My prog-rock influences unashamedly on display

Discussion in 'Work in Process' started by notsoloud, Jul 5, 2019.

  1. NeverenoghFun

    NeverenoghFun Platinum Record

    Apr 15, 2019
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    Suburbs of Minnesot
    Fantastic composure bro!!
    I feel very motivated right now. Your dynamics with the entire song are just perfect as well.
    Ton's of expression and emotion.

    Only noticed one thing i'd improve on but a lot of Digital stuff has this same issue.
    Needs more Mid Range in my opinion.
    I monitored this through HS 5's then thru ATH 40's and came to same conclusion

    Maybe widen the bass a little and that could through some Mid in the L/R? Iunno tons of ways ofc.

    But everything else was just amazing man. Listened full way through and everything.
  2. notsoloud

    notsoloud Guest

    I'm still full of doubt and my confidence is rock bottom and self doubt reigns. I don't get it. I work hard on a huge range of styles. Every aspect of my writing was invalidated by MMJ2017. Somebody who doesn't write music, he just lectures everybody about how it should be done.
  3. notsoloud

    notsoloud Guest

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  4. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    I've got some lyrics for your (future?) song, @notsoloud :

    things repeat for no reason ,
    Changes happening randomly but not expressing any deep feelings in you.
    The drums don't make sense nobody body nobody rhythm
    sync like that (x4)
    The little bit of harmony is nursery rhythm TRIADS
    sync like that
    in the most corny way.

    The transitions make no sense .
    Here is what happened: you just took clips
    And peiced them together in random ways .
    You have self indulgence changes
    that don't do nothing. (x2)
    The sound is clear
    but sterile no charactor.
    The ambient sounds ate pry
    nothing is happening. (x2)

    Every single song is boring .
    Nothing is happening.
    The things that do change do so
    so randomly
    It becomes pointless.
    The worst thing there is no life
    to the songs .
    It's dead pointless (x2)

    self indulgent dribble unlistenable accept to yourself ( if that)
    Congrats you have figured out
    how to splice sound clips randomly
    move them around. hit
    red button green button (x2)

    What you have accomplished is audio .
    Sounds which follow sounds
    You have nothing inside you apparently to express.
    I've only heard music made like that by students the first hour of the first day they download a daw

    They'd kinda be awesome in an indie, shoegaze Sufjan Stevens thing & I'm so jelly right nao that I can't use them myself! :D (I may use them myself =)
  5. notsoloud

    notsoloud Guest

    Thanks so much. I needed that. This shouldn't be a space where we rubbish each others work. I would never tear somebody else's music apart... I even encourage and help Foster!
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 8, 2019
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  6. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    I have learned how to deal with such people:
    Just ignore.
  7. DarthFader

    DarthFader Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2014
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    Remember that old saying, "Opinions are like arse holes. Everyone has one."
    So, I'll give you mine; er... opinion, that is. I'm saving the arse hole for a special occasion.

    I like the track. Sure enough, there's the odd rough edge here and there but think of them as mileposts along the highway of your life's journey. Merely points of reference. If one tarries too long at any one of those markers, one becomes nothing more than an obstruction to another person's view of the scenery.

    Keep on cruisin', bro'. Turn up the aircon one small click and put the stink of shit behind you. It ain't your shit that's spoiling the mood. Besides which, there will be plenty more roadkill ahead of you to assault the senses. That's just the way it is.
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  8. Futurewine

    Futurewine Audiosexual

    Oct 4, 2017
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    Sound City Labs
    when i'm sad thinking about my music, i always sit and watch this video on loops. i just imagined he said "music" instead of "wizard". and he said that to me. just sharing 'cause i think it fits in here..

    anyway, i think your music carries a fine art and original, yes.

  9. notsoloud

    notsoloud Guest

    Thanks to everyone just for listening. You're my only audience. I'm not sure if that makes me happy or sad. But I'm glad this is my online community.
  10. peter21

    peter21 Kapellmeister

    Jan 8, 2019
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    hey notsoloud
    nice tracks...some nice stuff going on..liked the arp progression on the second track (mastered by noavenger).
    And yeah i think some guitar or keyboard solos would be nice
    The problem with this kind of music is that not everyone likes it...can be a bit complex and hence sound random ..not your fault :)
    Its like bebop not everyone likes it ....
    those comments were really harsh...looks like u rubbed him the wrong way sometime in the past...
    Music is really a journey and songs created are a snapshot in time..don't take comments too long as your happy thats what counts..
    As for audience u have to promote your tracks to the right listeners..there are always people who will like good honest music.
    And yeah self doubt is always there..its good ...its helps us progress :)
    Nice stuff.keep doing what u do!
  11. Satai

    Satai Rock Star

    Feb 23, 2013
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    That was not a dimwit, that was your best friend from another dimension. :yes:

    He wanted you to have way more public adoration than you get with your current work so he mocks you to hasten that musical evolution toward greater greatness with the fire of egos scorned. He also wants you to have more ballz to withstand more scathing criticism than you currently could, and cuts you to prepare your thick skin for the great war. A true friend!
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  12. Saur

    Saur Ultrasonic

    Jun 27, 2017
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    This is one of the coolest things I've heard in a while; good work!
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  13. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    I sure hope that @notsoloud may see this positive comment...
    But he left AS due to the out-of-order, neg comments he was getting when sharing his awesome creations...
    I miss him.
    I almost left, too...
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