Windows 1903 seems to work fine, EDIT: Has issues

Discussion in 'PC' started by Daskeladden, May 26, 2019.

  1. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Don't bother. They are lol.
    It's a mystery to me the choice of Windows bundled RAID/"especial disk" drivers (ie PCIe to SATA3) . Sometimes very basic ones lack, others much less usual are included.
    I mean, even thinking on a possible strategy can't find sense at all.

    Fresh install for every RS (1709, 1809, etc) you mean? Wow man.
  2. LuaOle

    LuaOle Noisemaker

    Feb 28, 2017
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    (1) When it comes to any OS updates or betas on a Production Computer, "newest" never means the latest and greatest. Only update if there's a fix for a particular problem on your computer. If you're not having issues then leave your computer alone.

    (2) A Production Computer should only be used for... wait for it... Production. If you're using it as a General Computer then check on ALL the background processes it's handling. And if you can only afford one computer, at least partition it to dual boot. (re: latency and lag)
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2019
  3. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Generally speaking what you say it's a well known fact, but major Windows 10 releases introduce new features or improve existing ones. Wether they work as expected or not is another thing.
    I for instance tested Windows 10 v1804 for very improved support to Hyper-V Linux Virtual machines. It wasn't worth for me but it was for quite a few people. So I stayed with v1709.
    Another thing is that you must test in a second partition or at least have a very updated previous system partition image. If you meant that I'm totally with you.
  4. Seckkksee

    Seckkksee Guest

    That's very antiquated advice. Most of us produce on everyday machines, I game and do everyday tasks on mine in my bedroom. It works fine for that. I update quite frequently, there are ways of updating and rolling back if an update doesn't suit u. And like Xupito said, updates bring more to the table than take away. U do NOT need a dedicated computer for production. U just need to be dedicated to ur production.
  5. Seckkksee

    Seckkksee Guest

    Bro it feels like a fresh shower after three days of drinkin in New Orleans. And really it basically happens once a year, its fairly quick and the benefits are immediate. and it very much promotes minimalization, because ur faced with making the project more tedious buy installing mo stuff, so u usually don't. Now over the course of the year, different story, ull accumulate more and more clutter, lol. I bet 90% of peopler that bitch about Windows updates never do a full install. Im sure there's something much better about a fresh install, THEN installing ur drivers, apps and such.
  6. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Not that I don't agree with most of what you say (geek rulez lol), but it's just too much time for me. Besides, I agree with @DJ ELITE in the part, though not explicitly stated, that newer versions are buggy.
    I don't touch my v1709 stable/work partition unless there's a very good reason. That's why I tried v1804 on a second partition. Had it been worth for me, probably now I'd been using it.
  7. Seckkksee

    Seckkksee Guest

    I feel ya. But I gotta be dead honest, 1903 is amazing so far. It's easily the most stable out of all 10 rls. U would not hurt urself by doing a fresh install then restoring ur files with File History. I'm no Win fanboy, but I gotta say, it actually "feels" right this time. My DPC under full load (web pages, a few torrents, a few instances of Bluestacks, Foobar open, Potplayer running, who knows how many tasks running in the background), man I'm stressing my girl out, and I rarely hit a red spike, maybe once every 5-8 minutes. With everything off and just Ableton running, I stay under 400us roughly. Those numbers are amazing, especially since I have an OLD interface with drivers optimized for win 7(!!!)
    Again, I believe a fresh clean install is key, and the install was the smoothest I've had since Win 7 days. Also, there is a big plus to 1903 raising the number of plugins using FLS slots (100 to 4000, I think, HUGE). No to mention AMD processor improvements well feel with the new Ryzen 3k processor about to drop soon. Yeah, 1903 is worth it to me.
  8. reliefsan

    reliefsan Audiosexual

    Jul 31, 2014
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    Just dont let that "guy" get underyourskin. "he" tries to start fights in all threads for some attention.
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  9. Daskeladden

    Daskeladden Rock Star

    Jan 7, 2018
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    People who have done a fresh install also has the spikes, and to me that's not an option.
  10. Seckkksee

    Seckkksee Guest

    Why would a fresh install not be an option? I gotta say, I am far from a lucky person, so i hardly believe my fortune with 1903 is hardly the good graces of the gods. I really would like to know as to why u can't do a clean install, then restore files with File History?
  11. Daskeladden

    Daskeladden Rock Star

    Jan 7, 2018
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    I have build up my system for years. It would take me months just to reinstall everything. But when I get hold of a spare SSD I would try a clean install just to see if the spikes are gone....I don't believe they would be.
    Another strange thing about this issue is that if my pc has been on for let's say two days the spikes are "tamed" around 400, but when I restart my pc the spikes are back and they could be there for hours. Seems so totally random. Maybe "something" is talking to the Kernel for 24 hours then it stops, but what is that "something"...
    What I'm thinking maybe if you don't turn off anything (bloatware, privacy settings and so on) and is logged in to windows account this would not happened. That can explain why some with clean install have this issue and some don't. Some kind of conflict with a off setting in the OS, and that last for 24 hours or something
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2019
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  12. Seckkksee

    Seckkksee Guest

    the thing is, and I'm sure ur exaggerating the point, but if ur system really has that much stuff on, where it would take "months to reinstall", that alone alone tells me u've got wayyy too much stuff on ur system. now don't get me wrong, I don't have a music workstation, I have a general purpose PC that I happen to do music on, and games, and internet browsing, and torrents, and so on... my system is loaded, and usually before a major update comes out, my system is too heavy to float. I'm happy when a major update comes out because then I get to zero out system then determine what I REALLY need or not. Honestly, if ur running a system with more than me, u've easily got too much. Ur setup seems overcomplicated, and that brings nothing but complications. it's a snap judgment to have a heavy system then complain about an update. No offense, but ur really need to simplify ur system then see if ur have the issue. You got a dirty car and ur tryna find the flaw in the paint, bud.
  13. Daskeladden

    Daskeladden Rock Star

    Jan 7, 2018
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    You got a point, but all was fine with 1809 so I'm not buying your argument completely. Here is a screenshot from Uninstall change Programs:

    Who beats me?
  14. Marcsal

    Marcsal Kapellmeister

    May 29, 2019
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    What you wrote is unjustified.It looks like you are the one trying to start a fight here. What is wrong with suggesting that a title be dited in a thread like this. Here the title indicates that Windows 10 works flawless but the thread is about problems with it. That is all I said. Dont use what took place in another thread to judge me. I always respected everyone here, including yoj who I had been following and thanked extensively. I guess the best thing in this forum is to never make suggestions, and never share your opinion.
  15. reliefsan

    reliefsan Audiosexual

    Jul 31, 2014
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    dude. dont put so much into what i said.
    maybe it was ME who was getting triggered to easily from your choise of words. and maybe i didnt understand you,

    today seems quite a few of us are abit sensitive, myself included.. Please Don't let this minor thing stop you from sharing your opinion and ask questions around these parts.
  16. JudoLudo

    JudoLudo Kapellmeister

    Jul 27, 2014
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    anyone having a 1st gen Focusrite Scarlett updated to latest firmware and having issues???
  17. muse2love

    muse2love Producer

    Nov 11, 2013
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    I think it is pretty stable and solid all vst3 now in ableton 10.1 are crytals " ) fun

    but... no fix so far for any AudioUtopia release ... and even if you try to put Ableton in Windows 8 mode it is not okay...for that...

    someone outhere will have to find a fix or a new team brings a new light

  18. Daskeladden

    Daskeladden Rock Star

    Jan 7, 2018
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    Another issue that is just for Korg keyboard users. Korg only works on midi between midi1-midi10 and Windows 1903 update fucked up that order. I tried to reinstall the drivers but it always placed it self on midi11 and midi15. And the rest of the midi was grayed out.

    Luckily there is a fix for it: