Mixing with Pirated Plugins

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by tzzsmk, Jun 5, 2019.

  1. .
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2019
  2. Nana Banana

    Nana Banana Guest

    The Pirate ...NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO :bash: :hifive::hahaha:

    Well, in my case, he's absolutely wrong about "We use the try before you buy excuse in the beginning". I call bullshit. I try it, and if it sucks or I can't use it, I trash it because I happen to like HD space. If it's good, and I know I'm going to use it, I actually buy it. Radium started the "try before buy" saying, and I've been using that model ever since.

    BUT, the most frustrating thing to encounter is when you actually buy it, and end up using the cracked version simply because the dumb ass protection scheme on the legit version screws everything up. This has happened to me a few times.

    :wink: Only speaking for myself though. :wink:
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  3. KungPaoFist

    KungPaoFist Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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    I was referring to the anti piracy method that triggers a web browser to open up with the pirated plugins alert if they aren't authorized properly. You can get great results with cracked Fabfilter I'm sure because they are excellent plugins.
  4. notsoloud

    notsoloud Guest

    I wouldn't even know where to find pirated software!!
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  5. electriclash

    electriclash Guest

    guilt is for suckers

  6. TaxiDriver

    TaxiDriver Platinum Record

    Jun 22, 2018
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    Yeah yah, Karma is a bitch ..but so am I..;) Was this some kind of contest for a vid with as much as possible BS in it ..??

    There are reasons/situations when/where you really shouldn't use cracked stuff. Anyone that had serious encounters with music industry/business knows those.. and to be helpful he could've pointed em out.

    But the guy obviously has no clue what he's talking about.. I mean, blabbing like some kiddo arrested for possession "..I think I got some by myself, then got rid of it.. then a friend came and said 'I have the good stuff, want it..?' ..umm yeah, just to try it.." ffs..

    The fact is, if there were no AZ (and AS) and Teams and everything around it, people would spend so much less on buying SW.. Would you really know about 10+ devs, making a 76 emu..? I know lots of guys an gals here, esp. regulars, that fork out hundreds, even thousands for plugs and libs. In fact I know a lot of ppl that IMO spend way too much on legit. And there is no guarantee you will get any % back. Maybe he should address this issue..

    In the fist place you better invest your $$ in branding, advertising, promo, etc.. Then you'll (un)fortunately meet the right people and in The Industry there are no "nice guys". And then, most likely - your legit/non legit plugins ethical dilemma will seem like a minute thing..
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2019
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  7. metaller

    metaller Audiosexual

    May 28, 2016
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    If you are get paid, buy what you use.
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  8. Welcome to the machine. The internet has, for all but a handful of artists, decimated the record industry. Where once the artists had to pay for the studio time, the engineers, the producer, the tape, the session musicians, the videos and the vinyl pressings, the musician now has to pay for the studio too and not expect to get royalties from streaming, at all ever just from downloads. So pay fer yer goddam plugs musos.

    I’ve been trying before I was buying since 1997. Radium days. We still have Waves, we still have Steinberg (cluck cluck cluck lucky) and we still have Native Instruments. We still have Yamaha, we still have u-he and we still have Ohmboyz. I don’t see that many vendors going to the wall with all that freeloading going on.

    But then, if the real problem is that enough people aren’t making music anymore to pay for the great endeavour because there’s no revenues in it, well then, the vampires have bled the artists dry. And there just ain’t enough Adeles and Taylor Swifts to keep the software industry alive. So all in all whining about piracy isn’t the most effective response. Then again, just why is every vendor and their dog putting so much hardware on the market what with Warm outboard, hot eurorack and SSL mixers and all.

    Put it into hardware dudes. That’s how you keep the freeloaders out. Like Arturia. Put it into hardware. And stop licking arse over piracy. Only if you do, you’ll lose the converters from the mass market in software. Oh shucks I just guess you need those freeloaders after all to create the critical mass of users. Look at Cubase, it was once the leading choice of prosumer users but then got locked out behind eLicenser. Now, it lives off its existing user base like a vampire, having been overtaken by Reaper, Ableton Live and Studio One. Looks like strong protection don’t work. Halving your retail price won’t work either, the critical mass mob have moved on.

    If developers want more revenues, they need to help musos get more revenues. A campaign for proper streaming royalties would put more money into the hands of artists faster than any amount of bitchin in videos.
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  9. Jackaroo

    Jackaroo Member

    Oct 22, 2015
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    I live in a wonderful country where the currency exchange rate is 14.87 to US $1 this morning!:( how would any feel happy to pay 452 in your currency for a $30 plugin or 8208.24 for US $552 Cubase pro 10? So imagine you paid about $2000 for your software - would have cost me R 29740!
  10. Epidemico

    Epidemico Producer

    Apr 10, 2017
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    Alano di Piave (BL), Italy
    This is my humble opinion, since i had money to spend i always supported my favourite artists buying cds or vinyls, now i download what i like, same as plugins, cause i don't have a job and i have way less money than before, if you have the possibility to spend money for some plugins from developers who have great support and very good plugins why not buying some? Especially if you make money from the music you make you'll be grateful to the companies who helped you producing your music, If the price is worth the plugin why not? I would download cracked stuff anyway if there's no trial versions of course, but not offering trial versions to me is a very stupid behaviour and the worst way of working. Fabfilter has a 30 days trial for his bundle, i don't have money, but if i could have some extra money i would buy plugins from them for sure.
  11. jkst

    jkst Kapellmeister

    Oct 31, 2016
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    I have no problem/remorse using cracked stuff in my own environment for learning/testing purposes.

    If you use cracked stuff to sell, to produce with the intent of profit then you are a fucking piece of shit. Just like that fuckface Kanye.
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  12. sms2000

    sms2000 Ultrasonic

    May 18, 2019
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    nice comment here, there's already a thread about the future of plugins and stuff
  13. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Nooo don't do that bro!!!
    First pass me via PM that Xubase and then do what you want :wink::rofl:

    Well, if "the end" means jail it matters to me...
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  14. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    Check your PM for Xubase AND Nexus 5. Also Massive X Mk II. I included all instructions. Feel free to post on sister site.
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  15. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
    who needs Cubase these days xD
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  16. Jazz-N-Stuff

    Jazz-N-Stuff Platinum Record

    Nov 25, 2015
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    if you have no money use Reaper and LEARN how to use all the FREE plugins included there.
    I bet 90% of the people using cracked VSTis dont know shit how to effectly use free Instruments. We are not in 1999 anymore.
    CHECKOUT Computer Music Magazine and simply buy one of them online. Then head over and download TONS of very good VSTis and VST effects for free. Totally LEGAL.

    If you are kinda semiprofessional and really plan to make some money:
    I simply bought Cubase and Omnisphere, you dont need more to make music.
    All the stockplugings and VST instruments in Cubase are great items.
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  17. Jackaroo

    Jackaroo Member

    Oct 22, 2015
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    If you cash-strapped for money Computer Music Magazine can be found on the sister site :rofl:
  18. vaiman

    vaiman Platinum Record

    Sep 2, 2011
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    I think every artist has used cracked stuff at some stage, to varying degrees. It's just the way of the world.

    The tipping point for serious people, is when you want to streamline your workflow and not let 4,000 compressors cloud your creativity. So buying gear limits the available choices... All good.
    Then you start checking the "hot deals" sections of every forum. And start buying every bundle on sale through the fear of missing out.

    One big collecting circle that either costs you nothing or gives you a warm fuzzy feeling at the "checkout".
    Either way, use what you actually need.
  19. [​IMG]

    It'll be ready in minute guv.
  20. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    This...and this

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