u he or not u he, that's the fkin $270 question

Discussion in 'Software' started by wouala woualouf, Feb 14, 2019.

  1. wouala woualouf

    wouala woualouf Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2015
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    I need some help, guys.

    I've had the chance to play with diva, try a few soundbanks and presets, and I'm not going to lie, to do it, i tried some audioz versions. Again, not lying, it sounded absolutely amazing. Many sounds, even simple strings, pads, choirs, sounded like an angel was in heaven, 'singing' those sounds.. so clean.. so pure.... absolutely incredible.

    Now, at the time, i used to heavily criticize uhe, for not ever offering a little 20, 10 or even 5% off... i hated uhe for that mentality: (it's not fair for a guy that pays full price to see the same product 20% cheaper, 3 months later. . Bla bla), while praising the simple registering process: install diva/etc on 1,2, 9 computers, enter your s/n your received by email, done !

    Now, it's here. We can get several plug-ins at 60% off, or we can have diva or repro for 50% less. The complaints about reductions can no longer be.

    I'd really love to have a legit diva, or zebra, without worrying with time bombs, missed updates, special upgrade prices for future diva 2 or zebra 3...

    Today i dumped around 150 bucks into my paypal account, as a desperate move 'now or never', like december wavelab pro 60% off, where i must have spent days thinking 'should i click the pay button or not', and finally ordered it, like a few minutes before the offer ended... going to paypal, now, that cash is officially 'lost', it should be easier to make a purchase...

    Now, the uhe offer ends in 3 days...

    I don't know what to do. . Going full pack, at 270, or just grabbing diva for 80 bucks..

    The questions are..

    do i really need the plug-ins ? Probably not... but it's so hard to resist. . and maybe after that offer they will do another one, with other stuff, and those who bought some plug-ins might have an extra %..

    diva sounds amazing. Dozens of soundbanks available at az, many others, probably, hundreds, to buy, never released on az.

    repro ? Ive watched a few videos and heard a few sounds (never installed it).

    if you already have the pure, clean, lush analog sounds from diva, do one REALLY NEED repro ? (Btw, Repro 5, i guess)

    is there anything , some types of sounds, that repro can do but diva don't ? Would it be better to only get diva, and save the repro cash to later buy zebra 2.8 ?

    zebra 2.7 is amazing, have played a bit with it, have gathered like 100 soundbanks, even bought a few ones , would love to get zebra 3 when it's out, with a special upgrade price.

    should i get diva discounted AND zebra 2.8 full price, instead of buying the full uhe pack at 270 ?

    yeah, satin, colorcopy, press, the other, look amazing, and must sound great. . But at the end, it's just the 67th compressor, 98th delay, 59th springverb... not something the planet need to survive. . But shit... graphics don't matter, only the sound matters. . But those guis... they look so gorgeous and delicious, we feel like we want to print the Gui, with a special culinary ink and eat it !

    On the other way. .. many people would just say.. save that cash. .. and simply use the AZ releases, that have worked flawlessly, no bombs, nothing, for many many months, and instead, buy yourself some weed or other green tea. .

    is money scarce ? Of Lord, yes. This is not the right moment at all to buy plug-ins. .. but 50-60% off on some uhe plug-ins, it happens once in a light year. .

    do i feel good when i can replace a az release by a legit version ? Yes. Good... and idiot.

    i know when you don't spend the cash on something you wanted to buy, you end up spending it on some useless shit, and then you regret not having bought it..

    just like i would have been infuriated if i hadn't grabbed wavelab 9.5 pro promo, i know, 4 days from now, when the offer is over, i will regret so much...

    again, the az releases.. people say they work amazing...

    really... don't know what to do.
    Only diva... diva and repro.... the full pack... diva + saving for zebra... none and zebra... or friend V.R...nothing at all...

    what you gust guys would honestly do ? (Of course, each person has its own needs, tastes, priorities , etc etc)...

    thanks :)
  3. jksixfour914

    jksixfour914 Kapellmeister

    Feb 1, 2015
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    New York
    Honestly if you don’t need it or don’t have a use for it then don’t buy it just cause it’s at a good discount.
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  4. EddieXx

    EddieXx Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2015
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    I feel that if you are that unsure, then whats the stress and rush?

    calm down, get diva, you seem to already think its great and there is a consensus that its worth it generally speaking, get it and be happy.

    diva seem to be the more direct usable one. zebra from what I understand is more for you to put the work in it to make it sound right, are you really that deep into making synthesis and sound design at that level? diva should keep you occupied for a good while, its often the case when we buy/invest in an instrument.

    anyhow, by the time you start to feel like you lack some plugin or repro god knows what will be coming out. and you can be sure that by that time there will be yet another discount raid close by
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2019
  5. nycdl

    nycdl Kapellmeister

    May 31, 2014
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    figment of my imagination
    I feel your pain on this one ,I bought diva zebra and I can tell you they're worth it. Zebra has been updated forever and the sounds on their own just stand out. Props to you for buying them if you do. I also bought repro and it sounds good but i don't use it only because I am not as familiar with it besides the obvious synth basics. I bought it because it was only a little more with the deal I bought in the past. Good luck, i'm not an expert but this is my 2 cents from experience of owning three u-he plugs.
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  6. Nana Banana

    Nana Banana Guest

    I only own 2 U-He instruments. Diva & Repro. I paid full price for both. To chose between either is super hard, but I would probably choose Diva over Repro, not just from personal experience, but I can do more with Diva, sound programming wise, than I can with Repro as Diva is a "multisynth hard coded modular" system whose modules can be mixed and matched. I bought Diva way way before I bought Repro, and I still use Diva more. All this is just based on my experience and needs. If it were me, yeah I would buy it again, especially discounted. People love Diva so much a hardware controller was made for it here:



    Good luck on your decision. I hope it works out :wink:
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  7. electriclash

    electriclash Guest

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  8. wasgedn

    wasgedn Banned

    Nov 9, 2014
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    this controller cost same as some synth...epic controller
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  9. wouala woualouf

    wouala woualouf Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2015
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    I don't 100% need it yet, because when you install install install, you don't use 1% of the fking app. When you finally pay for it, even 5 cts, you start using it because now you are committed to it.

    Take many az/here users, check their vstfolders, there are 80 compressors, 70 reverbs, 80 delays, 90 limiters... then if you ask them, they always use the same 3-4 plug-ins of each category, and if they have bought some plug-ins, probably the ones they actually bought are the ones they took the time to read the manual. . watched tutorials... and kept using them in a regular basis.

    Thats just the human race. ..

    Take for example, the braunworx release. Over 6000 guys checked the thread. People spent the last 3 years praying for r2r to release it, because, they almost couldn't make any music because they didn't have the latest bx_console plugins. They would have killed, to have r2r releasing it.
    NOW, that it's out, most of those guys will install ALL the 90 plugins, will run them all a few times, will be in owe in front of their monitors. .. and 30 days from now, they will only be using 2 or 3 plugins, and will delete the 87 others. .

    It's only when you make an effort to have something, that that thing truly becomes important. If you have it simply, by snapping the fingers , it loses a ton of its charm and interest. .

    Of course i need and want diva. But when you're already committed to halion6, largo, dune, synthmaster, etc, that you had to work hard to get, diva, or any other 'free to try' instrument, can't simply not get the same quality and amount of love :)
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  10. Pontius

    Pontius Kapellmeister

    Dec 3, 2015
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    Los Angeles
    Last thing I need is more toys, but I bought the two instruments. The effects held less appeal.
  11. G String

    G String Rock Star

    Jun 18, 2011
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    Buy it!

    Diva is $80 on its own? If it won't cause hardship, why not? You seem clearly to want it very much and, as you say, you get more out of legit stuff........so buy it and enjoy it? :D If money is tight, it's a balance. So just get Diva at a good price....

    There are always more sales. Stuff is very unlikely to get more expensive.
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  12. tidus1990

    tidus1990 Producer

    Aug 23, 2014
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    I am honestly in the same situation as you. Id like to say that i have almost everything i need, currently use monark for analog emulation. feel like i can do much better. Was gonna go for repro at first but then realized diva might be a better fit. Then when i looked at the full bundle, the gui for the plugins does look very inspiring. Also i guess having repro wouldnt hurt either, on top of it i can use them with my KK keyboard (including the FX) so its even more tempting for me. Im a mac user so the cracks for these dont even exist on az.
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  13. SmokerNzt

    SmokerNzt Rock Star

    Mar 2, 2013
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    buy synapse-audio the legend cost 99$.
    and 5 times batter then U
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  14. EddieXx

    EddieXx Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2015
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    i admire you guys who find vsts guis "inspiring" lol, i would almost say I almost hate them! ;)
    I just learn to coexist with them more or less

    but sure, divas is one of the more pleasing to the eye merely aesthetically speaking
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  15. EddieXx

    EddieXx Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2015
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    now, that was below the belt! lol
  16. wouala woualouf

    wouala woualouf Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2015
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    Yeah, they look gorgeous. .. all the colors, shades, reflections, shadows, we could almost print it and use it as a regular painting..it's beautiful
  17. wouala woualouf

    wouala woualouf Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2015
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    Next, he is going to tell me to buy a tone2 instrument. .. nooooooooooo
  18. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    Since you asked!

    You want to buy it, you already put the money in your Paypal account, love the sound of Diva because it can be finessed to sound like a chorus of angels, wish to go legit for a number of reasons including the hope to get the nice upgrade price for when version 3 is unveiled at some time in the future. What are you waiting for? You'll buy it and use it, learn it inside and out and become intimate with it, and as you have purchased it with your hard earned money will cherish it, appreciated it's value to you as a tool and have proto synth/human hybrid children with it while having a wonderful life fulfilled.
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  19. mrpsanter

    mrpsanter Audiosexual

    Mar 28, 2014
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    You certainly have a good point here.
  20. mrpsanter

    mrpsanter Audiosexual

    Mar 28, 2014
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    I thought this one was only emulating some Moog whereas Diva is able to emulate way more analog synths?
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  21. lerkjurk

    lerkjurk Platinum Record

    May 22, 2014
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    Behind you
    Buy diva if you use and like- would not buy bundle just for sale if do not like all- you have $ and you like you should buy- dev will see which product is best to push forward

    more ppl who buy during rare sale may be more future sale- always remember TRYBEFOREBUY