Leaving Neverland?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by RMorgan, Mar 11, 2019.

  1. wasgedn

    wasgedn Banned

    Nov 9, 2014
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    where you got this from ? from this movie ?
  2. wasgedn

    wasgedn Banned

    Nov 9, 2014
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    how much ppl they did fck with wrong pedo and rape charges while the real ones build empires
  3. wasgedn

    wasgedn Banned

    Nov 9, 2014
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    yea realtalk is disrespect nowadays i kno...spreading lies is normal these days...
    lmao..again..i hate his music ...so funny how you ppl do think and do prejudices

    make a thread bout pedo and estimate no hard talk or what..unblvbl

    unblbl wasgedn the mj fanboy...fo sho:rofl:im fanboy of this
    DEAD BOYS - Sonic reducer....

    as break watch some truth i posted...
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2019
  4. 5teezo

    5teezo Audiosexual

    Feb 2, 2012
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    Haven't seen the documentary – but I listened to thriller Album on headphones today after ages…

    Still WOW!
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  5. wouala woualouf

    wouala woualouf Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2015
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    To me, mickael was just a victim of a bigger system. Someone must have organized all those parties. .. someone must have had access to those kids ( how many hundreds thousands-millions kids end up as fresh meat, to feed all the kid/pedo networks around the world. .. every single year..)

    Has someone watched some videos about Clinton's 'lolita jet'.... where young girls had to fly with the clinton couple...
    If tomorrow the world governments legalized pedophilia, suddenly, there would be 10, 20, 30 million pedophiles posting ads or classifieds ' 3-5yo max, with experience... smooth white skin...'
    We have no idea how many exist. Of course, the demand is super high, they need a constant arrival of fresh meat.
    Just imagine 'tomorrow, 15 boys and 15 girls between 4 and 8, all refugees, ate going to sing and 'visit' the vatican'....
    Imagine all the syrian/iraqui/lybia/etc kid refugees... today, they move them to a church... 1 week later, they move them to some association. .. 1 week later, they move them to a special refugee institution... 1 week later, someone goes pick boy #2... then, a woman comes and chooses girl #4... and they move them from house to house, Institution to institution. .. until they end up adopted by 2 gay guys... or at some 'kid's party'.... etc etc

    It isn't hard to imagine 'hey, mickael, we found 4 wonderful girls and boys, would you like to have a party, they will come, they will play, etc etc'....and one day, they grabbed 2 or 3 kids, and told them 'hey, you will be next to MJ... if you kiss him a lot, let him kiss you, etc etc, we will offer you plenty of gifts, and your parents will receive xyz'....
    And so the kids go next to MJ, and don't stop hugging... kissing...

    Little by little, MJ has that permanent stock of kids, that SOMEBODY BRING to him...
    And of course, sooner or later, MJ becomes super intimate... those young, pure souls don't lie, when they say they love MJ.

    To me, MJ was a victim of a bigger system. A pitiless system, made of vultures.

    It's funny, how out of nowhere, a young boy would show up, and accuse MJ for this and that... and suddenly, because he offers a few millions, the kid no longer sues him !

    If THAT is so important to you, you feel so bad, so disgusted, etc, how can a few millions simply stop all the pain, suffering, etc etc ?

    Yes, money. MJ had been with so many kids, had given so many parties, it was super easy, for some random kid to say 'i was with MJ, he touched me here and there. ..!'...

    Look at the belgium Marc Dutroux... he used to find young kids, and give them to top politicians, lawyers, etc. It looked so far fetched, that at the beginning, nobody believed it. Everybody was involved. Slowly, all the direct witnesses, victims, who were supposed to tell the truth in a court, were killed. All. The press, the government, everybody tried to hide the truth. Probably, even the president, ministers, kings.. were involved.

    This, to say, there must exist thousands of marc dutroux guys, all over the planet. It's a true infection.

    do you guys remember the 1992 'pedo crysis', in the US, where over 1'200 kids confessed to a psychologist their uncle, father, mother, brother, etc, had touched here, had touched there. . Had been in this position, that position. .. but some laywers were able to declare unacceptable everything the kids had said, by saying they were inventing things. ..etc etc..
    question: how can a 3yo girl lie, invent, something as a person touching her genitals with a hand, or she having 'somethibg' in the mouth...or the person laying her over him.... how can a pure, innocent 3yo girl invent such things, such gestures, such genitals, such body positions, etc dtc ? It can't! But the lawyers managed to convince the jury it was invented.

    Some kids had recognized holywood stars, such as chuck norris.
    of course, once those stars were involved in the case, something had to be done. ..

    this entire story, is probably one of the biggest scandals ever, in the US. I am sure 95% of the members in here, even the US is, never heard about it.
    of course, if you read the wikipedia version, they say all the kids were stupid, etc etv.
    to find the truth, you need some good YouTube sources...

    so , was MJ pedophile ? Probably yes. Did some people help him becoming 'it' ? For sure, yes.

    is MJ the best singer ever, with countless amazing songs ? 3x yes
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  6. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    I don't know if he was or not (a pedophile). For me it's close to a 50/50.

    I agree there's too much money involved to believe in this documentary. What I mean is my opinion doesn't change one way or another because of it. I probably won't watch it.

    I'll probably keep listening from time to time his songs, without ignoring that 50/50 suspects I've had since a few years before his death.
  7. Paul Pi

    Paul Pi Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2016
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    A 'smooth criminal' indeed...

    Last edited: Mar 12, 2019
  8. korte1975

    korte1975 Guest

    watch some body language analysis on the guy, pretty shocking

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  9. Rudy Manterie

    Rudy Manterie Platinum Record

    Jun 4, 2018
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    postcount boner...LIFT OFF!
  10. MarkSlater

    MarkSlater Producer

    May 16, 2012
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  11. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    @wasgedn : your quote
    "where you got this from ? from this movie ?"
    Yes. Everything the person was quoting re. security around room was in the film. Maybe you should watch it and see?

    The last tiny percentage of doubt in me is due to the fact that one can't hide a fart from the FBI, for over a decade of being watched, busts etc.
    Unless they are paid off...
    If you watch the film, you will understand why Wade and Jimmy never spoke up initially. That's what I recommend to you.
    Heck, Wade was dance choreographer for major acts. He was well paid, I assume, and wouldn't want to tarnish his image. When both became fathers, all their with-held emotions crumbled in on them. Quite simple.

    Re. people saying you aren't 'helping' the 'discussion', you DID make some huge, nasty statement on the first page of comments:
    If you aren't in the industry, I can understand your denial.
    I even have first hand accounts from colleagues, but I don't want to have to 'believe' the film.
    But as a human-being with empathy, it's really hard not to.
    It's very sad, if true.

    I *do* understand your theory about Big Brother trying to undermine the legacy of MJ, for a nwo, but they already did that whilst he was alive.
    You may have to at least accept the possibility that this goes deeper than you 'believe'.

  12. grabme

    grabme Kapellmeister

    Dec 26, 2012
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    Gary Glitter was sh1t and couldnt care less about being caught out, same with Saville and Rolf Harris, they knew they were guilty and admitted it. MJ fought tooth and nail to protest his innocence because he actually cared and never admitted anything because there wasn't anything to admit, same with Cliff Richards. Completely different body language, both of them went through hell and back and it affected them physically, unlike the other three who didnt even lose any sleep.
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  13. Rudy Manterie

    Rudy Manterie Platinum Record

    Jun 4, 2018
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    I just rode in a bus, there were three pedos, two terrorists, four housewifes and two holy men in it. I just read their body language. :dunno:
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  14. kims

    kims Kapellmeister

    Jun 5, 2016
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    I just seen first episode of this sh**, and wade and the other one looks very very tormented of being sexualy abused since they were 7 year old.....year right :)

    Usually kids locks into them self and do drugs and such, but noooo not these two kids, they smile on every photo and video
    So these two kids waits several years to come on tv, and of course AFTER mj isnt there, AND NOW they are sad

    And wade have even kept the jewelry he got from mj, people that had been exposed for these things would throw all that away because they reminds them of the cruelty!

    body language dont lie
  15. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    @kims They both loved him! You can see that.
    Not impossible to *think* they'd keep it under wraps and lie for so long.
    Also, not *impossible* to think the opposite; that they may be lying,
    Totally hypothetical of you to say that. I was abused, and your hypothesis doesn't fit.

    Body language 'experts' can be wrong.
    The video above has some very illogical assumptions right off the bat.

    I haven't decided either way, so I'm on the fence. We'll never know the truth for sure, even if we are told it straight.
    But I'm pedantic with logic, and all I see are people with very subjective, illogical opinions.
  16. Pronto

    Pronto Kapellmeister

    Jul 21, 2011
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    how inappropriate would it be to ask if you'd like to have sex with me?
  17. Roger8176

    Roger8176 Ultrasonic

    Nov 17, 2011
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    Hello Everybody. I haven't read all the posts in this thread so I apologize if anything I say has already been said.
    First off, I really wish this documentary was never made. The guy is dead and nothing really positive can come of this. I have only watched the first part and to be honest I fell asleep with about 20 min to go so I very well may have missed or not yet seen some very crucial information.
    My thoughts are... Before I watched this I was definitely on MJ's side. While I was watching it some doubts regarding his innocence creeped in. Particularly with the Safechuck guy's story. Hearing Michael's voice on those voicemails saying that he loved him was strange and he did spend a rather unusual amount of time with the kid. There was all kinds of video and personal photos of them together holding hands, etc. Then when Safechuck started going into detail about the acts Michael would have him do (particularly the spreading the cheeks.... one) I was discusted and started having second thoughts. Also, the guy comes off as pretty believable. More so than Wade Robson. Another thing that I wasn't expecting was that him nor his family really badmouth Michael (at least they haven't yet in what I have so far seen).
    Then I realized part of what was in affecting me was the graphic detail of the acts that Safechuck was describing. It just gave me and likely any "normal" person watching a sickening feeling because it's just not stuff we are used to, or probably have ever, heard being said. It created such a shock that anger towards the aggressor was about all one could feel. However, that is exactly what they intended for it to do and just because it is more graphic than what we are used to hearing doesn't mean it happened.
    Anyways, I fell asleep not sure what to think, but my support of team Michael did take a hit.
    Then this morning I read some articles about the situation and one in particular I read pretty much destroyed the credibility of the documentary and I am back in Michael's corner. There are just too many problems with the accusers backgrounds and stories. Also, keep in mind that when Michael was tried for similar charges many groups of powerful investigators couldn't prove he did any of that and they and a jury were told just as graphic of stories as the ones told on the documentary. So they also probably had the same shocking and sickening feelings that so many of us have had watching it and he was found not guilty. I am sure the FBI and police have much better evidence to work with than a filmmaker and they couldn't prove it. To me that says a lot.
    There was more I wanted to say, but this is a forum not a place to write novels. So in closing the whole thing is just really sad and unfortunate. Michael was a very unusual personality that pretty much nobody will ever be able to relate to because nobody ever has had a life like his nor fame like he did. In the early 80's he really was one of, if not the, most famous people in the world. He was exponentially bigger than any celebrity that we have had in the last 30 years. He was flat out unusual because of it. Anybody would be. He did some questionable things. No matter what anybody says sleeping with children like that is just not normal. He also contributed a huge number of great things to society. Be it by his entertaining as well as his philanthropic contributions. This might be taken wrong and this isn't the best way to say it, but in my opinion even if he was guilty of what he is being accused of his positive deeds far outweighed them. Fortunately if you do some research you'll most likely come to the conclusion that he was just a very easy target for opportunists. If that is indeed the case... or if it is the opposite... what a truly, truly tragic situation.
    P. S. An earlier post discussed one of Michael's former accusers drawing Michael's genitals and said it was accurate. That was NOT the case. The kid even said he was circumsized which it is now known that he wasn't.
  18. shawnsdada

    shawnsdada Member

    Dec 25, 2017
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    Ever actually read any of the original transcripts from the original court hearings?

    Go read everything ever released. His overkill security around his bedroom has been talked about for years even before his death.

    You're defending him simply based on your love of his music. Which is on the verge of disturbing to be honest. You clearly know nothing about any of the court hearings and any of the actual accusations and evidence against him. Keep acting like you know everything though.

    FYI I was originally part of the crowd that thought it was all a money grab by the parents. Smoking gun #1 for me was the documents of the kid describing everything that happened and described his penis in extreme detail. The kid wouldn't have been able to describe the patterns left by MJ bleaching his skin unless he was extremely close to his penis. Enough to burn the image of it into his brain.

    Smoking gun #2 was the amount of security that led to his bedroom. Extreme overkill unless something extremely disturbing , secretive and illegal was happening behind those doors.

    Smoking gun #3 was how fast he wanted to end it by just paying the kid off. If you're accused of something as bad as child molestation and you're 100% innocent you fight that shit. Don't just pay them off to end it quick simply because you can. That screams GUILTY.

    Believe what you want but the guy was a pedo. There was and is more than enough evidence that proved it then and still does now.

    You can also learn how to multi-quote in one single post and not multiple separate posts. Comes off like you're trying to bury the thread and that you want everything to be about you.

    I'm done with this thread. Keep worshipping the child molester.
  19. recycle

    recycle Guest

  20. recycle

    recycle Guest

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