Bitwig Studio 3-Enter The Grid

Discussion in 'Software News' started by freefeet12, Jan 16, 2019.

  1. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
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    Coming Soon: Bitwig Studio 3
    Enter The Grid.
    Particularly for a DAW, modularity has been at the core of Bitwig Studio from the beginning. Devices can be nested, clips are containers, modulators exist everywhere, and practically anything can be dragged anywhere. But with Bitwig Studio 3, we are zooming out so you can push in.​

    The Grid is an open modular environment that powers a family of new devices in Bitwig Studio 3: Mono Grid, Poly Grid and FX Grid. With a vast library of modules and a supersonic workflow, you’ll be creating your own unique sounds immediately, and in high-fidelity. Simply add a Grid device to your project and start patching. It’s fun.​
    The Grid includes:
    • Fully-modular sound design
    • Fantastic sound quality
    • 120+ modules
    • Any signal, anywhere
    • Lighting-fast workflow
    • 4x-oversampled, stereo signal path
    Construct a polyphonic synthesizer from scratch in one session. Create an adaptive audio effect with your signature sound. Experiment with generative drones until you find a new way to perform. Or simply create the undefinable. Patching is effortless, giving full rein to your creativity.

    Signal Achievements
    We Focused on Technology; You Focus on Sound.
    The technology powering The Grid is as it should be: working, felt, and transparent so you can focus on the big, sonic picture. Here’s a taste of what we’ve done.​

    All signals are created equal. In The Grid, all signals are interchangeable so any out port can be connected to any in port. While this is rarely the case in other programs, Bitwig Studio has made it so. Try something crazy; you (probably) won’t get electrocuted.

    Every signal is stereo. Yes, every audio cable is stereo, but so are all control signals as well. By altering any of these control signals, their corresponding audio will be affected. And plenty of modules are ready to help you Stereo-ize your signals…

    Getting more with less cords. For signals that are needed regularly, we have the option of pre-cords. These clickable icons appear beside in ports allowing common connections to be made wirelessly. And with The Grid’s quick workflow gestures, new modules can be dropped directly onto ports, automatically wiring them into your patch. Work smart instead of hard.

    Getting more with less cords. For signals that are needed regularly, we have the option of pre-cords. These clickable icons appear beside in ports allowing common connections to be made wirelessly. And with The Grid’s quick workflow gestures, new modules can be dropped directly onto ports, automatically wiring them into your patch. Work smart instead of hard.

    Those are just a few examples of what makes The Grid a special place. And it is all the more special since the technology just works, allowing you to focus on your new sounds.​

    Audio and So Much More
    A New World of Possibility in Bitwig Studio
    Best of all, this new system is a completely native part of Bitwig Studio, giving you so much more to work with than audio.

    • Grid devices can be nested or layered along with other devices and your plug-ins, and they are controllable from the same Open Controller API.
    • Song position is available as a sample-accurate signal, locking your work in The Grid to your project’s timeline.
    • Draw Arranger or clip-based automation for any parameter in your new grid patches, even in combination with Bitwig Studio’s existing modulators.
    • Modules like envelopes, LFOs, and sequencers all have modulator outputs as well. And just as Bitwig Studio’s modulators can control any parameter in The Grid, any grid signal can be used to modulate child devices.
    • Your hardware modular rig is completely integrated, with dedicated grid modules for sending any control, trigger, or pitch signal as CV Out and receiving any CV In.
    That's just scratching the surface. And soon, you will be too.

    Availability Information
    Here Before You Know It
    Bitwig Studio 3 will be previewed at NAMM (January 2019) and will enter public beta shortly afterwards. Expected release of Bitwig Studio 3 is Q2 2019.

    With sonic possibilities in every direction, The Grid will make creating something new a habit instead of a challenge. Get ready for the next step of our musical evolution, and also yours.​

    Last edited: Jan 16, 2019
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  3. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
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    Beta Testing of Bitwig Studio 3.0

    Bitwig Studio 3.0, featuring The Grid, is now in beta testing for users with a current upgrade plan. Happy testing, folks.

    NOTE: Do not use a beta version to work on important projects! Project files created or saved with the beta cannot be opened in previous versions of Bitwig Studio. So if you are opening working projects, save copies of them for beta testing (instead of saving over your original files).

    Details on using The Grid can be found in text and video on the beta tutorial page. Please start there, and download the sound package updates in the program to see The Grid in action.

    If you think you have found a bug, please drop us a line at [email protected]. Please be sure to include:

    • steps to reproduce the issue​
    • operating system​
    • audio interface and any other hardware information​
    • whether this is a new issue in v3.0​
    And if you get a crash report dialog from the program, please click Send Report. Adding a comment is most helpful, but this can still be useful to us regardless.

    So get in to The Grid. And welcome to the deep.

    System Requirements
    • Windows - Windows 7, 8, or 10 (all in 64-bit)​
    • Mac - macOS 10.11 ("El Capitan") or above​
    • Linux - Ubuntu 17.04 or later​
    Changes in Bitwig Studio 3.0, Beta 1

    The Grid
    • New device: Poly Grid, for creating synthesizers, sequenced patches (like a beatbox), droning sounds, etc.​
    • New device: FX Grid, for creating audio FX​
    • Both devices support Bitwig's Voice Stacking, for easily layering and varying your sound​
    • Ability to convert between the different Grid devices, or to copy–paste contents between different instances​
    • Gestures for replacing modules, reordering modules, inserting modules with cables in place, and inserting modules together with routing modules (such as a mixer or adder)​
    • All signals in The Grid are oversampled at 400% your current sample rate​
    • All signals in The Grid are stereo, with various modules configured to easily "stereo-ize" any signal​
    • Interactive documentation for any module by selecting it, and then pressing the [F1] key or clicking Show Help in the Inspector Panel​
    • 16 categories covering 147 modules:​
      • I/O - Terminal modules for signals entering or exiting this Grid device
        • Audio In, Gate In, Phase In, Pitch In, Pressure In, Timbre In, Velocity In, Audio Out, Audio Sidechain, HW In, HW Out, CV In, CV Out, CV Pitch Out, Key On, Keys Held, Transport Playing, Modulator Out​
      • Display - Visualization and note-taking modules
        • Label, Comment, Oscilloscope, Spectrum, VU Meter, XY, Value Readout​
      • Phase - Modules that output wrapped phase signals
        • Phasor, Ø Bend, Ø Reset, Ø Scaler, Ø Reverse, Ø Wrap, Ø Counter, Ø Formant, Ø Lag, Ø Mirror, Ø Shift, Ø Sinemod, Ø Skew, Ø Sync​
      • Data - Lookup modules that are read with incoming phase signals
        • Gates, Pitches, Steps, Probabilities, Ø Pulse, Ø Saw, Ø Sine, Ø Triangle, Ø Window​
      • Oscillator - Periodic signal generators based on waveforms or samples
        • Pulse, Sawtooth, Sine, Triangle, Phase-1, Swarm, Sampler​
      • Random - Aperiodic and randomized signal generators
        • Noise, S/H LFO, Chance, Dice​
      • LFO - Periodic low frequency oscillators
        • LFO, Clock, Transport​
      • Envelope - Modules that produce or extract an envelope, often with a normaled amplifier
        • ADSR, AD, AR, Follower​
      • Filter - Frequency-dependent amplifiers
        • Low-pass LD, Low-pass SK, SVF, High-pass, Low-pass, Comb​
      • Shaper - Various linear and nonlinear waveshapers
        • Chebyshev, Distortion, Quantizer, Rectifier, Wavefolder​
      • Delay - Delay functions, some allowing patched feedback
        • Delay, Long Delay, Mod Delay, All-pass, Recorder​
      • Mix - Signal routing and mixing modules
        • Blend, Mixer, LR Mix, Select, Toggle, Merge, Split, Stereo Merge, Stereo Split, Stereo Width​
      • Level - Amplitude-based functions, values, and converters
        • Level, Value, Attenuate, Bias, Drive, Gain, AM/RM, Average, Bend, Clip, Hold, Lag, Sample / Hold, Level Scaler, Bi→Uni, Uni→Bi​
      • Pitch - Modules that produce pitch values
        • Pitch, Pitch Quantize, by Semitone, Pitch Scaler, Zero Crossings​
      • Math - Basic arithmetic operators
        • Constant, Add, Divide, Multiply, Subtract, Abs, Ceil, Floor, Minmax, Quantize, Round, Product, Sum, dB → Lin, Exp, Lin → dB, Log​
      • Logic - Comparators and other modules that output logic signals​
        • Button, Trigger, <, =, ≠, >, ≤, ≥, NOT, AND, OR, XOR, NAND, NOR, XNOR, Gate Length, Gate Repeat​
    New features
    • Global GUI Contrast settings, to better adapt to different lighting conditions​
    • Optional Realtime Ruler for showing time in MINUTEs:SECONDs.MILLISECONDs (enable via the right-click context menu in ruler area)​
    • Ableton Link version 3 support, allowing you to synchronize start and stop of the transport​
    • Converting devices (e.g., EQ-2 to EQ-5) is now possible by right-clicking on the device header​
    • New common Inspector Panel for instruments, including voice count, streamlined Voice Stacking options (additional parameters moved to the Voice Stack modulator), and other behaviors​
    • Unified double-click behavior (reset value to default, when there is a default) for both number fields and other numeric controls. Text entry is now available via [CTRL](PC)-/[CMD](Mac)-click or triple-click.​
    • Reworked audio backends: ASIO, WASAPI, CoreAudio, ALSA, Jack, and PulseAudio
    • Improvements to various modulator devices, including MIDI, Vector-4, Vector-8, Voice Stack, and XY
    • Improved compensation delay for Distortion and Amp devices​
    • Various touch interface improvements and updated support​
    • General user interface overhaul​
    • Interesting Interesting x 1
    • List
  4. Vir Cotto

    Vir Cotto Kapellmeister

    Mar 31, 2019
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    Centauri Prime
    I have installed it on my Laptop... It´s AMAZING ! Modular Synth inside the DAW - Simply GREAT :)
  5. RMorgan

    RMorgan Audiosexual

    May 17, 2014
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    Looks like this grid thing is the perfect solution to spend the rest of eternity tweaking synth sounds! lol

    Joke aside, it looks awesome.
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  6. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
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    Yes, it's beautiful. The GUI revamp is pretty nice too. It looks more slick and modern. There's so much to discover, RMorgan is right, you could tweak for eternity. :wink:

    I'm excited to see what madness I come up with. :crazy:
  7. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
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    Some stuff not on the release notes (yet, if ever).

    Legato Clips

    Peak Limiter
    Mid/Side Splitter


    The Grid has Sampler! :crazy:

  8. anthony walker

    anthony walker Noisemaker

    Jan 16, 2017
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    I'm still waiting for an updated mixer and for them to get the drum machine to line up with my pads.
  9. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
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    What do you mean by "line up with my pads"?
  10. Config

    Config Kapellmeister

    Nov 29, 2014
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    Bitwig Version 3 but.....but..... Still no Rewire.
    This is a huge limitation for me.
    Actually every single DAW that exist includes Rewire, except Bitwig.

    I'll stick with Ableton as my main DAW because of this, and Ableton isn't a punishment at all. Fantastic DAW (Suite + Max) that has no such limitations.
    Without Rewire Bitwig limits its users, it does not allow any interaction between other DAW's.
    (Bitwig uses JACK audio which is absolute no comparison to Rewire, besides the fact that Rewire does not need any setup and settings. It works automatically and out-of-the-box. Extreme userfriendly).

    See Ableton, they also use Rewire protocol AND even released their own Link protocol that other DAW's (like Reason) can include to connect to each other via WiFi.

    I'm requesting since Bitwig was born that they should add Rewire protocol to their DAW, without success.
  11. albert001

    albert001 Producer

    Apr 5, 2017
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    Always In My Mind

    Bitwig has ableton link allready,and if used with Odeus AsioLink you have sync&64 channels of audio in&out(and you can use that setup with more than 2 Apps(so every app has virtualy 64 in&out))...and even more channels if you use the integrated audio over ip internaly.and also midi clock is now more reliable dan ever...!
  12. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
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    Changes in Bitwig Studio 3.0, Beta 2 [released 17 May 2019]

    New features
    • New module: Curve (Level) - Remaps defined input and output levels
    • Audio Out module (I/O): added Output Clipping parameter (off, hard, soft)
    • S/H LFO module (Random): added Epoch parameter, which controls the number of steps used by the Feedback loop
    • Show numerical readout of volume sliders when using Big Meters in the mixer
    • Added support for showing context menus inside VST3 plug-ins
    • Polyphonic voices for all Bitwig instruments (and FX Grid) are now processed in parallel
    • The Grid devices now have a Free-run when stopped setting (enabled by default)
    • A module is now selected after it is replaced/swapped
    • Ø Reset module (Phase): now has a pre-cord to reset using the device's note gate
    • Clock module (LFO): now has a pre-cord to reset using the device's note gate
    • Save Preset (Device) and Show Item Help (Module) are now pinned by default
    • Improved cable drawing for cords that go backwards
    • Don't show value popups for knobs which already have a numeric readout on the panel
    • Copying a module that had a modulation-routing to a nested device didn't clear the routing, causing a crash later when saving the project
    • [CTRL](PC)-\[CMD](Mac)-click on parameter for text entry didn't work for some parameters (LFO Rate, OSC Pitch Offset, etc.)
    • AM/RM module (Level): now maintains both inputs when replaced with other multiplier/mixer modules
    • Sawtooth module (Oscillator): is properly visualized on the module's panel
    • CV Pitch Out module (I/O): Root Key parameter now works properly
    • Removed Per-Voice toggle from module context-menu
    • Sampler device was always loaded as monophonic when created from a sample or multi-sample
    • Mac: Audio engine would freeze in some situations when no audio input was configured
    • Windows: HiDPI plug-in scaling was broken
  13. demberto

    demberto Rock Star

    Nov 27, 2018
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    This looks like a remake of Patcher found in FL
  14. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    Yeah but...

    Presets... MUCH easier.:chilling:
  15. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
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    Changes in Bitwig Studio 3.0, Beta 3 [released 23 May 2019]

    • Phase-1 module (Oscillator): Added feedback control
    • Gates, Pitches, Steps, Probabilities modules (Data): Now use different fill shades to show subdivisions
    • Consistent default settings between LFO and S/H LFO
    • Consistent use of trigger vs. gate pre-cord icons
    • Windows and Mac: Reveal File now selects the file in the OS file browser
    • It is now possible to drag & drop audio events to other applications, which passes along a reference to the audio file
    • Gates module (Data): keeps help descriptions visible for all parameter settings
    • S/H LFO module (Random): had phase issues
    • Delay module (Delay): was leaking with a delay time of (or close to) zero
    • Ø Counter module (Phase): Step count was overlapping with the out port
    • Comment module (Display): Text field in inspector was not scrollable
    • CV Out / CV Pitch Out modules (I/O): Now works in a polyphonic context (using newest voice)
    • Select module (Mix): Name now takes the module's color
    • Select module (Mix): Yellow LED did not work when polyphonic
    • AD, AR, ADSR modules (Envelope): Sometimes choked voices when long attack times were used with polyphony
    • Cables going backwards were sometimes painted over by other widgets
    • Onset detection didn't work for files higher than 48kHz and 32bits
    • Grid devices did not show modulation destinations in device inspector
    • When double-dragging a cable from its destination, and snapping it back to that same destination, it got removed
    • FX Grid device: caused a delay compensation error when using the Note Source routing
    • Fixed audio engine hangs in beta 2
    • Fixed random audio engine crashes when deleting objects
  16. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
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    What exactly are you comparing FL's Parcher to? Certainly not The Grid right? As for parallel processing/instruments/ect, well, that's been around forever. It's just a matter of visualization and workflow. I don't know how long Patcher has been around but some of Bitwig's usual workflow (chains, nested FX and instruments/layers and what not) came from, or were inspired by, Ableton's Live.
    Last edited: May 23, 2019
  17. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
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    Changes in Bitwig Studio 3.0, Beta 4 [released 29 May 2019]

    New features
    • Clock Divider module (Logic): Divides a clock signal to trigger every x pulses
    • Clock Quantizer module (Logic): Holds a trigger signal until the next clock pulse
    • Latch module (Logic): Allows trigger signals to alternate or set an output state
    • Power module (Math): Raises one signal to the power of another
    • Automatically backup project files on save into an "auto-backups" folder
    • Sampler module (Oscillator): shows warning when Gate In is not connected and the pre-cord is off
    • When a modulation source is delayed (due to a feedback connection), indication is given in the Inspector's modulation lists and the parameter context menus
    • Improved consistency of icons for trigger, gate, and reset
    • Sampler module (Oscillator): fixed playback issues
    • Sampler module (Oscillator): blue cycle indicator lines when zooming in were missing (Cycles mode)
    • Sampler module (Oscillator): Pitch setting was resetting to zero each time it was retriggered
    • Key On module (I/O): did not send individual triggers for legato notes on the same key
    • HW Out module (I/O): engine crashed when duplicating the module with a selected output
    • Mod Delay module (Delay): limited maximum delay to 2 seconds (RAM)
    • Some cables going backwards were still painted over by other widgets
    • Crash when creating more than 32 of certain modules (Envelopes, Audio Out…)
    • Mac: fixed CoreAudio crashes when another application changed the audio interface's sample rate or buffer size
    • Browser preview of MIDI clips was monophonic
    • Deadlocking was possible in audio engine in beta 3
    • Polysynth device: oscillator octave reverts to default value when changing number of device voices in beta 3
    • Phase-4 device: audio engine crashed with buffer sizes above 640
  18. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
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    Changes in Bitwig Studio 3.0, Beta 5 [released 7 June 2019]

    New features
    • There is now a search field for modules in The Grid
    • Connecting a cable to an occupied in port now offers merge modules via modifier keys (for example, to use a Mixer or AND module to create an additional in port)
    • Integers, boolean, and indexed controls now support polyphonic (per-voice) modulations
    • Button module (Logic) - now allows user text labels when it is toggled off or on, to help document patches
    • AM/RM module (Level) - the AM signal (heard by itself at 50%) is now calculated like a traditional VCA, potentially adding more harmonics/sidebands to an audio rate signal
    • Existing modules can now be dropped on specific ports for reconnection
    • Improved module auto-connections & auto-layout
    • Note names are shown along with frequencies in the window footer
    • Added new actions for selecting a project by tab number — and optionally activating the audio engine (shortcut assignable)
    • The module palette supports scroll wheel scrolling
    • Module remote control pages are now sorted top to bottom, left to right
    • Random modulator: fix sync mode
    • Active state of Grid modules is now properly restored
    • Sampler module (Oscillator): track was renaming itself when loading a sample
    • AD module (Envelope): was trigger-happy when created
    • Gate Length module (Logic): was trigger-happy when created
    • Long Delay module (Delay): could cause feedback connections and possible crash when deactivated
    • When duplicating or copying modules, now preserves the inter-module modulator mappings when possible
    • Converting Grid modules would lose the outgoing modulations
    • Mapping mode did not work for undocked windows
    • Engine crash when playing many voices
    • Crash when doing rectangular selection of modulators
    • Crash when double-clicking some fields in the multisample inspector
    • Improved some numerical text input issues
    • Touch screen: radial menu did not show up in an undocked Grid Editor window
    • Touch screen: it was slightly more difficult to select the lowest category row in module palette
    • Holding more notes than voices available was producing odd note priority results
    • Windows: moving a clip or note was showing the mouse cursor for copying objects
  19. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    Looks neat. Doubt I'll ever leave Ableton but hopefully the competition will push both companies to be better
  20. Bitwig have been quite vocal that their goal is feature parity between all three ports. So obviously that means that until Audiounits and/or Rewire are available on Mac, Windows, and Linux - they won't be part of Bitwig Studio. Some people apparently don't like that, but IMO the position is easy to understand.

    That's nonsense - comparing them is literally what you are doing.
  21. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
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    Changes in Bitwig Studio 3.0, Beta 6 [released 13 June 2019]

    New Features
    • Value Scaler module (Level): Scales incoming unipolar signal to a defined value range
    • When converting an oscillator module to Sampler module, Retrigger on Notes is now always on
    • More intelligent picking of ports to use when auto-connecting between modules
    • Cables to and from deactivated modules are now painted grey
    • Drum Machine device: choke didn't work if the pad contained a mono synth
    • Transport logic didn't account for time signature (i.e., setting Device Phase to '1 bar' in a 3/4 project still lasts 4 quarters)
    • Copy/pasting a selection of patched Grid modules now retains their patch cords
    • CV Out module: output gets stuck at the last transmitted voltage when deactivated
    • Audio Sidechain module: could select a post-device source when not connected to the grid Audio Out, which would not give the correct result
    • Deactivating a module with an assigned modulator left the modulation at last active value
    • Spinning swirl in the track header (showing a loading device) sometimes got stuck
    • Some timing problems when switching audio engine to another project
    • At smaller window widths, The Grid's Help view was cropped
    • Some engine crashes when switching presets
    • Modifier-scrollwheel to zoom wasn't working in The Grid
    • Remote Controls editor had the wrong background color
    • Note Output from VST3 plug-ins didn't work properly
    • PC: ASIO now checks the flags to make sure the sample position is valid
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