Cubase 10.0.20 graphic freeze totally

Discussion in 'Cubase / Nuendo' started by gorimaa, Jun 2, 2019.

  1. gorimaa

    gorimaa Noisemaker

    Jul 17, 2018
    Likes Received:
    Hello crew,

    So here is my config: 17 7820x 16gb ram, nvidia gtx 950, windows 7 ultimate sp1, everything up to date, and optimized for audio

    Anyway back to the problem which occurs when zooming a track, becoming extremely slow (6-10 seconde of reaction) and worst to all after some testing i could reproduce every time this bug:

    Opening an empty project , create an instrument track with any vsti (even a cubase one), good zoom on the track (like seeing only 8 bars on a 2k screen)

    double click on the midi part of instrument track to be able to draw some note on the normally new opened editor windows= freeze, THE EDITOR WINDOW DONT EVEN OPEN.

    in task manager cubase is reported as "non responding"... but on my 16 thread processor, the 3rd one, is full up to 100% without going down until i end process, with a crash report labelled as "apphangb1"

    This bug, even i think correlated to zoom hyperlag, happens without any zoom in in fact, also it is not related to soundcard driver as it happen without any one, the bug also happen with a simple midi track , but not with an empty audio track (even the serious zoom lag happen if it contains data)

    Steinberg support un-reachable from cambodia, no response on the forum, i dont know what to do

    please help me


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  3. Jazz-N-Stuff

    Jazz-N-Stuff Platinum Record

    Nov 25, 2015
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    several ideas to solve the problem :
    are you a new win 10 user? If you have a fast Internet connection download Version 9.5 or 9 or even 8.5 of Cubase and test what happens if you work with older versions. We older users have older versions running parallel and so we can check easily. here is an example how it looks i can switch to any older version because the USB dongle elicenser qualifies for any older version too.
    I run several WIn 7 with Cubases and never had this bug.

    other solution,do you know Cubase 10 NEEDS the AERO Design to run?

    And last but not least check the Graphics card drivers and replace to latest version or try older ones.
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2019
  4. je5009

    je5009 Ultrasonic

    Nov 16, 2017
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    If you are having trouble try to update to win10 or use 9.5 or an older version.
    Windows 7 is really Great OS but is old and windows 10 is new. I hate windows 10 but it run well cubase and if you are having some crashes on old projects because of the plugins. Remember to put microshift soundtoys plugin on the crontrol room and then bypass and it should fix the problems.
  5. Jazz-N-Stuff

    Jazz-N-Stuff Platinum Record

    Nov 25, 2015
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    do NOT change to WIN 10 ! there will be new problems then. I made tests this weekend and can show proof abt extreme Latency spikes in WIn 10. And we are not talking abt little spikes every now and then. There is another thread abt the issue and i can affirm it happens to me too with the latest Win 10 Installation.
  6. evolasme

    evolasme Platinum Record

    May 11, 2013
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    somewhere different almost every night
    also. Steinberg recommends using windows 10 as Cubase 10 as well as 9 we developed for these OS also 64 bit win 7 has always been a bit wonky for me
  7. gorimaa

    gorimaa Noisemaker

    Jul 17, 2018
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    thank you so much guys for trying help....

    first upgrading to win 10, really scare of this move, as it seems to it is not happening without others big problems for everybody. Also i heard a fresh install is always better, but totally lazy to reinstall alll system with plugin and optimization as i nearly completed this one on the new computer few months ago...

    BUT HERE IS THE REAL UPDATE : i effectively still have the 9.5 installed, and i tried to open the 10.0.20 project : it works like a charm !!, no zoom problem, no bug in opening editor, no crash.... what a shame, i remember the zoom lag was in fact already here in cubase 10 in earlier version, but now with the last it is totally worst (totally unusable) .... i cannot even contact the support request from cambodia, for a 600$ software plus 3 to 4 update , un believable...

    i guess i just have to continue using 9.5 until they fix the problem, but how could they if i cannot report the bug?

    maybe i still should try to install a second harddrive with windows 10, but i am really scare about old plugins and all the shit of windows 10, what is the best version o install for daw?

  8. Jazz-N-Stuff

    Jazz-N-Stuff Platinum Record

    Nov 25, 2015
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    exactly this is what i do, I have 4-5 parallel WIN installations on smaller 256 or 512 GB SSDs.
    3 with WIN 7 perfectly "patched" over the years using ( i would say 3 years without new installation) and i have also 3 different WIN 10 installations unfortunately all latest version 1903 and the one before 1809, which suck big time. I cnat give you any adice which version works best but ( with Macrium for mirroring your disk installation and lots of SSDs u can find out yourself) .
    With all these Installed "ready to go" SSDs for different Hardware (always AMD CPUS with Gigabyte Boards) its really easy to find out whats the best solution for you. I use 2 of the Computers with VEpro 7 on bigger Cinematic productions with lots of Instruments.
    Use latencymon to check the performance
    the latency should be around 50 u seconds and max maybe 150-200 to have a top performant system. Any measures 500 u sec and up are not tolerable.
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