The Secrets of Music. Hard to Find Info Techniques

Discussion in 'Education' started by MMJ2017, Apr 25, 2017.

  1. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    So Modal language does not have tension and release. It has unity .
    Everything played is floating on top of the lower bas or chords or harmony of lower instruments .
    The harmonic motion is much slower than tonal music as well as melodies and harmony above changing faster than the bottom. The upper harmony does not resolve with tension and release .
    Instead it floats above creating entirely different music than tonal music .
    It sounds different it feels different .

    Let's see some examples of the main major Lydian modal language , along with the basic main minor Dorian modal language .

    In the lower bass play a very slow changing .

    F A C F C A

    In the higher octaves
    Play at a faster pace ( while bottom rings out)

    D A B F down B F G D downB F G D F down A
    Then down
    G D E B down G down
    E B C G down E
    C G A E down C G A E down C G
    Then long ringing A

    Next low octave ( very slow
    C D F A E C D

    In upper octaves

    ( Faster paced
    A E F C F down C D A down F

    B F G D down B D A B F
    E B C down A C down G C G down E

    Practice those with different rhythm values on the notes and add embellishments experiment with them and have fun!
  2. Paul Pi

    Paul Pi Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2016
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    George Bernard Shaw:
    Those who can, do; those who can't, teach

    An appetite for marathon obfuscation is no substitute for material fact - you, Sir, are not even a good teacher.

    Proficient tutors/lecturers/parents/self-agrandising 'gurus' ALWAYS follow basic guiding principles: Begin with elementary basics, then build up to more advanced theory/skills from there... this thread does no such thing and reads like an english-language equivelent of a self-indulgent two-hour, free-form acid jazz solo.

    Seriously: Every time you feel the compulsion (i use the word advisedly) to dictate yet-another verbose monologue 'altruistically' sharing your super-profound-better-than-anyone-on-the-whole-world-ever-musical-genius-understanding - and/or consistantly suggesting those who remotely challenge this with hate-fuelled, mindless ignorance - you actually write some bloody decent music instead (and place it online here for the 'ignorant' to learn from afterward?), all of us (especially you) might benefit from your laborious endeavours!
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2019
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  3. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    I'm going to show you some JAZZ examples of tonal and of modal .
    The reason is the music is not all all ambugious .
    ( Some music is so much empty space and little going on like modern top 40 for example, it is too empty to hear the biggest differences and qualities of these two languages .
    However once you can tell them apart and understand how they each work . Than it can be more fun to look at other more empty music .

    Here is tonal music example number 1.

    The tonal language is extremely specific outling the tension and release in every aspect the core attribute of tonal music .

    Next is modal music language example 1
    This is the perfect example of modal language .
    The slow changing harmony the upper register harmony and melodies floating above in complete unity at a times never any tension and release .
  4. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Okay, so what exactly are YOU "doing"?
    Coming here to troll me?
    ( Instead of "doing" as myself creating threads of information about music )
    Your not "doing"
    Your not "teaching"
    You do not even have a place in your own metaphor mofo.

    I am here " doing"
    I have this thread with over 50,000 views.
    Have you done that!?
    You want to talk about "doing"?
    Your " doing"
    Is coming here and blaming me because you are missing knowledge which if you had , you would get what is shown to you .

    I'm tired of the clown shoe act.
    Clown shoe number 3
    If you have not developed the ABC's of music theory enough to fathom what comes next. How is that my responsibility or the main man's?
    It's YOUR JOB
    To know enough of the surface level of a topic to go to the next step of delvibg to the deeper level of a topic.

    This non sense if those who can do those who can't teach.

    Your using a bait and switch .

    Your trying to imply
    That musically ignorant people who have no knowledge , but yet peice together sounds step by step are " doing"

    Yet in order to have " teaching" and " doing"
    Make logical rational sense for your argument
    It requires the "doing"
    To be on equal grounds as the "teaching"

    So for example if s person made a thread
    " How to create music "

    Step 1 make a sound which you like
    Step2 make a second sound which you like
    Step3.Smash them together
    Step4 song finished
    Final thoughts you have just been taught how to ignorantly peice together sounds and at the end call it a song .

    It that example the person is " teaching"
    The same thing as the " doing"

    The other equal playing field
    Would be
    A person teaching musical language and s person playing musical language
    You see
    Your quote mine only works if the " doing" and the " teaching" are the same exact thing .
    How the hell is doing one thing and teaching an entirely different thing connected?
    Your grapsing at straws.
    If you act like a clown again that's it.
    It goes for everyone for now on.
    Here is the deal you knock on my door and walk into my house you are going to take your shoes off from now on . No more tracking in dog shit.

    I have played your clown games and responded with an answer to demonstrably show why the clown view was false and ignorant now for every situation on multiple occasions .

    Here is what is going to happen

    I am going to continue post demonstrable music information.

    If anyone from now on posts ignorant belegerent comments.
    Moderators will have them removed .

    It's to the point where you clowns are reposting the same ignorant statements which have been demonstrably shown to be wrong incorrect off topic ignorant several times in a row no more games.

    You come here you read the thread you comment appropriately
    Don't come here to my house to tell me you don't like the color of my drapes
    If that's the case go home to your house and stare at the drape color of your preference.
    It is obvious to those reading your clown shoe posts ( somehow not to you(
    You don't have to be here if you don't like the content .
    You are Allowed to read it ask questions about it
    In kind politeness way
    If you wanna knock on my door, only to take a swing at me when I open it . I have no choice but to drag you off my property.
    If you don't want to be here than DO NOT BE HERE.

    Read the thread title
    " Secrets of music"

    Do you really expect the answer to be

    " Name each of the 12 notes , now just mix them together in random ways with no rhyme or reason"
    Thread complete , that's the entirety of music !?
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2019
  5. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    I will no longer respond to comments off topic or trolling . Those users will be removed .

    By participating in this thread you will now be consenting to .

    1 topic being presented .
    2.communucating in respectful way

    Any other type of interaction such as trolling
    Is violation if this threads rules .

    Any concerns you may have questions , or any type of valid arguments or disagreements
    Are applicable by those 2 rules.
    You don't have to say anything , you don't have to participate or be here .
    If you are going to participate it is under those conditions .
    I will also hold myself to those conditions for any thread I participate in that is not my own.
    Thank you for your time.
  6. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Anyone who has questions about me making music for people to hear which uses the information contained within my threads here , I am developing content to eventually create a YouTube channel which will have exactly that as well as other music educational content.
    I will post it on here as soon as it is ready .
  7. Don't feel nervous my friend. They are guiltless. Minimalism in art and the people who propounded it are the real guilty. For making a minimal art you don't need to know anything, you just need to do and at the end you have created sth that some people would confirm and praise that.

    If the minimalism and its pertinent materials don't fade away, the doers guys won't get off your back.
  8. sir jack spratsky

    sir jack spratsky Producer

    Apr 22, 2017
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    thanks MMJ i just had to burst out laughing at the 20 minute jazz video.......good fun and all....but really on the level of the old magazine ads......SO YOU WANT TO BE A HIT AT PARTIES? GET ALL THE GIRLS? ETC ETC...PLAY GUITAR IN ONLY 20 MINUTES!!!!!!
    ok enuff....... my ignore list is really enjoying this series on deep level structure MMJ.....advice for clowns....
    find your own circus....i wont be there to watch you torture your caged animals
    peace and love jack
  9. sir jack spratsky

    sir jack spratsky Producer

    Apr 22, 2017
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    ok here is my take on this song
    the progression is "CLUNKY" and amateurish to my ears....i think MMJ was trying to contextualise the sound of it so that it could be used expressively, without focusing on its limitations.....there is a sure way to avoid musical satisfaction.......continue to build a progression that travels only in fifths.......essentially backwards harmonically...... you wont find yourself in rolling stones top 500 songs of all time....guaranteed
    MMj actually offered a context in which to see this rather amateurish harmonic lint....well done MMJ
    actually i like the track...particularly the tambourine playing.....its obvious that the harmonic framework is intended to be quirky.....and the song content agrees
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2019
  10. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    I'm sorry I cannot help myself I have to respond to this
    Nonsense " those who can't do , teach " rubbish
    ( I really shouldn't though)

    Clown shoe number 3
    When your ready ...
    Try to come up with an original thought
    Instead of quote mining someone else's boneheadly false statements ..... :(

    Mmj says
    " Those who can't do can't teach either ..."
  11. sir jack spratsky

    sir jack spratsky Producer

    Apr 22, 2017
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    how about you just dont bother posting on a thread you have no interest in? if u dont like it stay away
  12. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    That song is actually so ambugious it can exist in many many keys
    ( However inventing a nu music theory
    I V ii?
    Sad hat

    Ive put up with the trolling long enough that's my limit.
    But I'm perfectly happy with say a person disagrees about something
    And lists out step by step in proper order a counter argument .or alternate view. Of course
    But just running up and screaming belegerent things I'm done with the squeezing a million clowns in one clown car contest.
    And whining and crying about how it's my job
    For others to learn the basics firsts before attempting to take on the deeper level .
    Then when they can't fathom the complex stuff , start screaming in my face that it's my fault lol
    You already know lol
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2019
  13. sir jack spratsky

    sir jack spratsky Producer

    Apr 22, 2017
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    whew what a relief......bravo MMj how many times does it have to be said...IF YOU DONT LIKE IT....DONT COME ROUND
  14. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    You see for a while , I wanted to respond to the trolls and clownz.
    So for benefit of the readers if anyone on the fence they could see why it does not add up.
    However after responding to every situation like many times that purpose has been served and it's all just repeats at this point . Restating attempts at throwing punches that don't actually connect .
    Standing in the corner of the ring and throwing wild punches in your corner is not the same as stepping in the middle of the ring and throwing a real punch .
    Just in case ( throwing a real punch from center if the ring would be stating a disagreement through demonstration of what is correct step by step regarding the topic at hand . This is the honorable action .(
    Not like the cowardly invent what sounds like an insult semantically, however does not connect the dots of reality .)
    The reason that is cowardly .
    Is because the person is using their anonymity
    To behave in a way they never could in real life .
    The cowards play .
    Where as the honorable action
    Is to behave as you would in a public square , that is present your disagreement as it relates to the topic step by step pointing out and demonstrating the validity of your argument .that is whAt a person does ( not a troll)
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2019
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  15. itisntreal

    itisntreal Guest

    i dont know what to believe
    guy a said formule 1
    guy b said formule 2
    im here to learn music theory or atleast the real basic stuff
    ik know some easy chords but my head is like a colander
    maybe someone can explain me what the best
    keys r for creating techno i always make kicjs in kick 2 and usually i go for g g# a or d
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  16. sir jack spratsky

    sir jack spratsky Producer

    Apr 22, 2017
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    well said MMJ...i have completed a fresh ignore list this morning....very cleansing on with the journey...cheeers
  17. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Go with what demonstrates to be usable.

    For instance practice this .

    BDFG..... to..... CEGA
    CD#F#G# to ...C#FG#A# .....DF#AB .....FACD

    Do it where you space the notes out far and have them different orders for each chord.
    You'll start to hear a 3d type level
  18. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Anyone at the very beginning of their music theory knowledge .

    Here is a free full course
    Watch the video learn it then go next one take as long as you need.
    Until you make it through all of them.
    Take your time .
    It's not easy when it's foreign to you.
    But as time passes and you get used to it everyday and understand more over time you'll get it no matter what .
    Anyone can get it over time no matter who.

    If your dedicated to learning how music really works you will directly have control overtime of how good you are no matter what.
    If you dedicate yourself you'll get it .
    If you are disabled if you have learning disability's it don't matter over time you'll get it you will learn it.
    Ive seen people with every type disability get it and have their music knowledge give them away to do abything they want with their music once it clicked for them .
  19. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    :like:..thats the spirit...

    sorry , mm:mates:..couldnt resist
    moderator pls delete this comment on next wipe out..
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2019
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  20. Beth Hart

    Beth Hart Guest

    Here's something new and I really think you all need to know this!!

    Modal music language.
    Part I
    ( Connection with tonal language)

    Once we have the foundations described before regarding tonal music we can understand Modal language .
    It's different BUT it has its basis in tonal music.

    So with modal music you have no resolution.
    No tension and release .
    You have the harmony slow motion and the melodies float above in UNITY

    If we look at the key of C major

    Over Fmaj7

    We can see from a modal perspective
    The cadence of A minor And cadence of c major
    Are in unity with
    4.Fmaj7 FACE
    And 4.DMin7DFAC

    So even though say the cadence to Amin
    Is subdominant dominant tonic
    If you have A be the center focus

    If you have the cadence
    Instead focus on dmin7
    Changing over top of

    In this instance D is the center point .
    Now the Amin cadence is in unity
    It means those chord float overtop Dmin7.

    And if we look at C cadence
    Focused on 4.Fmajor7 FACE
    As a center point ( instead of how C us normally the focus (
    Then the Dmin7,G7,C6
    Is all in unity with Fmaj7.

    This means a few things .
    First our knowledge of
    Tonal language is connected to modal language
    Also there is a connection between the two languages
    By having A min And C Maj cadences play over top of Fmaj7 and Dmin7
    You can integrate all tonal options into modal ones

    I hope I don't sound like I'm repeating myself, because I have another 30 pages of the same thing.
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