CISPA break the 4th Amendement!

Discussion in 'Industry News' started by Diabulus in Musica, Apr 17, 2013.

  1. Diabulus in Musica

    Diabulus in Musica Platinum Record

    Jun 7, 2011
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  3. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    The Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) is a serious threat to the stability and open ecosystem of the internet. I'm waiting to see if it passes the House of Representatives. If so it goes on to the Senate where it will most likely stall or be forwarded to the president for his final approval. However, I do notice a pattern of using "security" as a means to justify all sorts of injustices so who knows what could happen? If they could sign the National Defense Authorization Act which allows the military to detain United States citizens indefinitely without charge or trial just for suspicions of ties to terrorism they're capable of anything. Let's not forget that they've also been taking down websites without due process for quite a while now. The scariest thing is that the United States spends more on the military than every other country...combined. The military-industrial complex has reached unfathomable power and an inversely proportional amount of accountability. What's even scarier is the extent of their influence. I've been following news from around the globe and it's crazy how soon after having talks with various nations on copyright policy, where they were basically strong-armed into instituting sweeping reforms, the reforms were actually carried out. Interestingly Obama vowed to refuse to sign if it comes across his desk. Only time will tell if he's a man of his word. They usually will just "rewrite" the bill which basically means reword it so that you still leave loopholes big enough for them to achieve the same ends but with the appearance of justice. In my opinion it is every person's responsibility to get involved. Democracy is not automatic. :excl:

    Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both.
    -Benjamin Franklin

    Dwight Eisenhower's Speech And Warning Concerning The Military-Industrial Complex
  4. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Again those angry dictators dinosaurs

    Alraun If someone want to know where you are or who you are, they don t need you to wright your zip code. They can have it by the IP log and know exactly who you are.
    So every time that you open a web page, you take that risk.

    Catalyst I did n t knew this word from Benjamin Franklin. So right.

    But yes I know Eisenhower´s speech. It is impressive, every one should view it.

    The stupidity of this policy is that at the end they wont solve the problem they pretend to. People wont buy more music/movies because they attack web sites. People don t buy because they have no money and because they produce shit.

    As Catalyst says Democracy is not automatic, this is not like you reach a right and you have it forever.
    To keep democracy is like swimming against the current.

    Capitalism is the dictatorship of money on people.
    Look what is going on in Chicago Stock Exchange: Speculating on food price at the expense of millions of lives.
    The only way to get any dictatorship down is fight.
  5. kearnsy

    kearnsy Banned

    Jun 9, 2011
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    It's all about power & control

    Bit by bit they're taking away our 'rights' (i strongly contest that we even have any rights in the first place) until eventually...i don't even need to say it do i?

    People's instinct should be kicking in and telling them what will happen when you give someone too much power over you

    But no, most people are too immersed in bullshit politics, religion, or the latest reality show, and that's how the powers that be get away with what they do
  6. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    kearnsy politics, religion, reality show,TV, debt, etc.. are all part of the deliberately created smoke wall, so people don t see who really pool the strings.
  7. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    I agree with you concerning everything except capitalism. It has really come under fire as of late and though there have been injustices caused by it I don't think that it is a problem in and of itself. Capitalism is human nature. Every living thing has to work and competition breeds progress. That's why people like sporting events, Jeopardy, the Olympics, etc. They don't want to see everyone out there having fun, they want to see people take on a challenge and overcome with a chosen winner. Communism failed because it completely misunderstood human nature. It saw the world as it wished it was not as it is. On top of that it was hypocritical because the people at the top had everything while everyone else got the scraps. Capitalism is just representative of what most people think and that is that money is the most important thing. I have to say it's not the most important but I think we can all agree that it is important. Capitalism like the assaults on our rights has to be kept in check because unchecked capitalism is a bad thing. That is the distinction I like to make. I think capitalism can work if it is kept in line, if it is held accountable. I will also point out that there are few if any countries that are strictly capitalist. Most countries have some sort of social security or social services. These are communist in ideology so really it's a mix of the two. Of course getting the balance right in that mix is a difficult process. People criticize capitalism but I never get an answer to the question: What would you replace it with? It is only then that people realize that a financial system is a concept of the highest complexity to create.
  8. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Spot on my man. :wink:
  9. jiemayn

    jiemayn Noisemaker

    Jan 11, 2013
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    ok. so we know (i assume the majority ) ...know that you are right. so NOW how do we stop them from getting what they want. No amount of email protests will work. Is congress really its own free willing entity... and do they truly portray what the people really want??? If not then we should vote them out or something. The whole security thing is gone array with cameras at every corner and stuff like that. but the internet is our last hope of being semi free...
  10. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Protests did stop SOPA/PIPA so there is hope. Of course this was with the backing of the tech companies but still. As I pointed out Obama is likely to veto the bill or at least that's what he said. I suggest people educate themselves, support organizations such as the Electronic Frontier Foundation and take more of an active role in government. People will always state that there should be freedom of religion but it is exactly the religious that are more likely to support legislation such as this. This is the point where we see how much of a negative impact it has on legislation and that church and state are still to some degree acting as one entity. In the United States I believe that more people believe in Creationism than in the Theory Of Evolution. :wow: To me that is utterly baffling and a sign that ignorance never sleeps. These are the majority voters that are deciding the future. With so many people thinking like that it does make it difficult to resist what is going on. I still think that open and honest discussions about this sort of thing particularly with people that oppose our viewpoints is an important step. People are just lazy as always so they choose to just give in. Don't let the hopelessness you may feel cloud your judgement as to the very real steps you can take that can slowly improve the situation. If everyone that agreed with me took one small step in the opposing direction we'd be living in a very different world but people get discouraged and with that they lose the war. It's going to take time and perseverance but it is possible. Just be willing to accept nothing less than the freedom and privacy you deserve.
  11. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Catalyst First of all, I did n t even mention communism, as I lived in a communist country and I know what it really is.
    Second is that, the real problem reside in the ism thing. Capital in it self is part of the logical evolution of human society, but if you do a dictatorship of it, among people life, then there is a big problem. This is why I mentioned the Chicago Stock Exchange, because this an example of how speculation can get more important than persons lives. As speculating on the price of rice and corn is killing real persons, and this was not always allowed.

    Beside this have nothing to do with real competition, as these men earning money only because they can afford to speculate are doingnothing, they are only taking advantage of a position, like all dictatorship.

    Last but not least, human kind is much more complex than only competitive, and I don t agree that capitalism is the reflect of human kind. Humans have solidarity too in its gene. I have travel enough to see places where this still happens from people not yet contaminated by the high individualism content of our society´s communications (Say commercials, movies, TV etc...)
  12. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    I brought up communism only to show that economies are never strictly capitalist not because of anything you said. Also I did mention that unchecked capitalism is very bad but I think that accountable capitalism can work. Just because an extreme of an ideology is bad doesn't mean that the ideology itself is bad. Science is good but unchecked science at the cost of morality is not. Can we conclude therefore that science is wrong? No, of course not. We just have to be vigilant in holding it accountable just like capitalism. Bottom line is even if capitalism were completely wrong nobody can come up with a valid replacement. Until we have one we have to make it work. It's very difficult to take up this endeavor as economic systems are notoriously complicated to even think about, much less create. One final note to think about: Humans banded together through evolution out of necessity not love. If there was so much solidarity then the world would be operating on a different level and we wouldn't be having this conversation now would we? The truth of the matter is that humans worked together with infinitely greater purpose in dividing ourselves than we ever did in uniting.
  13. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    I truly believe that this will be achieve one day. But now we don´t live in a democracy, any and every group that truly try to propose that is being destroyed by the system, aka the small group that rules the world and through the pretext of protecting author rights, is trying to get control over the internet too.

    Capitalism is an endless race for power no matter what, so there is no way that this could be under control one day, the essence of capitalism it self drive to power abuse.

    This not the truth, the division between humans is due to the centralized powers of all times, they divide to reign. As I said, we are conditioned not to be united.

    We could go on on arguing a lot more but obviously this is not the right place for this conversation.
  14. lukie

    lukie Newbie

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Wheres the grassy knoll when you want one. :rofl:
  15. elucidation

    elucidation Newbie

    Jul 4, 2012
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    This thread (or a similar CISPA-related thread) should be stuck to the top of this forum. I really hope you guys are doing your part in defeating these intrusive, anti-privacy measures -- these blatant infringements upon our basic rights.
  16. BoomBEZEL

    BoomBEZEL Newbie

    Mar 30, 2013
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    [The Unintended Consequences of the Boston Massacre]
    THE SPECIFIC INDICTMENT of Bush Jr/Obama/CIA/US Military "Torture of 9/11 Prisoners" at GITMO—FINALLY CONFIRMED as a "WAR CRIME"-- Equivalent to Prosecuted Nazi War Crimes and the Torture/ Internship Of Japanese Americans During WWII.
    Nothing beats a sensational front page news story like a Boston Marathon Massacre! Most readers would miss the incidental but far more serious implication for the moral compass of America than the NY Times story by Scott Shane, entitled, "U.S. Practiced Torture After 9/11, Non Partisan Review Concludes". (posted earlier)
    In this article, both Asa Hutchinson [Republican/Bush Jr Administration] and James R. Jones [Democrat, Congress] indict the interrogation and tortures committed by Presidents Clinton [Rendition], Bush Jr [full menu of tortures], Obama [Bush Jr in Black Face].
    In essence, this bipartisan report, along with 6,000 pages of still classified docs IMPLICATES THREE ADMINISTRATIONS of INTERNATIONAL WAR CRIMES—RENDITION, TORTURE, ENHANCED INTERROGATION.
    What does this mean in the midst of our frenzy to find 'supposed terrorists' of the Boston Marathon Massacre?
    It means that, as I have previously repeated time and time again, we have had and still have Presidents who have willingly committed acts of International War Crimes Punishable by Death and / or Life Imprisonment.
    Furthermore, to make matters even worse, the extensive investigations showed that the abominable, criminal activities of interrogation, torture, water boarding committed by the CIA, US military, US mercenaries and sanctioned by three presidents were like the wars themselves- totally useless.
    Have I, an experienced counter --terrorist expert with thirty years experience who had never had to touch even one detainee, let alone torture or 'interrogate' anyone, suddenly had a fit of righteous indignation or just decided to vent his RELENTLESS FURY for UNREPENTANT SINS of our THREE PRESIDENTS and their MINIONS?
    The answer lies not in the headlines nor in the hysterical media distractions of a tragic occurrence which I might have been able to predict (I think Patriarch did predict this), had I known beforehand that this report would come out on the same day as the BOSTON MARATHON.
    That's right! You've got it! Once again, Obama in concert with FEMA, CIA, FBI, and other National Security minions—the usual 'choir boy suspects'—decided to OFFER A DISTRACTION. HELP BEFORE ITS TOO LATE!
  17. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Please link to an article or use regular size text instead of making it take up the whole page. It's a little too much.
    Personally I don't like InfoWars and I even made up a new motto for them: "Because There Is A War On For Your Mind...And If You Read InfoWars You've Already Lost It. InfoWars makes a lot of alarmist claims that are not based in any kind of real evidence. Alex Jones addresses the crowd just like a reverend from a pulpit and uses the same type of loose logic that religion enlists to justify itself. That isn't to say that there aren't worrying events happening in the world but I think we need to be vigilant in obtaining all the facts before jumping to conclusions. I mean here he is suggesting that the Boston Marathon Bombing was a hoax perpetrated by the US government. Honestly, with the facts we currently have we can't make that kind of judgement and thinking like that only makes the situation appear more hopeless than it already is. Sometimes that can be a hard conclusion to come to about a topic that gets people as emotional as this but I like to keep a clear head. People have suggested that 9/11 was a hoax too but any opinions on that are just conjecture not fact. For example people still spout conspiracy theories about the Kennedy assassination even in the face of tons of evidence that there was only one shooter. Penn & Teller's Bullshit even did an episode on conspiracy theories that included this and it was very entertaining.
  18. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    There are many worrying events happening right now and some that are like something out of an Orwellian nightmare. One really unsettling development I found out about a long time ago was that right now in Utah the NSA is building a spy center unlike anything the world has ever seen. It is due to be completed in September of this year if I'm not mistaken. Basically it is a data mining facility with supercomputers capable of breaking any encryption effectively rendering privacy dead. Apparently the government has made some cryptographic breakthroughs that allow them to break encryption with much less effort and computing power than ever before. This is the single greatest threat facing freedom and privacy the world over.

    Also unfortunately I have to inform you guys that CISPA just passed the House of Representatives by a vote of 288-127. If any of you actually know how the system works (which you should) it now goes on to the Senate for their vote. Obama said he would veto the bill if it gets past the Senate but only time will tell. Basically in spite of the fact that the White House advised against the bill citing privacy concerns the House went ahead and went for it anyway. Democracy at its finest. However, I will reiterate its only hopeless if you choose to not investigate further and take some sort of non-violent action. Don't take my word for it do your own research. Make sure the sites you research are viable sources of information. Hold them to the standards you would if you were doing a report for college. Make sure the claims that the source makes can be substantiated with factual evidence. Contact your representatives, sign a petition but for the love of god do something.

    Here's an article about CISPA:
    House Passes CISPA Cybersecurity Bill Despite Warnings From White House

    And here's the end of freedom and privacy as we know it:
    NSA Is Building The Country's Biggest Spy Center (Watch What You Say)

    "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."
    -Edmund Burke (disputed author because Plato, Tolstoy and others also have similar quotes)
  19. fritoz

    fritoz Ultrasonic

    Jan 27, 2012
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    dark side of the moon
    motherfu**ing congress, better fail in senate or else....or else.... well i dont know what else but dammit i dont have to like it
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