The NI Maschine 2 Factory Library Project

Discussion in 'Maschine' started by The Pirate, Jun 29, 2019.

  1. Bump

    Bump Kapellmeister

    Aug 26, 2011
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    I have the full library....I guess I can help?

  2. albert001

    albert001 Producer

    Apr 5, 2017
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    Always In My Mind
    I have a full install and the full retail disk, if you want it...?!
    But how you wanna do this?

    And no pay for me man, you have done Enough for us The Pirate!!!

    Just wanna give something back....

    Edit:I just saw that I have the ISO already on a hard-drive!!!
    And i can give you the ISO for the preview library as well.
    I saw some posts about those back then.
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2019
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  3. Blue

    Blue Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2015
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    I suppose the Maschine software doesn't work if you don't have a Maschine or any Komplete hardware?Just a dumb question.Because I would be interseted if it worked.
  4. ELpH

    ELpH Kapellmeister

    May 9, 2012
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    It works without the hardware, it's just not as easy to use because the software was designed for use with the hardware controller.
  5. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    Thanks a lot guys. Check your respective PMs
  6. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    It works without the hardware as long as you have an unlocked Maschine software. You can get a used Maschine, Machine Studio, etc. hardware for less than half the price and download the unlocked Maschine software. With the unlocked Maschine software you can use the Factory library plus any of the Maschine Expansions.

    Edit: I want to clarify something I said above. i said it works without the hardware as long as you have an unlocked Maschine software because the only way to have a legit Maschine Software is by purchasing the hardware from NI, an official vendor, or from someone who transfers the license to you. The problem with the legit Maschine software is that you have to pay for the Expansions. Just like Kontakt. Legit software forces you to purchase the libraries.
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2019
  7. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    I tried sending you a PM but couldn't. You need to change some of your settings.
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2019
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  8. Levitate

    Levitate Producer

    Nov 27, 2013
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    Been eye f***ing this thread for days... :woot: :rofl:

    Very happy to see people from this community work together toward making something better.I got into the Maschine from helping a friend who purchased an mk3 and had cracked ni plugs and kontakt.(Yrs of experience with cracked software otherwise)

    Went the cracked route with a legit maschine.Took lots of time digging up recent versions of native instruments plugins that stayed working,and tracking down all the expansions,and library updates for plugs,latest maschine versions etc.Been a couple month process roughly to get it where its at now.

    In that process I fell in love with the workflow and structure in a very short time.I'm excited about anything new for Maschine I see come out on sister site.New plugs that have NKS support etc.

    Sooooo,much respect to The Pirate first off for even deciding to do this.And much respect for anyone contributing to this project.
    (The Pirate you rock! The stuff you did with Spectrasonics stuff and making that easily available for everyone alone gets my support.Kinda resurrected it for users using very old versions and were clueless on how to properly update.I see this having just as much value to Maschine owners that wish to go the "other"route)

    With all that being said.I offer some assistance if you need? I'd def be willing to test anything,etc.I go to my friends place least once a week.There's a Maschine Mk3,and a Komplete Kontrol Mk2 there running latest cracked Maschine version.And far as I'm aware of,the latest cracked version of every Ni plug and library.Minus of course what's being discussed in this thread.

    So yeah if I can be of any service or help? Please pm me.I'd def be willing to do anything i could. :yes:

    Wish yall the best! Keep it up guys! :mates:
  9. 5teezo

    5teezo Audiosexual

    Feb 2, 2012
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    I wouldn't dare updating cracked expansions through native access... too scared to do that.

    I own a legit Maschine license and have the Full Library as well as all sequential updates for it. I barely use any of its sound because in my opinion using stock sounds is lame and not very original.

    Remember: the majority of the content in this library (7 GB or so, from v1.0) is like 10 years old now... the rest are rather small fixes and additions to stay somewhat up to date with current sound aesthetic.

    In conclusion, I'd say: don't worry about the factory library, focus on expansions for genres you like. They are more focused and better sounding than most of the stuff from the factory library.
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2019
  10. 5teezo

    5teezo Audiosexual

    Feb 2, 2012
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    I am currently having a look at some of the available Factory Library and Content Updates for Mac from N.I. Site using Pacifist.

    What I found out so far looking at early updates:

    • There are 2 early Packages called "Maschine Factory Content" (v 1.0.3 and 1.5) instead of "Factory Library Updates" which are in .mpkg format. This is basically a container which can be accesed by clicking "Show package contents". Inside them there ar "Maschine Factory Content Library Update.pkg's" which can be viewed/ectracted with Pacifist. These are basically updates for the original Library from the DVD for Maschine Version 1.x. The 1.5 Update is pretty huge (about 1 Gig) and contains a lot of instrument patches (800+ MB).

    - Among other things, these 2 Packages include 70 Projects in .mprj Format. Most of them have been converted to .mxprj for Maschine 2 later on, BUT not all of them. One is called "Be mine.mprj" for example which was removed later.
    – As far as the Folder Structure is concerned, the SAMPLES > DRUMS changed over the years: "Hand Drum", Metallic" and "Wooden" were deleted and their samples were moved to "Percussion" insted (which totally makes sense, btw). So 2 Folders less, but same sample count.
    - The Files in "Groups" were converted from .mgrp to .mxgrp later on as well. I couldn't find any which were removed (so far)!​

    My current conclusion after having a look at the old files so far:

    1. Most of the Projects have been converted over from mprj to .mxprj, except for a few. The ones which haven't been converted are the ones which used samples from the "Hand Drum" and "Metallic" Sample Folders, which were moved to "Percussion". My guess: NI just didn't bother trying to lookup and re-assign the samples. I converted the projects myself using Maschines "Import Maschine 1.x Format" and they do open, just some sounds have to be re-assigned.

    2. From what I can tell so far, ALL "Groups" were converted over from .mgrp to .mxgrp – I couldnt find any deleted ones. If you have 2x the amount of groups than anybody else you have both formats, old and new, installed.

    3. Based on the way the Library, it's Folder Structure and Formats have changed and moved around over the years, I think it's a bad idea to judge the level of completion of Maschine Library solely on the number of Files it includes.

    My advise would be to just install the latest available Factory 1.0.0 and 1.3.2 on top and you're good.
  11. 5teezo

    5teezo Audiosexual

    Feb 2, 2012
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    I extracted the Maschine 2 Library.iso, added what's been missing from Maschine 1 Library (mainly Projects I coverted to .mxprj) and checked what all followng uodates included. As a matter of fact: Version 1.32 has everything included that came out in previous updates plus previews. So no need for consecutive installs!!!

    Here are the stats:

    Size: 8.21 GB (8.155.579.936 Bytes to be exact)
    Files: 23.979 Objects (includes Files, Folders, Previews of Kits, Loops, Sounds and Massive Sounds which are stored in hidden folders)

    The list below counts actual files, without folders and subfolders – these were subtracted from the calculation!

    Bass Synth Presets: 4
    Drumsynth Presets: 104
    FX: 178 (in 27 Folders)
    Groups > Kits: 486 (+previews)
    Groups > Loops: 409 (+previews)
    Groups > MultiFX: 55
    Massive Sounds: 263 (+previews)
    Projects: 86
    Samples: 21489 in 54 Folders (including subfolders). As said before, the folder structure from the Samples folders changed over the years. Folders based on Material aspects of sound creation were deleted (Hand Drum, Metalic, Wooden for example) and most of their samples were moved to "Percussion".
    Sounds: 777 (in 14 subfolders + previews)

    Conclusion: if you install the current Maschine 2 Library and install 1.32 update on top you have the complete working library except for 4 totally unnecessary Projects from the Maschine 1 library, namely: "All for the Love", "Be Mine", "Overpower" and "The Drift".

    PS: Here's a screen capture browsing through the complete library (.gif):
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2019
  12. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    @5teezo Thanks for replying but for this thread's purpose if you are going to come in and say, "I got this", "I got that" and not share it you don't do us any good. Nevertheless, just to make sure, you claimed to have a Full Library and yet what you stated that you have does not even come close to what NI says that a Full Library should contain. Moreover, according to NI a Full Library should contain 48 Projects and yet you claim to have 86 Projects.
    Another thing you stated that needs clarification is that, if you don't have a legit library and you install the 1.3.2 update that has been distributed elsewhere on top of any previous version some of your samples and other files get erased. It is defective. That was explained earlier. But of course, you wouldn't know that because you are 100% legit so I can understand.
  13. 5teezo

    5teezo Audiosexual

    Feb 2, 2012
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    Chill, bro. Watch the screen capture or run through the files yourself. It's not that I need to add anything that isn't there already! I spent a couple of hours to check and analyse all the files and merge all the content from the official packages and that's how you come at me? Wow!
    Why should I share that library now anyway?
  14. 5teezo

    5teezo Audiosexual

    Feb 2, 2012
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    All For the Love.mxprj
    Anti Blocker.mxprj
    Bar Upstairs.mxprj
    Be Mine.mxprj
    Big Stream.mxprj
    Bone Breaker.mxprj
    Born Again.mxprj
    Bunny Over The Ocean.mxprj
    Button Face.mxprj
    Come Into My Disco.mxprj
    Compress Your Sins.mxprj
    Control Universe.mxprj
    Crenshaw Beater.mxprj
    Crush It.mxprj
    DJ Jam Meister.mxprj
    Don't Cheat.mxprj
    Dutch Bomb.mxprj
    Fantasy Island.mxprj
    Fast Cash.mxprj
    Field Weld.mxprj
    Final Stage.mxprj
    Gettin' Up.mxprj
    Grand Scale.mxprj
    Grime Time.mxprj
    Hang Solo.mxprj
    Hanoi Hilton.mxprj
    I'm So Scorny .mxprj
    Island Life.mxprj
    Like Water.mxprj
    Maschine Jam Example.mxprj
    Milky White.mxprj
    Mr. Marabow.mxprj
    Niaga Niaga.mxprj
    Night Sky.mxprj
    Piece Phrog.mxprj
    Plate Tectonics.mxprj
    Razor Edge.mxprj
    Ridin in My Maybach.mxprj
    She Wants More!.mxprj
    Sideboob Pleasure.mxprj
    Slow Cash.mxprj
    So Fly.mxprj
    Sold It All.mxprj
    Stay Sweet.mxprj
    Steppin' Break.mxprj
    Swing It Up.mxprj
    The Beach.mxprj
    The Drift.mxprj
    The Pursuit.mxprj
    The Upside Down.mxprj
    Time Traveller.mxprj
    Tristesse Toujours.mxprj
    United Beats.mxprj
    Walk With Me.mxprj
    Wasted Youth.mxprj
    We Could Be More.mxprj
    West Coast Crunkin!.mxprj
    Whip Crack.mxprj

    Have phun(k)
  15. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    Oh yeah, how about that! First, you never planned to share it. Second, nobody here forces anyone to share anything. And third, I just replied to what you stated. Again, according to NI a Full Factory Library only contains 48 projects and you have 86. Based on that fact alone, your Full Factory library is suspect. It looks like you have added files that don't belong in it. Accordingly, I certainly have no need for it ... even if you were willing to share it.

    BTW, you spent a couple of hours? I have spent several dozen hours onto this. I have gathered,and inspected every update that is available out there from 1.0.0 to 1.3.2.
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2019
  16. 5teezo

    5teezo Audiosexual

    Feb 2, 2012
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    If yoU would have read my earlier postS carefully, you could have realized that the Maschine 1.5 library update included 1 gigoof data with about 70 mprj projects files.

    And not all of them were carried over to maschine 2 for the reasons i also mentioned. I was willing to share the files - i nvested at least 4 hours into compating most if them. Heck, I even searched for my original install DVD.

    And then you come at me all hostile and shit, talking aboyt "your library is suspect" like I'm a menace. Like I said: I converted the mprjs to mxprj so that would work with maschine 2. And that's why there are 86!

    I don't know what you think about me, but I've been using madchine for 10 years now and I think besides pinkman and me you won't find a lot of people in here who know more about maschine and its sounds. I will add some screenshot later about the projects.

    The question is: what do you want: the maschine 2 library or the maschine 2 library with content NI removed later on, mainly old projects? DO YOU TRUST NI MARKETING OR THE GUY LITERALLY JUST WENT THROUGH ALL AVAILABLE INSTALLERS? GODDAMN IT, YOU REALLY AGGRO ME WITH ALL TGE HOSTILITY.


    And after that I believe you will owe me an apology for falsly accusing me for manipulating files!
  17. Bump

    Bump Kapellmeister

    Aug 26, 2011
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    This is what I have in my factory library with the most recent update.

    Bass Synth Presets - 4 files - 9.5kb
    Drum Synth Presets - 104 files - 241kb
    FX - 27 folders,177 files - 376kb
    Groups - 5 folders, 1845 files - 176Mb
    Massive Sounds - 524 files - 21.4Mb
    Projects - 48 files - 21.7Mb
    Samples - 352 folders, 21,190 files - 7.30GB
    Sounds - 28 folders, 1578 files - 39.8Mb

    I'm confused as to how all the current project files can work in your library when there is such a big discrepancy in content. Specifically, Massive, Samples and Sounds. There is no way you can have the most current update because you're missing a fair amount of content. Maybe installing the 1.3.2 update removes content? Idk

    Have you checked each project to ensure they all load properly???
  18. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    I maintain what I said based on Native Instrument's information. No need to repeat it. You never came and said, I have a Full Library and would like to help by sharing it. You came in giving out information that is misleading, for the purposes of this thread. No reason to get all bent out of shape. Just look at what Native Instruments, not me, is saying that the a true Full Library should contain and compare it with what you have. That discrepancy exists. What you said about no need for all of that makes no sense without a plausible explanation. You still have not even explained why you have 86 projects in the Factory Library. Instead of arguing, try to explain it. I'm not here to be arguing about this. I'm here trying to compile a true Full Factory Library to share it with all the members.
  19. albert001

    albert001 Producer

    Apr 5, 2017
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    Always In My Mind
    I think his library contain also Maschine 1.0 - 1.5 Library, that explains that 5teeso has 86 project files!?
    I have 48 project files, but I just have the Maschine 2 Library.
  20. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    Bro, Maschine 2 Factory Library 1.0.0 does not install 86 project files. Are the rest from Maschine 1 or Third Party libraries? They all certainly are not part of the Maschine 2 Factory Library On the original thread I included the changelog of every single one I have.
    1.0.0 - 2013-10-31 First edition.
    1.1.0 - 2013-11-19 IMPROVED View content with improved tags and bug fixes.
    1.2.0 - 2015-05-18 ADDED Presets for the new drum synthesizer
    ADDED Presets for the new “Reverb” plugin
    ADDED Presets for the Distortion plugin
    ADDED Presets for the Limiter plugin
    ADDED Presets for the Cabinet plugin
    IMPROVED marking
    Corrected mistakes
    1.3.0 - 2016-09-29 ADDED 10 new projects
    ADDED 41 new group with group macros
    ADDED 62 new presets for MASSIVE and 82 MASCHINE Drumsynths presets
    ADDED 524 new samples
    1.3.1 - 2017-08-21 ADDED Presets for a new device Bass Synth
    1.3.2 - 2018-07-25 ADDED Previews for Kits and Sounds
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2019
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