Problem with my Hackintosh and plugins, license seems to be reseted each time I restart.

Discussion in 'Mac / Hackintosh' started by Salierix, Jul 2, 2019.

  1. Salierix

    Salierix Newbie

    Jul 2, 2019
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    Hello guys, I've been reading the forum for a really long time, but never signed up.
    Now I really could use some help, so glad if anyone can throw me a hand here.
    I recently bought a Hackintosh from a person from a music forum here in my country (Argentina). Everything was working fine, he installed me lots of software, plugins and libraries.
    The problem is that repeatedly when I open Logic, the licenses of the plugins such as EZDrummer, Omnisphere are reseted each time, and we can not find the reason.
    At a time, we changed the Network Card drivers, runned Kexbeast, and every plugin was working fine again. But then it all started again.
    This guy I bought the PC from, si trying to find a solution, but I'm no longer in the same city so he can not re install everything.
    Did this ever happened to someone in the forum? Or think you know what could be the problem?
    I really need my PC fully working soon as I use it to work.
    I uploaded a SS with the PC info.
    Thanks to everyone in advance.

    Attached Files:

  3. boomoperator

    boomoperator Rock Star

    Oct 16, 2013
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    Do you have Little Snitch, Hands off or another outbound firewall running? Cause that's almost a necessity when using Warez.
    By the way, there's no problem with any clock or time in your system or BIOS?
    Do you use Clover? Do you boot from the Macintosh drive (the system drive), not from the preboot?
  4. noise.maker

    noise.maker Platinum Record

    Feb 10, 2015
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    As boomoperator says, Little Snitch and a lot of hosts tweak is your friends.:yes:
  5. lemjello

    lemjello Ultrasonic

    Aug 18, 2014
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    Florida, Bedroom
    I wonder about this too. I have a fully working Hackintosh, and have built many. All the machines I have built for other people work perfectly fine. But, my personal hack has this same problem. I have Handsoff installed, and have been doing this since 10.5 or so, so, not my first rodeo.
    In my case, this is a huge issue with Studio One 4, or any version since at least 3 for that matter. Making it worse is, it's not every restart. Sometimes it will run for a week or 2 before it does this. Sometimes it happens after any restart. When this does happen, it messes up my license for Studio One, Cytomic, Plugin Alliance, Sound Radix, Toontrack, and Zynaptiq. Maybe knowing how those softwares activate will help get to the bottom of what is causing this at the very least so I can try to find a solution.

    I've always just dealt with this on my machine, but, now seeing there is someone else actually has me thinking that with the help here it might get fixed.
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  6. Salierix

    Salierix Newbie

    Jul 2, 2019
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    Thanks everyone! I'll tell the guy that built the hackintosh to read this post, as I donĀ“t manage those mac tools you mentioned.
    We tried several things, like deleting a novation automap, preventing the hackintosh to go into sleep mode, changing several times de network card adapter drivers (as one time, Toontrack mentioned there was a problem with it). Sometimes this things fixed the problem for a while, but then it happened again.

    Hi lemjello, it seems we have the exactly same problem, I stated that the problem was with every restart but it is as you said, sometimes it happened withour restarting.

    Another information I think is important is that the standalone of Toontrack, Amplitube, works fine, license working ok, so I'm thinking there must be something wrong with where Logic is getting info about the plugins or something like that.

    We are working on this with the guy I mentioned, if by any means we find a solution I'll keep you informed.

    Thanks again to everybody!
  7. Salierix

    Salierix Newbie

    Jul 2, 2019
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    BTW, Can you tell me how you managed the issue?
    As I mentioned, there were times that that running KexBeast made every license working again, so for sure there is no need to go activating each plugin one by one.
    What I'm trying to say is that there is a solution that makes everything working fine again, without activating everything again one by one.
  8. Salierix

    Salierix Newbie

    Jul 2, 2019
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    lemjello, I've just runned KexBeast again, wich I've already runned several times, restarted, and everything is working fine again...
    This is one of these problemas that makes me crazy, because sometimes its solved by doing this, sometimes not, I'm going mad trying to define what the problem is.
    By now, every license is working again...
  9. MrLyannMusic

    MrLyannMusic Audiosexual

    Jan 31, 2014
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    Tunis, Tunisia
    See what both of you have in common, mobo hdd ssd, and start from there,but if I guess from what I read, the random part anyway, is that this is strictly a hardware issue.

    Steps you might wanna take:
    Start by reseting bios, changing ram slots update bios, if you're running an ssd see if you can upgrade 5he frimware....

    Tell if this fixes it.
    Good luck.
  10. lemjello

    lemjello Ultrasonic

    Aug 18, 2014
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    Florida, Bedroom
    You run kext beast to do what? Isn't that just used to install kexts properly? Is there a specific kext you run with it that seems to fix it?

    Otherwise, I've tried all the BIOS settings, but, once it is set and booting MacOS, I never touch em again. I think it may be tied to something network related. I just don't know how or why. IP address changing? The MAC address stays the same, and this issue for me has persisted across all upgrades done to this particular machine, including, SSD, RAM, GPU, MOBO, etc. The only part that has remained constant for me is the Fenvi Network adapter (Seen as airport card Broadcom chipset with bluetooth)

    I really think the key to figuring out what the culprit is, is to get some more insight in to how the affected software licenses work, as in, what part of the hardware those specific products are tied to.

    As far as managing the issue, I try not to use the affected plugins, and just relicense Studio One whenever it does this. Then, if (god forbid) I have a project with Toontrack stuff, or any of the others, I re-license them. It sucks and is very tedious. So, for the most part, my solution has been to avoid using the affected software. All except Studio One.

    I'd love to know how KextBeast has worked for you.

    This forum is great, so helpful!
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2019
  11. signalflow

    signalflow Rock Star

    Jun 10, 2016
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    Los Angeles, CA
    TS I think there is something wrong with the hack. I have a Asus Rog hackintosh laptop and every piece of software I have installed works perfectly. I would research on your specific PC and reinstall everything yourself. The reason being is that you have a piece of mind on how to upgrade/fix later down the road.

    PS: All hackintoshs are not the same.
  12. Salierix

    Salierix Newbie

    Jul 2, 2019
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    I am really a newbie in MAC, I don't even know exactly what KextBeast is, just that the guy who made the hackintosh for me runned it sometimes to install some drivers and helped solving the problem.
    But hear this, a few minutes after I posted here saying that KextBeast fixed it again, I closed the project in Logic, and then opnede another and BUM, everything is unlicensed again. Re opened the first project, and again, unlicensed. Without restarting or anything.
    It's really driving me mad this goddamn issue.
    I'll keep on searching.
  13. signalflow

    signalflow Rock Star

    Jun 10, 2016
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    Los Angeles, CA
    Go-to tonymac as there is a world of info in hackintosh there to see if something is wrong with your build. Imo it's best to know exactly what the installer did or better yet diy.
  14. lemjello

    lemjello Ultrasonic

    Aug 18, 2014
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    Florida, Bedroom
    I am very familiar with TonyMac, I've searched and searched for this issue. This is the first time I've seen anyone with the same problem. As far as the hack, I built mine, and have built at least 20 for other people, which are all fine. This one that I am using now is the only one that experiences this problem. The other pain is, although TonyMac is a GREAT site for all this info, my hack works perfectly, I mean, perfect, no other issues. Just this licensing issue on the audio software side of things. Unfortunately, there are very few people that hang at TonyMac that deal with this specific thing. Not saying it's an impossible problem, just that this is a strange issue that very few people will see. This issue for me has persisted across 3 different motherboards. The system I use now (in sig) is what my original computer has evolved in to. The only components that have persisted in my build is the network card, and the DVD burner (I know, what for) Oh, and my audio interface, which is a MOTU 4Pre via Firewire. Now that I think about it, the firewire card has been the same too, just a Texas Instrument chipset PCIe card.

    Salierix, do you know what the components are in your build? It would be interesting to see if we have any of the same parts. I'm off to a gig, but will check in periodically.
  15. karlarsch

    karlarsch Ultrasonic

    Feb 10, 2012
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    Most protections rely on the Machine-ID of your ethernet-card (not wifi), you can see it in Network preferences > Advanced. See, if it changes.
  16. Talula

    Talula Rock Star

    Apr 22, 2018
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    most plugins from list in messages rely on the Machine-ID that calculation using hdd serial/hdd (or partition) size and MB/processor info. network devices and GPU can change Machine-ID too.

    I think that hackintosh tools changing devices IDs while booting OS. or editing some kexts and this actions can changing Machine-ID.

    tip: copy or make a screenshots of hardware IDs, serial numbers and other info. also save Machine-ID from registration form problem plugins and Machine-ID from studio one registration form. and merge all of them after problem. maybe you will find changed info and this helps to find a solution.
  17. Vicius01

    Vicius01 Newbie

    Jul 3, 2019
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    Hi, i am the Guy who built the hackintosh to Saleri. just to know, kextbeast isnt doing anything since there are no kexts in desktop.

    For what i tried, its not a machine id problem. LAN driver is intel mausi ethernet who works perfectly fine nearly all the time.

    None of the hackintosh i built in my life have had this problem before, but also i NEVER installed Ez drummer 2 before. In my personal computer i use original licenses, not cracks

    I think his built was something like
    I3 8100
    Z287x Ds3h mobo
    Ge force 710
    SSD: I think it was a Kingston or Adata normal SSD, nothing fancy
    PSU: I think its a EVGA, i dont remember
    OS: Mojave first version, it might need an update and clover update but since if any driver goes missing while update
    We just tried with a Team Viewer session. and i noticed the following:
    It keeps all information of all the libraries he asked me, which i remember before it happened something similar and all libraries information was there, and before it was lost. So... if when it ask the license i just close Logic, Open Standalone amplitube, open logic Again and its working fine. It loses the crack with a specific project and when it happens, Fabfilter, Amplitube, Omnisphere and Toontrack stuff.

    I think it may be a crack issue, or something like that, the new serial it asks its something like AAAAA- so its not legit, but it breaks all cracks during runtime until i close logic. So maybe a combination of an expansion maybe, os Version, would deliver this strange bug which breaks machine id from all libs and plug ins.

    I hope to find a solution, but from what i checked, its not a Hardware problem, it may be related to a Clover problem, OS version or crack related, i would just install again mojave, crack everything and it may fix, but since he moved to another Country i cant do much :( . For me something breaks the machine id during RunTime... and sincerely cant think of any solution, couldnt find any process which i could blame. Before we installed novation automap driver which created all plug ins again and hipotetically it might had an issue, i deleted automap drivers from his computer, and automap software.

    We will be looking how this develop, it might fix or might happen again, i hope not, but since bug appeared in only 1 project of him, it might be a reason.
  18. Talula

    Talula Rock Star

    Apr 22, 2018
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    which macOS installed? original retail (original installation files + boot loader + manual installation kexts after OS installation) or prepared custom build with specified kexts and other hackintosh files)?
  19. black bounty

    black bounty Platinum Record

    Nov 8, 2015
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    I don't want to interfere, even though I think it might not be related, but what OS version do you have ?
    I've had a similar issue with Overloud plugins after an automatic update of Sierra ( 10.12.6 ), despite little snitch on, and my wifi always off ( auth. gone on some plugins, yet still there in the GEM folder )
    I've realized my host file had been edited without me touching it, most of the blocked sites were still there, but Overloud - which was previously blocked - was gone, so ... maybe check your host file.
    take care.
  20. lemjello

    lemjello Ultrasonic

    Aug 18, 2014
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    Florida, Bedroom
    For me, this has been the case with 10.13.6, and now 10.14.5, basically all the versions of HS and Mojave. I'm off to a gig, but, I will do some deep diving on this tomorrow
  21. lemjello

    lemjello Ultrasonic

    Aug 18, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Florida, Bedroom
    OK, I've been trying all kinds of things today. Most important thing that I have discovered is, the MAC address of both my ethernet and my WiFi never change. Studio One seems to be the most picky and still will become unlicensed. I've had it where S1 becomes unlicensed, then I will activate it, and find that some of the plug-ins will still be activated. The plug-ins seem to survive the reboot process more than S1. It's still random. I've also had it where I rebooted, tried launching S1 to find out it has no license, then reboot again, and have S1 work perfectly. I feel like there might be something in Clover that will fix this. Could the machine be starting up and ordering the hardware differently which changes some ID enough to unlicense? Any ideas?
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