There is a hidden OS in all newer Intel chips

Discussion in 'PC' started by wasgedn, Apr 28, 2019.

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  1. wasgedn

    wasgedn Banned

    Nov 9, 2014
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    so 5 g is just radiation on top of that we have allready ?

    i kno what i kno...we have renters..they are so glad to not have to sleep in house with big cell phone antenna anymore.....they fully c theorists
    and you must not search long to find affected ppl in www or the surrounding of big antenna devices , its dead zones...just go there and watch microfauna and vegitation..
    how long ago....? did you set up antennas?rfid microwave tech ?

    why laptops are shielded ? why they call them note books now and not laptops anymore ?

    Last edited: May 1, 2019
  2. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    And a tiny tiny amount is apparent when we dream, and relative to that, an ocean of it happens at physical death...
  3. muse2love

    muse2love Producer

    Nov 11, 2013
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    relax all
    it's no good trying


    It's no good trying to place your hand Where I can't see, because I understand That you're different from me Yes, I can tell that you can't be what you pretend And you're rocking me backwards and you're rocking towards The red and yellow mane of a stallion horse It's no good trying to hold your love Where I can't see, because I understand That you're different from me Yes, I can tell that you can't be what you pretend The caterpillar hood won't cover the head of you Know you should be home in bed It's no good holding your sequin fan Where I can't see, because I understand That you're different from me Yes, I can tell that you can't be what you pretend Yes, you're spinning around and around in a car With electric lights flashing very fast -Syd Barrett
  4. Guitarmaniac64

    Guitarmaniac64 Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    It is true you really need to upgrade your history lessons and most importantly it must not be one that is created in USA as that is only propaganda not true at all as it was in germany during WWW2 hence new nazis.

    Who have been in war almost every year since WWW2 ended?
    Why did they ship all those tanks and jeeps and weapons to Korea from japan directly after WWW2 ended and not back home to USA?

    Now let that sink in your brain for awhile.

    And who is constantly attacking other countrys and has been since WWW2 ended and never been attacked themself?
    And no i don't count 9/11 as an attack from another country and especially NOT from Irac.
    Yet USA managed to fool other countrys that they must invate Irac.
    And kill over 1 millions mostly children and woman

    And as they have the largest army in the world noone could refuse if they did USA threaten to attack that country either by force or (as in most cases) econmically.
    If they cut the army coast by 1/10 of what it is today they could feed billions of poor children for a decade or longer instead.
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  5. KungPaoFist

    KungPaoFist Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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    Of course the US has made massive blunders, Korea might be the a valid case though since only NK is saluting "the supreme one" while living under oppression. Regarding Irac where did you hear they killed mostly women and children? Did the enemy hide behind women and children? Maybe if you researched the extremist's mantra you might understand their ultimate goal which was put into effect before any 9/11. Whether it had anything to do with preventing a hate group from gaining too much power or preventing genocide, I don't exactly have the answer to why several of my friends had to die in that conflict either. I understand that many things happen outside the scope of my understanding, especially when I only know what the media tells me.
  6. Legotron

    Legotron Audiosexual

    Apr 24, 2017
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    @wasgedn sun has more radiation than any of our technology. So people should worry that too but no, its always technologies fault, retards:deep_facepalm:
    Antennas radiation is always measured for safety, at least in my country and 4g covers 95 % of the country
  7. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Wasn't Notradamus? Oh no, according to that one civilization has ended 4 times already...

    Look at the bright side. Instead of cooking a chicken in the oven we'll just have to take it out of the windows for a couple of minutes.
  8. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    The way that I have exclaimed it is that we exist in one frequency, and or channel which determines the foundation of this "reality", the speed of our sub atomic particles in every day physics, how quantumly we build the structures of the universe, our bodies, planets, stars, trees, the bits all working in harmony to support each other, everything affecting everything simultaiously at the same time. Now enter 5G which will create an interference pattern that disrupts this very fabric, the very foundation of our universe and located on our planet, and which will create a portal using this (these) new disrupting pattern to open the door to some bad shit that has an appetite for our destruction. I do not proclaim to know why, only that the reason and promises that are made about how wonderful life will be from the new smart world is just a gross lie akin to NAFTA created to foster good paying jobs in the US, to all the neo-liberal hogwash of capital left to police capital and let corporations be treated as humans. Bad to the bone all of this is. Since being abducted at an early age and again being visited later in life, I know that all is not what it is written in the history books and deep down intuit that 5G is the straw that will break the the back of the world. Fight this demon shit not because you think we will win, but rather because that is what we need to do. Holding on to the hope that some politician or technology will come to the rescue is a pipe dream, so always hold onto the idea that the good attracts good, light to light. 5G is akin to the dark side, a white walker menace and The Borg all rolled into one. Do what you can to keep the menace at bay.
  9. Rudy Manterie

    Rudy Manterie Platinum Record

    Jun 4, 2018
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    You've been abducted? I want to know more!
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  10. itisntreal

    itisntreal Guest

    u know whats weird i experienced some really bad things while using my pc
    i was sitting behind my desk mixing some music suddenly my hart rate goes from 90 to 120 and rite after that i was starting to get really nerveos stomach pain and a really weird taste in my mouth and suddenly depressed
    why is that?
    im only sitting on my chair behind my desk and im not running marathons or something
    and i while ago i turned of the computer and 5min later i suddenly hear something beeping in my room so i thought wtf is that
    now it came from my computer speaker
    i download a spectrum analyzer and measured it it was 6khz peak so i searched 6khz on google and it has something to do with tinnitus
    computers dont do these things by themselfs
    maybe the digital web heros A.i Anal intruders
    and yes im paranoid paranoinormal
  11. complete

    complete Producer

    Sep 19, 2013
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    Actually I think there is some truth in this shit.
  12. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    Nature, as i said,"One might further empty the mind of more preconceptions and consider that the most humble idea, with the least preconceptions, is that there is nothing beyond what is "nature". The word itself encompasses all of our guesses, but demands consideration all of what we KNOW we don't know, and that of which we are UNAWARE we do not know."
    What people OUGHT to mean, when they say "God" is...."Nature".
    Unfortunately that is not the case. What they mean are very limited and distorted interpretations of an entity BASED ON largly primative PRECONCEPTIONS (admittedly via the most intelligent and imaginative people, who tended to be the ones updating mythology over time).
    Yes, it mean other dimensions, if they exist, and being open to the possibility of them is part of the striving towards humility.
    Your claim to be a scientist ("independant" simply means no authoritative scientific body acknowledges that status. So, I claim the same as you) and of "special knowledge" are hallmarks of conspiracy theorists and/or religious theorists (in religion alone it is "revealed knowledge").

    Well, I did not say and do not think, or feel, that we are "victims" of nature, but certainly we are subject to nature's constraints.
    Yet a great part of our "striving to live" (as all life does), has manifested in cultural development aimed at ameliorating and/or circumventing nature's constraints. And of course that is "natural" for us to do, and emerged from and is enabled by nature's parameters.

    I continue to listen to interpretations of the bible and other religious texts and dogma, despite being an atheist.
    Unless you religious types want to replace your ideas of "God" with the idea ... that our IDEAS of gods are actually attempts to explain aspects of "Nature". Religion, too is a "natural" phenomenon. Whatever humans do IS natural.... for humans, within nature.

    But the claim to be able to explain from a "purely scientific point of view" is not exactly humble.

    More deep diving into special, or secret, or withheld knowledge that only you or a select few have the intelligence or "humility" to discover or understand.
    Such arrogance to think that YOU of all people have this knowledge.
    Yes, it is true that what the majority believe says little about the truth of it (as an atheist i can relate), but it is also true that consensus via the scientific method has proven most reliable, despite the flawed humans participating.
    In closing, I'll provide no links to "conspiracy theorist", "Special Knowledge", "Revealed Truth Claims", and just say that you are likely a lot smarter than I am. It takes a fair amount of intelligence to be able to compile and organize all that information into (somewhat) coherent theories.
    I'll leave it to your own motivations....
  13. DaVa-67

    DaVa-67 Kapellmeister

    Mar 1, 2019
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    I've been watching this thread for a while now and in the process have had a good laugh, felt mad, identified, and noticed a lot of ridicule in the process.
    Personally, I have been researching conspiracies for a number of years and in the process have tried my best to keep an open mind and to also distance my ego from the rabbit holes that I have entered!
    What I've discovered in my journey has opened my eyes to the fact that we are ruled by psychopaths and villians!
    A lot of what has been spoken about here I know to be true because I have been very thorough in my research and analysis to think anything other.
    People who have not done an honest and unbiased research will never get it and will always have a defensive mechanism to scoff and laugh at what is presented before them.
    We are all living in a program of indoctrination that started when we were infants and carried on through school, college and workplace whilst being bombarded with media propaganda to keep us all in our programed state.
    This shit is way too heavy for the everyday normie to comprehend, and trying convincing them is like trying to draw blood from a stone. They will never get it!
    This stuff goes way deeper than we can ever fathom and takes a lot of will and guts to face.

    Some of the information put forth in this thread may not be a 100% accurate as this is an information war and we always have to revise that information on a regular basis.
    wasgedn,mojo777,Nana Banana, I salute your bravado in trying to put out a message in the face of ridicule. That takes a lot of courage guys!
    The miss-led will scoff and laugh in an effort to keep their safe equilibrium, but when the shit hits the fan hopefully the bringers of truth will treat these people with compassion and not point the finger with whooping delight and say.....I fucking told you so!!!! LOL :bleh:
  14. itisntreal

    itisntreal Guest

    Yeah way to much beer weed and benzo's
  15. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    The unfortunate thing is NOT that the world is rules by conspiracy.
    The unfortunate thing IS that the conspiracies are few, and the world is ruled by INDIVIDUAL actions within a complex matrix of INTERactions.
    If conspiracies were the biggest problem we might have a fighting chance to expose and stop them.
    There are enough conspiracies for sure, but the hardest to deal with are not the intentional conspiracies.
    Those are bad enough, when the objective is bad, and great when the objective is good.
    Yet those CAN be more easily identified, and applauded (if good) and decried (if bad) and prosecuted (if illegal).
    The harder to identify and impossible to prosecute are the "unintentional conspiracies" by many individuals with shared interests that have a negative effect on society.
    Of course there are many "unintentional conspiracies" with good effects.
    My point is that while a few people can fuck things up for everyone, we at least might catch them and stop them.
    How do you stop 1/3 of your population from doing things detrimental to society due to mistaken ideas, or misguided principles?
    How do you stop them from voting for the wrong people, buying horrible music, clicking on FaceBook ads?
    Those are the scarier "conspiracies" to me, yet those must NOT be subject to my wise control.
    They must be fought out at the individual level as much as possible.
    There will be fights, and suffering ... and the desire (my desire) to avoid the fighting and suffering by force is an arrogant and dangerous idea.
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  16. itisntreal

    itisntreal Guest

    you are not born mad but made mad
    from one day to another you are diagnosted schizophrenic and after the stamp they carpet bomb you with pharmaceutical mind melting drugs
    those big bad pharmaceutical mafia's are just as bad as dope dealers the only diffrence is their buisness is legal
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  17. If you think you're going mad you probably aren't. Mad people are totally convinced of their own sanity.
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  18. KungPaoFist

    KungPaoFist Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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    When over 200,000 people have come forward with extra terrestrial abduction experience containing info that corroborates commonalities from each instance and people still refuse to be open to the concept, I believe the capacity of human insight is nearsighted by design. Whatever the results of the current set of events we are on with 5g or anything is supposed to happen it seems so I can't blame humanism for it.

    Regarding 5g. It sounds like some info from a source concerned for humanity, we need more on the solution. How to effectively stop evil from enslaving it's population without being percieved as neo Nazis, or allowing them to gain too much power via eneffective passive approaches.. realizing destructive forces that are bent on people's demise was always a lost cause in my mind, probably from playing foodsearch instead of Star Search for too long on my part but believe or not a light of concern does exist. hopefully technologies more powerful then 5g can assist...
    Last edited: May 3, 2019
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  19. mojo777

    mojo777 Kapellmeister

    Sep 21, 2015
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    The links i provide are purely scientific my friend, nor did i ever make such a claim you falsely accuse me of. I don't claim anything, i simply share my findings and some of my own discoveries and experiments. I simply have a deep hunger for truth that drives me. Truth is an unending path of growth and discovery. I don't rely on others to present truth to me. I seek it out for myself and those who humbly and earnestly seek it out for themselves tend to be rewarded. The true lover of knowledge naturally strives for truth and is not content with common opinion but soars with undimmed and unwearied passion till he grasps the essential nature of things. Much love and God bless you.

    Unfortunetely that's very true but some of us are still trying....occasionally....

    - Gatekeeper432
    Last edited: May 4, 2019
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  20. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Well done @mojo777/Gatekeeper432, and thank you.
    You are putting it out there, like I was in the '90s when I awoke. Same topics, same info. I couldn't believe that other musicians especially didn't know some of these truths, let alone other human beings generally!
    Once people see & know this/remember this again, they can have the option to live truly.
    I feel some of us are meant to point this out to others; it's probably always been this way.
    These are the only subjects where learning actually leads to becoming more clever, rather than just knowing lots of information.
    All best wishes to you.
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