Apple's Switch from Intel

Discussion in 'Computer Hardware' started by KungPaoFist, May 16, 2019.

  1. KungPaoFist

    KungPaoFist Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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  3. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Last time they switched it was for the better. The old PPC CPUs just didn't cut it anymore.
    Yes, developers will have to re-compile their software and the process is rarely straightforward but it's usually just a matter of time.
    The other thing is how well the new CPU architecture integrates and performs with the hardware Apple is going to build around it.
    As for audio performance, the recent iPad Pro models have been a major disappointment, it seems like they're optimized for delivering short high peak performance bursts but not constantly high processing performance.
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  4. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    Even given there would be no bigger problems transferring Apps to the new platform I doubt ARM OS Macs to be as powerful as Macs have been in the past compared to machines with Windows at the same time frame.

    For me, It's just another sign that Apple is losing it's roots as a computer corporation and is heading to a entertainment company.

    Devices mostly for consumers, not for makers.

    I Think we may see a MacPad instead of a Mac Pro in the (hopefully far) future ;)
    Last edited: May 16, 2019
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  5. powerplay

    powerplay Ultrasonic

    Dec 1, 2017
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    The only reason to remotely consider using MacOS is Hackintosh. Bye Apple. I'm done with you.
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  6. It probably signifies a move away from larger format workstation systems to smaller portable systems. Porting all that code from Intel to ARM isn't going to popular. There's some plug makers only just made it into VST3 and 64bit.

    Hmmm. I think Mac users are about to discover Stuckism in a very big way. Better start buying up that hardware while you can.
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  7. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    I'm not in the hackkintosh business, but doesn't demand it the OS suppoting Intel Chips?
  8. Mynock

    Mynock Audiosexual

    Jul 14, 2012
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  9. CDLF

    CDLF Ultrasonic

    Jul 7, 2017
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    plus rewrite all (inline) assembler parts
  10. Vir Cotto

    Vir Cotto Kapellmeister

    Mar 31, 2019
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    Centauri Prime
    This will be the beginning of Apple´s end !
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  11. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    Apple are going bananas!
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  12. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    Steve Jobs was the heart and soul of Apple. Now they are just a faceless corporation in search of a quick profit.
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  13. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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    Im so happy Im not on Apple/Mac whatever...... I love my Win7 sp1 64bit although it also has its challenges. :yes:
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  14. wouala woualouf

    wouala woualouf Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2015
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    I think apple is tired of having to build those big mac workstations, having to support it many many years...and because users more or less know how much the different computer parts do cost, apple can't just build a machine with 800 €/$ parts, and sell it for 6'500 ! People would notice it... btw, not so long ago, that's was the reality: a mac and pc with the same components, the Mac would cost 2 times more !

    Apple want devices they can replace every 9 months...12...15.... today, there are still people using and working with mac laptops from 2014...13...12..... how much money does apple make with such devices ? Zero...

    That's why i could see them stopping making 'desktop' macs, and instead, release some kind of hybrid tablet/macbook/etc.... something like a surface pro..... powerful enough to run all appstore apps + photoshop, etc etc..... wait... wait...

    Because apple keeps trimming their devices on each new generation.... remove this... remove that....
    WHY not releasing a cloud-based system, where users could use their hybrid 'tabletbook', as a terminal.... they connect to the apple cloud, like a remote desktop.... and they could have access to hundreds..or thousands of cores...terabytes of ram... for the cost of 50 or 100ms of latency, power users could WORK on the cloud...SAVE their work on the cloud...USE the cloud as mass storage...

    Just imagine... ylu have your hybrid ipadbletbook, with a 11 or 12 inches touch monitor, that can be put on a stand, upload your video footage to the cloud, via an app that compresses it in real time for the upload, you open your remote premiere, on the cloud... you export the file....50'000 cpus will encode and finish your 4k 60fps 30m video in just a few seconds, instead of waiting 3 hours for the export, on a local system...

    The same with photoshop... or any other adobe app...

    Apple want to sell devices that people can upgrade, max 1 year later... while spending 150 to build it, and selling it for 900.

    What's tthe point of selling a big computer for 3500 bucks, only make 20 or 30% net... having to support it several years. ..and for the next 4,5,6 years, apple won't get 1 extra penny from that customer. ..

    ...whereas an hybrid system, people would still buy the next version. ..they could sell expensive cloud plans, to pros, monthly... and the cash will keep coming. ..

    This is just my crazy idea...

    On the other side, intel must be loving it...

    After an absolute monopoly, with 0 competition.. 10 years vomiting 4-core cpus every 9 months, tic...toc...fok.. for barely 5-6% faster. ..

    Not only there is amd now... ryzen... threadripper (love it..hate it... next 2950wx will be a 32..or 64 core cpu...).... without the comeback from amd, today, we would still be paying 500 bucks, for another 4 or 6 core cpus....

    Ps4... xbox1... amd.... next ps5 will be zen2 based... with both cpu and gpu from amd.... the same with the xbox2....

    Now, if apple stop using intel stuff... even if it doesn't represent billions of macs/intel cpus.... it's still a bad advertising. .'hey, apple will no longer use intel cpus..'...

    If intel had worked hard, to try to create amazing cpus, today, probably, there would be 64core cpus... or even 128.... but no... all Intel had to do was releasing a new cpu every 9 months... requiring a new socket...

    if only amd could allow users to build systems with motherboards capable of supporting 2..3 or even 4 amd cpus....millions of small companies, power users, small Labs, GAMERS, MUSICIANS, would be building systems with 2 cpus... or even 4.... AMD would make billions. .. and all those who can't buy expensive servers for their 30-employees, would happily buy much cheaper workstations, with 4 cpus, 16core each... up to 1024gb of ram. ..

    who would have imagined. . Intel....
    sure, intel cpus remain more powerful, at the same clock speeds and cores. .. but still...
    also, it looks like amd al ready master the 9 and 7nm tech, while Intel keep having a lot of problems, with 15nm..let alone 9...

    Again, just my dumb opinion. ..
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  15. electriclash

    electriclash Guest

    ...contextual definition please?
  16. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Yeah. Which it does right now...
  17. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
    no, there are some kernels flying around internet, it's totally possible to run AMD Ryzen based hackintosh;

    not that I'd want to spread some disturbing rumours, but I'm afraid we're heading a major change in computing ecosystems,
    CLOUD revolution on the horizon is literally as big as when INTERNET widespread worldwide for end users,
    from business point of view, and also ecological, technical, support etc..., it's more efficient to offload heavy performance to dedicated shared servers, and let users have underpowered (yet capable) end devices;

    just look at how things are right now, anyone can get down music ideas on the go, with mere phone and some mic kit, then make the ideas somewhat result-worthy on laptop, bring them to a professional studios (which are whining about lack of business since computers happened and no artist gives a sh!t about overpriced obsolete analog consoles anyway),
    or another example, anyone can record a video on phone, with quality comparable to most professional cameras years back, then make quick edits on laptop, and eventually render results in professional studios running render farms;
    most people don't need or want a bulky heavy workstation, or don't have money to buy serious workstation every 3-4 years (of average warranty period) and Apple does see that;

    Intel struggles to deliver any technological progress past years, and frankly in fact there is no need to, since 2012 3rd gen Core series, there is no major improvement in IPC, but more importantly no major improvement in software to make use of it, especially in audio world, more than 4 cpu cores are rather useless, and that time in 2012 apple already provided 12-core (2x 6-core chips) Mac Pros,
    2012 Macs are suprisingly still relevant nowadays, sadly they lack current technologies, not lacking performance most people need though;
    nowadays boom of various neural and anticipative algorithms requires TONS of data and SERIOUS performance to make some results of it, so it's again inevitable to spy and suck data from wherever possible and process them as efficiently as possible - just take a look at recent RX7 being able to do music rebalance, removing vocals or drums from track, something everyone's been laughing about since computers appeared in audio business;

    how does this all relates to Apple going their own way for chips?
    well, software and services is what generates money nowadays, so they don't really care about what exact guts their devices have, as long as they can do what they want, and with recent continuous outbreaks of Intel cpu vulnerabilities, it's evident Apple is not trusting Intel anymore, even Intel's Thunderbolt tech is not strong enough to hold the deal,
    Macs are overheating now because Intel was supposed to provide more efficient cpus at rate as we've seen previously, and failed, and Apple failed to foresee that and didn't come up with the solution fast enough - if they take part in developing own cpus, they can properly tailor the matching cooling design solutions accordingly;

    will anything big happen anytime soon?
    I doubt so, Microsoft is struggling with Windows 10 and Apple is readying new Mac Pro, best we can do is to spend our time creatively with devices and gear we have now, and don't trouble ourselves about what may or may not appear in following years...just keep an eye on how things will turn out
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  18. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Sweet! Thank you for that info. I had no idea; obviously! lol
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  19. Rudy Manterie

    Rudy Manterie Platinum Record

    Jun 4, 2018
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    hey @wouala woualouf , do you happen to know the name of the lady in your avatar? Scientific interest etc...
  20. electriclash

    electriclash Guest

    thank you (not sure that's being used correctly however, here is their manifesto)
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