I don't understand the weird assumptions and expectations you are having .
    I don't understand why you are making the desciscions to communicate in the ways you have chosen .
    You are displaying a type of behavior " as if"
    You are unaware that people are not the same , and people come from different backgrounds and experiences.
    I just can't make sense of it .
    But I accept you as you are.
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2019
  19. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    I'm not sure how things went from our conversation yesterday to all of a sudden you behaving like this in your last few comments.
    I'm trying to just understand what you mean here .
    I don't quite understand where you are coming from or the sudden hostility?
  20. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    @Ad Heesive @MMJ2017

    Ad Heesive.

    What is your point, that music theory is not of any use because you can make songs that break guidelines or expand upon them?

    The way you from the beginning have participated in this topic is destructive, confrontative and even aggressive.

    You could have stated your case in a civilized manner, preferably layed it out in detail in your own thread, instead of talking over someone elses educational topic in a disruptive manner like you did. What you have done is making it less probable that people will want to provide their free educational ideas to interested members.

    If you are trying to say that what is offered here is of no use to anyone you are simply wrong. This helps me to take me to the next level when it comes to understanding the relationships between scales and chords.

    What you are doing here is close to what Foster was banned for and now you like Foster lay extra work on staff working here for free to first grasp the situation of the stalking you are doing and then act upon the situation.

    You are in my view an utter disgrace to this community as you are acting here right now.
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