Macs are SLOWER than PCs. Here’s why.

Discussion in 'Mac / Hackintosh' started by metaller, May 31, 2019.

  1. Sequential Circuits Pro Ones are slower than Yamaha DX Sevens.
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  2. OBKenobi

    OBKenobi Producer

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Ok, enjoy your 1% marketshare of your overpriced hardware. Macs are nothing but PC hardware running OS X. I can run OS X on a PC, can you explain how that is possible if you have some sort of magical superior hardware only Apple is able to make? It's well known that the primary OEM of Apple is Foxconn, a company with one of the worst human rights records in the world, responsible for at least 14 worker suicides! LOL
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  3. webhead

    webhead Audiosexual

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Yes PC is for personal computer but a MAC is not a person's computer, it belongs to Apple. You want to add more ram? You can't do it, you should buy a new MAC. If you do it yourself, there will be no guarentee. You don't have it, if you can't change it. So MAC is not PC and that's why we see it that way.
  4. Nana Banana

    Nana Banana Guest

    So much slower my square wave couldn't beat that dam operators sine wave to the finish line in a mix! The whole dam track was wasted! :rofl: Maybe if I used Digital rather than Tape, it might have caught up! :hahaha:
  5. recycle

    recycle Guest

    Video editing on mac is for boys
    Edit on moviola is for men

    Federico Fellini

    Stanley Kubrick

    Orson Welles

    Martin Scorsese
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  6. thecastermaster

    thecastermaster Ultrasonic

    Jun 25, 2012
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  7. Ozmosis

    Ozmosis Producer

    Sep 12, 2011
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    You should check out the following...
    Make sure you read it through to Page VI the results are quite amazing in some of the benchmarks...
    It could do with a more recent evaluation but the same still applies!
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  8. Moonlight

    Moonlight Audiosexual

    Jun 12, 2011
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    People use Mac's since they prefer macOS and mostly not the hardware.
    I wonder if people who blames others ever tried the other side of the fence ...
    I did and I clearly prefer macOS.
  9. 5teezo

    5teezo Audiosexual

    Feb 2, 2012
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    Another one of those threats again? yawn…
  10. In my experience, Apple users stick with Apples because they know them and Windows users stick with Windows because they know them.

    I once knew a Californian disaster recovery expert who would shout "the only reason Mr Spock can walk up to every computer in the universe and know how to use it is because it's running Windows" at anybody advocating Apple computers. He would point at a distant hillside and shout "you can thank fucking Bezerkley for that" at anybody advocating Unix/Linux.

    Use whatever you want is my advice, just take fucking responsibility for your choices.
  11. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    I usually just use a rock for a chock...grok? For the last umpteen years I have been using a Windows machine, but after all this time I still miss Clarisworks.
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  12. powerplay

    powerplay Ultrasonic

    Dec 1, 2017
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    In short, Apple sucks.
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  13. stefodis

    stefodis Producer

    Feb 8, 2015
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    My 2 cents on all this PC/mac thing (i've been both on macs & pcs):

    Mac is like a "rich man's car" : it can be driven very smoothly, and can go pretty fast (but not really faster than any other sportscar to be honest, it's just a little more comfy and blingbling). But the main point is that you'll spend an enourmous amount of money in things that didn't came with the car, and if you have the tinyest reparation to do, it will cost you an arm.
    So the only question you have to ask yourself is : am I a rich man?
    If yes then go for it, as you would go for the latest big mercedes.
    But if you're not, pc will be way cheaper and as efficient as a worktool (have you look at a 1000USD PC?...), you'll surely be able to upgrade its components when you'll have some cash, and do the maintenance yourself. Plus there's a ton of "try before you buy" softwares to help you know where you want to spend your money if you have any.

    I myself have played the "rich man's game" once, when I started my studio Business, and bought a macpro in 2010... some month later I realized that...wait for it... fck I'm not rich! :woot: :(

    PS for the sake of the story let me explain what happened: a single drop of water has come its way to the keybord, so it has activated some "pastilles" in the mothercard that made the mothercard selfdestroy, and null the garanty of course! (in order to save the hard drive, they say :rofl:). I laugh today but that was the end of my fckn life at the time: the MacPro costed me 3000USD, repair has costed me 1000USD, so I sold this mac to have some money back, and swore I won't buy another again.
    Can't spend that kind of money every year for a repair, or every four years to change a computer I can't upgrade!
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  14. pizzafresser

    pizzafresser Producer

    Jan 7, 2017
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    I didn't even have to watch the video to know why. Macs are insanely overpriced computers with mostly outdated hardware in them. They are targeted at people who haven't got the slightest clue what to look for in hardware, and who have too much money. The only thing those people care about is that it's Apple branded so they can show all their friends how "awesome" they are. Apple products are nothing but a status symbol honestly. A status symbol for idiots.

    The fact that they happen own a chip maker in China who currently makes the best smartphone CPUs on the market is literally the ONLY thing that makes them relevant today. Apart from that, their products consist of off-the-shelve hardware repackaged in shiny, brushed aluminium Apple cases sold at ridiculous prices.
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  15. Moonlight

    Moonlight Audiosexual

    Jun 12, 2011
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    Instead of just saying 'Apple'* or 'Microsoft' suxx people should rather look over the fence and try the other side.
    *(Apple is just a brand, macOS is the OS and a Mac is a Apple branded hardware)
    After that they might understand why people prefer macOS.

    (e.g.: one simple example: show folder size direct in Explorer?, eeek not possible without opeing a popup for each folder separately or use a 3rd party app like xyplorer, in Finder you can sort by size..., that's just one of hundreds things)

    Luckily we can do that without investing into Apple these days. So the money is no argument...

    I worked with both (macOS & Windows) over decades... Both have their strength and weakness.
    It is not that easy to just say Apple suxx or Microsofs blows... imo

    Still people confuse and mixup terms like Apple OS X, Mac, Windows Microsoft

    Microsoft and Apple are companies
    Surface Pro and a Mac are Computers
    Windows and macOS (OS X) are operating Systems

    you can use Windows or macOS without liking Microsoft nor Apple or buying their overpriced Hardware.
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2019
  16. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    I own a bunch of Apple stock but won't buy their products (to each his own), so please, people, spend stupid money on all this stuff that you can possibly afford so my dividend is a healthy and happy one because I won't be doing so myself any time soon. Buy a phone, a tablet, a watch,...a Mac Book Pro!. Repair services also make a ton of geld. Go for it. And remember, Apple protects your data like a mother crocodile protects her young...fiercely.

    Here, I'll make it easier for you...only a bit over $14,000

    Thank You.
  17. 5teezo

    5teezo Audiosexual

    Feb 2, 2012
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    Let's have a look how macOS handles Audio and how Windows manhandles Audio.

    • Attach Soundcard.
    • Install plugins in one Location. HD > Library > Audio Plugins. Done
    • Start your DAW and be creative. And never worry again.

    • Wait for windows updates finishing…
    • Attach Soundcard,
    • Install ASIO Drivers (because WMA Drivers suck ass)
    • Fix latency issues and Driver Conflicts
    • "Optimize" Windows usuage for "Background Services"
    • disable all sort of other annoyances (popups and warnings all over)
    • Manually Manage every goddamn Plugin Installation because otherwise windows will scatter them shits all over the system!
    • Figure out how the windows mixer routes audio through your system
    • Figure out why your DAW crashess on plugin scans (now whys that not registered? where did it install to again?)
    • Figure out why certain plugins don't register (hmm is that 32 or 64 bit?)
    • Find out why you have stutters in your sound
    • Come back the next day to finish the installation
    • Go to bed frustrated… but oh my god, my benchmarks are so high on geekbench…

    Catch my drift?
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  18. PlzNo

    PlzNo Ultrasonic

    Jun 13, 2018
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    Apple Hardware is great because its matched to the MacOS System.
    You must not expect many flaws once you got your stuff purchased.
    Of course its more expensive, you are paying alot just for the brand name.

    Other Hardware is great because it can run Windows.
    You can usually upgrade your Windows Desktop much easier than Apple stuff.
    Since there is so many hardware that runs windows a few problems are unavoidable.
    People without technical knowledge might get lost in countless updates and frustrating bugs.

    At the end of the day its just about how you get the best out of what you are using. :)

    If I was going for a multi-purpose machine I would rather go with Windows.
    (e.g. Gaming, Development, Upgrade Choices).

    However for Music / Video production I would actually prefer an all-in-one-solution like Apples iMacs. (which come with a great display too)
  19. Citrik Acid

    Citrik Acid Rock Star

    Feb 7, 2016
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    I don't care since I can make music with both OS =)
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  20. teknomix

    teknomix Kapellmeister

    Sep 6, 2012
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    make some music better... spend hours of your life watching comparative game pc videos are for rat boys...
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