Selling my UAD Satellite Octo card

Discussion in 'Selling / Buying' started by yabiss, May 23, 2019.

  1. Hooman.Leys

    Hooman.Leys Platinum Record

    Dec 26, 2015
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    I will compare them AGAIN ASAP!
    But I would like to ask you that why you mentioned UNISON? Do you know about unison tec? Just to let you know that It is all about preamp! Wave ssl doesn’t have it,
    The other one which is obvious is XFMR (Jensen transformer-based preamps with Unison technology)
    Definitely there is some difference on gates and exp.

    I would really like to make an specific video about it for here if I find time.

    Have a nice time mates :)
  2. notsoloud

    notsoloud Guest

    I mentioned Unison because it is a feature that UAD technology has that any other comparable channel strip, whether by Waves or Plugin Alliance or Softube, simply does not offer. I record various source material and being able to swap channel strips as I look for the best result is, to me, an amazing feature. Perhaps to many here who simply use soft synths and VST's and work totally inside their DAW this aspect of the value of the UAD system is lost on them.
  3. MarkSlater

    MarkSlater Producer

    May 16, 2012
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    These comments are unnecessary! :dunno: It's like you are selling a Mercedes on a Marketplace and people would comment: "Yeah dude, people would be so stupid to buy the Mercedes from you, when a BMW could be driven the same way." :no:
    Yabiss posted in "Selling / Buying" section, not in Hardware / Software Reviews. People who would be interested into buying this thing, already know the gear, its capabilities, limitations, upsides and downsides.
  4. Well, let’s consider some of the claims made about Brainworx originated plugs – that you can get exactly the same plug on Native as on UAD. I have both the UAD Elysia mPressor and the native version and they are different. The Native version is mathematically perfect all the way up to Nyquist, allowing one to trace the patterns of harmonic distortion and resonance to a very high frequency. The UAD version is different. The closer you get to Nyquist the more unstable and random the signal becomes, much more like the response you’d expect to get from hardware.

    Did Brainworx code this difference in? I don’t think (but I don’t know) that they did. I think the difference between the plugs is that the SHARC core, that executes the DSP code, has a dedicated fast Fourier transform engine in hardware, whereas native must compute an FFT using floating point code executed by the CPU. The SHARC is just different, more like hardware. I can barely tell the difference, but the two plugs are not exactly the same, just very close.

    It’s perfectly OK to argue that UAD is too expensive for the home studio market. But then a hardware Manley Massive Passive or a Zener Limiter or an EMT 140 plate or an AKG BX are even more expensive. If you want that level of audio processing, it costs, and UAD is so much cheaper than the real thing, it delivers a very impressive bang for the buck. What isn’t OK is to argue that a hardware Manley Massive, or whateve are no better than native plugs, because that just isn’t true. And that’s what you’re arguing if you say UAD plugs are no better than native plugs. It just isn’t true. Some are very nearly identical. Most aren’t. And anybody who’s used the Ocean Way room and understood it knows just how good Universal Audio really are.

    If you can’t afford UAD, I’m sorry. But then you can’t afford a Waldorf Quantum, or a Weiss Mastering Processor, or a Neve 88 console, or large Adam monitors, either. Just because you can’t afford these things doesn’t mean you need them, it doesn’t mean they’re crap or that you don’t already have more than enough gear to make a hit beat. That’s the ultimate folly of UAD hatred: that you genuinely believe success resides in the gear. It’s in you, or it isn’t.
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  5. wouala woualouf

    wouala woualouf Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2015
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    You are talking about those cheap-ass&slow sharc dsp's that were used 10 years ago, and are still being used today, that probably cost less than 5 dollars per unit today, which 100% explains why some plugins can max out an octo card with just a few stereo instances, at 44/16, let alone 48/24 or 96/24, so users can happily stack their $1700 octo cards in order to have more juice and run more plugins, all that while many vst plugins, coded in assembler, capable of delivering the same quality as uads plugins, can be run hundreds of times, on 7yo modest computers.
    You mean THOSE uad sharc dsp chips ?

    Uad is a trap, once a user buys one dsp card or interface, and has invested 1000 bucks on just 3 plugins, he is good to perpetually keep buying more processing power, over and over...because he already put 1000 bucks on a card, and another 1000 for 3 plugins..he isn't willing to stop there...he has already invested so much money, he is already too far from the point of no return.

    Many people will even think the uad stuff sounds 'more analog', because the plugins are running on hardware ! When those dsp chips are the same as a classic x86 cpu: it simply runs code.

    I would love to know how much better is an uad plugin, compared to its waves version. 300% ? 30% ? 3% ?

    The funniest part, is the fact that uad is the hardware equivalent of acustica audio : say the slighest negative thing about it, and a horde of freekers (reference to Days Gone, for those who get it) will leave their cave, and will fight that negative comment with their blood and soul, like if their were defending their young sister from 3 rapists.

    Question: will there be a new uad3 dsp card, with poweful sharc chips from 2018-2019 ?

    Answer: No. There won't be a new card before 2025 or later. Uad were able to buy tens of millions of those 10yo sharc chips, that already cost nothing, and were able to get an extra 80% off, bringing the price to 3 dollars per unit... grab 8 of those 3-dollar chips, put them on a pcb, add 8 free plugins, and sell the package for 1500-1700 eurodollars. It definitely screams and smells analog.
  6. korte1975

    korte1975 Guest

    Justin Bieber is mixed with uad. -> instant buy :)
  7. eli will

    eli will Noisemaker

    Jan 21, 2019
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    For those that think our opinions are based on UAD being uncrackable, that's not true. I have owned UAD and I'm just looking at it from a "no longer in the matrix" point of view. The plugins are very good, but dollar for dollar, core for core and PC for UAD card strategically it's not worth getting to the finish line that way.. That's what this is all about, (the most efficient way to get to the finish line). UAD like protools trys to live on this ancient reputation (that did work for many years), but now people are waking out the "matrix". At one time all you heard was protools, protools, now, the strongest word on the street is reaper, studio one and logic.
    Last edited: May 24, 2019
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  8. korte1975

    korte1975 Guest

    and the fact that any arturia/brainworx plugs beat them running native, but hey they have to justify the cost
  9. yabiss

    yabiss Platinum Record

    Dec 14, 2013
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    In my pants
    You're one of these guys that really enjoy the look of their typing. So much non sense mixed with half truths.
    It has nothing to do with how valuable the DSP on UAD board are or were. I don't fuck...g care. It has to do with either or not i prefer to run UAD plugins on my system or not. Period. ALl this rant about how dumb are UAD lovers are bla bla bla is just bullshit. You haven't said anything remotely interesting on the subject. Don't you think everyone knows these DSP are obsolete? That's not the point and besides cards with no plugins are sold really cheap. And with 2 octo boards i have never needed anything else. Do you? Are you recording Classical orchestra live? Tell me ooooh Master Jedi. So basically, you can compare Acustica Audio and UAD without owning UAD. Great job at embarrassing yourself.

    But what makes me really laugh is seeing you making a reverse accusation that UAD fans will immediately fight you if you said anything negative about UAD AND YET HERE IT'S THE EXACT OPPOSITE that happened before other people jumped on board to defend UAD.
    But honestly what else could be expected from you. And BTW although Acustica make some great stuff, i still prefer UAD. Am i allowed as i have tested both?
    So at the end of the day, let's just agree to disagree.
  10. yabiss

    yabiss Platinum Record

    Dec 14, 2013
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    In my pants
    And you call that an argument?
  11. yabiss

    yabiss Platinum Record

    Dec 14, 2013
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    In my pants
    Fun supposes wit which obviously you are deprived of and prefer to make sophisms. Guilt by association anyone?
    ok i'm done with you and your associates in this UAD hunt.
    Ignore list for every single one. At least it will unclutter my screen.
  12. korte1975

    korte1975 Guest

    if you like uad why are you selling it ? :rofl:
  13. eli will

    eli will Noisemaker

    Jan 21, 2019
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    Wow dude, it's just a fun debate, you are really chopping heads off over this.. "Every one to the ignore list". Every one to the gallows"
  14. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    Share many
    We won't discuss pro/con of a good on ebay, don't we?
    Even if we don't like it, we would only ask our questions and OP would answer.
    Sadly this (read only) is not the way this forum works for the selling section.

    So why don't we behave like on ebay just for the purpose of being courteous.
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  15. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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    This has indeed become an odd thread!

    It´s Selling/Buying section @yabiss has added his offer - which is the exact section for this.
    He has informed very solid regarding what he´s selling.
    And he´ve had a lot of complete stupid and off topic comments.

    If you can´t find the money, being a little jealous or find UAD "not your cup of tea..... then leave - WHITOUT A COMMENT - JUST LEAVE!

    Seems like a fair deal @yabiss - good luck selling this :wink:
    Last edited: May 24, 2019
  16. korte1975

    korte1975 Guest

    i hope i can try uad platform one day to test it again brainworx/plugin alliance stuff to hear the hype
  17. eli will

    eli will Noisemaker

    Jan 21, 2019
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  18. eli will

    eli will Noisemaker

    Jan 21, 2019
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    It's just a fun debate. A meeting of the minds. If this debate doe not suit you, then take your own advice and just "leave", and not try to shut people up. Just walk away renee
  19. My you really have it bad don't you?

    Well, here's how it works. You do music your way, and I'll do it mine.
  20. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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    A: Just a fun debate: wrong thread eli will
    Fun debates has it´s own section "Lounge"

    B: If this debate doe not suit you, then take your own advice and just "leave": Read A!

    C: and not try to shut people up. Just walk away:
    I ask ppl that enter the wrong thread (This is not the lounge section) to shut up! And I have absolutely no plans leaving this thread just because you and all you fun debates!

    Last edited: May 24, 2019
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