portable beatmaking mania going a bit to the extreme?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by EddieXx, Feb 16, 2019.

  1. EddieXx

    EddieXx Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2015
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    im not much into rants but when I watched this I was going to post a sort of one on that youtube channel then choose to do it here instead, its more of a reflection

    nice, i get the portable concept, but this I don't get at all, i cant remember when I felt an urge or desire to make music waiting for my flight. as if there weren't enough distractions in a normal day the worst distraction would be to try to make something meaningful waiting for the gate to open sitting in a freaking phone-booth at the airport!

    this posing trend is getting a bit annoying even for someone who appreciates people doing it their own way, this make-music-on-the-go-hanging-out-of-a-cliff mania, wanting to show off "making music" in the most uncomfortable way, is triggering my nerves a bit.

    maybe its because i sense a disingenuous vibe around it, and that is one of the few characteristics and/or personality traits i cant stand..

    end of rant
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2019
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  3. Paul Pi

    Paul Pi Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2016
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    "...in an vain & futile attempt to justify the stupid amount of money i recklessly squandered on that dumb ROLI rubber keyboard, i thought i'd switch-out the bland airport musak with some of my own as i stoically waited for my flight and career to take off..."
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2019
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  4. CaptainJackSparrow

    CaptainJackSparrow Noisemaker

    Dec 29, 2018
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    Cause muses and fairies don't ask what time is it or what location it is. I love portable setups! Even if they never get used - you feel ready as ever and that counts because the more you can inspire yourself the more you can be inspired. Love it!
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  5. My own gear ranges from the super-stationary to the super-portable. There are times I have shown up to play with a dolly loaded with computers and racks, and others with just a handful of bare circuit boards in my pocket. So I have seen situations where portability and quick set up are far more desirable. If you are traveling, you might be in places like this all day, and rather not wait until you get back to your studio. Or you might not even have a studio. What if you are busking? Or hiking? I guess it's easy to scoff if you stay put most of the time.

    As for this video, it is an ad! So of course it's stagey and disingenuous, as all ads are. But that doesn't mean that bluetooth controllers driving algorithms on your phone aren't a practical way to jam.

    Personally, my living situation is very unstable. There are very good chances that over this year I will lose my house and not have another. Which means that big gear gets stored or abandoned, and I camp out with small, portable, battery-powered gear again like I did 15 years ago. I am grateful that our options for such things are better. And yes, even then, I had people dismiss me as a hipster for being homeless. What a poser!

    There is no point to judging others who don't live like you do, because their life is not all about you and what you think. It's self-centered to presume about others. And one of the most tedious forms is presuming that those who aren't like you are they way they are because they want attention, which just happens to be the attention of you critiquing their lives.
  6. EddieXx

    EddieXx Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2015
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    agree mostly, only im not critiquing any "others", just the in my eyes fake vision of making music that way, i too work on the go with portables just not in the middle of a corn field or on the edge of a cliff or in a phone booth in the airport..

    and sure they are often ads presenting it that way, and it was simply a reflection around that "picture". cheers
  7. Paul Pi

    Paul Pi Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2016
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    See, when i'm working on a new idea i unconsciously (and often vigorously) rub my junk...

    I actually can't think of anywhere less likely to induce muses or fairies than an airport - which is probably just as well for me and anyone sensitive nearby once i start furiously 'working' on a hot new riff.:winker:

    (as i jet-set from one glamourous international location to the next, but of course...)

    Joking aside, everytime i've attempted al-fresco tunesmithery in a populated public space i've felt terrifically self-conscious and not a little paranoid. It may be different for others but i simply can't lose myself in the moment (with my desireably dinky laptop/keyboard combo) if i'm also keeping one eye out for muggers... in a more secluded environment, sure. But in urban 2019 - no way: I can't afford a new laptop.
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2019
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  8. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    At some point I agree with you as adds are all centred on the potential buyers ego, no matter what they sell.
    You are probably not the marketing target for this product.

    Opening the reflection beyond the add, if your work means traveling most of the time, airports and hotels become a second home, this is when you suddenly find yourself able to sleep, shave, compose music or do what ever in it.
    I speak from experience.
    But obviously, you don't necessarily show off, usually I was looking for the quietest / hidden places if there were.
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  9. notremid

    notremid Producer

    Aug 27, 2014
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    I agree somewhat with the OP and others, as a marketing professional as well I can tell you that they(ROLI) were trying to sell you an idea. The idea that with their products you can make music anywhere, however unlikely or disingenuous. And with more people going from bigger setups to more smaller portable setup this is a trend that is likely to continue. From my personal experience, I love that there's a lot of portable gear these days. I started with a rather portable setup while in college. I quite liked the minimalist and bare bones set-up. And I will probably moving again this year and its cool to not have to lug around a whole studio.
  10. wasgedn

    wasgedn Banned

    Nov 9, 2014
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    wtf mate..you so on point .it is a posing trend..

    and half of edm artist dont play live...they doin a show if they would play live

    but ok some are using this portability....but better watch you dont get it stolen youre rolix heh heh
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2019
  11. dorelgin

    dorelgin Newbie

    Sep 28, 2021
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    If you find a proper local moving company https://starkmovers.com/services/local-moving/, it may not be a problem, I guess? I worked with this one and they moved my stuff safe and sound.
  12. Stuck In The 80s

    Stuck In The 80s Rock Star

    Jul 29, 2019
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    Notice that you don't actually see him on the plane, just the flight taking off (hopefully the posing git was still in the lounge "vibing").

    And where the hell is this airport that has private booths anyway? My experience is that you are lucky if you manage to plank your arse on a row of uncomfortable well-worn tatty seats.
  13. Lepow

    Lepow Producer

    Sep 12, 2015
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    In this same "topic" there are an "artist" now i can even be arsed to know the name, i was zapping channels, and apparently the "peak performance" of his is two girls holding an mpc and he slapping some finger beating (can't even compare with that other dude i also don't know the name but has a middle east trap vibe and his videos is always him and a Maschine)

    edit: here it is, sorry but for me it's trash

    starts at 1:10

    The other dude (almost cool one) it's Asadis
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2021
  14. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    I'm not against portable setups, to each his own. However, to be able to lay down something really meaningful, and because of the way I work, I need peace and quiet, and solitude without any distractions to be able to make good music. Oh, and good speakers and at least a tiny singing booth. :wink:

    I think it would look really suspicious if I occupied the toilet in the plane for an hour or so, carrying my laptop and something weird looking [audio interface and a mic] with me... :)

    Although it could be fun having an Akai Live and playing with it on the plane, or a train, I prefer reading books, and doing music in a proper environment, as I've said.
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2021
  15. slowpoke

    slowpoke Kapellmeister

    Feb 26, 2021
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    It would've been cooler if he'd picked up the phone to cue up the next track. Then I might've bought into that vacuum packed bag of slugs he was massaging.
  16. PifPafPif

    PifPafPif Rock Star

    Jan 19, 2022
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    There is a point where "portable GAS" create a rig that is NOT portable any more.
    With a simple Apple tablet and apps, you can do a LOT already.

    As a guitarist, my portable rig is :
    soundcard with HIGH Z input
    Laptop (guitar sim, DAW playback ...)

    But it is NOT for "on the go", more "transportable" to the right spot.

    Composition (apart some "sketch") is at home, with a PROPER powerful computer with gigantic screen, 88 keys controller and such.
    I tried the portable way : TOO much limitations and tinkering, killing ANY inspiration.

    It is tablet alone or nothing.