Windows 7 or 10 on new HW?

Discussion in 'Computer Hardware' started by DelveRob, May 31, 2019.

  1. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    That's a matter of fact. I work for a big company in financial industry. They're always very late on changing OS. The same goes for Win 7 now. And that will cost them millions of $$$ again. And I suspect even MS will give them (and other idiots) nonofficial updates if they pay enough.
    First time that I know they (my corp) did that was with OS/2. They used it almost 10 (!) years after IBM officially stopped support. And IBM charged them millions and millions for using an already dead horse.

    Giving a multi-billion-giant the "chance" to use Win 7 until the end of days does'nt mean, they will do that for us of course.

    I won't go so far to say Win 7 is gone in 6 months but I would say it's more likely to be months than years that the vast majority of hard/software devs will stop support of win 7, partly because of pressure by MS, partly because userbase will definitely shink.

    I liked Win 7 much, but I think it's time to say goodbye the one way or the other.
    Last edited: May 31, 2019
  2. Marcsal

    Marcsal Kapellmeister

    May 29, 2019
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    @shawnsdada I agree he should try both but disagree with the rest of what you said. YesterdayI installed Windows 7 Lite kindly provided to me by @The Pirate. Contrary to what you imply there is nothing malicious in it. Before installing I talked to others that have it and the consensus was the same. Safe to install. Working great. What is not to like or fear about it? Also ther is a lot of people in this Forum that know what they are talking about. Im new but have been reading it for years.
    Last edited: May 31, 2019
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  3. Marcsal

    Marcsal Kapellmeister

    May 29, 2019
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    Thats the way to go about it
  4. Marcsal

    Marcsal Kapellmeister

    May 29, 2019
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    I tried 10 and 7 and programs that were giving me problems in 10 are running fine in 7. My only complaint is when it comes to UAD. I cant get it to work.
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  5. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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  6. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
    I'd politely disagree,
    let's not forget Microsoft officially announced ESU (extended security updates) for Win7 for 3 more years after January 2020, so speaking of professional enterprise area, there will be literally no change, I wouldn't expect any serious software/hardware company just cease support of anything of their current products
    "anything new" to come is indeed a tricky part, devs will want money so it will be an interesting situation if they willingly cut off more potential customers, meaning if Microsoft will "fund" their loss in favor of pushing Win10 forward

    lite versions of OSes are awesome, I still have the Win10 LTSB Lite (v5) by IK somewhere, best Win10 I have ever run across
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  7. shawnsdada

    shawnsdada Member

    Dec 25, 2017
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    I said to never use a custom build referred by ANYONE and would be best for people to look into making them on their own and build them based on what THEY want.

    It's a simple process and not hard at all. Multiple pieces of software out there to make them and YOU know what's going into it and what YOU'RE taking out of it. People shouldn't let others make the decisions for them. No matter how much you think they know about the subject.

    Common sense. I never implied anything malicious being done by any certain member/s at all. I really don't like my words being twisted and prefer it not happen again.
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  8. The problem with aromatherapy is that, to an aromatherapist, the solution to every problem is aromatherapy. Broken leg? That’ll be Lavender Oil. Windows 7 is rather the same. The real solution to software not working on Win 10 is for developers to develop and test their builds on Windows 10 and not for me to have to run my DAW on a steaming ten-year-old documented-to-be-insecure operating system that wasn’t designed for the hardware I’m using, six months before the official time to die.

    And the tragedy of it all is, that Jobsie would still be with us, in all probability, if he hadn’t believed in Ju-Ju magic medicine.
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  9. metaller

    metaller Audiosexual

    May 28, 2016
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    Win 10 is intrinsically faster. It gets more stable by each version. I installed win7 on my device after a few years, and I regret it. I will go back to 10.
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  10. Lieglein

    Lieglein Audiosexual

    Nov 23, 2018
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    I like this statement. Very correct. The user never should have to compensate problems from the developers. :thumbsup:
  11. Jazz-N-Stuff

    Jazz-N-Stuff Platinum Record

    Nov 25, 2015
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    would any of you WIN 10 "happy users" show me a 10 min video of latencymon running on their systems?
    I know what i am talking abt, and invested 100s of hours to try to make WIN 10 running performant like an old stupid fully loaded WIN 7 (bloated with tons of shit i installed over the last 3 years).
    I even run a antivirus program live scanning the C drive and have better latency than any WIN 10 out there.

    I am ready to show proof here. So what abt a SHOOTOUT?
    Beat my fucked up WIn 7 system, REALTIME non edited VIDEO only.
    here is the TOOL
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  12. Can you explain why your suggested DPC analyser always reports the inability to process audio when Thesycon DPC anylyser always doesn't on my machine?
  13. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    The real solution is to use the OS in which your programs work while you wait for the developers to catch up. That is the solution. On one hand you admit that there are compatibility problems with Windows 10 and on the other hand you dismiss Windows 7 because it is unsecure and wasn't designed for the hardware you use. What is the lesser of the 2 evils? That is an individual choice. One that the OP must made. If we look at it objectively, I would say that the majority of current software related problems of our members are with Windows 10. That is what has kept me away from it. The security issues you allude to, should not even come into play when making a decision. A system dedicated to DAW should be kept offline. Period.
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  14. No it really isn't, and I come from a pre-retirement thirty-year career in freelance IT disaster recovery. Nobody knows the disasters I've seen. I once found, in 2009, a nationwide delivery company running off a Windows NT 4.0 box (1998), on a chair, in a cupboard under the stairs. Literally. Nobody dared go near it. That's where you end up following your proposed methodology. You'll end up painted into a corner you can't get out of when money demands you must.

    Yes there are a few issues I've found on Win 10. As a general rule of thumb, if it won't run, it gets archived. You never, ever, ever run a system, particularly a system for which you could eventually end up in a commercial lawsuit over, that you can't blame on Microsoft. It's as brutal as that.

    I truly understand why people with hardware on the limits of viability would keep a Win 7 system chugging on. It was a great build in its day. But if you're serious about having a future in music, you want to avoid that chair, in the cupboard, under the stairs, because otherwise you'll end up paying some bastard like me to get you off it one day.
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  15. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    @Fudsey Plange Being serious about making music does not require any specific OS, hardware or software. Nobody needs the latest of everything in order to make good music. I have said it before and will say it again. With whatever I have today, I can continue to make music for the next 10 years without the need to acquire any new DAW, plugins,hardware. Bottom line is, if we can't make music with what we already have available today, we never will.
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  16. Ad Heesive

    Ad Heesive Audiosexual

    Apr 21, 2019
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    Wonderful - I saw the Pirate's comment, just as I was about to hit the submit button.

    So, a thought experiment.

    Let's first assume that, for hundreds of years, every generation produces its fair share of creative musicians. We're no better and no worse than musicians from 1600, 1700, 1800, 1900, 2000. There are probably more good musicians around now than ever before but there are also many more dull boring musicians around today too.

    Now let's imagine (Science-Fiction) Dr Who arrives in his TARDIS and time-travels you to the year 2009.

    You find yourself in a room with another guy or girl who's just been whisked away from 1999.

    So the two of you are staring at a room full of audio technology from 2009.

    The guy from 1999 is saying "wow this is heaven" and (s)he's now unleashing every bit of musical creativity. (S)he has tools to learn from, tools to support writing, tools to support playing, tools to support recording. (S)he is melting with all the possibilities and immediately producing fabulous music - just like people have done for hundreds of years but now using some truly wonderful toys.

    Meanwhile, what are you doing?
    Are you sulking? are you saying "look at all this boring crap out-of-date technology" "where's my multi core 64 bit processing?" "How am I supposed to produce music on all this antique crap?"

    So the two of you, the guy from 1999 and the guy from 2019..
    Which of you is behaving rationally?
    Which of you is behaving like a total ass?

    Ask yourself sincerely... Do you really want to make music or do you want to pretend that making music is only possible on machines and software made in 2019?

    Of course I want 2020 technology just like the next guy, but the idea that yesterday's tools are a liability is a pathetic delusion.

    Will the people comparing corporate IT requirements (a legitimate addiction to updating their IT), with a musician's totally different IT requirements, please grow up and get a realistic perspective.

    If the Interent was nuked tomorrow and all future computer development stopped, an all software development stopped, I could still happily record music for the rest of life, under circumstances that the previous 500 years of musicians would be totally jealous of.
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2019
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  17. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    This sums it all up for me. :goodpost:
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  18. Tell that to a label.
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  19. Actually, that's a perfectly respectable position to take. What I find hard to stomach is when every person with a problem, who comes to a forum such as this, gets greeted with 'use Windows 7' as the cure for every problem. That's not respectable. That's self indulgent.
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