vienna pro 6

Discussion in 'Software' started by wouala woualouf, Mar 7, 2019.

  1. wouala woualouf

    wouala woualouf Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2015
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    Hey nice people,

    I just came across an ad for the upcoming vienna ensemble pro 7 pre-order deal, sold discounted at around 160 bucks instead of 250+...

    I remember seeing a VEP6 release from V.R, i think, @sisi

    i also remember checking audiop2p (nowdead), and reading something like 'badly cracked, too many issues...' but I'm not sure if it was v5 or v6

    I've checked their website, and i hate their business model for VEP. 270 bucks for a 3-licenses, additional licenses can't be purchased separately. Imagine a guy buys a VEP pack with 3 licenses, and he needs an extra license for a 4th slave machine. NO, he can't buy just 1 extra license. HE WILL NEED to buy another FULL 270€ VEP pack, with 3 licenses.
    Talk about forcing the consumers hand...
    Sure, VEP will often be purchased and used by pro studios, with 200k worth of hardware, 4 octo uad cards, huge desks, full mercury waves... to these people 270 €... 540...810€... means absolutely nothing. But for the other modest people. ..

    Of course, we need a dongle on each slave machine...

    that's why i would like to ask you guys, has someone used the VEP6 release from V.R ?
    Does it works fine/great/flawlessly. .. or is it badly cracked ?
    If it works. .. is the installation easy ? Does it mess with other elicenser products ?
    were you able to recall sessions from other machines, launch/close the daw, add plug-ins /libraries on the slave machines, etc, everything working fine ?

    or instead, it doesn't work very well/at all, there are too many issues, etc, for an quite mediocre end result...?

    i'd really love to hear from you. ..

    another thing that scares me, on the VEP website, users can buy a 'safe plan' for their viennakey dongle. ..'protect it from theft. . Loss... or damage'.... so, in another words, you have a viennakey with 15 licenses, suddenly, the usb key stops being detected, there are a few errors here and there... until it no longer works at all, if you didn't get a 'security plan for viennakey', and if the usb key no longer works, they will tell you 'sorry, but you will have to purchase everything, AGAIN...?

    THAT makes me think about the elicenser, with Cubase, wavelab, halion, largo, and many other crap... what happens if the usb dongle dies ? Game over...?

    thanks for your impressions about VEP6 from V.R
  3. KungPaoFist

    KungPaoFist Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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    Actually you can buy an extra license from them separately as needed. Still need a dongle though. I feel you on the frustration regarding the dongle system. The thinking is that if you report a dongle missing the license on it would still be active resulting in a potential free dongle if a person were to find it again, so they can't transfer one if it's lost.

    I wonder what 7 is supposed to have improved on? 6 fixed bugs from 5 so wonder what is new...
  4. Exidus

    Exidus Rock Star

    Dec 21, 2014
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    Actually, with the new version you will pay ~200 for SINGLE licence for SINGLE SERVER machine. You can purchase additional licenses with their own dongles for reduced price ~65, as stated in the FAQ's.
    I think I am going to move fully to the ReaMote function of Reaper...
  5. KungPaoFist

    KungPaoFist Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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    I just noticed this also, it seems to boast it's own fx suite, would only be worth it if that means 7 is optimized as a dedicated fx processor overcoming previous latency issues

    The past price was 300 for 3 licenses, so I guess it's kind of even if u bought two extra separates.
  6. wouala woualouf

    wouala woualouf Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2015
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    I will sound stupid, but. . What is the reamote ? Some kind of network rendering ? Something like vienna ?
  7. Exidus

    Exidus Rock Star

    Dec 21, 2014
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    Its Reaper's build-in network load distribution option. Something like Vienna.. Its not quite there yet and has some quircks but its free and nativly supported.
    More info:
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  8. hansje

    hansje Ultrasonic

    Jan 20, 2014
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    I own a legit VePro 5, but decided a while ago I don't want to have any dongles whatsoever anymore in use, for various reasons. So, Cubase also was replaced by Studio One. If you follow the current debate on VePro 7 (at for example), one gets the impression Vienna is somehow in panic mode. Not a good sign...
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  9. wouala woualouf

    wouala woualouf Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2015
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    Thanks a lot for your info !

    i wonder who stole/bought the tech from teleport pro, from many years ago. It worked great.

    Cubase has the systemlink thing. .. but you need 2 cubase, 2 dongles... and if i understand well, it has a bandwith limit... must use an optical cable, or adat.. our something like that. .. steinberg could easily invent a way to make a vienna-like app... but because of their deal with vienna, who must use the elicenser... they don't offer anything, excepting the systemlink gimmick...

    vienna could easily double, if not triple, their customer base, if the VEP solution didn't require licenses. .. dongles... seriously, who, among us, doesn't have at least a 2nd older computer, that could easily be used as a slave machine, capable of handling 20, 30 instances of some cpu- heavy plug-ins or instruments. ..

    i don't understand why the slaved machines must have a dongle... i mean, if you have your host computer, and you setup a slave system on 2 machines, when the slaves connect to the host, the host should be able to count : 2 slaves connected to me= 2 licenses used. Because if we create 10 slaves on 10 machines... but those machines don't connect to a host... they are totally useless !

    i imagine many VEP users don't agree with how it works.

    So, basically, with the v7, it costs less, and now users can buy new licenses, whenever they need need new slaves...
    i guess it should have been like that, since the beginning. .. but again, because most big guys have unlimited cash, they can spend thousands of $/€ on problem!
  10. wouala woualouf

    wouala woualouf Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2015
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    Is there something that reaper CAN'T DO ?

    One day, a reaper user will click/use a keyboard shortcut. .. and it will launch a hidden call of duty game... a photoshop app... a flight simulator... a excel/word module...

    They must be 500 devs, working at cockos...?
    Wow, if one day someone with some billions decides to invest 10 or 20 millions on reaper. . In just a few months, it will equal, if not surpass the big guys like cubase, live or s1 (probably, it already surpasses them on many features)

    As a cubase user, reaper really starts impressing me a lot. Even the vanilla gui, looks sweet and very easy on the eyes.
  11. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    ReaStream is also very useful for when you don't have all the plugins installed on both computers. :wink:
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  12. Exidus

    Exidus Rock Star

    Dec 21, 2014
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    In this case only two - Justin Frankel and John Schwartz (Schwa).
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2019
  13. wouala woualouf

    wouala woualouf Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2015
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    It's hard to believe. ..
    All the stuff they manage to add on each new update. . All the bug fixes..all the new features. .. its just insane....
    steinberg, with 170 employees, and probably 120 devs, from which at least 30 or 40 must work on Cubase ,full time...they only add a few features, on they V x.5 updates... and the major V7-9.0, aren't much much better...

    Wow, if reaper could have like 10 extra 1 year, it would destroy most daws, feature -wise (many things are already better on reaper )
    Reaper is also german, i guess.
  14. KungPaoFist

    KungPaoFist Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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    Elics dingles are 27 bucks on Amazon just in case. Like it or not they have the best technology for network over lan audio production. If 7 has the dedicated fx thing worked out it's light-years ahead of anyone else right now.
  15. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
    just checked it briefly,
    1) it's possible to run in on virtual machine, because no need for bullshit usb pass-thru of elicenser, a huge + for K'ed version!
    2) works great out of the box on Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB Lite (2016, build 1607) by IK (sadly TPB is down, luckily I got backed up ISO right here)
    3) you can run various slave machines at various VEP version afaik
    4) you can put nonsense gateway on VEP machine, so it's wont fuck up with internet and updates, while retaining full functionality on local network, no bloatware like antivirus or firewall needed at all

    being happy Reaper user here, I definitely consider VEP superior to either ReaMote or ReaStream :chilling:
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  16. KungPaoFist

    KungPaoFist Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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    While we're at it has anyone gotten windows vpro to recognize Mac dongle plugged into USB port?
  17. wouala woualouf

    wouala woualouf Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2015
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    THANKS A LOT FOR testing it.
    so, after your feedback, is it safe to assume the VEP 6 from V.R is perfectly cracked, and works perfectly?

    I just don't get one thing. AFAIK, only the soft elicenser got defeated, like Waldorf largo, Xils stuff, etc etc. BUT, the VIENNA stuff do use the HARDWARE version of the E-liCensor, just like cubase pro,
    how is it possible that V.R was able to crack the VEP6 ?
    Also, is the installer easy to, well, install... or is it using some antitrial stuff..?
    i want to give it a try, but i havethe cubase pro dongle. Will the VEP install mess with any legitshit we might have ?

    again, thanks for your feedback.
  18. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
    1) to be fair, I've had lots of crashes, but I'd definitely blame my lack of VEP knowledge, it's really not easy to understand (especially when using VEP as external realtime audio FX processor, means sending multichannel audio BOTH ways over network, done with buffers as low as 32 in both daw and vep lmao), depending on DAW you'd use, experience with VEP may differ greatly...just sayin'
    2) no idea, it's probably adjusted installer, but yea it's hassle free
    3) no idea, I'm strongly against dongle shizz, not using Cubase or Wavelab;
    VR installer does require install of genuine eLic driver, so can't really tell if it mods it further or just injects somethin at runtime
  19. wouala woualouf

    wouala woualouf Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2015
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    yes...i checked their nfo and read that line...
    a few years ago, i had installed a soft-elicenser app, like waldorf Largo, i think. by that time, i was testing a warez version, before buying it.
    when one day ,i opened the elicenser thing, to manage the cubase, etc, licenses, and there it was, on the "local keys" tab, there was that freaking Largo serial.i was too afraid of sync/updating the elicenser stuff, i feared that keygened Largo s/n would be sent to the steinberg servers... and because of that, they might revoke all my licenses that i had on my dongle...block my account... etc etc...
    so i was forced to format the damn system, as i couldnt find a way to find and delete that Largo s/n...

    i dont know what the V.R might do, system wise....
    if only there was some extra stuff about it, what the install really does to the system....

    maybe it's time to buy another elicenser...and do some testings with the V.R release, on other computers, VMs.... that legit Elicenser with many apps... is priceless...