Selling my UAD Satellite Octo card

Discussion in 'Selling / Buying' started by yabiss, May 23, 2019.

  1. yabiss

    yabiss Platinum Record

    Dec 14, 2013
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    In my pants
    I'm selling my perfect condition UAD Octo Satellite card.
    The price is 1400 euro plus shipping and it's the price for a brand new octo custom card so you may wonder so why buy this one?
    It has all plugins activated for life until version 9.9 at the moment.

    Updates are still perfectly possible even after i transfer this to your account. The only drawback is that you cannot add anymore plugins to this card unless you are ok with loosing all the ones already there.
    I don't know why UAD allows this (may be as an incentive to be caught in the UAD world?) but it's a rare opportunity for a good deal before they cut it off.

    In fact, there's no way for me to erase the plugins while the card stays on my account ! :heh:

    And you can still add another card later with the new plugins they will release. Both can work with their own dedicated authorisation as the authorisation is valid per card and not per account. In layman's terms you can have a card working on 10 plugins and another one working on the full library on the same machine each one on a different account.:heh:

    Instead of an Octo with 8 plugins you got mine with all plugins. rockout

    You pay the same price (as in europe) as a new Custom one, you end up with all the plugins and i have the money to buy a internal octo custom to insert into my PC (1399 is the price here in France for that card). (yes i'm switching from Mac to PC...:facepalm:no comments please :no:)

    You only have to pay attention when updating the software. Unplug the card. DO the update. Plug the card. NEVER FORGET or you'll loose all the plugins.

    If you live in France, Paris area. I can demo it before you buy.

    Any question feel free to ask.

    And YES i only sell one card. When it's gone, it's gone...:lol:

    Will ship it worldwide on your terms (insurance, customs) for the exact extra cost. In France, free shipping.
    Paypal or Bank transfer accepted.
    Cash if local pickup.

    BTW it can work on a PC but you need this kind of adapter
    Startech Thunderbolt 3 to Thunderbolt (Product ID: TBT3TBTADAP)

    Last edited: May 23, 2019
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  3. korte1975

    korte1975 Guest

    pricey dongle yay ! presonus interface+studio one pro+ plugin alliance plugins = same thing.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 23, 2019
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  4. Hooman.Leys

    Hooman.Leys Platinum Record

    Dec 26, 2015
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    hmm... i don't understand why you are mentioning presonus interface!? UAD satellite is a DSP dongle but if you want to compare presonus interface you need to do it with uad apollo! and again i don't understand why you mentioned studio one!?

    But let me ask you something my friend, do you own any of ua stuff or even did you ever worked with ua stuff?
  5. audiozuser76

    audiozuser76 Producer

    Jun 22, 2013
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    Nope! :dont:
    You are not the brightest bulb in the box (at least you avatar verified it)...:rofl:
    The missing factor in your layman comparison are the computing power.:guru:
    How much DSP power offers your Presonus interface for your Plugin Alliance stuff?:woot:
    Last edited: May 23, 2019
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  6. eli will

    eli will Noisemaker

    Jan 21, 2019
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    I think what "korte1975" is trying to say is, you can get a whole new rig, stay native and use plugins equal to uad for that price. DSP cards really dont hold the value that the did in the 90s.
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  7. yabiss

    yabiss Platinum Record

    Dec 14, 2013
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    In my pants
    apples and oranges as some have already stated...

    162 plugins for 1400 euro that's 8.65 per plugin. So, it's the first reason you're wrong. Second reason you're wrong, and korte is too, is that many incredible plugins are only available to that platform as the recent capitol chambers. Third reason, it retains value as it has never been pirated ! Plugin-alliance are sometimes selling their plugins real cheap so nobody in their right mind will trust them when they sell some new stuff for 200 knowing it will be at 49 six months later... And last reason you're wrong is because even though the extra DSP power is only a fraction of what it represented several years ago, it's still significant. And i use very CPU hungry synths like Diva and i need every bit of power i can save. UAD helps.
  8. eli will

    eli will Noisemaker

    Jan 21, 2019
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    162 plugins for 1400 euro that's 8.65 per plugin. So, it's the first reason I'm right, all the added choices more times than not, get in the way of making creative choices cause you are to busy thinking of where do i start and where do i end.
    Second reason I'm right, and korte is too, is that many incredible plugins are only available to that platform that can be replaced with native ones and thats if you even need to use them and, or can you use the amount of them that you need.
    "Third reason, it retains value as it has never been pirated !" "I truly dont know what that has to do with anything".. Plugin-alliance are sometimes selling their plugins real cheap so nobody in their right mind will trust them when they sell some new stuff for 200 knowing it will be at 49 six months later. (again what does that matter?)
    And last reason I'm right is because even though the extra DSP power is only a (fraction!!) of what it represented several years ago, it's still significant. And i use very CPU hungry synths like Diva and i need every bit of power i can save. UAD help.. Or jus buy a whole new rig to run soft synths and still be able to do many other thing with the separate computer.
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  9. eli will

    eli will Noisemaker

    Jan 21, 2019
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    When it comes to plugins we see them and we are hooked on downloading the latest, (no matter what) we are hooked. I bet my life you have tons of plugins on your computer that never see the light of day, but we still have them. Look at waves version 10, they have about 200 plugs in that package, but we only use the "go to" plugs that we are used to the other 195 do nothing, but when it's free we download it.
  10. yabiss

    yabiss Platinum Record

    Dec 14, 2013
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    In my pants
    Obviously you're a musician (not an insult) and not a rethorician because you could not be farther from any valid argument.
    Every single justification you make is basically just your opinion and not an objective argument.

    Let's review that one by one and that will be my final move as this is a "Selling ad" and not a pro anti/ UAD debate.

    First answer : You assume that more plugins choice lead to inefficiency. That's your opinion. Period. And by the way, how do make that assertion fit with plugin alliance? Aren't they making boatloads of plugins too? I'm very organised and i've sorted my plugins in workflows and into templates. I'm up and ready for any situation in 10 seconds.

    Second answer : All plugins from UAD can be replaced with native ones. Again your opinion. A high end Ferrari can be replaced with a high end Porshe. They both can be driven very fast but they are not the same. Every pilot will tell you that. Same goes with UAD and the others.

    Third answer : "UAD has never been pirated" has nothing to do with anything. How old are you? 18? Still living in you mum's basement? It has everything to do with it. People that invest money like to know they're not putting their money down a bottomless pit. That's called reality. And yes, people care about seeing their investment being undermined by marketing policies some companies like Plugin Allianc adopt. Again, this is reality. You do not talk like an adult, rather like a spoiled brat who only use "provided" software.:dont:

    And last anwer. Buy a rig to run soft synths. Not a wrong answer but it's clumsy if your footprint is small and it's not that stable as far i have been able to see it. Plus, it's not as elegant as a small box on my desk. But, i cannot invalidate this opinion of yours as easily as the rest of your point.

    And now if you don't mind, i'll end up this conversation by just saying that you should be careful with your intervention. Opinions are not facts. I exposed facts. Objective and verifiable facts. You answered with opinions. SOrry but that will not do. At least with me.

    And a plea to the others, let's not mutate this ad into a pro and anti UAD warzone. :guru:
  11. yabiss

    yabiss Platinum Record

    Dec 14, 2013
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    In my pants
    DOn't assume too much. You're just making a fool of yourself and reaaaaaally sound like a kid (the lastest mum ! i want the latest !).
    You don't know shit about me. I love UAD because i've never been disappointed with their plugins. Period. You can push them real hard and they don't collapse like many others do. So yes i own them all to cover all my bases. Every other musican can do what he sees fit for himself.

    So now that you've exposed your opinion up and down and left and right can you please go someplace else i'm sure your glorious insights will be appreciated? :snuffy:
  12. yabiss

    yabiss Platinum Record

    Dec 14, 2013
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    In my pants
    Sorry to inform you that i put you on my "ignore list" so i can't see any of your messages anymore anywhere on this site. Even the old ones. No hard feelings but i've no time to loose any more with such useless tirades.
    I will only answer to PM now. Thanks for reading my ad.
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  13. That's because the first UAD cards were released in October 2001.
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  14. korte1975

    korte1975 Guest

    no, i don't own uad plugins/hardware interface. people realise native plugin alliance plugins are the same as uad versions?
    with my presonus interface in studio one pro i can (green) monitor (or record) through the plugins zero latency , same as uad unison technology.
    my dsp power is provided by my intel i5, 100ish plugin alliance plugins burn roughly 50% cpu.
    don't really understand the negative comments. uad has clever marketing strategies to sell the heavily underpowered hardware boxes which can run 2-3 plugins top.
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  15. 6ixcore

    6ixcore Producer

    Apr 4, 2016
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    dudes been spending mad money on uad then selling each plug for 8eur, what value does it holds, its crazy if you ask me. Best non investment to make for people who want to blow out money even Acustica worth more second hand.
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  16. korte1975

    korte1975 Guest

    sorry didn't know audiosex was a marketplace i thought it was a forum or something
    i'm sure people will easily shell out $1400 here
  17. eli will

    eli will Noisemaker

    Jan 21, 2019
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    Fudsey Plange That's because the first UAD cards were released in October 2001.

    I stated that "DSP cards" dont hold the value, not which was the first dsp.
  18. Hooman.Leys

    Hooman.Leys Platinum Record

    Dec 26, 2015
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    Same as uad unison technology? :woot::woot::woot::woot:
    2-3 plugins per box? (Maybe you are taking about Apollo solo)
    Hey mate what are you talking about?!!!
    I think you get angry with uad just because of no reason! Lol
    Come on mate, do some research about it, do not judge something or someone just because you heard something’s about them :mates:

    As I said I’ve own an Apollo mk2 quad and a satellite octo and more than 30 of top UA plugins, I can promise you that it’s completely different scenario :cheers: cheers
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  19. playtime

    playtime Rock Star

    Sep 28, 2016
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    If I'd be selling my UAD card(s) with every UA plugin on them, I wouldn't give them any cheaper. Valued by the ones who really know how good they sound.
    Hope you will sell it quick mate! If some of my friends are interested I will PM you :wink:
  20. You stated that DSP cards have lost the value they had in the nineties. There weren't any UAD DSP cards in the nineties.

    Also, what value have computers lost, that were sold in the nineties?
  21. If it was an OCTO PCIe, I might be tempted.
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