'only 6 comp's and 5 EQ's

Discussion in 'Software' started by wasgedn, Apr 11, 2019.

  1. Seckkksee

    Seckkksee Guest

    In that sense, u are referring to the technique which is fairly indifferent to the tools used. i.e. u can get a harder compressed sound from any compressor by dialing higher ratios and such, though true, many compressors sound vastly different at that point but still, the issue isn't the genre, it's HOW u use the tool. And I'm not sure about you, but I mix to make the things sound better, not mix to make things sound according to genre.
  2. notsoloud

    notsoloud Guest

    I don't know. My workflow and methodology is a disgrace to every known law (and some unknown) of the fine art of sonic audiology. I just grab the first thing that springs to mind whether eq or compressor and it's not until I have a semi finished version of a mix that I might think the kick needs work, then I'll put my brain set to the 'on' position and reset the strip with (perhaps) a UAD Pultec, Little Labs Voice Of God and a DBX 160, maybe a gate to tame the tail. But generally, as I say, I'm never locked in to anything unless the sound is clearly not working. The reason being, now that I think about it, 99% of my stuff is from soft synths or quality samples and therefore don't need much work, unlike mixing live sessions in which case I would be able to reel off my top tools for eq and compression.
  3. vladimir guerrero

    vladimir guerrero Producer

    May 25, 2018
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    San Jose

    DMG Compassion (more of Multiplicity these days)
    DMG TrackComp
    Melda MspectralDynamics
    Melda MTurboDynamics
    Empirical Labs Arouser
    Elysia mpressor


    Fabfilter q3
    Soundradix Surfer EQ
    Apulsoft apQualizir
    Melda *All 10 of them*
    DMG equilibrium

    Sister site affords me very expensive taste
  4. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    I actually haven't used DMG TrackComp that much, so I'm still on a fence with it. Thanks No Avenger. :wink:

    I decided to mention it because it's very versatile for a track compressor, but indeed it didn't impress me much, either. Maybe Klanghelm DC8C or MJUC, then? :) I used them a lot in the past, and they both worked great.
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  5. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    I'm not sure about you either :winker:, but I definitely mix sounds according to the genre, for instance a bd for Folk, Rock, HM, EDM and even to the subgenre like Trance and Hardstyle. You not? :unsure:
  6. vladimir guerrero

    vladimir guerrero Producer

    May 25, 2018
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    San Jose
    I like trackcomp because it’s almost invisible to my cpu and I can get quick and transparent compression or SSL type stuff if suited (plus I love the interface). I put it in some of my low cpu channel strips. It is definitely nowhere near Compassion’s level, and really, I think Multiplicity is my favorite of all DMG. If you haven’t fucked with that one, you probably should imo.
  7. Mykal

    Mykal AudioP2P

    Jun 20, 2011
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    I'm Right Behind You
    Very interesting thread, about time some one brought this subject up.The 5-7 per plug category is how I roll. When I first started with Studio One, I tried to Use the native plugs that came with it and after years of demo's and "TESTING" cough cough. I now have replaced the S1 native plugs that I did not like with better versions, Now I am down to less than 60 plugs and some of those were free or really cheap. For example I replaced the S1 native room reverb with the one from Valhalla etc etc... I believe that concentrating on the sound you want to achieve is much more important than having a shit load of plugs that rarely if not ever get used. Also it's much easier when you know what you want and know how to actually use it ,instead of going all crazy and collecting shit you will never use much
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  8. WhiteMidnightProductions

    WhiteMidnightProductions Ultrasonic

    Sep 26, 2017
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    I just wanted to mention that Surfer EQ is a must have. Truly innovative. Freiraum by Sonible is a close second and the Elysia compressors are supposedly some of the best software comps ever made.
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