The role of the moderators

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by farao, Apr 19, 2019.

  1. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    I couldn't agree with you more. The sad part is that those that go around trolling NEVER start threads of their own. In other words, their sole contribution, and goal is to raise havoc in someone else's thread. I think that members that don't like the OP and use the OP's thread as a vehicle to personally attack the OP should be given a last warning. Having a thread closed is the climaxing point for a troll or someone who dislikes the OP. Instead of closing the thread, their account should be closed or at least suspended for a month. Having threads closed because of trolls and those who dislike the OP, sends a discouraging message to those that want to contribute. Conversely, it sends the right message to those that love to disrupt threads: Troll it and we close it.

    I also agree with you but I think that sometimes you are too lenient and so is @SAiNT. True, we want the free flow of ideas, and as little intervention from mods as possible. Yet, a balance must be stricken. As it is right now, rules and punishment favor the trolls. Do we want the forum ruin by trolls or those that have repeatedly shown disruptive behavior?
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  2. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    What really favor the trolls is member's reaction to them...
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  3. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    I get what you are saying and I agree. One thing to maybe watch out for is this: If legit topics are started and the same offenders over and over start havoc because they do not like a topic, then what is time consuming are these people's behaviour. If they are allowed to do this without a warning, they get the legit topic closed and then the same thing happens over and over again. Closing a legit topic is actually encouragement for these people to misbehave because they get what they want, the topic closed. And they can do it over and over again. The effect is that legit topics get shut down and the offenders get what they want, and a free pass to do it again. Just something to watch out for.

    As I said, I think the moderators are doing a great job, so please don't get me wrong. I'm feeling their greif and think it is terrible they have to spend all this time with nonsense. But warning the actual offenders might be a better way than to close legit topics, that is all I am saying. That would spare the moderators a lot of time in the long run, instead of having them closing legit topics and get them to deal with the same problem in another legit thread over and over again. If the topic itself is against the rules or might be seen as trolling, I have no problem with those threads being closed on the spot.

    Just trying to find a better a better solution for non trolling members and the hard working moderators here that does not encourage trolling members to wreck havoc in legit threads. If they succeed in having legit threads closed by trolling in them they will go on and cause moderators a lot of time and grief over what is actually topics that does not break any rules.
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  4. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    Yes, and this is how they work to get legit topics closed, I think it is worth having a discussion how to best address it.
  5. Citrik Acid

    Citrik Acid Rock Star

    Feb 7, 2016
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    Yes bro' you are an human after all so no problem, sometimes we do all somes mistakes :mates:
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  6. wasgedn

    wasgedn Banned

    Nov 9, 2014
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    wtf ..big time..i hate that ploopy:hillbilly::cheers::mad:
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2019
  7. wasgedn

    wasgedn Banned

    Nov 9, 2014
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    yes you right...i am very bad at this...but sometimes you must say something ....

    the main trolling here is ppl takin threads for cucko or dumb or what ever...go into this threads and do bad jokes or disrespecting this and that..negative shit bla bla...its trolling...we should have exact terms in rules what is trolling...many need explanation from their disciplinary supervisors (olymoon,andrew,artic or saint)cause they wont listen to any members explanation on what is a troll
  8. wasgedn

    wasgedn Banned

    Nov 9, 2014
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    and this is wrong...just stay out of this threads otherwise you are a troll...its very simpel....and staff dont want to close threads speech and so on...

    last time in vaniila thread of the member with ape avatar.....ppl trolled his thread ...he didnt troll the comunity with opening this thread

    the word stasi was dropped...its remembering at style nazis in hip are ppl want have rule only adequate threads should be opened all other what is not adequate in their mindset should be deleted

    as long no mod says something they all should shut up and pass their way...otherewise they trolling...fact..period
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2019
  9. shawnsdada

    shawnsdada Member

    Dec 25, 2017
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    You're thread that you're referring to was nothing but bait by you and you know that. You admitted in that very thread that you knew exactly who would respond and how they'd respond to it. Please don't sit there and act as if that's not what it was. That's a direct insult to the intelligence of a lot of people here. Nothing but a way to bait specific members that you could then call out like they were attacking you for no reason.I used to mod forums and would ban people like you in a heartbeat because all they'd do is instigate and blame it on others and use their "help around the forum" as a means to get away with it. Deny it all you want, but that's all I've seen you do from the day you signed up and I'm far from the only one who has noticed it. BTW you could name people and threads you're clearly referencing. You know, the same way you demand others to explain why they dislike or throw you a nasty emoticon.

    All of your replies in that thread stink of narcissism to be completely blunt and honest. You need to step down off that high chair you threw yourself in, drink a bottle of milk and take a freaking nap.

    You're biggest problems are that you call anyone disagreeing with you in any small amount a troll when they really aren't. It's extremely immature how much you do that. Literally the smallest thing gets said that you don't agree with and you immediately start ripping into the person accusing them of trolling and to get out. It's beyond pathetic. You also admittedly make in a habit to post multiple separate replies when you could easily do it all in one post. It comes off like you're purposely trying to annoy others or just want attention/get that post count as high as possible. You know and have admitted it's annoying, but you continue to make it a point to do it. You also love trying to police threads like you're a mod.


    I just look at you two though the eyes of a mod. You're right that they're too lenient here because most other forums would have already banned you by now. Hell a lot of forums now make it a regular rule that simply calling another a troll and they really aren't get's you an instant warning or ban. It's just stupid to be honest. This ego bullshit needs to go. Time to get over yourselves and stop making everything about you all.
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  10. Mykal

    Mykal AudioP2P

    Jun 20, 2011
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    I'm Right Behind You
    I normally do not get involved or comment on these kind of subjects but as person that has been a Mod here and many others sites in the past, I feel what the current staff is going through ,countless PM's, requests and overall a lot of bitching is the normal and it can be very overwhelming at times. Having been here since day one I really think the mods today are on point, Sure some of you may not like some certain decisions made by them but it is and always has been for the greater good of the forum as an whole and only benefits everybody involved that really give a shit
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  11. blaqmatic

    blaqmatic Platinum Record

    Sep 22, 2011
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    Divided States of America
    I may not always like the decisions of the Mods, but I love the job and balance they do and have here. You can't please everyone here and strong opinions present strong replies and attitudes. I have yet to see any member (Mods not included) here that likes to use the word "Troll" not say something Insulting, disrespectful or nasty toward another member. Yet some think they are above the same trolling they are doing that they accuse other members of. Everyone thinks the other guy started the fight... and then, oh mommy the bad boy started it!

    All this whining is giving me a headache. If you open a thread expect Everyone's opinion. It is part of being a member here. And as per our site no member has the right to say who can voice it or if they may join a thread. Thats what keeps this an open community and what really is the power of it.

    The Problem here to me is that there are to many sensitive personalities that need to be stroked! How dare some one disagree with you. Or tell you why they disagreed with you after you asked them to. Even if it was in a respectful way. As a member make sure you always give me a Great rating! :goodpost: It's just nonsense. What are you all kids here? :hillbilly:

    Some here just want attention and power...They start thread after thread just to hear themselves talk and then...some here have great topics. Such is life. Like it or lump it! It shouldn't all be dumped on the Moderators laps.

    It is impossible to take the "human" factor out of our community especially when it is such a diverse one. So learn how to speak your mind with respectful words and honesty and live with the consequences or leave. The truth hurts sometimes. And that is my opinion.

    Ye who is without sin, cast the first stone.

    I'm sure people have better things to do with their time and life is too short for this B.S!

    P.S. I do agree with one thing said...Some topics should not be started unless by a Mod. As much as that would add more work for them. They should be closed before they are even opened. I did not comment on that "religious" thread. Everyone's inner beliefs are a serious thing.
    Making jokes about it is an insulting and disrespectful act. And should be beneath this community.
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  12. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    No, because this would end up in sneaking people I don't like. I'm not neutral, because I'm involved. That's a mods work who has the statistics and is more likely neutral.
    Doing it that way would be a kind of micro Stasi as @phloopy said.

    So if some members make A LOT OF TROUBLE it seems better to me to ask them to discuss more properly by moderating their posts for a while. At first it seems to be more work, but in the long run it will pay out. Those people should be able to say what they want, but in an acceptable way only. If the don't learn they should stay moderated. Or as ultima ratio get banned if nothing else helps.

    Why is this better than deleting posts or closing threads?
    Because improper posts do AS a harm and damage. Some valuable people won't return when AS begins to get ruled by trolls. They can destroy every thread if they want to. This makes other people to stay away from posting valuable posts.

    btw.: Almost everyone has his/her bad days and trolls a little from time to time. Me as well. :snuffy:
    I think about those trolling by default.
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  13. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    Sometimes I really don't get what you want to say, or, if you really believe what you say. :winker:
  14. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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    Well said @twoheart :like:
  15. shawnsdada

    shawnsdada Member

    Dec 25, 2017
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    Thank you for bringing that up.

    Sometimes he comes off like he's purposely "playing dumb" in his comments that APPEAR to make zero sense. Look at that comment. It makes no sense at first then you see he's calling someone in here a troll and to get out, but then tries making an argument for free speech at the end.

    Can't have it both ways man. Telling others to get out because you think they are a troll then when it comes to you, you make an argument for free speech. Shows your true colors. You're just trying to get rid of people you don't like. It's blatantly obvious. No "conspiracy theories" like I was accused of in another thread.
  16. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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    Any chance you could take this dispute with @The Pirate somewhere else @shawnsdada?.... a bit boring reading your allegations on @The Pirate`s personal character and intentions... and it isnĀ“t the first time!
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  17. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    I agree with what you are saying in part. Your seem to say that all policies are already in place and perfect though. Well, there is no stated policy on what I am addressing here and you not touching on that subject at all. My suggestion would ease the workload on the moderators and stop trolls being successful in getting legit threads closed. What is your view on that?
  18. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    You have obviously not understood what this thread is about at all.
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  19. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    Your post is a perfect example of the problem I am adressing. You are not interested in what this post is actually is about and post personal insults and address something completely different than the topic of the thread. If this thread now turn into a flame war because of you and others, should my legit thread that is bringing up an important topic be closed because of your war, or should you be reprimended and my thread be allowed to still be open for discussion on the acutal subject? That is the whole problem I am seeking a solution to with this thread.
  20. peterA

    peterA Platinum Record

    Dec 29, 2015
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    I may be a little off topic because I can't be bothered reading all these posts which probably make some very good points so no insult intended.

    Trolls only exist because people respond to them. Do you think Foster for example would have caused so much trouble if people had simply ignored his threads? He did it because he kniew his threads would run to 10+ pages each time. If someone jumps into a thread and knocks it off topic then ignore them and carry on the proper discussion. Don't put the onus on the moderators to try and bring order, just blank the trolls and the off-topic comments and the problem is largely solved by the members showing restraint.
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