Low tuning, please.

Discussion in 'Guitars' started by Antikythera Mechanism, May 22, 2019.

  1. Antikythera Mechanism

    Antikythera Mechanism Ultrasonic

    Nov 8, 2015
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    Hello people:

    I have to mop my entire house, so i will be ¿short is the word?

    Is possible to tune in drop A or Drop E an edge III bridge?

    I have a cheap guitar, the Ibanez RG350DX with an edge III bridge that I do not use anymore. I am planning to play again the guitar, but my intention is to play with a low tuning, Drop A, or if it is possible drop E (one octave lower than normal) , but obviously in the six strings.


    1 Because do not want to spend money in guitars for now
    2 I can not play more than six strings, in any case, less.
    3 Just want to use it to hear what I am doing, not to play live (do not know how to explain it in English)

    If there is a way and you have time to explain it, please do it.

    Thanks, and sorry for the bad English.
  3. Dominik Kersting

    Dominik Kersting Newbie

    Aug 22, 2018
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    Of course you can, with proper Strings you can tune down with near any Bridge. You will need at least 12s or 13s.

    I would not go lower than Drop A, you scale is not optimal for anything lower than A and it will a pain in the ass to set up the guitar.
    Speaking of that, you need to setup your guitar, better: Let a professional do it.
    You need to adjust the Bridge and of course the neck.

    I Play a Fender Jazzmaster with C-Tuning and it works too ;)
  4. Antikythera Mechanism

    Antikythera Mechanism Ultrasonic

    Nov 8, 2015
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    Thank you Dom. I am gonna follow your advice... because is the only one. (just kidding)
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