How do I use cracked Kontakt and Kontakt libraries with a legit Komplete Kontrol?

Discussion in 'Software' started by chanceking, Jan 9, 2019.

  1. pauxstrange

    pauxstrange Newbie

    May 28, 2019
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    Mexico City
    Hey thanks for answering! My understanding is that Kontakt 5 and 6 are completely separated from each other, so for me it works having the full k'ed 5 version and the player for 6. Komplete Kontrol used to crash when loading instruments with my version of Kontakt 6, that's why I uninstalled, now it runs my instruments through K5 and only uses K6 Player for the newer instruments that don't run on K5, and it works fine. Maybe I'll try reinstalling K6 again and see if it works now, what version of K6 are you running? In Native Access they both show up as demo versions, and that's about it, haven't had much trouble with NA for now, kinda need it to install a few legit libraries I got.

    Yeah I guess you're right, I think I'll stay with the cracked K5 for now so I can mix and match between legit and cracked software lol, would love to go full legit but I wish I could survive thru photosynthesize as well haha.

    You can tell if your Komplete Kontrol keyboard is one of the S series if it has screens, or the A series if it doesn't and has knobs & buttons only, and depending on how many piano keys it's got. Do you use it with the KK plugin and cracked libraries thru NKS? If so, does everything work as it's meant to? Would love to hear how it works for you :)
  2. DATAudio

    DATAudio Noisemaker

    Jul 9, 2019
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    Hi All,

    Joined the site today to hop on this thread. This is the best discussion on the internet I could find regarding k'ed Kontakt opening in Komplete Kontrol after many days of searching.

    I have been using the k'ed portable version of Kontakt 6.02 which has been running flawlessly for me. I've used non-portable k'ed Kontak version 5 in the past but had issues with some libraries not adding (specifically ones without nicnt files). I knew at the time of installing the portable version it stated non-compatible with Komplete Kontrol but the ability to add any library (library manager for portable is much better - screenshots below) and take my hard drive over to other studios already configured has been extremely useful (open Kontakt portable VST on other DAWs and it just works)

    Long story short I've collected so many libraries, virtual instruments and sounds that I now need a better way to easily browse 3TB worth of data which Komplete Kontrol is certainly the answer for me (I also have Maschine MK3 and plan to purchase a light guide enabled Komplete keyboard).

    After reading the comments of this thread I installed non-portable k'ed Kontakt 6.1.1 R66 alongside my portable k'ed Kontakt 6.02. Having both installed is not an issue and able to open each respectively with their own library configurations. Although this works and I'm now able to browse my non-portable k'ed Kontakt 6.1.1 libraries in a legit version of Komplete Kontrol, I'm back to not being able to add libraries that don't have nicnt files. This leaves my portable version with 240+ libraries vs 160 for non-portable due to the missing nicnt files.

    Question to those who use k'ed Kontakt 6 non-portable with no issues... how do you add libraries to k'ed non-portable Kontkat 6 that don't have nicnt files? This is the last piece to my Kontakt/Komplete puzzle.

    kontakt non-portable.PNG kontakt portable.PNG
  3. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    You make your own NICNT then ask @NYCGRIFF to please make you a nice wallpaper and there you go. Just make sure that the SNPID you use on your custom NICNT is not shared by any other library. That is all i will say here. I don't want to hijack this thread answering off topic questions. You can PM me if you need more help. BTW, welcome to the forum.
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  4. e-minor

    e-minor Platinum Record

    Jan 17, 2015
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    Genuine question....what would be the benefit of someone using Legit Komplete Kontrol over just using the k'ed one (especially if the goal is to use K'ed libraries,etc)?
  5. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    Genuine answer. What would be the benefit of using a non legit program IF you can use the legit one as you would use a non-legit one, and without any loss in performance? NONE.
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2019
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  6. DATAudio

    DATAudio Noisemaker

    Jul 9, 2019
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    Thanks and much appreciated. Hopely this is still on the topic since it deals with Kontakt libraries appearing in Komplete. If not, apologies and I will bounce to another thread for the rest.

    The reason I asked about missing NICNT files (which I'm now up to speed on from other posts), this will fix the problem of Kontakt libraries not showing up in Komplete browser? After I create NICNT libraries they should now appear in Komplete Kontrol or is there something else going on?

    Nub of a question maybe but I've only just started using non-portable Kontakt and Komplete. The portable version everything just loads (I add wallpaper.png to the directory for missing NICNT wallpapers)..only reason I'm not using it anymore is I now use Komplete for workflow plus benefits of using with Maschine MK3. Also, light guide with Komplete and Kontact is sick.

    I've created wallpapers for all libraries that are missing NICNT files but not sure how much time that will cut off making NICNT files for 80+ libraries.

    I'm using legit version because I could only find Komplete 1.0.2 for windows, mac I found 2.1.1, so I just installed my legit copy. I'd rather use k'd so Komplete doesn't try to connect to the internet every time I try to use it in standalone but since I use it as a VST that hasn't been a huge issue. When you don't let standalone Komplete connect to the internet it crashes on startup for me, just like Maschine and Native Access.

    EDIT: Just received the sister site link which I've used before and found Kontrol 2.1.3. Installing now. Form and users are awesome. Now just need to figure out how to get my non-NICNT Kontakt libraries to show up in Komplete!
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2019
  7. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    Two weeks ago I posted a 2.1.3 (R176) for Windows on sister site.
  8. DATAudio

    DATAudio Noisemaker

    Jul 9, 2019
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    Update and summary of this thread for others that may find it helpful.

    1. You can use k'd Kontakt with legit or k'd Komplete Kontrol/Maschine. But it has to be a non-portable version of Kontakt.
    2. To view Kontakt libraries or any other presets from your VSTs in KK or Maschine browsers they have to be NKS ready, if not you will have to create them yourself or find someone who has.
      1. This is time-consuming and impossible to do on thousands of presets that don't show up in KK or Maschine. Youtube tutorial.
      2. Programs like PresetMagician are helpful in automating but not 100% at getting all of your presets to show in the browser. @The Pirate has a thread on this
      3. There are sites that go through the trouble of mapping these manually and selling for a price. ie Freelance Soundlabs
      4. Vendors have also been updating their plugins to be NKS compatible, you can check NI website to find this supported vendor list. ie Output, Soundiron, etc might have updates you can get by downloading their latest version.
    3. Kontakt libraries that do not show up in the Kontakt libraries tab may still appear in KK or Maschine presets browser but it depends on if it's NKS compatible.
      1. If your having issues with Kontakt not showing your libraries and you don't want to browse for the file manually or use Kontak quick launch, you can create or download a NICNT file that will make it appear in the Kontakt libraries tab.
        1. mini-NICNT does this but I've read doesn't work with some newer libraries.
        2. There is also Tracer's Nicnt generator which you can find by searching the sister site.
        3. @Xupito has information on this if you've not seen any of his posts. Regarding creating NICNT files with inNKX and Total Commander.
        4. There are many other threads on audiosex that discuss NINCT/NKX file creation.
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2019
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  9. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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  10. DATAudio

    DATAudio Noisemaker

    Jul 9, 2019
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    Yep, going to start a new thread on configuring all VSTs, Kontakt libraries, sound packs....every sound/sound source, to appear in Kontrol with images, categories, tags, sound previews, etc. I've caused enough ruckus in this thread.

    On a mission and sure others would be interested in how to get everything to show up nice and neat in Komplete/Maschine with all the bells and whistles. Even if you don't own a Maschine or Kontrol Keyboard, would be amazing workflow when wading through these enormous sound libraries and endless virtual instruments. It's possible to NKS everything, just a matter of finding the right tool for automation, finding someone who's already done the work or do it yourself manually.
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  11. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    I should say in a good way. When I posted the Nimbank tooI I was thinking of posting all those tools in one thread. Decided against it because once you create a thread like that you have to have the time to, and be ready to answer dozens of questions, so I am glad you are willing to do it. I know a lot of members will appreciate it. I think I have almost every tool that has been released, if you are looking for something in particular let me know. I will keep an eye on the thread and if any tool is not listed I will send it to you.
  12. TheGoyaGod

    TheGoyaGod Noisemaker

    Aug 15, 2015
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    Is this in motion already? I need to fix a few things an willng to help if possible
  13. TheGoyaGod

    TheGoyaGod Noisemaker

    Aug 15, 2015
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    so far i have these installed:

    Kontakt 6.1.1
    Maschine 2.8.3
    Komplete 2.1.3
    Preview library 1.1.0

    (non legit, Kontakt Patched) after removing the licensed versions (since i come from Ultimate 9.

    Kontrol plays the preview of my libraries, but when trying to load, it says "could not load plug-in) . I found an article where it says to go to c:/users/<profile name>/appdata/local/native instruments/komplete kontrol and then to remove If that doesn't work it says to delete the whole folder and allow for Kontrol to recompile the data. Rigthfully so, I did and I'm still getting the same error. Anyone on PC have a direct answer on where i might've went wrong?
  14. briandsimulator

    briandsimulator Newbie

    Oct 20, 2016
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    so what if i have the free kontact player and want to import a k'd nki instrument or drum library?
  15. DATAudio

    DATAudio Noisemaker

    Jul 9, 2019
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  16. Calle Gustafsson

    Calle Gustafsson Newbie

    Jul 15, 2017
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    How did u manage to install a legit Komplete Kontrol without deactivating the cracked stuff? Did you use Service Center?
  17. bdbr

    bdbr Noisemaker

    Feb 4, 2019
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    Did you ever end up doing this? Would love a guide like this. Trying to currently get previews for some libraries that don't already have them. I have Ethnaudio and Berlin Woodwinds. I used PresetManager to get previews for Omnisphere patches, but that program seems to only work for plugins, not instrument libraries. Anyone know how to do this?
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