6.1.1 P2P/R4e was the best WIN Kontakt release until 6.2.2

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by The Pirate, May 29, 2019.

  1. voidSeeker

    voidSeeker Kapellmeister

    Oct 22, 2016
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    So what is the latest for us Mac users, I'm confused...
  2. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    Native Instruments Kontakt 6 v6.1.1 Standalone AU VST MacOSX Update Only
  3. Dimentagon

    Dimentagon Rock Star

    Aug 7, 2018
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    The Microshperic Anomaly
    Extremely cumbersome and didn't read about 20 of my libraries. The integrated library management is quite shit compared to the Add Library and Library fixer.
    6.1.1 is way more stable
    Its these unjustified and unqualified comments that are pretty unhelpful... Maybe explain yourself.
  4. Iggy

    Iggy Rock Star

    Jun 21, 2011
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    The stage, man
    There may be a problem with Nocturne Violin and Cello and Kontakt v6.1.1, which I posted here. In my case, I'm on a Mac, and also have custom .nicnt files and wallpapers for both Orchestral Tools libraries. They show up in my Library tab and load just fine in v6.1.1, but when I go to batch re-save either library, it locks up Kontakt (spinning beachball that doesn't end, even after ten to fifteen minutes) and causes me to execute a Force Quit to get out of it. That's never happened to me before in any other version of Kontakt. Checking the library folders shows that they've actually re-saved, or at least appear to have, even though the freeze happens about halfway through saving. Just to be safe, I re-loaded the original, unaltered Instrument folders for both libraries from my archives and batch re-saved them in Kontakt v6.1.0, where they re-saved without any problem. These point-one updates seem to be wreaking havoc with certain libraries, don't know why, but I don't think it has anything to do with the libraries themselves or any custom .nicnts or wallpapers. In the case of the Nocturne libraries, both of them have TM patches, which might be causing problems, but I have other libraries with TM patches that saved in v6.1.1 without any problem whatsoever.
  5. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    Brother you must give it some time. It is perfectly normal. It all comes down to how many NKI/NKM files and samples a library has, and the drive it has been placed. The time to batch resave also is affected negatively if your antivirus is on. It is going to be scanning all the files as you resave them. Do this: start batch resave and go to bed. When you wake up, it will be over...unless you need to manually locate some files. Some libraries on slow hard drives can take HOURS! Welcome to Kontakt.
    Last edited: May 31, 2019
  6. Iggy

    Iggy Rock Star

    Jun 21, 2011
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    The stage, man
    Sorry I wasn't clear in my previous post: batch re-saving both Nocturne Violin and Cello completely froze Kontakt v6.1.1 standalone, whereas they batch re-saved in under a minute in v6.1.0 with no issues. I've never encountered a library batch re-save that took hours (I batch re-save every library individually, and the longest it's ever taken was about fifteen minutes for Cinematic Guitars Infinity, due to the sheer size of the collection ... and Kontakt wasn't frozen while doing so), and the drive with my Kontakt libraries is an internal SSD. I actually thought like you did -- that maybe it was just hanging for a minute while it finished things up, which has happened before -- but after leaving it be for an unusually long time, like 45 minutes, it was obvious that there was no actual processing taking place and that the program had simply locked up. The fact that I could then go back to v6.1.0 and batch re-save both libraries quickly and normally means that something is amiss with v6.1.1 on my machine, at least with those two libraries (and the aforementioned issues with GOTH and GRINDHOUSE). All my other libraries are just fine, batch re-save just fine, and even the four libraries I am now having problems with load up, appear in the Library tab and work fine in v6.1.1. My guess is that there's something wonky with these two point-one Kontakt updates that they're still fiddling around with (the changelog for v6.1.1 suggests that they're fixing/trying to fix the very problem I'm having) and that, hopefully, they'll get it worked out in a future update. Up until this point, all versions of Kontakt have always been stable for me.
  7. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    @Iggy i just realized you on a Mac. Solution is simple. Sell Mac and buy PC. I have been discussing the Windows release. This thread was about the Windows release. Since you are on a Mac, there is not much I can tell you. I never tried Kontakt on my Mac. Sorry.:dunno:
  8. Iggy

    Iggy Rock Star

    Jun 21, 2011
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    The stage, man
    I actually only brought it up because @Ak3mi91 had mentioned having difficulty with Nocturne, which also just happened with me. That said, I don't think it's a platform issue, I think it's a problem with Kontakt v6.1.x, and is right now probably a minor one, depending on your proclivity for batch re-saving your libraries (although v6.1 apparently had issues with Big Fish Audio, 8Dio and Spitfire, which I was hoping v6.1.1 would fix with my issues, instead of making them slightly worse). Most people don't mess with batch re-save, so I imagine none of this is an issue ... unless this is just a precursor to more intrusive malfunctions in future updates.
  9. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    That problem @Ak3mi91 was having has nothing to do with Kontakt. It is a "custom" nicnt. I guarantee you that the problem lies with it. I have that same library he mentioned and never had problems with it. I also batch save every library. I can only speak from a PC perspective. There could be problems with the mac 6.1.1. That I don't know.
  10. Schieleego

    Schieleego Newbie

    May 31, 2019
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    Hi Pirate! Thanks so much for your reply! :) can you go into detail how i have to proceed to make the kontakt version you are talking about working side by side with legit kontakt? im sorry bothering you and would be immsenly thankful if you could explain. Or do you maybe know a better version together with legit kontakt? maybe kontakt protable?
    Thanks again! :)
  11. Ak3mi91

    Ak3mi91 Platinum Record

    Mar 31, 2017
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    Yep, The Pirate was right. Well, at least partially.

    I always make sure not to use the same SNPID numbers twice, but somehow it was still a fault of my custom libraries. I deleted registry entries and related .xml files, used different NCINT generator that usual, and it worked.

    I have another issue, though. For some reason, my Repaer template is now loading 15+ minutes instead of the usual 2-3 and I see the message "converting" while Kontakt is loading, but I hope that the batch re-saving libraries will help me with this. I will check that after getting back home from work.

    Other than that, really solid release. It works way more smoothly than the Russian portable version, so I will stick to it anyway.
  12. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    If you have the legit one already install all you need is the dll and exe. from this release. You rename the dll Kontakt 6 and place it in your VST folder. You grab the Kontakt exe. and rename it Kontakt 6. You are going to place it inside C:/Program Files/Native instruments/Kontakt. Make a shortcut and place shortcut on desktop for standalone.For the vst, remember to rescan your plugins. It will show up. It is very simple.
    Last edited: May 31, 2019
  13. Horizon

    Horizon Newbie

    Jun 18, 2018
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    Am I not getting it? You said @r4e shared a Kontakt 6.1.1 but I can't seem to find it :rofl:There is only 6.1.0.

    EDIT: Just realized that 6.1.1 patch is included in 6.1.0 release. Thanks!
  14. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    I don't even know what you are talking about. Do you? 6.1.1 in 6.1.0 ?
  15. Amorphis

    Amorphis Member

    May 24, 2018
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    Hey Pirate, kept thinking of when you said Kontakt can´t do miracles (when users mess with SNPID etc) and also of the only advantage of the Portable version, this alround-all-in-one library manager.

    It would be amazing if there would be a library management app for the normal (not portable) Kontakt, too. Yes, there are a few (literally "Tiny") tools that are helpers to find SNPID info, to create NICNT files, to sort the library ("CodeFN42 Kontakt LibOrganizer"), to check the NI related registry entries etc.

    But what if we could have a software that would do all of that in one?
    A software that takes away all this hassle away from us, because it would handle it under the hood. We´d see a nice graphical overview of our library, with wallpapers, can sort the libs, delete them, and most importantly tell it to add a custom library and it would do the whole job on its own, creating a nicnt in the background, registering it already by putting the entries in the registry and the NI xml files, and even keeping an eye on not having any SNPID conflicts. This could be handled by a list of known officially taken SNPIDs, so it will never give these numbers in the first place. Or if so, and we want to add an official library with a SNPID which conflicts with a custom made library, it will handle this internally. Moreover, it could change wallpapers for us, and make complete backups of a library state, so we could get back to a former state if we need to.

    Yes, this sounds pretty much like the manager from the portable version - but for the normal version! Wouldn´t this be a heaven on earth like dream? I am sure it would be theoretically possible to code that thing, I wish was a coder, I would even try.

    Because - and by that referring to the actual thread topic - I totally agree, this Kontakt release is probably the best ever.
    Because even with R2R´s 5.6.5 there was no general unlock for any library, and there were annoying "register" signs on them etc), and after that there was only symlink and portable with each their flaws. Symlink often had add library issues, and the biggest flaw of the portable, apart from being a bit unstable, no one did ever mention here: It´s not working together with Komplete Kontrol! But: It has this awesome library manager that among many other great features just adds custom libraries, with no nicnt hassle etc.

    So, the only thing that is missing to unite all the advantages would be the library manager software i just described...

    I wish someone who is able to do that could give it a try, I´d even pay him for that... as part of a joint group of people for example...
  16. mrpsanter

    mrpsanter Audiosexual

    Mar 28, 2014
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    Yes it is.
    This is exactly what I did on my system. I run both versions, just in case.
    Oh and one more nice thing with v6 is that automatically detected most of the libraries I already use with v5.
  17. Horizon

    Horizon Newbie

    Jun 18, 2018
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    What I didn't understand was; You said the Kontakt 6.1.1 repack released by r4e is best. But I couldn't find kontakt 6.1.1 in web. After that I downloaded 6.1.0 from audioZ. Then I realized that 6.1.1 update was inside 6.1.0(somehow).
  18. Vagalume

    Vagalume Newbie

    Mar 11, 2016
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    PIrate, I had never had a problem with Kontakt ... till last year ... the thing is, I haven't been able to get Metropolis 2 work for more than a year now [I add library > it says successful > I restart kontakt and it says that is not installed]. ... I know, it's only library ... but it's is one of my favourites. If I may ... Is it possible to have those "magical" tools to help make libraries work properly in K?
  19. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    Brother, we don't need all that. I have over 200 libraries installed without issues. The Add Library does what it is supposed to do. There is always going to be user error with whatever tool is created regardless of how easy to use it is.
  20. Ak3mi91

    Ak3mi91 Platinum Record

    Mar 31, 2017
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    If you are using this new release, try this:
    1. Click start > type in "regedit" in search bar and turn on Registry Editor > Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Native Instruments\ and delete Metropolis 2 entry.

    2. Go to C:\Program Files\Common Files\Native Instruments\Service Center and delete Metropolis 2 .xml file there.

    3. Try adding library again or make a new NCINT custom file by using NI-NicntGenerator (search for "Native Instruments (HomeCooked TinyToolz 1-6)-TRACER" on sister site).