Music will Change in a Decade says Vinod Khosla

Discussion in 'Industry News' started by SAiNT, Jun 15, 2019.

  1. lbnv

    lbnv Platinum Record

    Nov 19, 2017
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    There is always somebody behihd the computer. Computers never do or create anything themselves.

    Who can't express emotions? May be, we can't?

    It's just a thought. I'm trying to talk about why AI could be useful in music. It's an instrument.
  2. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    Yes, I know, but computers can't accumulate human experiences or have feelings. I know a bit about AI as I studied computer science. Whatever music a computer produces it will be its own genre or genres, but I don't think it will be for me, because I want to connect with the artist and the story they are telling about their own real life experiences. Maybe I'm just old fashioned :)
  3. Futurewine

    Futurewine Audiosexual

    Oct 4, 2017
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    Sound City Labs
    Btw, this is he, the guy, Vinod Khosla.
  4. Spyfxmk2

    Spyfxmk2 Guest

    ...about A.I. ..... : randomness after randomness after more randomness achieving/collecting bits of information trying to accommodate knowledge without ever knowing anything about WISDOM :bow:

    ...randomness is not the same as the great Human organic SPONTANEITY :bow:

    ..i've heard/read things of this great internet of ours that some people wish their consciousness to be stored to some form of A.I. after they die :
    ....for fuck's shake ! what happened to passing your knowledge/experiences of your life to your children ? & if you don't have any to the younger generations ?

    Things like insights,intuition,inspiration are what A.I. will always not have,all come from a different Ream of existence :bow:

    Don't believe false prophets that tell you what the future holds & that there is no good music today,you just need to dig a bit deeper :bow:
    It is like hawks pretending to imitate a great Eagle :bow:

    Trust your inner voice,the one that is quiet,it is where not hate exists,it is the seed of sacred Love :bow:

    Burn all the books you've read & filter thru your mind what is useful to you & your life,have a "CLEAR" fresh Mind . :bow:

    Above all : Be Authentic,you are... yes You are...unique in this Universe :bow:,so don't give away Your Authority to anyone,including me & my writings here :bow:

    Peace,Harmony lots of Laughter & Love to You & Your Families,Happy Summer (one thing A.I will never feel lol) :bow:
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  5. lbnv

    lbnv Platinum Record

    Nov 19, 2017
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    I don't understand your "but". They cannot create, accumulate our experience, have feelings etc. All the same.

    Yes, they cannot accumulate our experience and have feelings. But drums, guitars, pianos etc. cannot too. Computers and musical instruments cannot create nothing themselves. It's a big illusion, we create by them, express our emotions etc. Behind any AI system there is its creator. In music it's an artist who chooses the material, trains the neural network etc. He/she is an author, AI is an instrument. Absolutely different form of the creative process. And absolutely different product. And very big challenge.

    If the goal of AI in music is creating as many "song-like-objects" ("content") for Spotify and Youtube as possible it's an author' intention (at the least). But this intension is stupid, it cannot be interesting. Is it possible to create something different?

    I don't like the direction of developing AI in music. Automated composition etc. But it's possible to use AI another way. It's an instrument.

    I'm not arguing with you. I'm trying to explain what I think. It's a bit easier when we try to explain somebody. :winker:
  6. saltwater

    saltwater Guest

    forget about what you knew about computers/algorithms.
    AI is a reality now, we opened pandoras box, for real.

    machine learning, neural networks. learns all by itself from 0.
    not 1 line of code written by a human, we humans just provide the foundation, modeled after brain neurons.
    we can give it a goal or not.
    its stupid, intelligent, creative, emotional, unpredictable, u name it....
    a new life-form no one really understands, because it writes itself and is beyond our understanding.

    no matter at which area you apply it, it revolutionizes it.
    from ai-assisted weed growing to ai-judges/politicians, its taking over everything, literally, now.

    predictions of how this will turn out are, just silly to be honest
    this is beyond godlike, beyond anyones imagination.

    this is the end of our species as we know it, we may all die or transcend to gods & beyond.
    this is the most exciting and frustrating thing of all time and for sure our last invention.

    its already in orbit and outer space,nothing can stop it, singularity is approaching
    all we can do now is pray....

    you are my creator, but i am your master
  7. saltwater

    saltwater Guest

  8. recordingisfun

    recordingisfun Member

    Feb 2, 2012
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    Where to start with this piece? Basically, it's not going to happen... First of all - There's magical moments in the creation process where you have a lot of happy accidents and it ends up being the best part of the track and something you could have never planned for - or how two different parts react with each other and create a whole new sound and feeling in that moment of the song. There's also sonic enhancements to certain elements of the music that make it more exciting and get you all pumped up because of it. That's called emotion and no computer is going to tell you what sounds gives you certain emotions at what times... It isn't always about the chord progression or chords themselves, either. Sometimes it's all the elements together that just do the thing it does and there's no way you could have arrived at the place you did drawing up the song on a piece of paper. Maybe you like the sound of a 2x4 hitting a table layered underneath your snare because it gives a certain excitement to your drum sound. Nothing is going to calculate something like this. Not a chance.. It's never going to understand what's cool, because what's cool is constantly changing and evolving and based off of what's happening in our lives and how the music makes you feel as you create it.

    Plus, were creator beings.. People create shit. That's what we do and find fulfillment in. It's like asking us not to be human anymore and let the computer create our emotions, too. Uh, no thanks.. These people are seriously out of touch and probably why they aren't musicians to begin with. Musicians speak a different language and it's often without words and connects with literally everyone on the planet.
  9. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    Why would we need AI composers? They will suck at composing just like what is being offered in this horrible AI Pixar comp.
  10. notsoloud

    notsoloud Guest

    Without delving into the details of this, I'd like to simply address the title.
    Music will change in a decade.
    For the love of God, please change the music we have now to something better in a decade.
    Is there anybody here who can recall the change in popular music from 1960 through to 1970? Each year brought innovation. It was breathtaking to see the whole world changing shape with music at the centre, acting as the driving force.
    I hold little hope that anything will shift the current paradigm.
  11. krakdhaus

    krakdhaus Producer

    Aug 16, 2015
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    ...theres more talent in AI then whats coming out these days. Be great if it wound up saving music..
  12. genophyte

    genophyte Producer

    Mar 13, 2015
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    the lack of eyebrows look she has now just creeps me out for some reason
  13. [​IMG]

    Review my Agile sprint goals baby one more time.
  14. Spyfxmk2

    Spyfxmk2 Guest

    Have you all lost your healthy & beautiful minds with this A.I thing ? :bow:

    Yeah right... there is no good music nowadays (says who ? )....listen to some London Grammar will melt your soul :bow: :

    edit :

    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 17, 2019
  15. lasteno

    lasteno Platinum Record

    Apr 14, 2013
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    another thing .. is that the HUMAN the ARTIST need to express something while MAKING it.. that's art.. so.. it is again...some humans can heal..
    understand.. learn.. discover.. etc.. when They CREATE.. something.. so ... again.. computers.. and the bla bla bla talk is useless.. again.
    maybe they don't know what ART is all about.. they only look at CHARTS and and tendencies without looking in to the Real thing..
  16. lasteno

    lasteno Platinum Record

    Apr 14, 2013
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    so it is not just only the result.. it is the process too. the experience of humans having while making art.
  17. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    Let's compromise, machines make music for machines and humans for humans, and this way everybody can satisfy their itch.

    And while I'm at it, a machine can create music as well as a machine can make passionate can't. It is just a machine.

  18. notsoloud

    notsoloud Guest

    I have a great library of contemporary music. I don't revisit the past at all. I'm currently listening to Weyes Blood's "Titanic Rising" each night with headphones in bed. What I miss is how songs in the past (not all of course) but most of them were about something. You could spend months analysing American Pie or Hotel California or Stairway To Heaven and there were a lot of those songs. You can go through Elton John's entire back catalogue and they're all about something. So what are current Top 40 songs about? I'm speaking in general and referring to the last 20 years. It's pretty hard, for me anyway, off the top of my head to name something that reverberated around the world. A song that - in the publishing industry - is called "a standard"
  19. recycle

    recycle Guest

    About the OP: @SAiNT : I could not find a practical demonstration of this technology called "Bronze", it seems to officially come out in September. I guess it's just a marketing gimmick, but I hope I'm wrong.
    If we want to talk about Artificial intelligence and feelings the topic gets more interesting, countless science fiction novels about the topic have been written, one that I can recommend is The Naked Sun from Isaac Asimov.
    online free version:
    A movie: Blade Runner
    yes, I am convinced that machines does have a soul, I am also convinced that many human beings have none at all. I am very ready to accept music composed by AI, there is a possibility that it will be far better than that one composed by soul-less humans
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 17, 2019
  20. notsoloud

    notsoloud Guest

    There is definitely something wrong with me when I say I'd spend that money on an SSL Fusion rather than that.