Fl Studio vs Hexwars/R2R: Is this the end?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by chefcoco, Jul 5, 2019.

  1. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    Bro, to answer your question in a nutshell: Not every program for which its protection has been successfully circumvented reaches the general public. To put it into perspective, let us use R2R as an example. Its latest release available on the sister site is NuGen's Stereoplacer.v3.2.0.1. This is release number 8089 by R2R. It was a companion to releases 8085 and 8087 which are NuGen.Audio.Stereoizer.v3.4.0.1 and NuGen.Audio.Monofilter.v4.2.0.0 respectively. Prior to release 8085 the latest R2R available to the general public was release 8076. The ISM.DuckDelay.v1.0.0. Accordingly, 9 releases by R2r did not reach the general public in between ISM Duck Delay and NuGen Monofilter. Moreover, if we count all of the R2R releases that have been available, including updates, it would be a small percentage of the 8089 releases that we know for a fact that do exist. That does not mean that we would never see the rest. Every team/group has its own reasons for keeping releases internal. Sometimes they let us know. Sometimes they offer no explanations. Whatever the reason is, we must learn to accept it, be patient and, most importantly, be grateful for whatever they decide to share with us. As the saying goes: Dont look a gift horse in the mouth.
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2019
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  2. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    In this I don't agree. If the audio warez community are consumers like most of us, there'll always be complaints.
    Only that now everything on the net is multiplied because all kind of social sites, chats, forums, and so on.

    If you're talking about other groups then all has been said and discussed more than enough.
    Signed: old fuck opinion :wink:
  3. Mykal

    Mykal AudioP2P

    Jun 20, 2011
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    I'm Right Behind You
    Actually it does affect FL, Nothing significant has been done, yay they added a new free synth and a few bug updates, that is all. Why waste the time on that.
  4. Mykal

    Mykal AudioP2P

    Jun 20, 2011
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    I am not talking about other groups only the two mentioned here but as they are part of the AudioP2P's UPAWG(
    United Pro Audio Web Groups) system and I have them all on IRC, I am going to stand by what I said above. Just check here http://audiop2p.com/ and you'll see. The NFO's are all right there for anyone to read, If some one wants to know what is up with FL Studio just read the last release NFO and check what R2R had to say about it. Why people do not pay attention to what a certain group has to say in their NFO's is beyond me also R2R does put in a lot of info in their TXT file. They tend to explain a lot with that
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2019
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  5. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    I'llI'd reply you but you're too well informed.
    I accept the defeat with sportmanship.... BUAAA MAMAA :crazy:
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2019
  6. MaXe

    MaXe Kapellmeister

    Aug 30, 2016
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    What about making another R2R topic? Last time it was effective and they released Plugin Alliance bundle! :yes:
  7. Mykal

    Mykal AudioP2P

    Jun 20, 2011
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    How about we do not, all of these threads only bring unwanted attention, and.. hate to tell ya but the Plugin Alliance bundle was going to happen anyways, it just took time to test the amount of releases before releasing it into the wild, A thread on a forum did not make that happen
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  8. MaXe

    MaXe Kapellmeister

    Aug 30, 2016
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    Pondering...[Goes to make new topic on R2R]
  9. DJK

    DJK Audiosexual

    Nov 23, 2017
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    felixstowe england
    from version 7 of fl studio to i think version 11 was just a reg file you clicked to unlock everything, from then on R2R stated that now they will not release key gen versions because imageline can dl and check the keygen to see how it was cracked or unlocked, they released versions where you had to copy pre-cracked folders to the fl install location, it was never hard to crack, but now they have changed the copy protection, only 2 people here managed to release a patcher to unlock it and it works, so maybe R2R are waiting and see how it go with the protection, they are still active so, everything comes to those that wait, be patient and see what comes in the future.
  10. djr94

    djr94 Newbie

    Aug 4, 2017
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    For me they see this post, and they know how and what we do and they behave accordingly. I don't think R2R can't break protection on the new FL Studio, they have always done everything, I think they are tired of our attitudes. And they release what they want and when they want.
  11. DJK

    DJK Audiosexual

    Nov 23, 2017
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    felixstowe england
    Remember Team A.i.R cubase 5 crack, how many man hours did that take
  12. DJK

    DJK Audiosexual

    Nov 23, 2017
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    felixstowe england
    yer thats the problem, people who demand this and that, as i always said, if you need it that bad then buy it.
  13. djr94

    djr94 Newbie

    Aug 4, 2017
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    Well the asking never hurts, but it's the way and the existence that I think is wrong. As they say to me "asking is an obligation, answering is courtesy"
  14. virusg

    virusg Rock Star

    Jan 4, 2012
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    you missed all versions of FL from 14 to this day... I have them all but can't upload them as I'm not allowed... ffs can't you make beats, what is that you need so much to ask the same things over again ?... seriously you could have discussed other things like "what is that you don't like to mixbus daw and what you wish to be added" for example... can't you guys be constructive, you only damage this entire community asking for stuff you don't know you get... try adding some of your opinions on plugins you tried and create useful and interesting threads... you sound more like a spoiled child doing this...
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2019
  15. Mykal

    Mykal AudioP2P

    Jun 20, 2011
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    The voice of reason!! What he said above is on point but I would like to add a few words. I think it's totally fine to ask about software that you may be having problems with, does not matter if it's cracked or not,Many times legit owners have the same probs. as those that use cracked versions and There are a lot of members here that are very knowledgeable and will help , but to start a Thread on a very wide open PUBLIC forum about how a certain group did not give you what you want , when you want is complete selfish bullshit and as @virusg said ,it makes you seem like a spoiled child. The publicly complaining about such things really only shows a lack of understanding of how it all works . The Audio Scene is not Burger King, Nothing will happen your way, right away. Just learn to use what you have and be grateful. Shit like this is exactly why the audio scene is so messed up and I for one am sick and tired of doing my best to keep it all together and I am pretty fucking sure that my friend that actually coded everything so that the groups can communicate and share with each other is also getting tired of it. does anyone even have a concept if we pulled the plugs on everything?? Most Forums and torrent sites would be fucked, server bills are not cheap and none of you help with any of that but certainly reap the rewards of it all ,Sure you would still get the releases but it would take someone to know someone that actually had access and trust me I would shut all that crap down as best as I could and not provide that info and the groups would have to share manually. Or we all can just go back to keeping things Internal and say fuck it. Problem is the greed. When I keep seeing threads like these ,it pisses me off. Anyone asking myself and/or a few others about the current structure of the Audio Scene... Cool!! But then again anyone that has been a long time member here ,knows that I have been bitching about these kinda threads for years. I am so sick and tired of people thinking that release groups owe them a fucking damn thing. My 2 cents :guru:
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2019
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  16. turbo

    turbo Ultrasonic

    Dec 24, 2011
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    Everyday same story, everyday i/we check all releases and we're afraid about no good releases, but we need to think one thing, without days and time we can't understand what it means to release a plugin...................
  17. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    Don't look a gift horse in the mouth = If you can't wait, buy it.
  18. waverider

    waverider Rock Star

    Oct 8, 2018
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    That is all very interesting, however I don't think that:

    qualifies as:

    I have noticed that there is a very aggressive tone on here as soon as people bring up questions like these. I understand that, if you are tired of "threads like these", that you have become somewhat resentful. Please make sure though that you channel your aggression towards people who actually do what you perceive as something that makes you angry.

    Other than that, if public talk about release groups is a problem, and a real problem that is actually annoying to groups to such an extent that they change their release pattern because of it, then it should be a forum rule that unambiguously states that all talk about future releases is strictly forbidden. If there is no such rule we should make sure to be respectful to everyone who asks questions like these, even if those questions might end up being actual "selfish bullshit". I really don't get what's the big deal here. People observe releases over a period of time following an understandable pattern, then that pattern stops, and they get curious. They come here and get buried in hate. That doesn't seem right to me. But hey that's just my personal opinion anyway so whatever my good dudes and dudettes.
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  19. virusg

    virusg Rock Star

    Jan 4, 2012
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    its not agressiveness if you want to call it that way fine for me, its that every 2-3 days someone must ask for something, just why? and yeah, i would totally ban the request of releases on this public forum, agree 100%, like i said i would love to see constructive threads about what you have tried for free, what is best for you, what you would like to see improoved in future release, why you buy it, why you dont, is it worth buying, little reviews... instead we get these... to me is unacceptable, you never saw me complaining about something i got for free and you never will... it very rare to happen to read interesting threads about software and music production here.

    ...to add mine, if id where a group i wouldnt give a f* on what others say or request, but im not and i think if someone who release things for free whats you kiddies to shut up, then learn to do it, thay arent at your disposal anyway, show respect to the hand that feeds you and dont ask more than you can chew... im i too agressive? maybe, but who gives f* ...if there is a club, you shouldnt be talk about it.
  20. 7mlg

    7mlg Guest

    pflame Hello, FL Studio on r.....ker works!
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 5, 2019
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