Presonus audio interfaces

Discussion in 'Soundgear' started by wouala woualouf, Mar 27, 2019.

  1. wouala woualouf

    wouala woualouf Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2015
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    Guys, gals, 50/50,

    Are you using any Presonus audio interface ?

    I've been checking the new models presented at Namm,

    The older models are a bit cheaper, today, and the new versions, well, really really great prices.

    I particularly love the new Studio 1824c model.... adat, spdif (need one to connect my motif rack via coax spdif), 8 mic/inst/like Ins...wordclock (just in case you need it), 2 mics.... 192/24....... it basically has the same features as the steimberg ur824... but costs half the price. ..

    I would like to ask you all,

    - are you using any presonus interface ?
    - which OS are you using it on ?
    - you use it exclusively with studio one, because of the integration stuff, or you use it with a different daw?
    - how low can you go with the buffer settings, that you can say 'it's perfectly 100% stable', like 128...64... or even 32 ... at 48/24... or 96/24.... i would be curious to know if a presonus card can do like 96/24, at 128 or 64 samples, while remaining perfectly stable

    - about the drivers. .? What do you think they are, from 1 to 10 ?
    - have you tried very big projects on it, while using most of the ins and outs, even the adat or spdif, recording many things at once, while playing hundreds of tracks and software instruments/plugins, at low buffer size, without any glitches, audio drops, etc ?

    -last thing, are you happy with your presonus interface, until today, or have you been suffering so much, throughout all these years, because the card, drivers, etc, gave you nightmares, and you can't wait to buy another thing ? Or instead, you absolutely love it, and will be using it for another 20 years..

    After my other thread 'big or small', where i hesitate between getting a small steinberg urxxx + a small mixer OR getting a more expensive interface, with enough INs that a mixer no longer is necessary. ..

    ... i now believe one of these presonus interfaces, much cheaper than the equivalent at steinberg, would be JUST PERFECT.

    That's why i would now love to get your honest opinion about these presonus interfaces, its drivers, capabilities, etc etc.

    In advance, i thank you.
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  3. swavenation

    swavenation Kapellmeister

    Aug 22, 2017
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    Currently i am using the Presonus 192 and I literally got it about 10 days ago. I'm on win 10 pro and I can say the drivers work really well for me. I had the Focusrite 6i6 before that and the drivers were a big problem on win10. With Fl studio the interface works well, but the interface is at its full potential when you use Studio One because you have the zero latency monitoring and i just feel like drivers will work better in studio one rather than fl studio. Im a beat maker mostly so ill do most of my beats in fl20 and recording vocals in studio one. Drivers are perfect on my macbook by the way, but i think thats to be expected though.
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  4. teach me plz

    teach me plz Banned

    Mar 27, 2018
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    Im using the RME babyface. Works like a charm except totalmix being extremely messy IMO
  5. swavenation

    swavenation Kapellmeister

    Aug 22, 2017
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    Presonus only bro, what is this!!! :rofl:
  6. teach me plz

    teach me plz Banned

    Mar 27, 2018
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    Just wanted to tell my opinion on it, its pretty much the best and most solid piece of hardware i've bought to this day since i was assuming he wants opinions on audio interfaces in general
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  7. wouala woualouf

    wouala woualouf Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2015
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    Thank you very much for your comment.
    It's great to know a company treats their customers with respect, by providing drivers for a device that is over 10yo. Audio equipment shouldn't be treated like a pair of boots, that you will use 2 or 3 years, and throw away.
    I remember buying the steinberg midex8, which cost me like todays 700 euros/800 dollars !, a piece of equipment that you are supposed to use 10,20, 30 years, as an important part of the studio, as it allowed connecting all the hardware via midi... definitely not something you buy today and throw away 2 years later. And 2 or 3 years later, steinberg announces they wouldn't be supporting it anymore. Seriously? A 700 euros lève of equipment, and you don't have a fuking engineer, that could update a driver, during his free time ? Better, if money is the problem, just let users donate 4 or 5'000 dollars, that should be enough to pay one or 2 developers, during 1 or 2 months, and update the drivers !

    the same with the steinberg cmc series. They were selling those cmc devices 150 bucks each, thinking everybody would buy it. ..if they sold it like 60-80 bucks, today , every single Cubase user would have 4 or 5 of those units. But at 150 bucks...
    it could have been a tremendous success. ..if they weren't so greedy.

    Back in 2002, i had purchased a m-audio delta 1010. They kept updating their drivers at least until 2015. With win10, they decided to no longer support it.

    all this to say , it's good to know presonus will keep releasing good and stable drivers , several years after the product was released.
  8. Delay

    Delay Guest

    Happy user of audibox 22vsl. about 3yrs (product has been discontinued) and don't have any plan to change it, zero issues with different win or mac only I don't want usb anymore, usb 2/4/x is big mistake for audio IMHO, go for thunderbolt.
    Yamaha (now hidden in stainberg fancy box) and focusrite scarlett have lot stability issues ( similar prices) but with presonus I got lot software for free + headphone amplifier inside box. Big win for me.
  9. wouala woualouf

    wouala woualouf Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2015
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    Thanks for your comment, people who own rme stuff often are super happy with it, their drivers must be among the best of the best.
  10. swavenation

    swavenation Kapellmeister

    Aug 22, 2017
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    Are you speaking about the presonus 192? It came out in 2016 I have the usb 3.0 version. Haha not sure if drivers would still be reliable with windows 10 after 10 years. Definitely wouldnt bet on that!
  11. rhythmatist

    rhythmatist Audiosexual

    Sep 5, 2011
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    Chillicothe, Ohio, USA
    I bought an Audiobox1818VSL in 2014. Loved it. Perfect for what I do, but PreSonus quit supporting it. No driver for it on Windows 10 or Mac os's. It still works as a pre amp and DAW input. but I can't get to the features that run from the control surface. But I loved it so much, I got a newer one yesterday. You can use it with any DAW. I'm about to do an AB comparison of the old one and the new one on my studio monitor set up. Should hear a difference with newer pre-amps and newer card, but maybe not. Flex mix looks really useful.
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  12. ( . ) ( . )

    ( . ) ( . ) Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2013
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    Audiobox iOne user. All I need right now for myself. Loving it :)
  13. Daskeladden

    Daskeladden Rock Star

    Jan 7, 2018
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    Presonus Quantum on Windows 10, excellent and stable. To take in consideration no DSP plugins and not standalone
  14. EddieXx

    EddieXx Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2015
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    one thing to watch out for is, the studio series control software is useless, doesn’t even have a simple mixer. in “standalone” they can’t handle stereo inputs without a daw, the interfaces can’t handle two L\R mono signals inputs as stereo without the help of a daw
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2019
  15. Drumninja

    Drumninja Member

    Oct 19, 2011
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    When the 192 first came out the drivers were terrible. Basically was a beta tester for a year. Now the driver with win10 is solid and has been for a while now. I use the 192 and the Studio live 16.4.2 with Studio one everyday. Iv had the Studio live 16.4.2 sense it was first released and It works well for me.
  16. wouala woualouf

    wouala woualouf Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2015
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    I remember even my old m-audio delta 1010, i could simply open the driver panel, go to the inputs tab, and click 'link', and my 2 mono channels 1&2, 3&4, etc, would become a stereo channel.

    You mean you can't do that you the presonus interfaces ? That's so sad...
  17. rhythmatist

    rhythmatist Audiosexual

    Sep 5, 2011
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    Chillicothe, Ohio, USA
    The discontinued models don't, but the new ones run on UC surface. More stuff in there than I can poke a finger with. Watching UC Surface tutorials for StudioLive helps me a lot-doesn't hurt my ego like it used to to watch tutorials. So hard to keep up.:mates::rofl::drummer:
  18. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
    I consider long-time software support and (low latency) driver performance and reliability crucial things about audio interfaces, therefore I exclusively use RME interfaces, literally every other audio interface manufacturer disappointed me past years;

    about Presonus, I actually do have and use Faderport controller and Eris E8 monitors....but for interface...just no
    seeing that 1824c, it has only one adat pair, 8 mic pres are handy, but at what quality?

    if you wanna go cheap, you can get something like RME Digiface USB (full TotalMix FX capability) and pick whatever 4 ADAT preamps with 8 channels each, much better value in the long run imo...
    my two cents :chilling:
  19. Studio 192 running Studio 4 One. Had it for around 18 months and I love it. Using a Faderport 8 as controller. I've found the support to be first class and would happily use Presonus again. Latency? I'm using 1024 for mixing, can get much lower for tracking but this is a USB interface, so stellar performance just ain't going to happen. If I was starting again, I'd be looking at a Thunderfart QUantum.
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