Leaving Neverland?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by RMorgan, Mar 11, 2019.

  1. DJK

    DJK Audiosexual

    Nov 23, 2017
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    felixstowe england
    is having children to sleep in his bed normal? no matter if it was sexual or not, and what about the parents, if it was about money why didnt the 2 guys who made statements bring it out when mj died, i have 2 children and no way in hell would i condone them sleeping with a perv, figure what you want, because he was a genius? yes he was with music and performing, and now everyone is hiding behind the media, rubbish then and rubbish now, because he is dead he cant defend himself?

    MORTIX Kapellmeister

    Sep 22, 2015
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    I get why people are still on denial..
    I too don`t want one of my favorite artists legacy be tainted by this.. but would you let your children sleep in his bed for that many nights? Even if is Michael Jackson its not acceptable healthy for a 30/40 years old man be doing this regularity.. and there is a 60 minute already with one of his maids to came out and saying that she know what`s going on but was too afraid to speak.. I think people just made a blind eye for so many years because of his superstar position. But if you have the choice of exposing the truth or living in denial i think i still prefer to know the true. Even if it means affect his genius art..
  3. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    Everybody is just trying to monetise his death. Public media and the public love this bs. It'll never going to stop. Public media is still monetising JFK's, Marilyn Monroe's, Elvis', Cobain's etc. death ffs. :mad:

    Also, these people are making pretty nice amounts of dough just because they claim all kinds of things. For as long as public media and people are being sensation and money hungry like this, you can't really trust anyone 100%. So I'm not really 100% sure he was, or wasn't, a pedo, but I don't think these people speak the truth, either, because money is just too sweet, eh? :wink:
  4. BennyLava

    BennyLava Newbie

    Dec 24, 2015
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    Not buying it at all. You now need to present a one-sided documentary at Sundance Film Festival to legitimize claims? Who are the people who researched all of this? The Sponsors? It's not a secret powerful people sought Jackson's catalogue. The sensationalism has tricked most, I'm not tricked. Doesn't add up. So easy nowadays to accuse and get instant bias.
  5. aymat

    aymat Audiosexual

    Dec 21, 2015
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    I'll just leave this right here...

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  6. dkny

    dkny Platinum Record

    Jan 25, 2015
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    Ah yes, the maid. Read around on her as well (don't just take your info from one source) and you'll see that it seems she was just as unreliable and motivated by money as the other two guys.

    So basically, the only people (as far as I know) to really come out and slander him and his legacy are people with *really* questionable motives, and track records of behaviour.

    No one is saying that MJ's behaviour was "normal", and clearly, if he was a regular guy, the behaviour would be fairly obviously way out of order. If MJ did get sexual gratification from having kids sleep in his bed, then that is also clearly disgraceful. However, given how *not normal* his life was, *if* (and I'm not saying this is what I believe either, there aren't enough facts either way to let me clearly come down on one side) he was effectively very childlike himself, thought of himself as a kid, related to kids and just felt comfortable around them, and just basically felt like he was just surrounding himself with friends he felt comfortable with - basically, just surrounding himself with other people of the same innocence as him, then the claims against him kind of fall down, as it wouldn't have been a sexual thing.

    What would make a difference in my mind would be more credible people coming forward, with similar allegations. Although traumatic, with him dead, you'd think that at least one or more other "abused" people would come forward and say "Me too!" and let the truth be heard, even if it lost them some anonymity and perhaps even lost them money.

    I'm not aware of any others... but I'm not particularly invested in researching the situation, so maybe there have been.

    Until then, I'm mostly on the side of "nothing proven", until it is proven. Nothing proven not being the same as innocent, of course.
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  7. Rudy Manterie

    Rudy Manterie Platinum Record

    Jun 4, 2018
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    some of his music was pretty "adulty" though...jus sayin
  8. webhead

    webhead Audiosexual

    Oct 5, 2014
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    "Facts don't lie, people do" -Michael Jackson

    If there are someone who really seeks for truth; https://www.reddit.com/r/MichaelJackson/comments/afnz1w/michael_is_innocent/

    Some of my friends still believe Mj wanted to make himself completely white. People just believe what they wanna believe and media has so much power today. They're bigger than justice. But I have hope and feel happy for the people who can search and read for the truth. Which is easy as knowing how to use internet.
  9. Rudy Manterie

    Rudy Manterie Platinum Record

    Jun 4, 2018
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    ah who am i kidding he was obviously a sick pedo
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  10. grabme

    grabme Kapellmeister

    Dec 26, 2012
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    Of course its disturbing, its a smear campaign and those two are full of BS. Proven liars, expressing no emotion, body language all wrong and went back to Neverland on their own accord. They are in it for one thing only. No one is going to stop me playing MJ music, when it comes to pop, it cannot be bettered. Name one pop artist that can come close?
  11. dondada

    dondada Audiosexual

    Jan 2, 2015
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    that is just nonsens

    i dont know what to think about all these allegations
    but a lot of news covering jacksons was just idiotic and over the top.
    even the bbc was exposed to manufacture incidents and storys.

    what struck me was always these extreme opposing storys like:
    the police and states attorney where out to get him.
    he paid everybody off but they wanted him, buged his house
    and infiltrated the workers, but nothing ever happend.

    they found stuff during the raids.
    they never found anything during the raids.

    he molested me, nobody knew.
    i made it all up he never molested me.
    actually he molested me and everybody knew about it.

    we were alone in the bedroom.
    all the visiting family's + guest slept in the same room.

    the news made it much more confusing and
    nothing seems conclusive. you watch enough of these "documentarys"
    and expose´s you feel exploited yourself.
    at least i did.
  12. t66t

    t66t Noisemaker

    May 2, 2016
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    what upset me the most about the documentary was how much flanger was used for the background music. like who thought that was a good idea
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  13. Rudy Manterie

    Rudy Manterie Platinum Record

    Jun 4, 2018
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    Klaus Nomi?
  14. MarkSlater

    MarkSlater Producer

    May 16, 2012
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    I was so angry when found out about this series. But said to myself that I will watch it just to see how low can they go with the lies. I must admit that I ended up watching all 4 hours and changed my mind completely. Logic started to prevail over the symphaty for MJ.

    I am not the best non-verbal reader, but I couldn't not notice how Michael lied in the interview after him being arrested, but more obvious, how one of the kids lied when being interrogated and denied the abuse. Maybe, somebody better than me on non-verbal can confirm or tell me that I am wrong.

    Then, we have a super star who basically has no history of women who he slept with, except for Priscilla and the mother of his kids. Come on! If any of us would ever reach that level of fame, we'd most probably act like Charlie Sheen, not like MJ, sleeping in bed, every night, for years, with hundred of kids.
  15. shawnsdada

    shawnsdada Member

    Dec 25, 2017
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    He was a pedo. Stop denying it.

    1.) Parts of his penis were described by the original accuser. This is why they demanded they take photos of it. Remember when MJ went crying on TV about that? The area the boy described was an area that he wouldn't have ever seen unless up close and personal to that area. Even accidentally walking in on a nude MJ putting clothes on, you wouldn't have seen the area the kid described in extreme detail.

    2.) If he was a pedo, how come he never touched Feldman and Caulkin? They were too big at the time. If they talked, people would listen. He knew this and I bet only kept them close incase others did talk, they'd defend him. Feldman now admits after watching this documentary, MJ was clearly molesting kids but never touched him personally, but can no longer defend him. All the people that accused him were kids nobody knew of and likely wouldn't take seriously. They'd immediately think it was a money grab by the parents.

    3.) His bedroom was more secure than Neverland itself. Had a secret area where he kept pictures of children.

    4.) Odd statues of children in weird poses

    5.) Many people have claimed he never once slept with a woman. This includes Lisa Marie and the mother of his kids

    6.) Not counting fans, his biggest defenders are his family that rely on the money his music brings in.

    7.) He made it a point to keep away father's of the children he would invite to Neverland, but showered the mothers with gifts and kept them busy. The father's of the men in this new documentary both went on to kill themselves because they knew and couldn't handle it.

    8.) His own kids didn't spend as much time in his bedroom than all these other kids.

    I could go on and on.

    The boy describing the penis in detail was always the smoking gun for me. Can't ignore that. Unless MJ had a habit of shoving people's faces into the back of his nutsack/gooch, the kid should never have seen that much of his penis in order to actually draw an exact image of it. Nope
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  16. dondada

    dondada Audiosexual

    Jan 2, 2015
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    i mean would you sleep in the same room even after your kid told you what happend.
    these people did.
    that is all very strange too strange. or maybe life is strange than fiction. or nothing ever happens according to reddit :dunno:
  17. MarkSlater

    MarkSlater Producer

    May 16, 2012
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    We judge facts from the past, with the mind that we have in 2019. Back then, people were seeing a superstar like MJ, as almost a God. Pedophilia wasn't a thing that parents would have think of when letting their children with MJ in Neverland. Then, he was able to convince people easily of anything, using his status and money.
  18. filtersweep

    filtersweep Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2014
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    the real 'villains' of the piece were the mothers.
    silently condoning mj's actions and turning the proverbial blind eye in the pursuit of monetary gain. there assertions that they knew nothing was going on don't ring true. Robson's mother even moved to the states to pursue this even though the father killed himself. but like any victim of sexual assault or abuse, these people need to be listened to at the least. i am not sure about the 'truth' of it, but i am strongly inclined to believe jackson is guilty of the claims, the Safechuck guy struck me as being utterly sincere. i don't feel so strongly about the other guy, but is that prejudice on my part? probably. i strongly believe if you had spent a good part of your childhood being abused by someone it won't be straight forward trying to come to terms with it.. especially if that someone is someone you idolize completely.
    as far as i am concerned jackson's career was over after the trial and there are so many rumours that it's hard to feel he can be vindicated. and then there it the payoff. i just do not understand why such a huge amount of money was paid to silence a 'victim'. i've had my doubts ever since that particular event...
  19. Rudy Manterie

    Rudy Manterie Platinum Record

    Jun 4, 2018
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    What was up with his testicles? My guess would be a small green tentacle attached to it. Attached by the guy who designed his "face".
  20. westfinch

    westfinch Platinum Record

    Jun 25, 2013
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    I was held against my will to watch it. I got halfway through the 1st part, and fell to sleep. BORING! if this actually happened, the parents should face child endangerment charges, or worse.
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