Studio One 4.5 was just Released !!!

Discussion in 'Studio One' started by Vir Cotto, May 21, 2019.

  1. alexbart

    alexbart Producer

    Mar 17, 2013
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    Only thing i don't like about Presonus is how they don't include all updates for free within the same version number, now we have to pay extra money for the batch processor, just like the Presence Xt Editor, it's a bit annoying to me for a 400 Euro software.
  2. Yellow Raven

    Yellow Raven Platinum Record

    May 26, 2019
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    Lebanon. Beirut.
    from sequencing on a Roland MC 50 (yep i'm that old ) then Finale and then Cakewalk and switching to Studio one when cakewalk was no more (i didn't like it much anyway ) i have to say i like S1 it is snappy and rarely crashes and i intend to buy a legit copy with notion when they discount it. saying that the one thing i don't like about it is one can't view notes except by sending to Notion and that is a bummer and awkward. i don't mind buying notion but why not make it a window inside S1 one like the mixer or the edit etc so we can view the notes realtime instead of sending and resending all the time.
    another thing the palette of colors for the tracks seem chaotic somehow
    just my two cents
  3. Mykal

    Mykal AudioP2P

    Jun 20, 2011
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    I'm Right Behind You
    @alexbart Presonus has given' Legit owners more than enough free updates ,everything else is a personal choice, not everybody cares about the editor for The sampler some just simply need to record a simple 2 mic deal(Vox,Instrument) etc etc. I like the fact that you can buy a very cheap version , get to recording and over time get the additions as needed , when you can afford them. I think of it with Presonus as I do with Ableton packs and Max4lve shit.Buy what you need ... Besides numbers do not mean shit. I am only 1 years old and have only been updated twice:guru:
    Last edited: May 26, 2019
  4. alexbart

    alexbart Producer

    Mar 17, 2013
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    I purchased the full license of studio one professional, i used Reaper for several years and still own it, I like some features of Studio One like smooth tempo transitions on audio sources that in Reaper are tricky to do, it's very disturbing to me to see just 4 months later how they are promoting new and in many cases, obvious improvements and the only one and really useful new feature, is not included for free. Also when a user asks in their forums for something, the most of the times they answer to vote for a feature request. To me it's not hard for Presonus to see that inside Reaper you can drag an mp3 song and continue working while peaks are being generated in 2 seconds and in Studio One you drag the same song and you have to wait 18 seconds until it slowly generates the peaks and the DAW is locked and unusable. It looks like Presonus talks to lobotomized user base and their developers are hoping that nobody is watching competitive DAWs features.
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  5. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    They did it with Melodyne. Why not with their own software? That is an excellent point. But you asked a question to which the answer is obvious.They don't care about people like you that buy S1 and then spend an extra $150 to buy Notion. Just put aside an extra $100 for when a big update for Notion is released. Dont think it is going to be a freebie. Maybe they integrate it inside Studio One.
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  6. Mykal

    Mykal AudioP2P

    Jun 20, 2011
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    I'm Right Behind You
    "when a user asks in their forums for something, the most of the times they answer to vote for a feature request"

    Well yeah, that is the whole point of a user forum for any software dev. Listening to your users and making improvements should be a pretty normal fucking thing in my eyes
  7. eXACT_Beats_

    eXACT_Beats_ Audiosexual

    Apr 21, 2018
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    I don't know why this is a recurring comment/complaint. Not only have I never had an issue with *any plugin, they all scan fast as hell, and I'm running an older PC that is far from some 16GB RAM beast with spinning, gold rims. :dunno:
    I have tried about every DAW out there and S1 is as fast as the best of them. :yes:

    Also, not comin at you, DJK, but why is everyone hyped on switching DAWs? Especially from Ableton? Ableton, Pro Tools, Cubase, all of them have Pros & Cons compared to Studio One, and besides that, finding the right DAW for you is more about your style and what your needs, or maybe a better way to put it is what you prioritize--recording, sequencing, midi, etc.,--and what fits your workflow. Studio One works for me as it is an extension of how my scattered-ass brain jumps around between sampling, recording (MIDI, mainly,) and arranging while creating a track, that's why I finally settled on it after doing a solid 3-4 week trial run of quite a few DAWs. :yes:
  8. fredboudin

    fredboudin Ultrasonic

    Oct 23, 2018
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    V4.5 is crash fest on El Capitan.
    Change the buffer size : crash
    Change audio drop out protection : crash
    Drag&drop samples from browser to impact : crash
  9. playtime

    playtime Rock Star

    Sep 28, 2016
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    STUDIO ONE v4.5.1 build 52729 just appeared in my account.

    Studio One 4 – Version History and Release Notes

    This document lists all Studio One 4 maintenance updates and their included fixes and improvements.

    Version 4.5.1 Release Notes (May 29, 2019):

    The following issues have been fixed:
    ● Faulty assignment of ATOM pads
    ● Plug-in Scan freezes when Windows is offline
    ● Volume automation is laggy
    ● Crash on undoing instantiation of instruments
    ● Audio events disappear on bounce when writing tempo information option is disabled
    ● Crash on hitting Alt+Arrow up/down in empty song
    ● Limiter metering mode switch is broken
    ● Pop-up menu for "Add Insert" command has wrong properties

    Hope this will squash some bugs :trashing:
    Last edited: May 29, 2019
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