Theme score demo

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by medrad, Apr 25, 2013.

  1. medrad

    medrad Newbie

    Apr 25, 2013
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    I'm new here and i just uploaded a new song in film scoring, want to know your advices. the track will be completed soon, i'm looking for inspiration.Thx.
  3. Gramofon

    Gramofon Producer

    Jun 22, 2012
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    Musically... It's ok I guess. Not too weird or too breathtaking. It's quite typical of modern trailer orchestrations. It'd certainly be better, for my ears at least, to hear some more (counter) melodies, instruments, leads etc.

    Technically... It sounds pretty weak. The dynamics don't seem to build up realistically and the space sounds unnatural. Like the orchestra is in a pipe, or lost at the back-wall of a long room or something. Actually, it sounds like it's 96kbps. I also feel like many frequencies are missing. The percussion definitely needs to come forward. The brass needs more impact. Add more reverb and some slight compression. The synth needs to be a bit more stable. It's quite jumpy. I'd play a bit more with the velocities and the mod wheel. Try some slightly different reverb tails for each section.

    Example: Make that ostinato go like 10-15-20-28-36-48-64-75 or 12-18-12-24 etc. Or cycle around like 1-2-4-2, 11-14-18-16, 21-24-36-28... Add some variety. (It depends on how your library responds but I'm guessing you're using EW so you should have quite a few velocities and dynamics)

    That'd be all I think.
  4. medrad

    medrad Newbie

    Apr 25, 2013
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    Thank you buddy for advices i will take care soon but just i wonder what do you mean by "Make that ostinato go like 10-15-20-28-36-48-64-75 or 12-18-12-24 etc. Or cycle around like 1-2-4-2, 11-14-18-16, 21-24-36-28..." cause really i don't have a rich orchestral knowledge, i compose by hear. Need some help on this. Thx.
  5. Gramofon

    Gramofon Producer

    Jun 22, 2012
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    Sorry, I mean the repetitive notes (the violins in this one). By the numbers I mean velocity values and that you could approach it in different ways, with some kind of movement or mathematically (expotentially). Like cycle through some values while increasing the numbers every other beat or measure [14-18-22-14, 24-28-32-28 etc.] or something (to give a feel of advancement and growth), go 1-2-1-4, 4-8-4-12 (jumpy phrasing) or even 4-8-16-32 (shorter and more dynamic passages), stuff like that. You can also try humanizing and volume automation (that can make it sound artificial too).

    For softer playing, you could also apply a gentle frequency filter and then make it gradually fade away for louder passages. Again, that's just some things I myself find handy. It's not a golden rule by any means.

    If you're just using your ears, it sure sounds like you have some potential. Just keep practising.
  6. medrad

    medrad Newbie

    Apr 25, 2013
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    Sorry for this late response, i would thank one another time for your attention i will try to figure out your advices, hard work is waiting me :wink: .
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