Chordpulse possible convert to format VSTI or similar ?

Discussion in 'Software' started by nunziaforum, Jun 4, 2019.

  1. nunziaforum

    nunziaforum Ultrasonic

    Oct 24, 2015
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    ChordPulse Vers. 2.5 STANDALONE

    Create backing tracks & explore chords

    it would be great if someone was able to convert this beautiful software into vsti format would be great to speed up the compositions in your daw, since around you do not find anything of this kind in vsti, some time ago I talked to the developer, he said it would be a good idea, but he wasn't sure if he could still continue producing the software, I wish he could somehow also be used as vsti, if someone could do it, of course I'm willing to pay back their work by paying, thanks and waiting for some tips :)
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2019
  3. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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  4. nunziaforum

    nunziaforum Ultrasonic

    Oct 24, 2015
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    sorry :) I had the wrong link: d
  5. lbnv

    lbnv Platinum Record

    Nov 19, 2017
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    It's possible if the source code is avaliable. I think it's not excessively compicated but it'll take time. (I cannot do it, sorry.)
    But the source code is closed. Making such a programm from scratch is a task for many months (or years). Your proposal to pay is a bit indiscreet. Would you pay a salary for a developer? :woot:
    Have you tried to search for an alternative or learn music theory?
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  6. nunziaforum

    nunziaforum Ultrasonic

    Oct 24, 2015
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    thinking about it you're right but unfortunately there are no similar VSTi around, or at least if you know others try to name a few you would help me so much :)
  7. lbnv

    lbnv Platinum Record

    Nov 19, 2017
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    ChordPortion, may be, the most similar VSTi.

    Liquid Notes.
    Not the same thing and never was released "for free".
    It's not a VSTi but you can load your midi files in it and send midi out from it to your DAW.

    Orb Composer. Standalone too but as I understand you can send midi out to your DAW.

    RapidComposer. The same.

    Sundog Song Studio.

    Very soficticated and very expensive.

    Not all options was released "for free". But you've said you would pay...

    I don't use such programs so I could be wrong in details. It's all what I can recall.
  8. Ad Heesive

    Ad Heesive Audiosexual

    Apr 21, 2019
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    I do understand that you'd like full integration via vst, and apologies if this is old news to you.ChordPulse does have options for midi output so you could easily install a virtual midi port like MidiYoke and then the midi from ChordPulse can be fed into your DAW quite easily. It's a pretty good second best option.
  9. nunziaforum

    nunziaforum Ultrasonic

    Oct 24, 2015
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    Thanks likely that some will even have more chordpulse features but I don't find them very versatile ... :( chord Pulse for me at least is much simpler .. and then they are almost all standalone :(
  10. nunziaforum

    nunziaforum Ultrasonic

    Oct 24, 2015
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    Thanks in fact I tried the function to synchronize it in cubase with LoopMidi but I can only hear the sound from the time line but if I would like to synchronize it with the time of the project? with cubase can you do ??
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2019
  11. Ad Heesive

    Ad Heesive Audiosexual

    Apr 21, 2019
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    My comments might be getting less useful now, especially if, as you say, you've already sorted out a virtual midi connection.
    I'm not very familiar with Cubase, so can't help you much there. So, my last thing to say is... Cubase certainly has midi clock synch facilities but it's no use to you here because ChordPulse does not have any facility for synchronising midi clocks, it can't be a slave or a master. Therefore, the best you'll probably be able to do is just make sure the tempos are manually set the same in ChordPulse and Cubase, then record ChordPulse's midi output into Cubase and then after it's recorded, manually adjust the recorded midi into alignment with the rest of your project in Cubase. Messy at first but almost taken for granted after you've done it a few times. Trying to get your Cubase project and ChordPulse playing in synch at the same time would be hit and miss (literally) you might hit ChordPulse's play button at the right moment sometimes. As I said before, definitely only a second best, but if the midi output from ChordPulse is worth having then still worth doing.
  12. nunziaforum

    nunziaforum Ultrasonic

    Oct 24, 2015
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    In fact, this is precisely the problem that every time you record the midi playing, then I have to manually synchronize everything, really losing a lot of time, that's why I wanted it to be in VSTI format, I hope to find something similar .. that can act as VSTI what I particularly like about CHORDPULSE are the many styles and patterns it has, giving you the chance to be able to develop many kinds of music .. shame that the developer will probably stop this production otherwise it would have certainly raised it too as VSTI :sad::shalom::thanks:
  13. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    @nunziaforum Please don't write the title of your thread all in caps. This is the equivalent of shouting.
    I've corrected it , but next time I may have to delete your post.
  14. Ad Heesive

    Ad Heesive Audiosexual

    Apr 21, 2019
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    Maybe you could start another thread where your two main goals are the focus.
    (or maybe there's already been a thread that could be revitalised- I don't know - definitely worth looking first)
    If you relax the 'must be integrated VST constraint' then there's an astonishing amount of stuff out there that works with styles and patterns. If you insist on the VST constraint then it reduces to a much smaller but still very interesting range of products.
    Ibnv mentioned a few above and acknowledged that he was barely scratching the surface.

    You can find interesting approaches to using styles and patterns in sometimes not obvious places; so I think it would be nice to see suggestions accumulated into a thread.

    Here's just a few examples which I like, and I personally like them because they lean more towards styles than patterns.

    VST examples
    - EZKeys has extensive midi styles libraries. It's piano oriented, which might be irrelevant as long as you get nice midi out of it - which you certainly do.
    - Many guitar packages, RealGuitar, AmpleSound, SugarBytes Guitarist, and many more, all can be used to generate interesting midi.
    - Band in a Box; kind of the elephant in the room for working with styles; can be cheesy, can be wonderful.
    note only the 2019 version is VSTi, earlier versions are standalone.

    Not VST
    - One Man Band; this is one I recommend you shouldn't overlook. Maybe the closest to providing what you like about ChordPulse. The software itself is just ok, not especially exciting, but the really brilliant feature is that it uses Yamaha Styles. So with this you tap into the decades of styles development that has generated hundreds of thousands of styles for Yamaha keyboards. Even if only 5% of those styles appeal to you then you'll be playing with them forever.

    Of course the line between styles and patterns is very vague, so if you extend your interest into stuff that generates interesting chords and arpeggios then the list explodes. For example, see cthulhu and the items in the list posted by Ibnv above.
  15. nunziaforum

    nunziaforum Ultrasonic

    Oct 24, 2015
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    I'm sorry, it won't happen again :(
  16. nunziaforum

    nunziaforum Ultrasonic

    Oct 24, 2015
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    Thank you very good thought indeed I arrived at "Chord Pulse" thanks to the mythical "BAND IN A BOX" that I often use but I was looking for something simple and rich .. Of styles and patterns, but I agree with you for looking for another look while in the meantime these you mentioned that will probably make me broaden my ideas :)
  17. Zikkk

    Zikkk Platinum Record

    Dec 29, 2015
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    Between A and B♭
    I'll add my own experience with ChordPulse, it may be useful to some people.

    I've been using it for many years and it is an excellent software for what it offers. I never felt the need to use it as a VST, because the functions you all refer to can be covered by more advanced software, like EZKeys and Scaler. For me only the following two make ChordPulse unique:

    1. As a simpler substitute for Band-in-a-box for jamming. If you don't like the default windows sound, you can send the output to a high-end soundfont and have a result similar to BIAB. I use a virtual midi cable (Bome's midi translator) to send midi to Midi Player 5, to which I have loaded a high-end soundfont. You can also record the result in audio using Midi Player 5.
    Let me remind you that you can manipulate the sound by loading up to 4 third-party VSTs inside Midi Player (only for the master track). I always have a compressor and a limiter there.

    2. As a quick method to extract a chord progression / pattern, including simple drum orchestration, and save it to a midi file. ChordPulse gives you the choice to create a one-track or a multi-track midi file. You can then load the midi file to any DAW and send the data to any VSTs you like.
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2019
  18. nunziaforum

    nunziaforum Ultrasonic

    Oct 24, 2015
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    thanks in fact I also send the chord pulse midi signal to the daw with cubase, but believe me I missed the possibility of recording vocal tracks from drafts keeping everything already synchronized, instead this is not possible but I repeat as software I adore it particularly to speed up draft proofs :) thanks for your thought :)