Official Retirement(at-least in my mind)

Discussion in 'Working with Sound' started by gompo, Mar 2, 2019.

  1. gompo

    gompo Ultrasonic

    Sep 8, 2013
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    So, Summing up with my background, Indian-26-M-IT Professional(as of now)-Avicii's Fan for life.

    Changing Moment 1(2012)- EDM it's cool, Avicii's songs are best, how did he do it, Music Radar is the answer, this is how can i do it.
    College/Job Life- Day: Education related to something already established.
    Night: Avicii, Music, FL
    ... 4 years and this struggle ended with a job offer.
    2.1 Years at Job, Same life replaced Education with Job.

    Changing Moment 2(2018)- Can't express, ended everything from music for parties. Nothing for 7 months especially music.

    Starting feb, I was deeply inspired to complete few of my projects, Did, ended up with nothing good.

    Adding more information, Since starting I was just focused on sending my demos to just one label associated with someone I was deeply Inspired with, A&R changed with time with got couple of appreciation from them. Still no sign of good news, which in my mind was to produce or play with someone or to be associated with a label in my head.

    Recently tried sending kind of completed songs to them again, still nothing good in my case. So before ending this journey of mine, I am posting majority of my songs here publicly, need to know how bad they are.

    You are invited to write worst or good. :)

    Thanks you Audioz, Audiosex, XSZE.
    XSZE is the guy who always helps in me in my production, somewhere other than this forum.

    Last edited: Mar 2, 2019
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  2. ( . ) ( . )

    ( . ) ( . ) Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2013
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    lel xsze still around hehehehe...

    bruh, Imma be straight out honest, there is no need to retire from making music just cuz you couldn't make it, or said label didn't pick you up or you couldn't get any gigs. I feel like you're approaching it all the wrong way...

    Listening to your tracks, they have good composition, but you seem like you still need alot of practice especially from a mix point of view (although don't take my word for it cuz not listening with ideal sound...)

    But the case isn't your tracks, it's your mentality... Avicii is a great guy and you can be inspired by whoever and whatever you want, but if you want to become a really good computer musician, don't just focus on a few artists in a certain genre and certain labels. You need to diversify your knowledge and understanding of music, composition, audio and sound by exploring many genres both inside and outside of electronic music and listening to them with analysis and understanding.

    From what I'm reading and listening it seems like you need to diversify your understanding and appreciation for music more. You need to explore the world of music more and gain a better and more insightful understanding. You're retiring but don't even realise you haven't even gone half way...

    Maybe yes, take a hiatus from making music and let the energy come back a little later ( I did that and it worked out well for me...). But don't give up on it... only losers quit.

    The only reason why you should quit making music if you've started is for real life reasons like, your life just got waaaay too busy or something... but not becuase you couldn't succeed...

    you shouldn't make music to impress this or that or go here or there or to be like this person or that person... you should make music because you have something you wanna say and you appreciate making and understanding it... simple...
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  3. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
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    you nailed it tits, can't really add anything else :mates:

    embrace all genres of music and you will gain wisdom
  4. Element23

    Element23 Ultrasonic

    Jan 6, 2018
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    Was writing a reply and you said it all

    I listenened to a few of your songs, there are some good ideas, maybe you need to try and complexify things a bit, learn the basics of mixing, compressing etc... EDM clearly is not my cup of tea but it is a genre of electronic music where good understanding and use of compression is essential

    Last thing
    Play and make music for yourself at first, if at some point you get to be produced by a label... It will most probably be a long journey and a few years is not really a long time

    You are still learning at this point and electronic music a whole universe of knowledge

    Take care
  5. vladdrac

    vladdrac Kapellmeister

    Dec 20, 2015
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    Bro, I'm not an expert (I do film music) so take my words with a grain of salt... but your tracks are not much different quality wise compared to what I hear in every major youtube video that uses an ambient/electronic/chill track. You know those unboxing or vlogging videos? imo you nailed that vibe. By the way what's the name of this style? Chill Ambient Electronic music sounds a bit too much for me lol

    So keep doing what you are doing even if you are not signed or didn't get your big break... keep working on your skills, you know what they say, good things come to those who hustle ;-)
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  6. waverider

    waverider Rock Star

    Oct 8, 2018
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    It is very understandable that you want to "make it" by being signed with an established label. But I would urge you to consider that you can still keep going and become successful, to an extent that will allow you to make a decent living with your music, while staying independent. Sure, being part of a respected label is nice - but not being part of a label doesn't mean that you are going to fail. If you spent your college 'nights' with music, it means that it's what you really want. Don't give up on it because you aren't meeting certain expectations. Perhaps you can create your own label some day, and you will look back to this post and smile about it.
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  7. EddieXx

    EddieXx Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2015
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    @gampo, i had a pretty hard time trying to understand what you wrote. (edit, ok, I re-read it and got your timeline)
    now, regarding the music. I think your compositions show great ability, I can hear you have been doing this for a while but in my opinion there are no clear themes in your tracks. in my mind it sounds like you "dont know" what type of music you wanted to make and just did "something". if you want to be signed as dance music producer as in commercial club music then this is not it, not a chance, not yet.

    btw, i think it could be a bad idea to keep sending only the same people stuff, unfinished stuff. they could get stuck with a picture of you. labels dont have time to guide people, unless they are very near a breakthrough, or if you happen to have a personal relationship.

    if you havent worked with others, made remixes and other collaborations then I would encourage you to urgently find a partner, its not that your future relies on another person but it will take you into other paths, help you develop. co-work and get deadlines, that will sharp your musicianship in a heartbeat. you best work will come now, those few previous spent years are only the groundwork. its a bad idea to simply quit now
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2019
  8. blaqmatic

    blaqmatic Platinum Record

    Sep 22, 2011
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    Divided States of America
    Ok, so the rough stuff...I found your music ok, and I agree with the others it shows promise. However the I think the Mix is suffering as well as
    some of what you recorded. But the Idea is there.

    Now, the rougher stuff. Welcome to your pity party! Getting noticed is a very difficult thing. Always has been. So toughen up or Quit.
    Almost sounds like you have already. But if you think that you have done enough or tried enough ways to get what you want obviously
    we both know that you haven't. It's tough out there. The music industry has changed quite a bit and for the most part to get noticed you
    must first use social media like Youtube, instagram gain a following. Record labels pretty much demand it now a days as they take
    smaller and smaller risks.

    Now the good news...You are the Captain of your ship. So plot your future by believing in yourself. Many have tried and failed, will that be you? Before my 1st Platinum Record it took me ten hard years of trying to figure it all out. Taking breaks when hitting the wall. Time and time again. But believing in my talent always brought me back to try again. Until one day...when I broke through that invisible wall and Teddy Riley who had Just finished the Michael Jackson Dangerous Album said he loved my music and needed me to join his production company and produce with him. Everyone's path to success is unique.

    Now sadly I have seen so many way more talented than I, work so hard to get to that point only to give up just before they broke though.
    I found that most times it's about timing...Right place, right time. But if you believe in your talent, never give up. Never, ever give up.

    Just Go at it Harder! Good Luck gompo.

    It's always darkest before dawn! -Thomas Fuller
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2019
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  9. Boosire

    Boosire Producer

    Nov 1, 2017
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    4 years is absolutely nothing man... you don't even realize what's lacking in your mix, there are still some steps to go before you get quite decent. A label is absolutely not going to pick you without solid productions, they are not going to teach you the job they need you to be already rock solid.

    Don't be among the majority of people who give up too fast, 4years is only the beginning, you don't leave a train that just left the station it's pointless.

    Man up and keep working aside from your day job or if you're crazy enough save up a good chunk and go full music for a year hah.
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  10. Satai

    Satai Rock Star

    Feb 23, 2013
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  11. nycdl

    nycdl Kapellmeister

    May 31, 2014
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    figment of my imagination
    No disrespect but if all you're willing to give is 4/5 years then you're probably doing the right thing.
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  12. grabme

    grabme Kapellmeister

    Dec 26, 2012
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    It sounds no worse or better than most modern electronic music out there today, including commercial releases although they sound unfinished. However, its not adding a thing to what is already out there and you don't have your own sound yet or anything that stands out from the crowd.Best track for me is Another Fear, definitely needs a vocal as do most of your tracks.
    Also it doesn't sound like you have stepped away from a laptop to make this stuff, it needs something a bit more organic going on, some acoustic instruments or field recordings.
  13. ( . ) ( . )

    ( . ) ( . ) Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2013
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    I'll nail you next ; )
  14. LZ Jaydon

    LZ Jaydon Producer

    Mar 29, 2016
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    Always Hips
    It is so... empowering.

    To see all of you people speaking out your truth to gompo.
    This is not about convincing someone. It is about a matter of fact.

    gompo. There are goals to reach yes. But those goals should not be too serious to you. Literally see what you are doing right now. Find the enjoyment in it. Be with it. Even if it seems like you are not getting anywhere and are stuck in this one place.

    If that means composing music, listening, fine tuning, being creative with your DAW then yes do that. Do all of that.

    If that means to do something else, then, yes, do that.

    But don't compromise something so lovely as creating music into just being heard by a certain label or even person. Music is not about that. It is so much greater then you and still through you it comes into this world.

    So yes. Toughen up. You can do it. I can do it. Everyone can do it. We are not alone here.
  15. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    You're on the road to somewhere, most people aren't and let the road roll on by them. If you're "soul" ambition in making music is to be signed to a label though, maybe you're on the wrong road.

    If my arms and my legs were then severed
    My tongue RIPPED right out of my mouth
    I would bang on the floor with my forehead
    Grunt my angst
    To any ear that could hear
    And keep time with my fluttering eyelids.
    Hear that rhythm?
    Them's the drops of my musical tears.

    If you can live without creating, then stop and try something else, like watching soap operas to fill up your time. But boy, wouldn't that suck
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2019
  16. wouala woualouf

    wouala woualouf Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2015
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    Best Answer
    My humble opinion...

    The 1st reason one should be making music is for having fun. If you are making a music in an automatic way, as the chinese worker who places several components on a motherboard, 16 hours a day, just to do MORE, instead of VERY GOOD, then, there is a problem. ..

    2nd reason would be making music for ourselves, in the first place, and LOVING what we did. Can you pick one of your tracks, and listen to it 10 or 15 times ? Next day, another 15 times... and you do it one entire week. Were you able to do it ? If not, if YOU can't listen to your stuff hundreds of times, how to expect others will love it, to the point of wanting to publish it/buy it, and replay it over and over. .

    3rd reason... setting the bar too high can be a good thing, a good way to keep thriving and becoming better each day. .. but if the whole thing becomes an obsession, and the frustration replaces the pleasure. .. the more you try to climb... when you fall (and fall you will), the more it will hurt. And if you fall too often, you start realizing you will never do it... and you will want to quit.

    4th reason. Try to watch the 'bonsai records' story, it was released on AZ like a month ago. You will notice by 90-95, the only way for an electronic musician to succeed was SPENDING thousand and thousand of euros/dollars (by that time, there were the francs..marks..pesetas..) on new hardware. Want you music to sound different and better ? Just buy that 5'000 euro synthesizer. . Our that expensive sampler... that rare delay unit... a big expensive mixer... everything was expensive. By the year 2000's, i remember paying like 900 bucks, for a simple shitty lexicon mpx100 fx unit.

    Today ? Anybody can buy a 2nd hand computer, download a few plugins, and start making music. Eg, the light zebra computer-music plugin, made by uhe...if that 'simple freeware' existed by 1995... it would be like having a plugin 10x better than a Diva! Even freeware stuff sound amazing. Everything is so accessible. The problem = it is accessible to ALL THE PLANET.
    Whereas in the 90's, there only existed a few labels, and a few hundreds artists making music and sending to labels, TODAY, there are HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of people making music. I wouldn't be surprised if many major edm labels were receiving 1000, 2000...even 5'000 NEW EDM tracks every single day.
    Ex, when martin garrix has released 'animals', all the edm labels must have received 100'000 tracks that sounded 95% like the original!
    The same lead sound. .. the same inversed clock riser... the same beat...
    Yeah, it is super easy to create music. .. but the competition is super tough

    5th reason. ... I'd prefer making a cool track, easy to listen, nice melodies, etc, in a more exotic genre, then simply trying to clone WHAT has already been done/cloned 700'000 times. It's better to have only 2 nice tracks that all your friends, family, etc can listen, than trying to make something that EVERYBODY has been listening to thousands of times, the last 5 years.
    I'd rather have only 5 original songs , than having 80 tracks that are 98% similar to all the stuff that already exists

    6th reason. ..originality makes you feel good. How do you feel, when you finish creating a track, that is 98% like all the 175 edm tracks
    you have in that folder, how do you feel ? Do you really feel, great, unique, like a true artist ? Do you realize, if you give a simple garageband app to a 6yo kid, give him a folder with 40 or 50 samples, and show him how to place the samples on the timeline, and on different tracks...30 minutes later, he probably will have created a track that resembles 90% like the 'pro' track you have made.
    As easy as that. Where is the pleasure, when making the same stuff 200'000 other guys are making, at the same time...?

    7th reason.. again... obsession. .. will destroy everything. It is well known, very often, when we really really want something, it never happens. And I've day...
    Who hasn't experienced this: you absolutely want to find a great girl. You do everything you can, you put a lot of efforts on it... you are super optimistic. .. you are sure you will find what you want... you go out every single night, 30 days a month... and nothing.
    And several months later, when you're no longer obsessed about that idea, out of nowhere, without any reason, you meet that lovely girl/woman... and you are happy!
    Give time to time. Don't give up, don't be too obsessed. If you are a good caring person, the high powers above the skies (don't want to use the wird 'God', otherwise, many will say God has nothing to do with your talent, bla bla..) will help you.

    like others said, don't hesitate working with a cousin, friend, brother... forget the 'i want to be alone, that way, if i make a lot of money, i will get 100% of it'....

    There would be many other things to say, but. ..

    Believe in you... know your limits. .. ask opinions : pick 2 of your tracks, pick 2 tracks from a good label... ask a friend 'listen to these 4 tracks, and give me your opinion'. If your tracks aren't good enough, he will say 'i prefer these 2, because the other ones sound ...'
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  17. gompo

    gompo Ultrasonic

    Sep 8, 2013
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    you are the champ, it's time for me to take a break. :)
  18. gompo

    gompo Ultrasonic

    Sep 8, 2013
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    Thanks for you kind words :)
    Seriously I don't know the genre too, I am still a fan of Tim but I listen to almost every artist I follow it can be Diplo too. So In the end I fuse all ideas and come up with a track.
  19. gompo

    gompo Ultrasonic

    Sep 8, 2013
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    Yes, you can read my music, while producing I just fulfill a sketch that is in my mind. I don't produce or copy a hit track or anything related. Maybe they sound like some other music out there, it is due to the variety of music I go through.

    Plus, I do want to work with other artist, but seriously speaking as of now there are a lot of things in my life. From job to preparation of further studies and sometimes music. That is the reason I needed a house for my production so that I can just concentrate on one thing.
  20. gompo

    gompo Ultrasonic

    Sep 8, 2013
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    thanks bro for cheering me up, I owe a beer to you.
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