Fl studio 20 template help

Discussion in 'Software' started by FrankWhite23, May 22, 2019.

  1. FrankWhite23

    FrankWhite23 Producer

    May 1, 2019
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    Hey guys I'm coming from logic pro 9 on mac to fl studio 20 on a laptop PC and I used to be able to open logic and have a few of my favorite plugins and drums with a 4 bar looped all I had to do is hit R on my keypad and I could get my ideas down.... and I was hoping someone could help me set it up so I can do this. I already managed to put a few VI's and FPC mapped how i like ... when i hit record it asks me all these questions and i have to hit record then play which is kinda annoying and i wanted to route each of my drums hits to a different channel so I can add effects and have more control.. I'm loving fl studio and I know it has so much potential just need some help from you fl studio gurus
  3. Rando

    Rando Noisemaker

    Jul 29, 2018
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    Los Angeles
    check out various ways on youtube, you want to change the default template or create your own with all your settings, save it in the tamplates folder, then either open it by default or on your own
  4. massichat

    massichat Kapellmeister

    Jan 19, 2018
    Likes Received:
    Clic F3, then T and choose the template you want
    You can of course create your own template and access it later by the same menu/shortcut
  5. filtersweep

    filtersweep Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2014
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    File > Save as template
  6. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    Another handy thing is to save the mixer channel setups (right-click mixer channel->FILE->Save mixer track state as...)
    They have a few presets to choose from, but I zipped those up to hide them and I save ones for myself like:
    *Docking does not save with the preset, but I just drag and drop from the left browser panel
    [I dock these to the left side]
    000-Default, 000 default-Blue
    000 Current-Span+Insight, 000 Current-Loaded, [loaded with every metering plugin i have ... handy to have meters on "Current" to check whatever track you select]
    000 Master, 001 Prev Loaded [I use mixer channel 001 as preview and load it with limiter and/or maximizer (helpful for hearing previews from browser while something is playing -currently using 2 instances of Waves MV2 with different settings and a safety FL Limiter]
    002 PreMaster [For checking mixes while keeping the real master clear (well only a limiter)]
    003 Perc Sub , 004 Bass sub, 005 xSub, 006 xSub
    007 Drums, 008 Bass ....
    [docked to center] Whatever instrument channels you want with plugins already ready to go for different uses.
    [docked to right side]123 Ref Track,124 Rec-Mon+none [just input selected],124 Rec-Mon+THU [guitar plugin], 125 REC+Send [I have the record channel muted and "send" to another track to monitor. That allows me to record dry signal while hearing the effect, and choose what effect & how much later. For vocals you might have a favorite setup for de-essing,etc and want that to get recorded. Just keep those plugins on the actual record channel before the send plugin]

    Well, I have a few configurations saved as templates, but very handy to have a bunch of preset mixer tracks as well.
    For example, if there is something tricky going on in a mix, i might drag the "000 Current-Loaded" onto the "Current" channel, but once done just drag the "000 Current-Span+Insight" (one i use for normal checking).
    How you set them up depends on what you are doing, but especially handy for recording and submixing channels.
    I have a cascaded menu for presets (Using Classic Shell) so I have a few easy to access.
    If you want to have FL Studio load a particular template by default (just by running Fl Studio normal shortcut) simply go to :
    "FILE-->New From Template..." and choose one. That will load from the shortcut from then on.
    You can still open other templates (by choosing "File-->Open...") and projects without changing the default, but any time you use "FILE-->New From Template...", it will begin to use that as default.
    But once you have a few templates it doesn't really matter...you just choose what you want.
    I find it easiest to use shortcuts and to have one "blank" template to load quickly for utility (loading / testing plugins, maintenance, etc.)
    Here is what my shortcuts look like (again using "Classic Shell" .. provides a way to have cascading menus from any folder on your drives, and customizing many ways)
    Have fun!