3k Computer and still dropouts and cpu Spikes - what am I Missing?

Discussion in 'PC' started by ThugLife, Feb 11, 2019.

  1. bostonrake

    bostonrake Noisemaker

    Sep 16, 2013
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    Hey, first, I hope every thing goes ok with your surgery and recovery. I just went through something scary where I needed surgery, so I know the feeling.

    Second, I didn't read all the posts due to lack of time, but I thought I would add this...
    Where are your samples located? I would put them on a separate drive. Definitely do NOT have them on the same drive you are recording too and it would be best not to have them on the same drive as the OS. I have 3 drives...actually more, but it goes like this...
    Drive 1 = OS drive and a few apps... like your DAW and some plugins
    Drive 2 = Samples
    Drive 3 = recording/project drive.

    Hope this helps.
  2. G String

    G String Rock Star

    Jun 18, 2011
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    Holy shit.

    Best of luck to you Thug.
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  3. mono

    mono Audiosexual

    Jul 23, 2014
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    Floating Amongst the Stars
    Hope all goes well and wish ya the best of luck :thumbsup:
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  4. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    Good luck, mate, I hope you get well again soon.
  5. ThugLife

    ThugLife Platinum Record

    Sep 21, 2018
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    @bostonrake @G String @mono and @No Avenger

    Thank you very very much for all your words. All you guys are growing to become like family. It's really nice to have a place like this, where you feel like you belong there and people taking (except for my family of course) more care of me than a lot of my real life colleagues do. Most of them i havent even told.

    Had my surgery at 7:30 am this morning and so far i guess it all went good. Im Not even knocked down from the anesthesia.

    Now I need to stay for a few days, need to make a CT which is also making me Lil nervous but if there is all good, chances are i wont need chemo and shit.

    So I just want to take this Opportunity to maybe wake somebody up, that just like me was ignorant to his Body for most of the time.

    Stay healthy Fam, the Best thing you can do!

    Thanks for all your wishes. Already feel kinda ok now, noT close to the pain i thought I would have to feel.
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2019
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  6. G String

    G String Rock Star

    Jun 18, 2011
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    Thanks for the update. Good luck, Thuglife.
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  7. navid nilchian

    navid nilchian Newbie

    Aug 14, 2017
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    Hi there,

    I believe your problem lies within 1 of 2 areas. Either it's your audio interface and audio driver not working properly as they should OR its your settings in fl studio. I know this because I had to trial and error my way out of the same predicament you are currently in. I stay away from Focusrite interfaces as they are known to be buggy and I used to own the same scarlet you have now. I returned it on day 2 and got the audiobox usb 2x2 and I've been on this little audio interface for upwards of 7 years now with very little issue. They even have their own dedicated driver so I don't use ASIO4ALL driver.

    It's not your PC as we both have monster PCs with the same CPU even. So don't worry about the hardware.
  8. mono

    mono Audiosexual

    Jul 23, 2014
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    Floating Amongst the Stars

    keep strong and realy glad to hear your doing ok :wink:

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  9. ThugLife

    ThugLife Platinum Record

    Sep 21, 2018
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    Hey my distant relatives :)

    I owe you all a bit of explainations, but first i'd like to once again thank you all for wishing me so well. i'm very very grateful for this. by the end of february i was diagnosed with some form of cancer, that's why i had to undergo surgery and why it knocked me off my feet. but no need to worry, it seems i was pretty lucky. when i came to the doctor, he was surprised i found out about this by myself, because it was not a big tumor. it was removed, after that they made a CT bodyscan and as of now i'm extremely lucky, because they found no metastasis, i don't have to take chemotherapy nor radiotherapy. they decided to keep me under control via wait and see strategy, so for now it is removed and i have no enemy in my body anymore. chances are as always, that this can come back, but for now i'm just grateful, because i was sooooo fucking scared that there could be more within my body, i didn't know about but it looks like it aint, so thank god and thank you all for your prayers.
    Now i need to hope it stays like that.
    I wanted to get back at you all earlier but when i wrote that post above, i was under influence of some good painkillers, but when i stopped taking them, i realized it wasn't that easy hahaha. I'm still a bit struggling with a few tasks and sitting is not the best feeling but it's getting better and better now. So i guess i'll finally be back within this or maybe next week.

    Before this all happened, I was working on my system with @The Pirate and we decided to get another nvme drive while keeping my win 10 installation for now and we were after a whole lot of struggling able to install win 7 on this new drive. At this point i also gotta thank @Paul Pi because he also provided me with great help getting win 7 set up. Then i started to install my apps and stuff and making tweaks and then I got this diagnosis. The last two days i started continuing on this but of course i dont exactly recall what i already did and what not. I need to set it all up before i can make a statement if this already improved some things, which i will do now within the next weeks. ATM i'm still a bit on recovery and most of the time lying in bed but like i said it's a lot better. Threads gon be pulled tomorrow :)

    But I already got a few more Questions that raised within the last two days.

    Within my Device Manager, I have a PCI Communicationcontroller (easy) which it tells me has no drivers for. I was able to check hardware ID's and find out it has to be the MEI drivers. Downloaded them, but it wont let me install telling me my system doesnt fit requirements. Already installed Chipset and so on, but i think there was another thing within one of the drivers where it told me the same. I dont actually recall which one it was since its been nearly a month now and i had a lot of sh** on my mind by that time as you can guess. doing it automatically instead of manually doesnt take me anywhere telling me cant find drivers for that.
    Another thing is: I remember I should turn Speed Step off, which I did, but what about Speed Shift Technology and Hyperthreading? Should this also be disabled?
    AND: When the 960 Pro was my C: Drive, Samsung Magician said it wasn't supported. Now it shows it like it should (freshly installed newest version 5.3), trim status active, but rapid mode not supported, but my new C: drive, a 970 EVO does the same, NOT supported, Trim Active, Rapid mode not supported. Installed Drivers and stuff and device manager also claims drivers are up to date. What am i missing on there?

    I already made a lot of tweaks in terms of windows optimization on this new win 7 system. That's what i wanted to tell you for weeks, but that's where i'm at at the moment. I hope we're facing the final steps now, can't wait to have this all up and running.
    And once again I'm really sorry for the delay on that after all your great help, but this really knocked me off my feet as you all might understand.

    And last but definitely not least:
    @bostonrake honestly, first i had not set it up like that, because i thought if i take a 2tb drive as c: drive it would be ok to store a bit of my stuff on there, as long as i have a big amount of free space and i had i think about the half of space free BUT i was told i was wrong and after that i took all that stuff off of the C drive and made a whole lotta symlinking for stuff like omnisphere, keyscape and all those things, i thought i had to keep on C: and now my c drive is a 500 gb one, which wont even allow me to store all that stuff on c: :)
    i'm not finished installing everything on the new win 7 but be sure i will symlink all the sample/instrument stuff that used to be on c: that i need to install in the future. Thank you for that anyways, that's great knowledge i didn't have before, so absolutely worth mentioning!

    @navid nilchian Also another post that really makes me think positive about getting this solved. I also don't use asio4all. The scarlett has its own dedicated asio driver but yea i will replace that at some time for sure. but that's something i'll have to delay since i ran out of money and this break that i unfortunately had to take left me a whole mountain of stuff to do. this will take a few months, but that's 100% on my to do list. Thank you very much. Would you mind to tell me your FL studio settings, that made it work for you? To be honest, i didn't tweak much on that, since i don't really know what that does, even though you already said it: trial & error :D but for the moment i'm struggling to find out what i already installed and so on since that's all been a month and is a whole lot of stuff.

    And once again, thank all of you that took care, were interested in my condition and so on. I think you all would be worth mentioned but i would really feel bad by forgetting someone since i absolutely appreciate it. you guys are great and i think you know who you are. My family gave me the most power in that time, but after that it's really YOU GUYS that helped me through this. this thing showed me, that you and my family are worth more than my so called friends. When i told one of my "best friends" i had surgery, he just said damn, get well, not even asking WHY i had surgery. This showed me a lot but also told me that you guys are like I said in the first line:

    Last edited: Mar 19, 2019
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  10. Paul Pi

    Paul Pi Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2016
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    Heya @ThugLife, it's great to hear the positive progress you've made and i'm really very pleased to hear you're now on the mend! :mates:

    Right, short answers:
    Speedshift (aka speedshit) = NO
    Hyperthreading = YES (it's only rarely an overall improvement to disable it in some arcane hardware/software configurations...)

    I must recommend the snappy driver installer once again - it's open-source and is excellent at quickly identifying, locating and installing the very latest drivers your PC wants... i've used it on two of my windows boxes and it's worked flawlessly both times (with the curious lone exception of my firewire card, which i easily rectified afterward):
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2019
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  11. ThugLife

    ThugLife Platinum Record

    Sep 21, 2018
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    Wow, that was quick. I already said it but you're a real blessing bro! Thank you very much. For your help, your wishes, for everything. I hope you'll be blessed in return.

    So I was lucky, that's exactly what i did :) Speedstep is off, speed shift also, but hyperthreading was left enabled, so i'll leave it by that.

    Already downloading the snappy driver installer. Hope this will do.

    Thank you for everything so far, I don't even find the words for all that. You're a great Person, honestly.
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  12. Paul Pi

    Paul Pi Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2016
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    Many thanks for that @ThugLife - i think it's great to give and even greater to be thanked, blessings all round then! :bow:
    Dude, seriously i think we're all almost as keen as you are to get to the end of this homeric tech challenge!

    EDIT: damn my typing awareness stinks sometimes.
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2019
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  13. Paul Pi

    Paul Pi Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2016
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    p.s. In the Snappy Driver Installer there's no need to install everything, select to search only for drivers relating to your PC - otherwise you end up downloading about 2GB of unnecessary drivers you'll never ever use...
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2019
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  14. ThugLife

    ThugLife Platinum Record

    Sep 21, 2018
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    Hahahaha its a little embarrassing but thank you for mentioning that. Another precious Info, already started downloading more than 7 GB. This Info cut it down to 1.08 so really another great Info. Thanks my man :)
    And for the one above. Believe me, i'll never forget for a Single Minute who this was up to when finally the Rocket is taking off as soon as I hit the Start Button. I Hope this makes Sense to a native english speaker :rofl:

    Edit: thank you, this solved it, no problems with the communicationcontroller anymore and even my c drive is now supported by the magician. Youre the man :)
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2019
  15. Paul Pi

    Paul Pi Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2016
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    Reading you loud & clear here amigo - so, fire-up your FL and give it some welly, then let us know how it performs now! :speaker:
  16. ThugLife

    ThugLife Platinum Record

    Sep 21, 2018
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    Oh yeaaaa i will. But first i will need to add some of my libraries to kontakt :) Maybe I won't get to this within now, but i'll at least holla back tomorrow. By the way, just in case you missed it. check your inbox mate, maybe i got some for you :)
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  17. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    @ThugLife Thank you for having the courtesy of thanking those who helped you that says a lot about you. Im glad things are better at your end. The mention of cancer always hits close to home. My sister is a cancer survivor. I remember her telling me while recovering: 'Hope is important because it can make the present moment less difficult to bear. If we believe that tomorrow will be better, we can bear a hardship today.'

    Back to your system now, since you have a Focusrite don't install ASIO4All. I think I sent you the link with Focusrite advising against it. In fact, do not install any other drivers. If you are using your Focusrite there is no need to have 3 or 4 more drivers installed. All they do is create problems with your soundcard. If you already install other drivers, uninstall them.

    Don't lose hope my friend. Don't give up. If you need to talk you know how to reach me.
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  18. G String

    G String Rock Star

    Jun 18, 2011
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    "Guys, I had an operation for cancer. But let's get back to Device Manager......"

    Best of luck, Thuggy! ;)
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  19. ThugLife

    ThugLife Platinum Record

    Sep 21, 2018
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    What Kind of Person would i be, to not mention yout Name when it Comes to who helped me on that. You didnt invest hours, it was More like days and weeks. Saying thank you takes 5 seconds, so thats the least i could do.
    Your Sister knows what she's talking about and those are really wise words, worth being a life Motto. I'm happy to read that she Made it. Family is or at least should br one of the greatest Gifts in life and especially people like you Deserve to keep this Gift as long as possible. Be sure i'l never forget the above mentioned hours you took of your spare time just to help me and even kept me on track when I was desperate and about to surrender.
    And of course bro, you told me to not install ASIO4All and i didnt. I unchecked it when I installed fl studio and Double checked to make sure, I dont have ASIO4All in my device list, but what I do have is an ASIO driver from realtek which must have been installed within the drivers for my Board but Anyways im using the focusrite ASIO driver for as long as I need to stick with the scarlett.
    Thank you bro, for the Rest youre right i know how to reach you and will go that Route. Thank you for everything. Youre one of the nicest people i ever Met.

    :rofl: what else to do :) for the Moment i've left the worst things behind me. Now I Gotta Move on and just hope life wont hit my face like that again. Like I Said its a blessing in disguise. A really Bad thing but coulda been way worse. Now I just need to hope, think positive and find my way back :)
    thank you Mate :beg:
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  20. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    I wish you a speedy, recovery.
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