Registered Kontakt 6 and Downloaded Libraries

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by mkaylor, Jun 25, 2019.

  1. mkaylor

    mkaylor Newbie

    Jun 22, 2013
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    Windows 10 - Registered version of Kontakt 6 trying to load downloaded libraries. I installed Symlink 5.6.6 and then moved the Kontakt 5.exe to the c:\program files\native instruments\kontakt folder.

    It finds missing libraries and I added them. They now show up in Kontakt 6 and they show up in Native Access. I can even reinstall from Native Access.

    Only problem is they say DEMO in Kontakt 6 and in Native Access. How can I address this issue?

  3. Talula

    Talula Rock Star

    Apr 22, 2018
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    buy them!
  4. mkaylor

    mkaylor Newbie

    Jun 22, 2013
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    Oh I did, I purchased Komplete Collectors Edition last week from Sweetwater. How bout you?
  5. notsoloud

    notsoloud Guest

    What downloaded libraries are you talking about? Downloaded from where? Factory libraries? Included Native Instrument libraries? Then you just need your serial. There's no other requirement.
  6. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    @mkaylor You could not make it any harder for us to help you. Bro do you think we know the specifics of what you wrote? "Registered Kontakt" What type of registration are you talking about? Trying to load downloaded libraries? From where? Did you pay for them?
    • Here is a breakdown. If you have a legit Kontakt you need to buy libraries.
    • If you have an unlocked Kontakt 6 it will load every library regardless of whether you purchased them or not
    • If you have the latest Kontakt 6 unlocked, there is no need for any 5.6 symlink because, as I already said, Kontakt 6 will add any library.
    • If you have a legit Kontakt, using Kontakt 5.6 unlocked to register a library will not "unlock" the library to be used in the legit Kontakt.
    • Bottom line is this: Legit Kontakt with legit libraries. Unlocked Kontakt with any library.
  7. notsoloud

    notsoloud Guest

    Yeah, he could. How about "I just bought a new keyboard and I can't get any sound out of it. Please help."
    Actually I shouldn't mock. When I was young I eagerly rushed home on the train from the city carrying my first synth, a Roland SH-3A. I was in such a rush to hear it I skimmed over the first few pages of the manual. A few things did stand out, turn the volume down on the amp and the keyboard and allow 5 minutes to warm up before tuning. It was the longest 5 minutes of my life. Finally I turned up the volume and....nothing. Must need longer to warm up....another 5 minutes. Still nothing. I was young, but too old to cry about it. But I did anyway. Sobbing about how I'd bought a faulty unit. Finally my Mum asked "have you plugged it in at the wall?"
    I'll end there.
  8. electriclash

    electriclash Guest


    ...I carried the manual for the asr-10 on the train for MONTHS with a highlighter before one night I woke up and understoood
