any1 here (secretly) addicted to coke?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by iSuck, Feb 20, 2019.

  1. iSuck

    iSuck Newbie

    Feb 20, 2019
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  3. Haliax

    Haliax Guest

    I did try, but the bubbles played havoc with my sinuses
  4. iSuck

    iSuck Newbie

    Feb 20, 2019
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    lucky you man. the past year and some change I've lost a lot
  5. Aileron

    Aileron Audiosexual

    Jan 5, 2017
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    For me, Pepsi
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  6. statik

    statik Audiosexual

    Jul 3, 2014
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    under your bed
    having has several addictions the only advice i can give is don't quit if you dont want too, sorry to say it wont work, only if you truly had enough of the shit around it, what it takes away from you, how it stagnates your life and personal development, what it ruins for your family and most of the loved ones you loose because of your addiction.

    get help, it's nothing to be ashamed off, it's not weird or weak if you cant manage it alone, only a few of us manage to kick addictions on their own

    "you can turn your back on a person but never turn your back on a drug.... especially when it waving a razer sharp hunting knife in your eye"
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  7. complete

    complete Producer

    Sep 19, 2013
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    I absolutely agree with statik's post. I was there. I was able to get rid of it on my own!
    Back in the days we had a good time in the scene, coke was everywhere, I even didn't have to pay for it.
    But it gets boring at some point. Oh boy and we had really the good stuff, I guess nowadays it's crap like most of the cheap synthetic drugs. :yes:
    You can quit, but only if you want to, that's the only secret. I quit smoking from one day to the next. It works if you really want it.
    But I can only speak for myself, others may see it different. And I never had a turkey or something like that, only when I quit smoking weed after some 20 years, I couldn't get to sleep for about a week or so. :rofl:
    The last thing I have to cope with though is beer.

    Cheers! :cheers:
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  8. Tarkus

    Tarkus Producer

    Oct 3, 2015
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    N.Y.C. area
    My last line ..... March 1985.
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  9. Calm.Down

    Calm.Down Banned

    Feb 8, 2019
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    Try to sleep and eat well and don't think much. Addiction can cause overthinking and

    Overthinking can cause:
    1. Disappointment
    2. Depression
    3. Dissatisfaction
    4. Discontent
    5. Death wish
    6. Discouragement
    7. Displeasure
    8. Darkness
    9. Despondency
    10. .
    11. .
    12. .

    Overthinking is more damaging to the health than the addiction.:winker:
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  10. Raddler777

    Raddler777 Guest

    First thing I would do is to change your signature name. Start loving yourself again.
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  11. pizzafresser

    pizzafresser Producer

    Jan 7, 2017
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    We're talking about the beverage, are we? I prefer pepsi max.
  12. pht23

    pht23 Noisemaker

    Oct 27, 2018
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    Not really sure wether " this topic = bait ? " , but nevertheless this.

    Dude that comment was worth a screenshot hah :)
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  13. Pontius

    Pontius Kapellmeister

    Dec 3, 2015
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    Los Angeles
    Old School, respek:phunk:
  14. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    There is a Canadian singer, Jean Lapointe, who created a detox center and said in an interview:
    "If you're an addict, you're an addict for life, you can stop consuming drugs, but you have to know that you will have this tendency for ever".

    So getting out of coke is an everyday decision.
    I agree with what was said before about being really motivated to do so.
    Another step that can help a lot is to get out of the relationships that are into it.

    It's much harder to let drugs if you are in contact with it every day.

    Coke, specifically, is a much more psychological addiction, than heroin for example, so it's more of a mental effort to accept that you may be depressed for 2 weeks or 3, but hey!! It really worth it.

    Coke is that kind of drug you're never satisfied with. If you have half g, when it's over you want another half, but if you had 2g, you would want another one. This is the trap. But this is one of the best motivation aside of family and so, to let it. You will never have enough.
    Last but not least, just have a look back at what you've really achieve while you where under it's effect.
    You thought you were doing something exeptionally great, now look at it and tell yourself how great it really is.

    Drugs are to create illusion, and why not, but when you confuse illusion with reality you have a big problem.
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  15. KungPaoFist

    KungPaoFist Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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    I've edited this message but I'm sure you got a copy in your inbox, the open ear is always open, I just can be associated with such a terrible substance on social media blogs professionally right now
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2019
  16. [​IMG]
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  17. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    The best thing you can do is to go someplace where your brain does not know what to do, and of course, where the drug is unavailable.
    Beyond the physical addiction is the habit - the cues to repeat patterns of behavior.
    For those with psychological problems, taking a med can help with that. It can interfere with the process and give the intellect a chance again.
    But it's pretty clear that getting away from triggers is important: friends, places, other routines...
    Rehab centers can help with that.
    Unfortuately the little automated machines we create last forever.
    The brain never forgets the routine. All we can do is create other routines for a given association.
    And it can be difficult to create machines (routines) as strong as the cocaine one, or some other drugs.

    I had a realization about addiction when I quit smoking in the Philippines.
    I knew a little about how addictions work, but intellectual understanding is different from realization...when what you "know" intellectually becomes "real" to the rest of your brain/body through experience.
    I had been smoking for 25 years or so, and one of the problems with some addictions is that they are legal & socially acceptable.
    It can make slipping back into them very easy.
    So I had prepared myself to face the struggle, because I would be staying with a woman I'd met and who doesn't like smoking.
    I thought I had the reasons and willpower to do it.
    But I didn't "do" anything, and I did not avoid doing anything. And I don't think my brain cared about my "reasons".
    My brain was in a strange new place, and facing CHAOS (albeit in the best way: WILLINGLY), was trying to figure out what to do.
    It told me to just shut up.
    Many of the automated machines (routines / habits / addictions) my brain had built over the years did not seem to apply at the time.
    I was stripped of a lot of habits of thinking and in some ways was much like i was as a teenager.

    The thing i later found so amazing, was how I felt no desire, or even a momentary impulse to smoke, even when others were.
    And nearly the whole 5 months I was there did not even think or realize about it.
    I was not even that surprised when i realized Id gone 3 or 4 months without, and i did not think about it .. how & why i didn't feel anything about it or that it was good..
    It was only 6 months later after I'd come back to the US and began smoking again that it was all so clear. And so clear that the automated machine was still there & as powerful as ever.
    It certainly did not depend on my "willpower" or my "reasons"...

    CHAOS can be the best place in the world, if you go willingly.
    So often the important thing is not what you DO, but simply what you do NOT do.
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  18. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    Proved by medics.

    Yep, that's (one of) the key(s), stay away from people using coke.
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  19. KungPaoFist

    KungPaoFist Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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    My last was 2016 never thought about it since either. Easier to do if you avoid crack and points. For god sakes get away from it now, I felt better instantly. Gotta grow up sometime
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  20. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    there is also something called pornography addiction, its something nobody is considering. it call also be quite excessive and harm your social life a lot. as i was reading about that back in 2015, i noticed addictions can be anything, because everything can/could end in an obsessive behaviour. You have to be really in a balance to not develop something like that.

    but i read here quite a few good comments on that.
    i would add - getting social can help a lot to think about something else, to transform your thoughts away from the addictive behaviour. (gotta love psychology - humans are so complex in their behaviour, its really interesting)

    another point, be careful, sometimes your surpasses an addiction with another one! (if the other one is better for health, your social life - you even won something half the way!)

    good luck and when nothing helps seek a doctor, really coke i think is something serious.
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  21. hani king

    hani king Platinum Record

    Oct 25, 2017
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    my advice to you is to surrender and walk to nearest police station and they will take care of you :winker:

    nah im just messing with ya ,kidding aside ,smart people always avoid drugs knowing it will give
    them nothing but trouble ,and the drugs effect(good or bad )are temporary and does NOT stay for long
    which cause what calm.down said in his fantastic reply
    and i can this to his advice

    listen to more normal songs and stay a way from songs encouraging drugs and violence
    and look around you and see who is your true friend(s)

    change your habits and find yourself a good hobby (make some grooves on keyboard and learn how to produce music since you are here
    and we can help with that for sure

    give yourself a chance and try to see the good side of life ...change your name isuck to irock

    have a good one